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1. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to my poster presentation.

My name is 賴維澤、周暐

宸 and today I’m going to be talking about The Development and The History of horror films.

2. What I’d like to do is tell all of you guys the evolution of the horror movie. This is important because

the horror movies plays a crucial role in reflecting,shaping,and entertaining society.

3. Firstly, I’m going to talk about Silent Era. Secondly, I’ll talk about the horror movies in 1950s.Next, I’ll

talk about the horror movies in 1990s Finally, I’ll talk about the horror movies in 21St.

4. I’d like to begin by the nascent stage of horror movie. Silent Era. During this era, filmmakers and

audiences were still exploring the narrative potential of this new medium. Movies often adaptations of

literary and theatrical works, relying on visual storytelling techniques such as shadows, expressionistic

sets, and makeup effects to create fear and suspense.

5. Moving on, I’d like to turn to 1950s horror movies. In the 1950s, horror movies reflected the fears and

societal anxieties of the atomic age, particularly concerns about nuclear weapons and radiation. These

films often used monsters and otherworldly threats as symbols of the anxieties related to nuclear warfare

and the unknown consequences, capturing the era's sense of unease and uncertainty. Next, In the

1990s, horror movies witnessed diverse and complex developments. During this era, filmmakers began

exploring psychological horror and fears associated with the emerging internet age, introducing new

themes and perspectives to the horror genre. Finally, let me show you 21st century. Horror films have

continued to evolve, incorporating modern technology, social issues, and psychological depth to terrify

and engage audiences in new and innovative ways.

6. Let me summarize and make a conclusion.

7. The purpose of this presentation was tell the evolution of horror films. I have talked about Each Era

has different style. Based on my research, my personal recommendation would be Understanding the

history of horror movies before watching them will lead to a deeper appreciation. This is the end of my

poster presentation. Thank you all for being here today.

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