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86 ISSN 1813-1166 print / ISSN 2306-1472 online. Proceedings of the National Aviation University. 2015.

N 4(65): 86–88


UDC 001.4:629.73-057.4(045)
Natalia Drobysheva
National Aviation University
Kosmonavta Komarova prospect, 03680, Kyiv Ukraine
Abstract. The article considers terminology of the aviation language for specific purposes and its role in forming
the professional picture of the world and professional communicative competence of students are analyzed. Terms are
examined from the cognitive point of view as verbalized concept means of access and transfer of special knowledge.
Keywords: professional picture of the world; teaching; term.
1. Introduction At the level of a professional picture of the world
languages of certain areas of science and technology, in
When preparing the aircraft engineer who possesses
other words technical languages, languages for special
modern technology, the task of the use of English as a
purposes (LSP) operate. In the aviation industry it is a
means of obtaining and processing information on the
professional language of aeronautical engineers, air traf-
speciality from different sources begins to play a special
fic controllers, etc. LSP is a system of language re-
role. Despite the increase in the international role of the
sources of the national language, which are used in the
English language, its recognition as a global language
limited professionally field of communication and repre-
barrier is a factor that hinders communication between
sent a certain community of special knowledge of a par-
experts from different countries. The urgency of the task
ticular profession and expressions in the language.
of teaching students professional communication in
The main purpose of LSP is to represent conceptual
English in the real world, as well as working with for-
and linguistic picture of a particular area of knowledge,
eign language texts as a model of oral and written com-
be a repository of knowledge and experience, to serve
munication always increases with time.
the provision of the description of the specific area,
Perception and understanding in teaching and engi-
communication in it and its development [2].
neering communication are based on professional
The composition of LSP includes all lexical means
knowledge and largely determined by the presence or
that provide understanding between professionals. This
absence of community picture of the world, which is
is terms, professionalisms, professional jargon and gen-
formed in the minds of future professionals in the learn-
ing process. Professional vision of the world has its own eral vocabulary. The most important linguistic compo-
specific character both on the mental, and language lev- nent, semantic core of LSP is terms.
els and is primarily attributable to the professional af- The researchers’ interest is aimed at studying the role
filiation. of the term in the professional activities, linguistic struc-
E.A. Klimov notes that "the scientific picture of the ture of the term, the conceptual structure of the termi-
world of the society would be just on the decline without nology, its system organization, etc.
such a subsystem as pictures of the world of professional The aim of this work is to study the role of terms in
communities and professions. In its turn, the picture of professional education and training of future profes-
the world of professions would be incomplete if it over- sional aeronautical engineer, air traffic controllers.
looks the question of the specificity of the display in the 2. Problem statement
minds of professionals of different types and levels of
the confronting them "surrounding" world, environment, The standard ISO 1087-1 defines terms as language
the universe [1]. signs of general notions related to a specific subject field
Professional picture of the world of future experts is [3], that is, as a characterizing feature of the term its abil-
formed as a result of various processes of learning, ity to denote specific concepts stands out. The terms
based on professional knowledge and skills in the study semantics is directly related to a particular scientific
area, is a certain way ordered information about the cognitive or professional activities, presents information
given fragment of reality and is defined as a system of about logical generalized and typified attributes, charac-
concepts, applied to language as a system of terms. teristics, types of relations of homogeneous objects, cor-
Copyright © 2015 National Aviation University
N. Drobysheva. The Role of Terminology in the Training of Aviation Specialists 87

relates the term not with a single object, but the whole ized representation and scientific and technical knowl-
class, subclass, logically related to the meaning of other edge transfer.
terms as components of the terminological system, Assimilation of the terminology is to master the
which is a logic-categorical apparatus of a particular knowledge structures that stand for terms. Academic
specific area, is determined by definitions. discourse tasks include didactic and cognitive-pragmatic
Typical characteristics of terms are objectivity, con- objectives.
sistency, accuracy, compact and economical form, high The first and foremost task is to teach students to ac-
information content, lack of expressiveness. tively possess terminological vocabulary in English.
The main functions of terms are communicative, An important aspect in students’ learning activities is
significative, cognitive, informational, heuristic, sys- to develop skills in working with terminology dictionar-
tematizing, prognostic, pragmatic. ies and consolidation of terminological minimum with
During the existence of the aviation industry there the help of specially designed exercises. The glossary of
was produced a large number of scientific and technical the educational dictionary includes the most common
concepts – terms, which are a component part of the terms of disciplines and covers the main thematic groups
terminological system. The formation of the terminol- based on the semantic generality. For example, first-year
ogy of the industry occurred gradually and continues to students majoring "System Engineering" and "Aero-
increase with the growth of scientific and technical navigation" must obtain the general technical, sectoral
knowledge. The conceptual structure of the aviation and cross-sectoral terminology on the topic “History of
industry terminology is a tiered hierarchy of the sub- Aviation”. “Types of Aircraft”, “Aircraft Design”,
sumption type and the type of parts to a whole. In the “Helicopter”. “Parts of an Aircraft”, “Fuselage”,
aviation industry highly specialized, industry-specific, “Wing”, “Empennage” and “Maintenance of Aircraft
general scientific and technical, interindustrial, terms of and Engines”; “Types of Engines”, “The Laws of Aero-
related sciences, nomenclature units are widely used. dynamics”, “Main Causes of Failure of an Aircraft”,
The conceptual structure of the scientific and technical “The Powerplant”, “Types of Engines”; “Electric Cur-
terminology is fixed in the aviation industry standards, rent” – “Characteristics”, “Conductors”, “On Board
recommended terms collections, dictionaries, harmonized Power Supply”, “Units of Measurement of Electric Cur-
with international standards and dictionaries. rent”, “Natural Energy Sources”, “Measuring Equip-
The cognitive approach has opened up new possibili- ment”; “International Civil Aviation Organizations”,
ties for the study of terms related to their cognitive enti- “New Achievements in the Industry”.
ties as linguistic units for receiving, presentation, trans- In the process of teaching the didactic principle
mission, processing and storage of special knowledge. "from simple to more complex” is commonly used.
From the standpoint of cognitivism, terms are un- When considering any new term at the given stage of
derstood as a means of scientific knowledge concep- training as a reference material already known or dis-
tualization - verbalized concepts [4]; as a result of cussed in the previous stages terms are added.
verbalization of a scientific, technical, economic and The description of professional vocabulary is sys-
wider - special concept [5]; as a process of knowledge tematically applied with the study of patterns of func-
of a particular specific area or special activities and tioning and presentation of paradigmatic relations of its
terminological knowledge as a complex net [2], as a units. For the selection and proper use of the term in-
verbalized result of professional thinking, significant formation about the term, its meaning, equivalent, col-
linguistic cultural means of orientation in the profes- locability, etc. is considered. Terms and their definitions
sional field and the most important element of profes- are studied with regard to their structure (both linguisti-
sional communication [6]. cally and conceptually).
Since the structures of the special knowledge are pre- Learner’s dictionary is formed as a professional spe-
sented primarily in terminology, with terms as both a cialist’s thesaurus. For each term of the glossary a num-
means of access to specialist knowledge and linguistic ber of terms reflecting the hierarchy of terms, the rela-
form of the transfer of this knowledge to others, a way tionship between them are selected. The objective of the
of knowledge transmission, then repeatedly the impor- study includes the development of the brief generic
tance of the role of terms research in academic discourse definition of the term, the establishment of the definition
increases. volume, definition of the place of the notion in the sys-
The main motive activity of students is the need for tem of notions, summarizing the term under well-known
professional knowledge. In the educational process in broad categorical universal concepts such as: method,
the first place there is the role of the terms in a formal- process, system, apparatus, appliance, machine, struc-
88 ISSN 1813-1166 print / ISSN 2306-1472 online. Proceedings of the National Aviation University. 2015. N 4(65): 86–88

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Н.Л. Дробишева. Роль термінології в професійній підготовці авіаційних фахівців

Національний авіаційний університет, просп. Космонавта Комарова, 1, Київ, Україна, 03058
Проаналізовано термінологію мови для спеціальних цілей авіаційної галузі та її роль у формуванні професійної
картини світу й професійної комунікативної компетенції студентів. Терміни розглянуто з когнітивних позицій
як вербалізовані концепти засобу доступу і передачі спеціального знання.
Ключові слова: навчання; професійна картина світу; термін.

Н.Л. Дробышева. Роль терминологии в профессиональной подготовке авиаспециалистов

Национальный авиационный университет, просп. Космонавта Комарова, 1, Киев, Украина, 03058
Проанализированы терминология языка для специальных целей авиационной отрасли и ее роль в формирова-
нии профессиональной картины мира и профессиональной коммуникативной компетенции студентов. Термины
рассмотрены с когнитивных позиций как вербализованные концепты средства доступа и передачи специально-
го знания.
Ключевые слова: обучение; профессиональная картина мира; термин.

Drobysheva Natalia. PhD in Philology. Associate Professor.

National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Education: Kyiv Slavonic University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Research area: social linguistics, cognitive linguistics.
Publications: 8.

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