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Research Terms of Reference

Joint Market Analysis Initiative



1. Summary
Country of intervention Libya

Type of Emergency Natural disaster x Conflict Emergency

Type of Crisis Sudden onset Slow onset x Protracted

Mandating Body/ Agency UNHCR

Project Code 14iAEF

REACH Pillar Planning in Displacement Building Community

Emergencies Resilience

Research Timeframe 3 months, to be completed by 31 August

General Objective Understanding crucial market systems in Libya and how they have been affected by
conflict in order to support the Cash & Markets Working Group members in the
development of evidence-based response

Specific Objective(s) 1. Mapping the market systems of 4 key items (wheat flour, fresh tomatoes,
soap & insulin) and understand how supply chain (key actors, trade networks,
consumer prices and volumes) is affected by the conflict

2. Assess whether the population can access the key goods and which barriers
(e.g. physical access barriers, liquidity issues) may exist

3. Understand the possibility for humanitarian aid to be increasingly delivered

through local markets

Research Questions 1. Understand structure, key actors and supply chain of 4 key markets (wheat
flour, fresh tomatoes, soap, insulin)
2. Which are the factors that affect the capacity of market actors to supply the
4 key goods to the population?
3. How has the conflict affected household’s access to markets?
4. How do consumers cope with shortage of cash?
5. Is market-based programming appropriate? Which solutions can be
integrated into the current market system?

Research Type Quantitative x Qualitative Mixed methods 1
Joint Market Analysis Initiative, 20.10.2017

Geographic Coverage Key urban centres in Libya: Tripoli, Benghazi and Sebha

Target Population(s) IDPs, non-displaced, migrants, refugees

Data Sources Secondary Data:

Needs assessments, macroeconomic analysis & CBI reports from various

humanitarian actors active in Libya. The current state of the literature is summarized
in the Desk Review of Cash and Markets Studies in Libya.

Primary Data:

Interviews and focus group discussions with consumers. Interviews with retailers,
wholesalers, hospitals, transporters, producers and processors, importers, banks,
Jam’eeya, the price stability fund and other key informants (such as local authorities,
chamber of commerce, trade associations, local businessmen etc.)

Expected Outputs 1. Key findings report

Key Resources  REACH remote country team

 REACH in-country team and implementing partners
 REACH global team
 CMWG: coordinator and member organisations
Humanitarian milestones The Joint Market Analysis Initiative will inform overall humanitarian planning in Libya as it will
feed into the humanitarian milestones such as the HNO and HRP round of 2018.

Milestone Timeframe

X Cluster plan/strategy Humanitarian Programme Cycle Updates and/or


Inter-cluster plan/strategy

Donor plan/strategy

NGO plan/strategy



Audience type Specific actors


X Programmatic Partner organisations/agencies such as UN agencies,

NGOs, …

X Strategic OCHA + humanitarian community; Donors


Access X Public (available on REACH research center and other humanitarian platforms) 2
Joint Market Analysis Initiative, 20.10.2017

Restricted (bilateral dissemination only upon agreed dissemination list, no

publication on REACH or other platforms)


Visibility All products will have CMWG, REACH and donor (UNHCR) visibility. The products will
not use REACH template, but a neutral layout instead.

Dissemination All products are disseminated through REACH’s SendinBlue account to the
dissemination list provided by the CMWG. The dissemination list includes sector leads,
donors, organization focal points and other relevant humanitarian actors involved in
the Libya response. Furthermore, all outputs are published on the REACH Resource
Centre and available publicly, as well as shared on online platforms such as ReliefWeb
and HumanitarianResponse.

2. Background & Rationale

Since the onset of renewed fighting in 2014, hundreds of thousands of people have been fleeing the conflict and an estimated
1.3 million are in need of humanitarian assistance. In addition to the complex displacement dimension, Libya has been
suffering from severe economic downturn and a political stalemate. As a result, access to basic goods and services has
become a challenge in some parts of the country as many people struggle with decreasing purchasing power and liquidity

The devaluation of the dinar has led to substantial price increases on domestic markets. On top of that, reports have signalled
sporadic cuts of government salaries while a halt to the country’s massive subsidy program has been discussed. The current
situation is further exacerbated by a liquidity crisis. It is reported that people are confronted with limited access to cash and
long queues at banks have become the norm. This creates new vulnerabilities and puts many households (IDPs, non-
displaced and migrants) at risk, which are already struggling with increasing prices and irregular income, as limited access
to cash leads to a further loss in purchasing power.

In the present environment, aid organisations are increasingly considering ramping up cash-based interventions. Such
market-based responses require the demand and supply chains to function properly. However, little is known about the
current state of market systems. It is assumed that in the light of the protracted conflict, supply chains may have been
severely affected. Relevant market dynamics, such as the impact of the liquidity crisis, are not fully understood by the
humanitarian community. This, in turn, impedes the provision of an effective and lasting response to vulnerable population
groups. It is the intention of this assessment to close the described information gap. The proposed study is a joint exercise,
with REACH working in close collaboration with the Cash & Markets Working Group and its members.

3. Research Objectives
In an effort to further assess the feasibility of market-based interventions, this study will analyse the current state of market
systems in Libya. In particular, it will look into household’s access to markets as well as supply side functionality in the light
of the current crisis. Specifically, the assessment aims to achieve the following:

1. Map the market systems of 4 key items (wheat flour, fresh tomatoes, soap & insulin), identify key actors,
infrastructure, regulations, trade networks and further factors relevant to the supply chains, and understand how
the supply chains are affected by the conflict market and whether market systems are able to provide the key items
to the population.

2. Assess whether different population groups (host community, IDPs, refugees and migrants) can access the key
items and which barriers (e.g. physical access barriers, liquidity issues) may exist 3
Joint Market Analysis Initiative, 20.10.2017

3. Understand the possibility for humanitarian aid to be increasingly delivered through local markets and determine
effective market-based solutions that can be integrated into the current environment

4. Research Questions
In order to address the objectives of this research, the following research questions will be considered based on the following
3 categories: 1) Supply side, 2) Demand side, 3) Response analysis1.

Research Questions

1. Supply side: Mapping the market  Who are the key actors along the supply chain?
systems of 4 key items (wheat o Importers (state & private)
flour, fresh tomatoes, soap & o Producer/processors
insulin) and understand how o Transporters
supply chain (key actors, trade o Wholesalers
networks, consumer prices and o Show owners/retailers
volumes) is affected by the conflict o Consumers
o Key institutions
o Regulatory framework
 Functionality of market system
o What is the capacity of the supply chain to supply key goods to the
o How has market functionality changed in the last 6 months, and since
before the outbreak of the second wave of the civil war in 2014?
o Which are current bottlenecks and blockages along the supply chains?
o Do the market actors have access to cash? How does a lack thereof
impede market actors’ capacity?
 Economic, political & security context
o How do macro-factors impact the market systems?
o How does the liquidity crises impede business as usual?
 Subsidized goods
o What is the availability of subsidized goods?
o What is the current state of functionality and capacity of the Jam’eeya
and Price Stability Fund (PSF)?
2. Demand side: Assess whether  Can consumers physically access markets?
the population can access the key  Can consumers access the key goods?
goods and which barriers (e.g.  Are consumers satisfied with the quality of the key goods?
physical access barriers, liquidity  Can consumer access subsidized goods?
issues) may exist  Do consumers have access to cash and means of payments?
 How do consumer cope with absence of cash/liquidity?
3. Response analysis: Understand  Which market-based response options are appropriate based on the finding of
the possibility for humanitarian aid the current state of the key market chains?
to be increasingly delivered
through local markets

1 The response analysis section of this research will be conducted jointly with the CMWG Taskforce. REACH will provide the findings of
the field work, based on which the members of the Taskforce will discuss appropriate response options in a designated response analysis
workshop. REACH will consolidate the feedback and reflect the outcome of workshop in the response analysis chapter of the report. 4
Joint Market Analysis Initiative, 20.10.2017

A more detailed analysis plan corresponding to each research question, indicators and questions can be found in an annex
to these ToRs.

5. Methodology
5.1. Methodology overview

This research will rely on qualitative data gained through interviews and focus group discussions. Some quantitative data
(representative at the district level) in Benghazi and Sebha will be gained from the most recent MSNA and will complement
the analysis. The MSNA covers household finance, coping mechanisms, access to markets and financial services.
5.2. Population of interest

Specific target groups will include non-displaced, IDPs, refugees and migrants, and their market access, role in local markets
and consumption of key goods will be analysed.
5.3. Secondary data review

During the first weeks after project initiation, a review of existing literature, including past research and all existing relevant
sources (particularly needs assessment reports) in relation to cash and markets in Libya will be conducted.
5.4. Primary Data Collection

Through a network of researchers across Libya, interviews with consumers and key informants will be conducted in crucial
urban centres, namely Tripoli, Benghazi and Sabha. Researchers will be recruited from within the regions to allow access
to certain communities as well as establish networks with local actors.

Table 1: Preliminary interview targets during fieldwork

Interviews Interviews Interviews &
with Consumer with with KIIs with Importer Other KI processor Subsidies
Region Location Consumers FGD Retailers Wholesalers Transporters Interview interviews Interview KI TOTAL

East Benghazi 20 4 15 12 0 10 12 2 3 78

West Tripoli 20 4 15 12 0 10 12 2 3 78

South Sabha 20 4 15 12 4 0 12 2 2 73

TOTAL 60 12 45 36 5 20 36 6 8 229

Sample targets broken down:

Consumers Interviews (per location): 20 Consumers FGD (per location): 4
 5 from host community  1 from host community
 5 IDPs  1 IDPs
 5 refugees  1 migrants/refugees
 5 migrants/refugees  1 female only
 Equally divided between male/female
Retailer Interviews per location: 15 Wholesaler Interviews per location: 12
 6 supermarkets/small shops  3 per key item
 2 vegetable vendors
 2 bakeries 5
Joint Market Analysis Initiative, 20.10.2017

 3 pharmacies
 2 hospitals
Importer interviews per location: 10 Transporter interviews per location: 5
 1 wheat state importer  1 per item
 1 insulin state importer
 2 private wheat importer
 2 private insulin importer
 2 soap importer
 2 tomato importer
KI interviews (per location): 12 Subsidies Interview per location: 2-3
 3 per key item  2 Jam’eeya (consumer association)
 1 Price stability fund

5.5. Data Analysis Plan

Data collection will be conducted according to the sample targets in the 3 assessed locations. Daily data analysis and
debriefings will be conducted. Data will be triangulated during the process of data collection and analysis with secondary

6. Product Typology
Table 2: Type and number of products required

Type of Product Number of Product(s) Additional information

Report 1 Market assessment final report

7. Management arrangements and work plan

7.1. Roles and Responsibilities, Organogram
 REACH remote country team
o REACH Assessment Officer: Methodology, research design, responsible for data analysis and report
drafting; coordination effort within the Cash & Markets Working Group to ensure buy-in
o REACH Senior Assessment Officer: ad-hoc support to assessment officer
o REACH GIS Officer: Responsible for all mapping.
o REACH Database Officer (national position): assisting with translation of secondary sources, as well as
coding of tools and data cleaning

o CMWG coordinator: Provide guidance and consolidate inputs from the CMWG
o Markets Taskforce: Overall supervision and guidance of the assessment; Agrees on scope and discusses
response options; Validation of the final products before dissemination and release 6
Joint Market Analysis Initiative, 20.10.2017

 Consultant:
o Facilitate inception workshop with CMWG
o Assist in development of research questions
o Provide overall technical guidance
o Give feedback on draft tools
o Give feedback on draft report
o Facilitate response analysis workshop with CMWG
o Contribute to drafting by ensuring programming relevance (draft response analysis chapter)

 Field local level:

o REACH Field Coordinators (national position): responsible for data collection, coordinating REACH
o REACH enumerators: responsible for data collection

 REACH global team (Geneva) in ad-hoc support:

o REACH Global Coordinator / Data Unit: Overseeing all technical inputs and outputs of assessment,
ensuring adherence to global quality standards – reviewing tool, methodology, and programmatic
o Chief Grants manager: Responsible for grant management and overview of REACH PD reporting
(regarding UNHCR funding)
o Communications Intern: Supporting with external communication and outreach on various online platform,
possible support with online dissemination campaign to partners and agencies at global level.

Table 3: Description of roles and responsibilities

Task Description Responsible Accountable Consulted Informed

Coordination with CMWG Assessment Officer Assessment Officer CMWG HQ team

HQ team, CMWG
Research design & Scope Assessment Officer Assessment Officer HQ team
Markets TF

Senior Assessment
Drafting of SDR Assessment Officer Assessment Officer Officer, HQ team, HQ team
CMWG Markets TF

Development of tools and Senior Assessment

Assessment Officer Assessment Officer HQ team
analysis framework design Officer, Consultant

Coding of tools Assessment Officer Assessment Officer

Senior Assessment
Translation tools Translator Assessment Officer HQ team

Training of field Senior Assessment

Assessment Officer Assessment Officer
coordinators Officer

Field Coordinators,
Data collection Assessment Officer HQ team

Data cleaning Database Officer Assessment officer 7
Joint Market Analysis Initiative, 20.10.2017

Data analysis Assessment Officer Assessment Officer HQ team HQ team

Senior Assessment
Officer, Consultant,
Report drafting Assessment Officer Assessment Officer HQ team
HQ team, CMWG
Markets TF

Draft Response Analysis Consultant, Assessment Officer,

CMWG Markets TF HQ team
Chapter Assessment Officer Consultant

Mapping GIS Officer Assessment officer HQ GIS manager HQ team

Responsible: the person(s) who execute the task

Accountable: the person who validate the completion of the task and is accountable of the final output or milestone
Consulted: the person(s) who must be consulted when the task is implemented
Informed: the person(s) who need to be informed when the task is completed

7.2. Work plan

Activity June July August

Week 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5
Meeting with stakeholders

Desk review


Research Framework

Recruitment of field coordinators

MA learning event

Inception workshop


Training of field coordinators

Field work in Libya

Data analysis

Preliminary findings

Map mapping

Response analysis workshop

Draft report/Factsheet


Final report 8
Joint Market Analysis Initiative, 20.10.2017

8. Risks & Assumptions

Table 4: List of risks and mitigating action

Risk Mitigation Measure

Personal identifiable information will not be publicly
disseminated in order to minimize/eliminate protection
concerns for the assessed population. All data will be
aggregated to a location and therefore no household
identifiers will be publicly visible from the reports and maps.
Where relevant, sensitive protection information will be
passed to the protection cluster, in order to support
interventions and planning. If agencies request the raw data
Protection of the sources of information
containing household identifiers, then the sensitive
name/contact details will be removed and replaced with a
unique key so that the identifier information can be restored
at a later date, based on the respect of protection standards.
To mitigate gender balance issues, data collection teams will
seek to include women and men to an equal level as far as
possible, to ensure that data collection can be conducted
allowing for gender and cultural sensitivities.

It is emphasized that participants and key informants are not

obliged to provide information in the event that the security
situation changes and it becomes difficult to do so; the
questions previously deemed fine become sensitive; or they
Security of field staff and do no harm feel this may cause a threat to their personal safety. Through
constant feedback mechanisms continuous improvements
to training will be sought to ensure that the objective of
achieving greater and consistent coverage is undertaken
within the framework of a do-no-harm approach.

9. Monitoring and Evaluation

See “Annex 3: M&E Matrix”

10. Documentation Plan

- Terms of Reference
- Raw datasets
- Analysis Matrix

11. Annexes
1. Data Management Plan
2. M&E Matrix
3. Analysis Framwork 9
Joint Market Analysis Initiative, 20.10.2017

Annex 1: Data Management Plan

Administrative Data
Project Name Joint Market Analysis Initiative
Project Code 14iAEF 1H6
Project partners Libya Cash & Market Working Group
Project Description REACH works with the CMWG to better understanding crucial market systems in
Libya and how they have been affected by conflict in order to support the Cash &
Markets Working Group members in the development of evidence-based response

Overarching research questions:

1) Mapping the market systems of 4 key items (wheat flour, fresh tomatoes,
soap & insulin) and understand how supply chain (key actors, trade
networks, consumer prices and volumes) is affected by the conflict
2) Assess whether the population can access the key goods and which
barriers (e.g. physical access barriers, liquidity issues) may exist
3) Understand the possibility for humanitarian aid to be increasingly delivered
through local markets
Project Data Contacts Vincent Annoni

Manuel Büsser

Ayah al Zayat

Insaf Guedidi

DMP Version
Related Policies
Data Collection
What data will you - Secondary data review: REACH will use all relevant and currently
collect or create? available sources
- Primary data collection: Primary data will be collected by REACH
enumerators through purposive sampling of key informants in Tripoli,
Benghazi and Sebha. The primary data will be collected using KoBo
How will the data be Data is sent to Kobo-based server by data collectors. The REACH database
collected or created? officer reviews incoming data for potential errors; checks and verifies any
possible corrections with the REACH Field Coordinators.
Documentation and Metadata
What documentation REACH will not publish the dataset.
and metadata will
accompany the data?
Ethics and Legal Compliance
How will you manage - REACH will not publish the dataset
any ethical issues? - Contact details of interviewees are not collected. 10
Joint Market Analysis Initiative, 20.10.2017

- Throughout training of field staff, it is emphasized that enumerators are not

obliged to provide information they feel poses a risk to their well-being or if
they feel this may cause a threat to their personal safety.

How will you manage REACH will not publish the dataset.
copyright and
Intellectual Property
Rights (IPR) issues?
Storage and Backup
How will the data be - REACH is responsible for data storage, back up, and data recovery. Multiple
stored and backed up data storages are used to maximize data security. All REACH staff laptops,
during the research? mobile devices and email accounts are password-protected, while personal
laptops are not allowed for work as a general rule.
- Collected data is protected in the encrypted, password-protected account
on KoBo. The password to this account will be provided only to REACH staff
members who are working directly on the assessment.
- After the collection, data is safely secured on the IMPACT global cloud
server in CERN.

How will you manage Only dedicated field data collection personnel have access to the raw data
access and security? collected; and the assessment team only has secure access to the data
collected and transferred on the secure server.
Selection and Preservation
Which data should be - REACH will not destroy any of the dataset included in this research
retained, shared, - REACH will not publish the dataset
and/or preserved?
What is the long-term Due to data security REACH does not keep any paper form (hard filling) for the
preservation plan for assessment, and will therefore ensure as far as possible that the data collected
the dataset?
that way will be destroyed in the field once it is safely digitalized, sent and stored
with the assessment team in the country protected filing system. The dataset of
this assessment will be archived virtually on the REACH country server, and
global cloud as REACH primary data.
Data Sharing
How will you share the The dataset will not be published.
Are any restrictions on
data sharing required?
Who will be - The Assessment Officer working on the project is solely responsible
responsible for data for drafting this data management plan, and for the responsibility to
ensure that it is respected at all step of the project, and even after the
completion of the project, notably when it comes to public
dissemination of the data.
- All this is done under the supervision and validation of the Global
Coordinator and GIS Manager at IMPACT/REACH HQ level.

Adapted from:

DCC. (2013). Checklist for a Data Management Plan. v.4.0. Edinburgh: Digital Curation

Centre. Available online: 11
Joint Market Analysis Initiative, 20.10.2017

Annex 2: M&E Matrix

External M&E Indicator Internal M&E Indicator Focal point Tool information
(Applicable? Y/N)
# of downloads of x product
request to Y
from Resource Centre
# of downloads of x product
request to Y
from Relief Web
Number of humanitarian
organisations accessing # of downloads of x product Country
IMPACT services/products from Country level platforms team
monitoring Country
Number of individuals # of page clicks on x product
accessing IMPACT request to Y
from REACH global newsletter
services/products HQ
# of page clicks on x product
from country newsletter, Y
# of visits to x webmap/x
request to N
# references in HPC documents
(HNO, SRP, Flash appeals, Libya HNO 2018
Number of humanitarian Cluster/sector strategies)
Reference Country
organisations utilizing Reference_log Ad-hoc partner
monitoring team
IMPACT services/products # references in single agency organisations/agencie
documents s documents
Perceived relevance of IMPACT
Humanitarian actors use country-programs
IMPACT evidence/products Usage survey to be
Perceived usefulness and
as a basis for decision conducted in January
influence of IMPACT outputs
making, aid planning and 2018
delivery Recommendations to
Country and
strengthen IMPACT programs Usage M&E
team Usage_Survey
Number of humanitarian Perceived capacity of IMPACT templaye
documents (HNO, HRP, staff
cluster/agency strategic Perceived quality of
plans, etc.) directly informed outputs/programs
by IMPACT products Recommendations to
strengthen IMPACT programs
# of organisations providing
resources (i.e. staff, vehicles,
Number and/or percentage N
meeting space, budget, etc.) for
of humanitarian activity implementation
organizations directly
# of organisations/clusters Engagement Country
contributing to IMPACT Engagement_log
inputting in research design and Monitoring team Y
programs (providing
resources, participating to joint analysis
presentations, etc.)
# of organisations/clusters
attending briefings on findings; 12
Annex 3: Analysis Framework

Main question Themes Subquestions Question in tool Key item Source, tool

Could you describe the general steps and actors involved in getting the key item to market?
KI interview
What impacts/changes have there been in the supply chain in the last 6 months? Since 2014?
Which market actors have been particularly affected by the conflict? Why? KI interview
What is the current market
Are there any important services provided by other businesses which support this market chain?
environment (key actors,
(e.g. input suppliers, transport services, financial services etc.) KI interview
regulatory framework, key services
Are there any important services or infrastructure provided by the government, which support the
and infrastructure)?
market chain? KI interview
What laws and regulations impact the way the supply chain of the key item worsk? KI interview
Are there any groups or individuals with substantial control over the market system? Who are they
and how do they control it? Has this changed in the last 6 months? Since 2014? KI interview
Who do you transport the key item for? Who is the supplier (e.g. wholesaler)? Who is the recipient
(e.g. supermarket)? transporter interview
Who are you importing the key item for (e.g. government, wholesaler, supermarket)? Who do you
deliver the imports to? importer questionnaire
Who supplies the Jam’eeya in your city with items?
Supply side: Understand the market Retailer/wholesaler
Who do you buy they key item from? Who are your suppliers?
Mapping the structure of the key questionnaire
market systems items What are the linkages between the Retailer/wholesaler
market actors? Have you changed your supplier in the last 6 months? Since 2014? Why? questionnaire,
importer questionnaire
Who are your customers? Where do they live?
Are you linked to the government? How do you receive support from the government? importer questionnaire
Are producers supported by the government (e.g. subsidies)? How so? Has this changed in the last wheat flour, Producer/processor
6 months? Since 2014? tomatoes questionnaire
Are mills supported by the government (e.g. subsidies, access to letters of credit)? How so? Has wheat flour, Producer/processor
this changed in the last 6 months? Since 2014? tomatoes questionnaire
How many other companies transport the key item in your area (approximately)? Has this changed
in the last 6 months? Since 2014? transporter interview
How many other wholesalers/shops/pharmacies sell wheat flour/wheat bread/fresh
How fierce is competition among tomatoes/soap/insulin in your city (approximately)? Has this changed in the last 6 months? Since Retailer/wholesaler
market actors? How many actors 2014? questionnaire
of each category are there? Retailer/wholesaler
How many suppliers of the key item supply your area?
How many other importers who import the key item are there (approximately)? Has this changed in
the last 6 months? Since 2014? importer questionnaire 13
Joint Market Analysis Initiative, 20.10.2017

How many farms producing the key item are there in your area? Where are they located? Are they wheat flour, Producer/processor
private or run by the government? tomatoes questionnaire
How many wheat mills are there in your area? Where are they located? Are they private or run by Producer/processor
wheat flour
the government? questionnaire
PSF questionnaire, KI
Are markets generally functioning in most areas? If not, where and why not?
PSF questionnaire, KI
Do you expect functionality of markets to change in the next 6 months? If so, why?
How has demand changed in the last 6 months?
How has demand changed since 2014?
What could be the reason for these changes in demand?
transporter interview,
Are market generally functioning?
Has business chanced in the last six months? Since 2014? retailer/wholesaler
transporter interview,
Why has it changed? retailer/wholesaler
transporter interview,
Do you see business changing in the next six months? retailer/wholesaler
Functionality of market transporter interview,
systems Why will it change? retailer/wholesaler
Where do you store the key item? questionnaire,
importer questionnaire
How much of the key item can you store? Has your storage capacity been affected by the conflict?
In the last 6 months? Since 2014?
importer questionnaire
How often do you restock the key item?
What is the capacity of the supply
chain to supply key items to the
population? If you were not able to restock the key item, after how many days would you run out?
Have you faced any issues with supplying the key item to customers in the last 6 months? Since questionnaire,
2014? Do you expect any issues within the next six months? transporter interview,
importer questionnaire
If you had to scale up the supply of the key item to customers, what would be the main issues? How Retailer/wholesaler
could these issues be addressed? How much time would it take to increase your supply? questionnaire, 14
Joint Market Analysis Initiative, 20.10.2017

transporter interview,
importer questionnaire
transporter interview,
Are there any issues impeding business as usual? Please explain.
Which are current bottlenecks and
importer questionnaire
blockages along the supply
What main issues do you see in the wheat flour supply in Libya? How do you see these changing in
the next six months? PSF questionnaire
What main issues do you see in the fresh tomato supply in Libya? How do you see these changing
in the next six months? PSF questionnaire
At what price do you buy they key item from your supplier? Has this changed in the last 6 months?
Since 2014? Do you expect this to change in the next 6 months?
importer questionnaire
At what price do you sell the key item to your customers? Has this changed in the last 6 months?
Since 2014? Do you expect this to change in the next 6 months? Why?
importer questionnaire
What are the prices of the key How has the prices of the key item changed in the last 6 months? Since 2014? KI interview
What are the drivers of the price increase of the key item? KI interview
How does the price of the key item develop during a year and why (seasonality of prices)?
Are you free in your price setting or are there any restrictions? If yes, which restrictions? Has this
changed in the last 6 months? And since 2014?
importer questionnaire
What is the effect of local Jam’eeya selling subsidized wheat flour on the price and demand of Retailer/wholesaler
wheat flour you sell at your shop? Has this changed in the last 6 months? Since 2014? questionnaire
Where is the key item you sell from (locally produced, foreign, which country)? Has the origin
questionnaire, KI
changed in the last 6 months? Since 2014? If yes, why? Has this affected the quality of the good?
Where are the key items from? Where do mills get their wheat from (domestic vs. imported)? Where is the imported wheat from? Producer/processor
wheat flour
Where is domestic wheat from? questionnaire
Where is the key item you import from (which country)? Why from there? Has the origin changed in
the last 6 months? Since 2014? If yes, why? importer questionnaire

What are currently the main issues in the Libyan economy? PSF questionnaire, KI
How do macro-factors interview
and liquidity crisis What are the current challenges in PSF questionnaire, KI
How do you see the Libyan economy changing over the next 6 months?
impact the market the Libyan economy? interview
systems? Why is there a liquidity crisis in Libya? What caused it? Bank questionnaire
How could the liquidity crisis be resolved? Bank questionnaire 15
Joint Market Analysis Initiative, 20.10.2017

How does the lack of cash affect the local economy? Bank questionnaire
What is driving the depreciation of the Libyan dinar? Bank questionnaire
Do you expect the central bank to depreciate the official exchange rate? Bank questionnaire
Why are prices in Sebha higher than elsewhere (e.g. higher than in Tripoli)? KI interview
PSF questionnaire, KI
What are the key drivers of the price increase of basic goods?
PSF questionnaire, KI
Do you expect further price increases in the future? Why? What do these increases depend on?
How do consumers and traders transfer money? How do they pay for most goods? What are their
issues in making payments or buying goods? KI interview
How do you pay your suppliers and servicers? If in cash, are you able to access enough cash to
make your payments?
importer questionnaire
transporter interview,
How do market actors pay for
goods and services? Do you have any issues with paying for services? If yes, how do you respond to these issues?
importer questionnaire
Can your customers buy goods by checks? Has this changed in the last 6 months? Since 2016? Retailer/wholesaler
Are there any conditions to pay by check? questionnaire
Do you buy from your supplier on credit? Has this changed in the last 6 months? Since 2014?
Do you sell items to customers on credit? Has this changed in the last 6 months? Since 2014?
How has the lack of cash affected your business? How has this changed in the last 6 months? How questionnaire, bank
do you expect it to change in the next 6 months? questionnaire,
importer questionnaire
transporter interview,
How has a lack of cash and credit Retailer/wholesaler
Do you rely on loans (e.g. from a bank) to run your business? Who do you borrow it from?
affected the key actors? questionnaire,
importer questionnaire
transporter interview,
Are there any issues with businesses like yours accessing loans or credit?
importer questionnaire
Are banks functioning in your city? If not, why not? Bank questionnaire
What is the degree of banking
functionality in Tripoli, Benghazi Do you expect functionality of banks in your city to change in the next 6 months? If so, why? Bank questionnaire
and Sebha?
Is there a lack of liquidity in your city? Bank questionnaire 16
Joint Market Analysis Initiative, 20.10.2017

How do you expect the lack of cash in your city to change in the next 6 months? Bank questionnaire
Is foreign currency (e.g. US dollars) available at banks in your city? Bank questionnaire
Who can access dollars at a bank? What does it depend on? Bank questionnaire
Has access to foreign currency become more difficult in the last 6 months? Why? Bank questionnaire
Please explain step by step the process of obtaining letters of credit. Bank questionnaire
Who has access to letters of credit? What does it depend on? Bank questionnaire
Has access to letters of credit become more difficult in the last 6 months? Why? Bank questionnaire
What is the relevance of imports of
Of all key item imports, how much (in %) is imported by the government?
the key item? importer questionnaire
Which are the key regulations for importing the key item? Have these regulations changed in the
Which are the key regulations and
last 6 months? Since 2014? importer questionnaire
infrastructure that are crucial for
What key infrastructure (e.g. ports) do imports depend on? Have there been any issues regarding
key infrastructure in the last 6 months? Since 2014? importer questionnaire
KI interview, importer
How is the key item imported into the country? Who imports it?
KI interview,
Have there been any issues impeding the import in the last 6 months? producer/processor
How are key items imported to Please explain the import procedures of the key item. Which are the main steps? importer questionnaire
Libya? How does your supplier physically get the imports to your location? From where do imports come
into the country (e.g. by truck from Tunisia, by ship via Benghazi port)? importer questionnaire
Imports How regularly do you import the key good? importer questionnaire
At what volumes (per shipment) do you import the key item? importer questionnaire
How much of the key item do you import per year? importer questionnaire
How do you obtain foreign currency? What are the main issues? importer questionnaire
At what rate are you able to obtain foreign currency? What does the rate you can get depend on? importer questionnaire
Has access to foreign currency become more difficult in the last 6 months? Why? importer questionnaire
How do importers obtain foreign If the central bank depreciated the official exchange rate, how would this affect your business and
currency and letters of credit? your ability to import the key item? importer questionnaire
Please explain step by step the process of obtaining letters of credit. importer questionnaire
Do you have access to letters of credit? If no, why not? importer questionnaire
Has access to letters of credit become more difficult in the last 6 months? Why? importer questionnaire
How much of the key item is produced domestically?
What is the relevance of local questionnaire
Local production
production of the key item? Producer/processor
What share of the key item demand in your area is covered by local production?
questionnaire 17
Joint Market Analysis Initiative, 20.10.2017

How has domestic production changed since 2014?
How will domestic production change in the next year?
What key issues have producers been facing in the last 6 months? And since 2014?
Which are the key issues faced by questionnaire
producers and processors? Producer/processor
What key issues have millers been facing in the last 6 months? And since 2014?
What are the key inputs for wheat/tomato production (e.g. labor, water, seeds, fertilizer, tools, Producer/processor
machines etc.)? questionnaire
Where are these inputs from (domestic or imported)?
Which are the key inputs for questionnaire
production? Have the costs or availability of these inputs goods been affected by the conflict? What impact does Producer/processor
this have on production? questionnaire
Where do the laborers come from? Has this changed in the last 6 months? And since 2014? Why?
When is wheat/are tomatoes planted?
When are fertilizers & pesticides applied?
Which seasonal changes in the
production drive prices and When is wheat/are tomatoes harvested?
availability of the key item?
When during the year is there a demand for labor?
How do the prices of wheat/tomatoes fluctuate over the year?
How does your supplier transport the key item to you?
How do you transport items to Sebha (e.g. by truck)? transporter interview
How are key items transported (to
Sebha)? How often do you send trucks to Sebha (e.g. daily, weekly)? transporter interview
Are there any specific issues/challenges when transporting they key item (e.g. refrigeration)? transporter interview
What drives transport costs? (e.g. fuel, salary, protection, fees at checkpoints etc.) transporter interview
Transport From where do you transport items to Sebha? transporter interview
Which route do you chose on your way to Sebha? Has this changed in the last 6 months? Since
2014? transporter interview
Which are the trade routes to What does the route you take depend on (e.g. safety, road conditions, local militias)? transporter interview
Sebha? Are there any armed groups/militias in control of the routes to Sebha? How how do they control it? transporter interview
Do you have protection along the way? transporter interview
Have there been any disruptions (e.g. fighting, road blockages) along the transport routes in the last
6 month? Since 2014? How have you responded to these disruptions? transporter interview 18
Joint Market Analysis Initiative, 20.10.2017

Do you expect there to be any disruptions in the next 6 months? transporter interview
Are you aware of any illicit practices (e.g. ghost bakeries) in the wheat flour market chain of actors
taking advantage of the PSF support? How does it work? PSF questionnaire
Are there any illicit practises along Are you aware of any illicit practices by certain Jam’eeya (e.g. selling of items to shops)?
Informal economy questionnaire
the supply chain of the key item? Are you aware of any illicit practices among importers (e.g. importing empty containers)? What are
they? importer questionnaire
Is the key item exported from Libya? Why and where to? KI interview
How many Jam’eeya are there in your city?
Are Jam’eeya in your city currently functional?
If not, when did the Jam’eeya last distribute food to the population?
What is the availability of If the Jam’eeya in your location are not functional: why not?
subsidized goods and the Jam'eeya
functionality of the PSF and the When will Jam’eeya in your location distribute items again? What does it depend on?
local Jam'eeya?
What is the role of the PSF? PSF questionnaire
How does the PSF distribute goods to the population? PSF questionnaire
How has the PSF been affected by the conflict since 2014? PSF questionnaire
Has the PSF been functional in the last 6 months? Why not? PSF questionnaire
What issues does the PSF face when importing goods to Libya? PSF questionnaire
Subsidized goods
What items do the Jam’eeya distribute? Has this changed in the last 6 months? Since 2014? Since Jam'eeya
before the revolution? questionnaire
Do the Jam’eeya currently distribute wheat flour? When did they distribute wheat flour in your city
questionnaire, PSF
the last time?
When will Jam’eeya in Tripoli, Benghazi and Sebha distribute wheat flour again? What does it Jam'eeya
depend on? questionnaire
Which items are subsidized? What is the price of wheat flour at the Jam’eeya? Has this changed in the last 6 months? Since Jam'eeya
2014? questionnaire
When will Jam’eeya in your location distribute wheat flour again? What does it depend on? questionnaire, PSF
Where is the wheat flour distributed by the PSF from? PSF questionnaire
Is the wheat flour distributed different from other wheat flour on the market (e.g. quality)? PSF questionnaire
Who has access to Jam'eeya and Jam'eeya
Who has access to the Jam’eeya in your location?
what is the process of buying questionnaire 19
Joint Market Analysis Initiative, 20.10.2017

subsidized food from the Jam'eeya

Do refugees/migrants/internally displaced people have access to the Jam’eeya in your city
Jam'eeya? questionnaire
Please describe how people obtain items at the Jam’eeya. What is the process of buying from the Jam'eeya
Jam’eeya? questionnaire
Are there limits to how much people can buy? What are they?
How does the PSF support the fresh tomato market chain? PSF questionnaire
How does the PSF support the wheat flour market chain? PSF questionnaire
How does the PSF intervene in the
How does the PSF interact with mills, warehouses/wholesaler and bakeries? Has this changed in
tomatoe and wheat flour markets?
the last 6 months? Since 2014? PSF questionnaire
Does the PSF set binding prices along the wheat flour market chain? What are they? Are they
respected and reinforced? Based on what does the PSF set prices of wheat flour? PSF questionnaire
Where do you buy basic goods? (e.g. supermarket, small shops, vegetable vendor etc.) consumer
Do you have physical access to shops in order to buy basic goods consumer
consumer FGD
Do you have access to a market place in your area or close to your area? qualitative data from
MSNA (except Tripoli)
How has physical access changed in the last 6 months? Since 2014? consumer
Which physical access issues do you face (e.g. security situation and violence, marketplace consumer
damaged or closed, transport to marketplace unavailable)? How often do these issues occur? questionnaire
Demand side & Did you face any barriers accessing marketplaces in the last 30 days? qualitative data from
consumers: MSNA (except Tripoli)
Can consumers access markets?
Assess whether Which access issues exist? How Which barriers to accessing items on the market? qualitative data from
Do consumer have
the population has this changed in the last 6 MSNA (except Tripoli)
access to markets and
can access the months and since 2014? If you cannot access your preferred marketplace to buy goods, what do you do (e.g. go to shop in consumer
basic goods?
key goods and safe neighborhood, use household stocks until marketplace can be accessed again)? How do you questionnaire,
which barriers obtain basic goods if you do not have access to markets? consumer FGD
may exist Are there any access issues specific to certain population groups (e.g. refugee, migrant, IDP) (e.g. consumer
discrimination, safety issues)? questionnaire,
consumer FGD, KI
Are there any access issues specific to females in your household (e.g. women not able to go to consumer
marketplaces because of security)? questionnaire
Are there any restrictions hindering shops like yours from selling the key item to certain population Retailer/wholesaler
groups (e.g. internally displaced, migrants, refugees)? If yes, what are they? questionnaire
Do you expect access to marketplace to change over the next 6 months? consumer
Why do you expect access to marketplaces to change in the way you indicated? consumer
questionnaire 20
Joint Market Analysis Initiative, 20.10.2017

Are basic goods available in your local markets? Which ones are not available? consumer
consumer FGD
Are goods generally available in most areas? If not, where and why not? PSF questionnaire, KI
Are basic goods available? How has the availability of basic goods (food items and basic hygiene items) changed in the last 6 consumer
months? questionnaire
How has the availability of basic goods changed since 2014? consumer
Do you expect availability of goods to change in the next 6 months? Why? PSF questionnaire, KI
Where do you buy the key item from? all items consumer
How often do you buy the key item? all items consumer
What quantity do you usually buy? all items consumer
What kind of soap do you usually buy? soap consumer
Where are the key items bought?
What share of the wheat flour you consume per month do you buy from the Jam’eeya (in %)? wheat flour consumer
Has this changed in the last 6 months? Since 2014? wheat flour consumer
Do members of your household need insulin? insulin consumer
Are there any issues with buying insulin (e.g. prescription required, insulin expensive, insulin has insulin consumer
How do consumers bad quality)? questionnaire
interact with the key Is the key item available in your neighborhood? all items consumer
items? questionnaire, KI
Are the key items available? How has the availability of the key item changed in the last 6 months? Since 2014? all items consumer
What do you do if insulin is not available? insulin consumer
How often do you consume the key item? all items consumer
What are the consumers'
How much of the key item does your household consume per month? all items consumer
consumption patterns of the key
Has this changed in the last 6 months? Since 2014? Why? all items consumer
Do you have any preferences regarding the flour you buy (e.g. brand, country of origin, price)? all items consumer
Do consumers have preferences questionnaire
regarding the key items? Which type of the key item does the population prefer? Are there any differences among population all items Retailer/wholesaler
groups (e.g. Libyans, migrants, refugees)? questionnaire 21
Joint Market Analysis Initiative, 20.10.2017

Are you satisfied with the quality of the key item on the market? If not, why not? all items consumer
Is the quality of the key items on Are you satisfied with the quality of the wheat flour sold at the Jam’eeya? If not, why not? wheat flour consumer
the market sufficient? questionnaire
How has the quality of the key item changed over the last 6 months? Since 2014? all items consumer
consumer interviews &
FGD, MSNA (except
Tripoli), consumer
How do you pay for basic items? FGD
qualitative data from
What was your primary payment modality (most commonly used) in the past 30 days? MSNA (except Tripoli)
Which payment modalities to
consumers use?
Which share (%) of basic items do you pay in non-cash payment methods (e.g. check, credit)? questionnaire
Do you face any issues when paying for basic items? consumer FGD
Does your bank offer payment services that do not rely on cash? What are they? Has the use of bank questionnaire
these services increase in the last 6 months? Since 2014?
Do you have a bank account? questionnaire
Which financial
Are there any issues with your bank account (bank account not functioning, withdrawal limits)? consumer FGD
services do consumer
use and how are the
If no bank account: Why not? questionnaire
affected by the liquidity
Are there any specific population groups (e.g. migrants, refugees) who do not have access to bank questionnaire
crisis? Do consumers have access to
banking in your city? Why not?
qualitative data from
What are the financial service providers in your neighbourhood/nearby? MSNA (except Tripoli)
qualitative data from
What are the challenges if any in accessing official financial service providers in the last 30 days? MSNA (except Tripoli)
What level of trust do you have in the banking sector? questionnaire
What would increase your level of trust? questionnaire
bank questionnaire
Are customers able to withdraw cash?
What are the main issues when accessing cash (e.g. withdrawal limits, long queues, no cash questionnaire,
Do consumers have access to
available)? consumer FGD
Do you have access to enough cash to buy basic goods? questionnaire
consumer FGD
What problems do you face when you do not have enough cash? 22
Joint Market Analysis Initiative, 20.10.2017

qualitative data from

How much in LYD were you able to withdraw in the last 30 days? MSNA (except Tripoli)
How do you expect liquidity (limited access to cash) issues to change over the next 6 months? questionnaire
Why do you expect your liquidity issues to change the way you indicated? questionnaire
consumer interviews &
FGD, MSNA (except
How do consumers cope with If not, how do you cope with the lack of cash? How do you buy the key goods when you have no Tripoli), consumer
absence of cash? hard cash? FGD
In the last 30 days, did your household do one of the following things to cope with lack of cash/ or qualitative data from
because you were unable to meet your needs? MSNA (except Tripoli)
Has there been a change in the amount of goods your customers are able to afford in the last 6 Retailer/wholesaler
months? Since 2014? How has this affected your business? questionnaire
qualitative data from
Do consumers have the
Can consumers afford the key How much income did your household receive overall from these sources in the last 30 days? MSNA (except Tripoli)
means to pay for the
goods? qualitative data from
key items?
What were the main challenges when trying to earn an income in the last 30 days? MSNA (except Tripoli)
How much money (in LYD) did your household spend on the following basic needs over the last 30 qualitative data from
days? MSNA (except Tripoli)
Do you have access to a Jam’eeya? consumer
consumer FGD
Do consumers have access to Has the Jam’eeya been operational in the last 6 months? consumer
Can consumers buy subsidized goods? questionnaire
subsidized goods? Did you purchase goods from the Jam’eeya in the last 6 months? Which? consumer
consumer FGD
Are consumer satisfied with the Are you satisfied with the quality of goods sold at the Jam’eeya? consumer
quality of the subsidized goods? questionnaire
What form of assistance would you prefer (in-kind, cash, voucher)? Why? consumer
Response Does the population have
consumer FGD
analysis: preferences regarding the modality
Assistance If you prefer in-kind (e.g. food or hygiene items), which items would you prefer? Why? consumer
Understand the through which aid is provided to
possibility for them?
If you received cash assistance, would you prefer hard cash or a bank transfer? Why? questionnaire
aid to be
from analysis,
Which market strengthening option response analysis
can be identified? n/a workshop with CMWG
through local Market-based solutions
markets from analysis,
response analysis
Is cash assistance appropriate? n/a workshop with CMWG 23

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