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Writers: Zak Dale-Clutterbuck, Chris Edwards, Cat Evans,
James Fogarty, Thurston Hillman, TS Luikart, Erin Rea, Pádraig Murphy

Editors: Tim Cox

Producers: Cat Evans, Pádraig Murphy

Senior Producer: Tim Huckelbery

Cover Artist: L J Koh

Illustration: Sam Manley

Graphic Designers: Tom Hutchings

Proofreading: Christine Crabb

Cubicle 7 Business Support: Tracey Bourke, Elaine Connolly,

Andrena Hogen, Donna King, Kieran Murphy, and Cian Whelan

Cubicle 7 Creative Team: Dave Allen, Emmet Byrne, David F Chapman, Walt Ciechanowski,
Tim Cox, Zak Dale-Clutterbuck, Runesael Flynn, Tim Huckelbery, Dániel Kovács, Elaine Lithgow,
TS Luikart, Dominic McDowall, Sam Manley, Pádraig Murphy, Ceíre O’Donoghue, and JG O’Donoghue

Creative Director: Emmet Byrne

Publisher: Dominic McDowall

Special thanks to the Games Workshop team.

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Last Updated: 15 March 2022
arhammer 40,000: Wrath & Glory is a Use interesting hooks
game of epic adventure in the grim, dark A hook is anything that draws the Agents into an
future of the 41st Millennium. You can find adventure. It can be their patron simply ordering
numerous published adventures for Wrath & Glory at them to investigate, but it can also be much more., and in this supplement you’ll find A troublesome Administratum scribe who always
an additional eight short adventures and six new NPCs manages to lose vital requisition orders, or an object
to add detail and excitement to your games. These are unexpectedly out of place — such as an Aeldari Spirit
useful tools for running your next adventure, along Stone found on the body of a dead Militarum trooper
with your new and extremely convenient GM Screen, — can each serve as an interesting call to adventure.
of course! Remember that a good hook should raise more
questions that it answers — uncovering the rest is the
However, there is little more satisfying than creating heart of the adventure.
your own adventures tailored to your Agents. This is
not as intimidating as it seems, especially if you keep Fill in the world
some of the following guidelines in mind. If the Agents seem interested in something, make it
interesting. If the object of interest wasn’t originally
part of your plans, don’t be afraid to tie it in somehow,
TELLING STORIES or add additional depth that can be explored later. If
the Agents start to focus on an underperforming
manufactorum, for example, add some intrigue.
Perhaps its output is being sold on the black market,
Telling a compelling story can be challenging, and or a Chaos cult is sabotaging production. This is much
doubly so for the GM of a roleplaying game who is not more satisfying than simply saying there’s nothing
in control of all the elements of the narrative. Players unusual about it, even if that was the case prior to the
can and will make unexpected decisions. However, Agents’ interest.
this is one of the things that makes the role of a GM
so interesting — adapting your plans to the actions of Give them what they want
your players. Along with the Golden Rule and Great Find out what your Agents want to achieve, and give
Game Rules (Wrath & Glory Rulebook, page 157), them the opportunity to achieve it. This may seem
here are a few maxims that may be of use. obvious, but it is worth restating: choose or create
adventures that give your players the chance to
Give your Agents agency achieve their personal goals.
In the grim, dark world of Warhammer 40,000, it
can be easy and even tempting to ignore a player’s But always at a price
agency. After all, Agents are usually working for a The galaxy is an uncaring place, and little can be had
patron who can have them killed at a whim. Should without making some sacrifice to obtain it. Never make
the Agents go ‘off script’, there are many tools you things too easy, and remember that a sacrifice can be
can use to force them back on track. In some cases, more than just a few Wounds: treasured possessions,
this may be necessary, but it is usually far better to hard-won comforts, and loyal NPCs should all be on
allow players some leeway. The situation in Gilead is the line when it comes to an Agent getting what they
truly desperate, and competent Agents are expected to say they want. If an Agent achieves some great goal
rise to the occasion and display some initiative of their but is left wondering if the price they paid was truly
own — after all, if blind obedience were all that was worth it, then you likely have run a compelling and 3
required, a Servitor could have been sent in their stead. suitably grim, dark game to remember.


his is a Tier 1 adventure for groups with the
IMPERIUM Keyword. It is especially suitable
for Agents with the ADEPTUS MECHANICUS
Keyword. In this adventure, the Agents contend
with a rogue Lexmechanic whose inability to
comprehend a new time-tracking method has led to a
dangerous divergence.

Tethia Uldort was an aspiring Lexmechanic of the

Adeptus Mechanicus who found her career irrevocably
changed following the appearance of the Great
Rift. In the time that followed, the Archdomina of
Avachrus, Aexekra Vakuul, decreed that a new system
of timekeeping be implemented to take account of
certain chronographic fluctuations caused by the Rift.
She declared that this would render Avachrus the
sole accurate beacon of temporal order in the Gilead
System. Though other Tech-Priests adapted without
issue, Uldort’s Augmetics could not properly parse the
change in chronology, causing an unacceptable number
of statistical errors in her reporting. This is due to an
errant recursive binary incantation causing the Tech-
Priest’s perception of the length of Avachrus’s day/ LEXMECHANIC (TETHIA ULDORT)
night cycle to halve daily. IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS
Threat E|T|T|T
Unable to advance in her career, and exasperated that S T A I Wil Int Fel
each day seemed half as productive as the last, Uldort 1 2 3 2 3 5 3
has taken the radical approach of forcibly changing the Defence Wounds Shock Resilience
chronological counters of several Servitors in the lower 3 (Adeptus
1 4 4
levels of the forge city of Belaxia to match a vision of Robes)
time only she can compute. Her minor changes have SKILLS: Default 5, Awareness 7, Medicae 6, Scholar 8,
Tech 8 (6 while impaired)
caused unexpected errors within various systems,
ranging from transportation to environmental control.
ACTIONS: Laspistol: 7 +1 ED / Range 6 – 12 – 18 / Salvo
It’s only a matter of time before Uldort’s changes begin 1 / Pistol, Reliable
affecting other, more critical systems across the city. Industrial Bludgeon: 5 +2 ED / Range 1 / Brutal,
Unwieldy (1)
Diving into an abandoned manufactorum in Belaxia, the DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 2d6.
Agents must halt Uldort’s unauthorised adjustments. RUIN: Cold Logic
After overcoming malfunctioning equipment, as well Spend 1 Ruin. As a reaction, the Lexmechanic com-
mands a Combat Servitor within 5m to stand between
as a group of errant Servitors, the Agents confront the her and an incoming attack. The attack hits the Combat
rogue Lexmechanic. Agents skilled in Tech have the Servitor instead.
opportunity to analyse the faulty cogitator unit Uldort Conviction Resolve Speed Size
uses, possibly even resolving the issue and getting 3 2 6 Avg
Uldort back into temporal sync with her peers.
ADVENTURE repair, by which time they will have found clues Uldort
left during her timekeeping reconfigurations.

A mission to stop the efforts of a rogue Lexmechanic in Abandoned Manufactorum

the bowels of Belaxia, a forge city on Avachrus. Uldort’s hiding place is laden with treacherous traps
to try to ward off ‘dogmatic adherents of the incorrect
chronology’. Use electricity, fire, and radiation (Wrath
HOOK & Glory Rulebook, pages 201–202) to represent PERSONALITIES
Uldort’s traps and the location’s hazards. The Agents OF GILEAD
Apprehending the rogue Lexmechanic Tethia Uldort can use skills like Awareness (Int), Survival (Wil), and
is of growing importance to the Adeptus Mechanicus. Tech (Int) at DN 5 to avoid or disable these hazards.
Uldort’s actions have already caused detrimental
inconsistencies across Belaxia, and no one has yet been Beyond the trapped outer reaches of the manufactorum,
able to calculate the full extent of the damage her rogue Tethia Uldort has reprogrammed a group of Combat
chrono adjustments could cause. Agents affiliated Servitors (Wrath & Glory Rulebook, page 334) to
with the Adeptus Mechanicus receive direct orders to protect her. There are two more Combat Servitors
apprehend her. Several powerful figures outside the than the number of Agents. The Servitors are poorly
Adeptus Mechanicus have an inkling that something maintained, which reduces their Resilience by 1 and
is wrong on Avachrus and fear the damage should the lowers the damage of their Servo Arms to 7 +2 ED.
world’s manufacturing output fall substantially. These
patrons send the Agents to Belaxia as a preventative Uldort is trying to finish her latest calculations on a
measure, to gain further influence among the senior cogitator unit on a raised gantry. Two Servitors are
Tech-Priests of Avachrus, or to ensure that production by her side. When the Agents arrive, she has her
of those supplies they deem most vital is preserved. remaining Servitors engage from the ground floor,
while she provides support with her Laspistol from
above. She fights until she runs out of Servitors, then
ACTION reluctantly tries to surrender.

The Agents must track down Uldort before she can

affect any critical systems with her setting changes. AFTERMATH
The hunt begins at a plasma reactor, where the Agents
see the aftermath of Tethia’s latest chrono alterations. If the Agents killed the Lexmechanic, they need to
From there, they pick up her trail and eventually track report to the Avachrus’s Adeptus Mechanicus, who
her down to an abandoned manufactorum. are pleased with the removal of an erratic element.
However, the Tech-Priests refuse to acknowledge that
The Plasma Reactor a Lexmechanic could be capable of nearly destroying a
As the Agents arrive on scene, they learn that Uldort’s forge city with errant code amendments.
recent actions almost overloaded one of the city’s holy
plasma reactors, as days’ worth of fuel was shunted If the Agents didn’t kill Uldort, she explains her issue
into the device in only a few hours. Only Enginseer with the updated timekeeping method, using it to ask
Tariq Bray’s timely intervention averted disaster, for clemency. Agents who succeed at a DN 6 Insight
though the reactor will be offline for several days of (Fel), Intimidation (Wil), Medicae (Int), Persuasion
prayer to appease its wounded Machine Spirit. A DN (Fel), Scholar (Int), or Tech (Int) Test convince Uldort
3 Awareness (Int) Test reveals the vent Uldort used of the error of her ways, or notice a malfunction in one
to access the reactor, which leads down several levels. of her Augmetics that is responsible for her inability to
A DN 3 Tech (Int) Test to examine a half-melted process the new chronological pattern. Helping Uldort
Servitor shows its point of origin. Success on either overcome her problem grants the Agents a useful ally
Test also reveals Uldort’s hiding place, an abandoned for future adventures, best represented with increased
manufactorum three levels beneath the reactor. Should Influence or bonuses in a longer-term campaign.
the Agents fail to find it, they may await Bray’s reactor 5


Tier 1 adventure for Agents with the IMPERIAL Not all in the Ordo Xenos share Maltara’s willingness
Keyword. The party is sent to investigate to experiment with dangerous xenos technology.
unusual deaths on a mining asteroid. Another Inquisitor of the Ordo, Mordanne Rawe, has
a long-standing grudge against Maltara and has
For the past few years, House Braul has been pressing grown suspicious of his activities on the Lodestone.
hive scum from Gilead Primus into service and using Unfortunately, her grudge is well known, and any overt
them to mine rich mineral veins on an asteroid known action on her part would likely be dismissed by her
as the Lodestone. The Lodestone’s ‘ores’ are actually fellows as simply one more sparring session in their
the crushed remnants of ancient xenos machinery decades-long rivalry.
instead of natural rock or sediment. House Braul is
careful to smelt these ‘ores’ into ingots on-site before Rather than act openly, Rawe has chosen to act through
shipping them to Avachrus, where the Adeptus a group of deniable assets: the Agents. Either by
Mechanicus pay handsomely for them. working with or bribing their existing patron, or by
working through a third party, Rawe has arranged
An Inquisitor from the Ordo Xenos, Coldras Maltara, for the Agents to gain access to the asteroid in order
learned of this through his agents on Avachrus. to investigate rumours of suspicious deaths among
Rather than seize the asteroid and censure House the labourers there. If the Agents are successful in
Braul, however, Maltara began experimenting with the uncovering Maltara’s heretical research, the Inquisitor
xenos tech on the Lodestone. The asteroid’s relative may well reveal herself and recruit them in a more
isolation, its population of disposable hive scum, and formal way. If they fail, she will deny ever having
the Inquisitor’s new-found leverage over House Braul known of their existence.
all combined to make it the perfect location for Maltara
to pursue some of his more radical ideas on the use of
xenos technology.

Maltara’s initial experiments have borne fruit. A cache

of small, insect-like machines have proved to possess
the unique ability to interface directly with Human
brains. So far, Maltara has implanted the devices in a
half-dozen denizens, and to his delight, they all have
became model workers, ceaselessly excavating more
buried technology. The Inquisitor idly dreams of the
day the technology might be used to make all menials
so compliant.

Unfortunately for all involved, the devices are

Mindshackle Scarabs, ancient Necron devices once
used to bend living minds to another’s will. What
Maltara takes to be meek compliance by the labourers
is instead a simple command left in the memory circuits
of the Scarabs, now millions of years old — if you are
disturbed, unearth and alert more Necrons. Every load
6 of rock hauled out by the Scarabs’ hosts brings them
one step closer to fulfilling this command.
Mindshackle Scarabs ADVENTURE
When fully repaired and operational, Mindshackle
Scarabs are capable of embedding themselves in a
Human cortex with little outside aid. The ones Maltara An investigation into mysterious deaths uncovers
has recovered are damaged and partially inactive, xenos corruption on a remote mining asteroid.
however, and must be implanted by the Inquisitor
or someone else willing to introduce xenotech into
Human brains. Once implanted, a victim gains +1 HOOK PERSONALITIES
to Determination and Resolve and can ignore the OF GILEAD
penalties for being Exhausted or Wounded. They suffer The Agents have been ordered by their patron, or
+3 DN to all Fel-based Tests. If they perceive a threat, by a third party such as a commanding officer, low-
they become Frenzied (see Wrath & Glory Rulebook, ranking noble, or Magos of the Adeptus Mechanicus,
page 199). If they are killed, then the Scarab chews to investigate some unusual deaths on the Lodestone,
its way out of their head and scuttles back to its nest. a mining asteroid. It’s a brutal place, but it is claimed
that the deaths, though few in number so far, risk
Examining a victim’s corpse requires a DN 4 Medicae cutting into the asteroid’s vital mineral output — and
(Int) Test, and success reveals that the body has been House Braul’s substantial profits. The house is an
pushed beyond its physical tolerances, resulting in the important supplier to the Adeptus Mechanicus.
failure of multiple organs. Horrifyingly, immediately
post-mortem, something a few centimetres long
burrowed its way out of the victim’s brain. Any ACTION
characters using Psyniscience (Wrath & Glory
Rulebook, page 267) around such a corpse notice a On arrival, the Agents are met by Kurmandious Braul,
strange, chilling void — as though the soul has been who makes it clear he isn’t pleased with their presence
sucked away. and that he expects them to perform their task swiftly
and discreetly. He gives the Agents run of the station

MINDSHACKLED LABOURER and the staff’s cooperation, but he warns them that
the smeltery is fully automated and highly volatile,
Threat E|E|T|T IMPERIUM, NECRON, SCUM and that they won’t be able to access that area. The
S T A I Wil Int Fel asteroid has grav-plates and life-sustainers, a mark of
4 4 3 3 4 3 2 House Braul’s wealth.
Defence Wounds Shock Resilience
9 (Crawling Kurmandious is aware of Inquisitor Maltara’s presence
2 7 7 Scarabs: on the asteroid and would prefer the Agents did not
4 AR)
learn of this, but he does not know exactly what the
SKILLS: Default 6, Awareness 8 (Passive 4),
Athletics 10, Stealth 10, Weapon Skill 10 Inquisitor is up to or that he is tied to the deaths.

Champion: This Threat may use Ruin Actions. The Infirmary
Regeneration: At the start of each round, this Threat The medics here are just about capable of keeping the
regains 1 Wound and 1 Stun if alive. asteroid’s population in good enough health to work.
ABILITIES They have preserved the corpses of two beings who
BATTLECRY: Swarming Flesh died in unusual circumstances, and they know that at
Anyone who can see this Threat must make a DN 3 least one more perished in a similar way before being
Fear Test.
sent for processing into corpse starch. Examining the
ACTIONS: Rivet Gun: 7 +1 ED / AP −1 / Range 6 – 12 – 18 /
Salvo 3 / Rapid Fire (1), Unwieldy (1) bodies kept on ice yields that they seem to have died
Rock Drill: 3 +3 ED / AP −1 / Range 1 / Unwieldy (1) either from massive organ failure due to being pushed
DETERMINATION: beyond Human tolerances or as a result of cerebral
Spend 1 Ruin to roll 4d6. haemorrhage. Each corpse has a hole in its head — it
Conviction Resolve Speed Size seems somebody took pains to recover the implants.
4 3 6 Avg
The Smeltery AFTERMATH
Guards deny the Agents access — only sealed hoppers
of ore, loaded in the mines below, are allowed inside If the Agents uncover Maltara but the lab is destroyed,
the smeltery. If the Agents manage to sneak in, the Inquisitor escapes to continue his experiments
they find that in good lighting, it is easy to spot the elsewhere, perhaps adding the Agents to his long list
occasional silvery mechanical component or pattern in of enemies. Rawe ensures the Agents can safely leave
the ‘ore’ being smelted here. the Lodestone but is not interested in recruiting them,
though she may use them again as deniable assets.
The Mines
The workers live in the mines; ore goes up, and supplies If the lab is saved, however, the evidence there is
come down. Only the guards move between levels. enough to see Maltara fall under suspicion of heresy,
Many miners are aware that something is wrong with something Rawe enjoys greatly. She offers the Agents
those who have gone to Maltara’s lab, which they a permanent position working for her. If they decline,
were told was for a simple medical checkup. However, they may well make an enemy of her.
those who have returned work at an incredible pace,
earning perks such as additional rations and lowering If the Agents revealed that the miners are actually
the workload on the other labourers. This has left most uncovering xenos minerals and Kurmandious Braul
miners reluctant to explain much about these workers, becomes aware of this, he tries to have them killed
or to draw attention to them at all. Some, however, are before they leave the Lodestone. He first arranges an
worried enough to reveal some details to a character industrial accident, then attacks them directly with
who succeeds on a DN 3 Persuasion (Fel) Test. the facility’s guards if that doesn’t work. If he thinks
that they didn’t see anything or can keep their mouths
Many of the guards in the mines work for Maltara shut, he fills their pockets with alloy ingots as thanks
or are intimidated by those who do. Characters who (1 Wealth each) and sends them on their way.
succeed on a DN 2 Insight (Fel) Test realise they are
hiding something, and those who succeed on a DN 4 Should the party fail to put a stop to Maltara, the
Intimidation (Wil) Test learn of Maltara’s clinic. Lodestone goes dark in a matter of weeks. It then
begins moving away under its own power, seeking out
Maltara’s ‘clinic’ is in a worked-out gallery beneath other Necron caches in the system.
the level the miners currently are excavating. The lab
contains surgical tools, a workbench, and a transparent
vat in which the Mindshackle Scarabs he has not yet
implanted can be seen skittering about. He keeps four
loyal guards on hand — use the Enforcer profile from
the Wrath & Glory Rulebook, page 331 — but he
does not engage in combat himself, instead escaping
through a rear tunnel and setting the laboratory to
explode. The Inquisitor is no fool and sees the hand
of his rival Mordanne Rawe in the Agents’ presence.
The Agents hear the det pack begin to count down just
as the last Enforcer falls, and they must either escape
the device with a DN 2 Athletics (S) Test or disarm
it with a DN 4 Tech (Int) Test. Anyone caught in the
blast suffers 20 damage.




Tier 2 adventure for four Agents with the Unfortunately, their long rivalry with Charybdion PERSONALITIES
IMPERIUM Keyword. Every minor power on means that the prices offered to Enoch are always OF GILEAD
Charybdion trades on the black market for high. One faction of the synod has decided to take
promethium. But not every deal ends well… matters into their own hands. Through the mole,
they have been learning of upcoming shipments in
Promethium is the vital export of Charybdion, and as order to ambush them during the handover. They of
long as regular deliveries of the fuel run smoothly, a course have also learned of the imminent shipment
certain amount of graft and corruption is overlooked. to Varonius, but they do not know that it is for the
This has led to thriving black-market trade between Rogue Trader.
Charybdion and the other worlds of Gilead. One trade
route sees stolen promethium shipped off-world by Along with a cadre of a dozen Enforcers hired from
Christas Jelk, a Worldfish hunter with a substantial among Enoch’s stranded pilgrims, a single Penitent
fleet of ships. In return, he receives refined minerals Engine has been dispatched to ensure the synod
that Charybdion is naturally poor in. This is tolerated obtains the promethium. The Penitent Engine contains
and even tacitly acknowledged to be useful by the mortified form of Lakius Malukk, a minor noble
the authorities of Hive Aidon, where the minerals from outside the system who was on pilgrimage to
ultimately end up and where they are put to good Gilead when the system was cut off. Unused to much in
use. However, the lack of official permission for these the way of prolonged suffering, Malukk was overheard
activities means that smugglers are very much on their quipping that his ration of corpse starch was too small
own should anything go wrong. ‘and tasted of heretic’. As all properly prepared corpse
starch is rendered both ritually and spiritually pure, this
Naturally, something has gone terribly wrong. Jelk’s was deemed heresy. The unfortunate noble was bound
last two shipments were attacked at their rendezvous inside of a Penitent Engine, mainly out of respect for
site and their goods stolen away. The old sailor is livid, his rank, and has served the synod ever since.
but he has few options. Frustrated by the incessant
attacks, he has burned a decade’s worth of favours PENITENT ENGINE
to convince Hive Aidon nobility to use their influence
to pressure Jakel Varonius into rendering aid. Keen to
secure one more source of promethium for his fleet, S T A I Wil Int Fel

Varonius has agreed, though not before securing the 8 5 4 3 4 2 1

next shipment as payment. Defence Wounds Shock Resilience
10 (Armour
2 7 7
The Agents need to secure the rendezvous point, Plate - 5)

Razor Reef, an island where Jelk’s fuel-laden ship SKILLS: Default 4, Ballistic Skill 7, Weapon Skill 5
is to meet Varonius’s shuttle. The shuttle will arrive BONUSES

with the Agents a day in advance to give them time to Champion: This Threat may use Ruin Actions and
has 1 personal Ruin.
scout and secure the island. Unknown to the Agents
and Jelk, his crew includes a Ministorum mole, who
ACTIONS: Ministorum Heavy Flamer: 12 +2 ED /
has been relaying information on the exchanges to AP −1 / Range 4 – 8 – 12 / Flamer, Heavy (6)
his handlers on Enoch. The Enochian Synod has an Penitent Buzz-Blade: 10 ED / AP 0 / Range 1 / Brutal
endless need for promethium to fuel the Flamers they DETERMINATION:
use to maintain order on the planet. Spend 1 Ruin to roll 5d6.
Conviction Resolve Speed Size
5 4 8 Avg
Unfortunately, demand far outstrips supply, and
ADVENTURE Varonius has had to give greater and greater
concessions to the authorities of Hive Aidon to secure
an ongoing supply. An opportunity to change this
A promethium shipment for Varonius’s fleet is due to arose when Varonius learned that a Worldfish hunter,
be stolen by agents of the Enochian Synod. It is up to Christas Jelk, has a sideline in smuggling cheap
the Agents to intervene. promethium to interested parties. Unfortunately for
Jelk, his agents have come under attack recently. It is
clear that some third party knows of the smuggler’s
HOOK plans and is using that knowledge to rob him.

The Varonius Flotilla is continually running short on If Jelk can be helped, he has promised the next three
materials, but especially promethium, the vital fuel shipments to Varonius at a substantial discount —
for so many ships’ subsystems. Charybdion is the supplying vital fuel to the power-starved flotilla.
only reliable source of the fuel, which is pumped from
beneath the planet’s vast sea.
Jakel Varonius briefs the Agents through an
intermediary, preferably one familiar with the Agents
and whom Varonius can squarely control. The
intermediary explains the situation: a promethium
smuggler on Charybdion needs protection so that
Varonius can make him his promethium smuggler.
Local forces will not get involved, as turning a blind
eye to smuggling is an age-old tradition on the planet.
Varonius has arranged to receive the next promethium
shipment, and the Agents will receive a small cargo
skiff and pilot to collect it on his behalf. If anything
goes wrong, the Agents are to deal with it themselves.
Above all, the fuel supplies must be secured and safely
brought off-world. All other concerns are secondary.

Arriving at Razor Reef

Charybdion is a storm-wracked ocean world, and
Razor Reef a small rocket island in the midst of its vast
and turbulent seas. The only reason the island stands
is because it is made of a particularly hard and sharp
volcanic stone vomited up from the depths just a few
decades ago. The shuttle approach is rough, requiring a
DN 3 Fear Test of any Agent who is new to Charybdis
or unused to operating in low gravity. Varonius has
provided proper identification and authorisations, but
given the illicit nature of the cargo, he has not informed
Hive Aidon of the Agents’ presence.

Luckily, only a handful of people cling to life on the Jelk’s Ship
island, mostly fishers and a handful of Militarum Jelk and his crew arrive the following morning and
personnel who maintain a hub in Charybdion’s swiftly and nervously begin unloading the massive
defence nexus there. The latter, members of the Gilead barrels of explosive liquid. Most are also fearful of
Gravediggers, are confined to a small base on the attack, knowing full well what happened to the last
north end of the island, and they attempt to stay out two shipments. If the Ministorum agents have already
of any trouble that doesn’t threaten their duty directly. been discovered and defeated, Jelk is ecstatic and
promises excellent rates going forward. If not, the PERSONALITIES
The Agents’ shuttle puts down at an old loading bay Ministorum forces attack mid-morning as described OF GILEAD
on the southern end of the island, where an ancient set above, attempting to defeat Jelk’s crew and the Agents
of Galvanic Servohaulers have somehow been found before securing the fuel and the shuttle for themselves.
and refitted for the purpose of moving the promethium
from Jelk’s ship to the shuttle. Once it is clear that the Ministorum forces are defeated,
a member of Jelk’s crew, Gaius Selat, begins to behave
Getting Ready nervously and attempts to slip away as soon as
The shuttle arrives the day before the shipment is due, possible. Agents who succeed on a DN 4 Cunning
and Agents who wisely wish to prepare for a potential (Fel) Test catch Selat as he flees. They find a small
ambush have a number of options. A unit of 10 Gilead Vox system stashed away among his possessions. It
Gravediggers may be coaxed down from their camp in is clear that he is the mole, and Jelk would like to feed
the north with a DN 5 Deception (Fel) or Persuasion him to the ocean on the spot — whether to allow this
(Fel) Test, reduced to DN 4 if the Agent suggests that is up to the Agents.
any attack might harm the base. Agents who succeed
on a DN 3 Survival (Wil) Test can successfully create
some fortifications that will provide cover during AFTERMATH
any ambush.
If the Agents managed to secure the fuel, Varonius is
Agents may also attempt to speak with the local pleased about having another source of promethium,
fishers, most of whom spend their days hauling great even if it is technically illegal. Still, better that the
fish from the waters and shipping them to the hive fuel ends up in his ships’ holds than traded around
cities. However, one group is not what they seem. New Gilead to less scrupulous individuals. Additionally, if
to the island, having arrived just a few days earlier, the Agents were able to detain Gaius Selat and his
they have a camp on the east side, where a handful of vox, the opportunity to influence or even blackmail
surprisingly pale-looking fishers have been preparing the Enochian Synod is handed to the Rogue Trader on
their boat for days without ever leaving port. These are a plate — a very useful bargaining tool. Without the
the Ministorum agents, tipped off to the rendezvous mole, it is impossible to prove the synod’s involvement,
by their mole and awaiting the arrival of Jelk’s ship. despite the presence of their forces at the ambush.
Agents who speak with them and succeed on a DN 4
Insight (Fel) Test realise they are hiding something, If the Agents failed to discover and detain Gaius, then
but not precisely what. shipments continue for a while before ambushes
resume and Jelk is killed in the fighting. Even if the
If the Agents attack this group, they respond in kind, Agents are again dispatched to secure the trade route,
unleashing 10 ten pilgrims (use the Enforcer profile, the new captain is far less accommodating and charges
Wrath & Glory Rulebook, page 331) and their Varonius a premium for the increased risk.
Penitent Engine. If the Ministorum agents are defeated,
the handover the following morning goes off without If the Agents were unable to secure the fuel, then the
a hitch. If not, they attack in late morning, after most Varonius Flotilla is forced to scale back operations to
of the promethium has been unloaded from Jelk’s ship preserve what fuel they can, allowing the darkness at
but before it is secured aboard the shuttle for transport. the edge of the Gilead System to encroach a little more.


SKITARII VANGUARD his is a Tier 2 adventure for groups with the
IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS ORK Keyword. Da Boyz gotta make a raid
Threat E|T|T|T MECHANICUS, SKITARII, into one of the servo-haulers on the surface
AVACHRUS FORGE WORLD of Avachrus to pick up some scrap for their next
S T A I Wil Int Fel big... scrap!
4 4 3 3 4 3 2
Defence Wounds Shock Resilience Warboss Vazdrok Spikey-Smasha is getting ready
9 (Skitarii for another big WAAAGH! across the Gilead System,
2 6 3 but he needs supplies. He’s entrusted one of his
4 AR) more kunnin’ underlings, Big Mek Madspannerz,
Augmetic: Skitarii are immune to the Bleeding Condition. with getting a bunch of scrap. With all the new scrap,
SKILLS: Default 4, Awareness 3 (Passive 2), Ballistic Madspannerz can put together some ‘new dakka and
Skill 8, Insight 1, Tech 6
Trukks for the boyz’.
Rad-Saturation: Anyone who starts their turn within Madspannerz has figured out the best place to get
2m of this Threat must make a DN 3 Toughness Test
or suffer 1d3 Shock. Exhausted targets instead suffer scrap is where the ‘Humiez get all theirs’: the sun
1 Mortal Wound. side of Avachrus. Since the Mechanicus operate their
ABILITIES shielded servo-haulers to harvest goods from the sun
ACTION: Radium Carbine: 7 +1 ED / Range 9 – 18 – side, Madspannerz has plotted a raid. The Big Mek
27 / Salvo 3 / Assault, Rad (2)
wants Vazdrok’s Boyz to accompany a ‘right sneaky
DETERMINATION: Landa’ piloted by a loyal Kommando. Setting the
Spend 1 Ruin to roll 4d6.
Landa down inside one of the massive hauler units,
Conviction Resolve Speed Size
Madspannerz believes they’ll have a few hours before
2 1 6 Avg
the ‘Humiez notice what’s going on’ — plenty of time
to steal a bunch of scrap!
For every ten Skitarii Vanguard in the Mob, three Van-
guard may exchange their Radium Carbines for one
each of the following weapons. This adventure is a smash-and-grab heist. The Boyz
Arc Rifle: 14 +1 ED / AP −1 / Range 12 – 24 – 36 / need as much equipment and quality scrap as they
Salvo 2 / Arc (2), Rapid Fire (1) can get their hands on before their Landa pilot leaves.
Plasma Caliver: 15 +1 ED / AP −3 / Range 9 – 18 – 27 / This means krumpin’ some tin can Humiez and some
Salvo 2 / Assault, Supercharge
mostly dead Humiez.
Transuranic Arquebus: 15 +1 ED / AP −2 / Range 30
– 60 – 90 / Salvo 0 / Heavy (8), Rad (2), Sniper (2)
Enhanced Data-Tether: Reroll any failed dice on a ADVENTURE
Resolve Test.
Tireless Hunters: Skitarii Vanguard can Aim as part
of a Standard Movement (unless equipped with a A mad rush for a group of Orks to land on one of
Transuranic Arquebus).
the immense servo-hauler units on the light side of
Avachrus and grab as much scrap as possible!

HOOK The more the Agents fail at navigation or salvage
checks or confront the hauler’s defenders, the higher
There’s nothing to do in the Gilead System but fight, the alert status gets.
and that suits Orks down to the ground. Of course,
every good Ork Boy worth his teef knows that to After three confrontations, the defenders are at
wage big wars, you need big piles of scrap. Warboss high alert.
Vazdrok Spikey-Smasha (or another Ork patron) tasks
the Agents with taking part in a kunnin’ plan to steal High Alert PERSONALITIES
a payload of scrap from the metal ’umiezs of Avachrus. Once the Orks trigger the hauler’s high-alert status, OF GILEAD
The Agents receive transport near the planet aboard the Skitarii defenders come out in force. The Agents
Smasha, an Ork Kroozer, and then head down to the encounter at least one Mob of ten Skitarii Vanguard
sun side on board a Landa craft. Now, it’s up to the defenders, who engage the Orks in one of the hauler’s
Agents to collect as much scrap as they can before the larger storage modules. The cargo contains enough
Landa leaves. cover that the Agents can approach the Mob without
being completely gunned down by radium weaponry
(for example, they have +2 Defence). A lot of containers
ACTION in the hold are explosive or flammable, functioning as
Frag Grenades (Wrath & Glory Rulebook, page 220).
The adventure begins with the Agents aboard Smasha, Agents can give up their attack to scavenge one of the
a Landa craft, as it makes its way towards one of 12 large pieces of titanium ore stored in the area.
the servo-haulers that walks across the light side of
Avachrus. During the short journey, the Agents have Get to da Landa!
the chance to prepare any kunnin’ plans they have Once the Agents trigger the high alert, it’s only a
for the raid, as well as to review any information matter of time before the full might of the Adeptus
they have on the facility. Since they’re Orks, this is Mechanicus forces fall upon them. Three turns after
predominantly their knowledge of the metal Humiez high alert begins, the Landa pilot contacts the Agents
who guard the place, and how to krump ’em. The and demands they return so they can get off the world
Agents are introduced to a host of Grots travelling with their plunder. The Boyz have to fight their way
with them. The Grots tail the Agents on their mission back to the Landa with the entire facility after them.
and return to the Landa with any good scrap or shiny
gubbinz they find.
When the Agents enter the servo-hauler, the defenders While the adventure assumes the Agents get away
are in a state of low alert. The facility is patrolled by once the Landa takes off, it’s possible that the Adeptus
Skitarii Vanguard and Combat Servitors (Wrath & Mechanicus despatches one or more Archaeopters
Glory Rulebook, page 334). (Church of Steel, page @@) to try to stop the Agents
from escaping. Such an encounter could be a capstone
The servo-hauler has five zones. Navigating each zone to the adventure, introducing the Agents to vehicle
requires a DN 3 Athletics (S), Awareness (Int), or combat and forcing them to open the Landa’s hatches
Stealth (A) Test. Tests represent moving through and battle against the Skitarii flyers.
damaged sections, noticing and avoiding patrols of
Skitarii, noticing the tracks of moving defenders, and Once the Landa makes its escape from Avachrus, the
interacting with the hauler’s machinery to access Agents are free to return to their patron with their
important paths. scavenged scrap. Big Mek Madspannerz takes the
scavenged loot with glee, offering to turn it into kustom
‘Salvaging’ scrap from each zone requires a DN 3 Tech gubbinz for the Agents (effectively increasing their
(Int) or Weapon Skill (I) Test. Failure attracts d6 Wealth by 1 or 2). Warboss Vazdrok Spikey-Smasha
Combat Servitors, a Complication attracts d3 Skitarii has now seen the Agents’ brutality and kunnin’ in
Vanguard, and a failure and a Complication on the action and is eager to use them for his upcoming 13
same roll attracts both. WAAAGH! across the Gilead System.


his is a Tier 3 adventure for a group with the to truly massive warheads intended for Macro Cannons
AELDARI Keyword. and other siege weapons. A horrific class of weapon,
the Aeldari would have destroyed the cache, had not
Ancient Adeptus Mechanicus codes have started to a lone and now forgotten Farseer predicted that one
emanate from a large asteroid, known as XJL-17j8, in day the vile munitions would be instrumental in either
the depths of the Reach. The Adeptus Mechanicus base saving Ul-Khari from peril, or destroying it utterly.
identifies itself as belonging to a long-lost explorator
fleet, and describes the asteroid as having an enormous LIMBS OF STEEL
cache of archeotech in its depths. Wanting to keep this
resource for herself, Archdominus Aexekra Vakuul The Adeptus Mechanicus forces in the base are not
has quietly outfitted a small Adeptus Mechanicus expecting resistance. Nevertheless, a substantial force
vessel, the Cor Tempestas, to claim the prize. of Servo Skulls and Combat Servitors patrol the upper
levels of the base (Wrath & Glory Rulebook, pages
The asteroid has an old, damaged Adeptus Mechanicus 334–336). Fighting them alerts the Skitarii, who are
base on its surface. Ancient self-repair systems and broken into several teams of five, one of which guards
long dormant machine spirits have at last stirred to the Tech-Priests in the lowest levels.
wakefulness. The distress beacon the Archdominus
detected has recently become active, and this lonely call SKITARIUS RANGER
for aid does not tell the entire story of the installation.
Beneath its surface an archaeotech cache is hidden, Threat A|E|E|T MECHANICUS, SKITARII,
judged by a long dead Tech-Priest to be both too useful AVACHRUS
to destroy and too dangerous to leave uninterred. S T A I Wil Int Fel
4 5 3 3 3 2 1
The Archdominus was not the only one to notice the Defence Wounds Shock Resilience
beacon. Long ago Aeldari of the Ul-Khari craftworld 10 (Auto-
helped to contain the archaeotech in a rare moment 2 11 9 Cuirass:
4 AR)
of cooperation with a Tech-Priest who shared their
SKILLS: Default 5, Ballistic Skill 7, Tech 6
concerns. The installation was lost in the ensuing
infighting among the Adeptus Mechanicus, which Heavily Augmented: Ignore the Bleeding Condition,
aided in hiding the asteroid’s secret. Alerted to the add 2 bonus dice to Determination rolls.
danger by the Ul-Khari Farseers, the Greensteel Internal Rebreathers: Immune to gas attacks.
Corsairs have thrown together a small strike team (the Doesn’t need to breathe.
Agents) to deal with the threat. Carried to the surface ABILITIES
of the asteroid by the Corsair’s stealthiest vessel, the ACTIONS: Arc Rifle: 14 +1 ED / AP −1 / Range
12 – 24 – 36 / Salvo 2 / Arc (2), Rapid Fire (1)
team will have to infiltrate the base and destroy the Power Axe: 9 +5 ED / AP −2 / Range 1 / Rending (1)
Mechanicus forces before securing the archaeotech. DETERMINATION:
Spend 1 Ruin to roll 7d6.
What secret lies at the heart of the asteroid? A huge ANNIHILATION:
Self-Destruct Sequence: When this Threat dies, it
cache of Phosphex weapons from the Dark Age of
may choose to detonate. 10 +5 ED / AP −1 / Blast (6)
Technology, each designed to disperse an incredibly
Conviction Resolve Speed Size
hazardous living fire capable of consuming entire
3 2 5 Avg
regiments of troops, or even entire worlds if used in
14 quantity. These range from smaller Phosphex Bombs
ADVENTURE The lowest level gives over to the vault in which the
Phosphex weapons are sealed. While the architecture
is that of the Imperium during the Dark Age of
Technology, the doors have been reinforced by the
HOOK Aeldari of old who helped to seal the cache away.
There’s evidence of heavy damage here, reminders of
The Farseers of Ul-Khari have informed the Greensteel desperate battles fought to secure the cache and hide
Corsairs that the mon-keigh are close to uncovering any evidence of its existence. Smashed wraithbone PERSONALITIES
an ancient trove of barbaric weapons from their marked with delicate Aeldari script shows where the OF GILEAD
civilisations’ zenith. While crude by Aeldari standards, brutal mon-keigh ignored their dire warnings.
these terrible weapons are sufficiently lethal to
threaten the fragile balance of powers in Gilead, and In the center of the final vault the Aeldari find the Tech-
may convince the Imperium that their alliance with Priests, huddled around a single massive bomb clearly
the Aeldari is unnecessary. The Greensteel Corsairs intended to be dropped from a Marauder Colossus
dispatch the Agents to infiltrate the installation and or similar aircraft. Around them the ancient cache of
stop the mon-keigh intruders from uncovering the horrific weapons looms, dripping with malice. They
ancient weapons — ideally by driving them off, but by are so intent on their discovery that they are hardly
securing the weapons for retrieval or even destroying aware of the infiltrators. While killing the mon-keigh
them if they must. and securing the Phosphex weapons for collection may
be the easiest solution, the Farseers have warned that
ACTION the weapons must remain on the asteroid to have any
chance of playing their part in the future of the Ul-Khari
The Agents are carried to the surface of the asteroid craftworld. How the Agents wish to handle this is up
via an elegant and stealthy, albeit cramped, voidship. to them. The Tech-Priests can be negotiated with, and
From there they will have to infiltrate the upper levels are not of one mind as to how the cache should be
of the Adeptus Mechanicus base. The base has been handled. At least one, Ypsilon Silo-9, is sympathetic
damaged by some ancient blast, most of the circuitry to the ancient rogue Tech-priest Veriliad, who was so
burned out. However, there are signs of recent repairs horrified by the substance that he destroyed the sole
and newer machinery as well; both gravity and life- STC template that could be used to create Phosphex.
sustainer systems appear to be working.
If the Agents are unable to convince the mon-keigh to
Floating servo skulls and pairs of stomping servitors abandon the cache, they will either have to abandon
equipped with heavy weaponry patrol the upper their mission, seal the vault with explosives, or ignite
levels. Eluding such clunky defenders should be the massive cache of Phosphex, likely losing their
simple for the subtle Aeldari. However, should the lives, but denying the Archdominus her prize.
Adeptus Mechanicus become aware of their presence,
they will seal doors in their path and dispatch their AFTERMATH
best defenders, a Maniple of Skitarii that protect the
Tech-Priests themselves. Well armed, these make for If the Adeptus Mechanicus retrieve the Phosphex it is
quite potent foes who fight with crude but effective used to gain the upper hand in several conflicts across
mechanical proficiency. Gilead, securing the supremacy of Avachrus. However,
the Adeptus Mechanicus are reckless, and millions
The lower levels are mines that the ancient Explorators perish. The resulting death and bloodshed only feeds
sank into the asteroid’s depths. There are the hulks of the forces of Chaos in the system. If the Agents destroy
ancient machines, hoppers full of ore, and a profusion or take the Phosphex Ul-Khari is doomed, a keystone
of pipes, vents and shafts. Finding a way past the piece of an ancient prophecy denied.
hunting Skitarii may be challenging, but it’s good
ground for ambushes, and easy to seal up or collapse However, if the Agents convince Ypsilon Silo-9 to
tunnels with explosives. reseal the vault, then the minute chance that the
Phosphex may aid Ul-Khari — perhaps by setting 15
alight whatever evil stalks Trollius — is preserved.

KATAPHRON DESTROYER Tier 3 adventure for four Agents with the
IMPERIUM Keyword. The adventurers must
Threat A|A|E|T race to Avachrus to prevent a cult of tech-
heretics from transforming an Imperial Navy command
S T A I Wil Int Fel
crew into mindless automatons.
4 3 2 1 1 1 1
Defence Wounds Shock Resilience
1 4
SKILLS: Default 4, Weapon Skill 8
7 7
An agent of Jakel Varonius recently led the destruction
Iron Soul: This Threat is unaffected by Abilities that
target the mind and never needs to make a Resolve of a rogue Ad Mech faction on Avachrus — or so it was
Test to continue fighting. thought. The group called themselves the Revisionist
ABILITIES Kernel and claimed to have discovered ancient texts
BATTLECRY: Traitor Code proving the Omnissiah and the Emperor were not the
On hearing the command word, the Servitor’s hereti- same being. They intended to overthrow Avachrus and
cal code activates. It endlessly screams blasphemous
re-anoint the planet ‘Omnissiah Veritas’. The plot was
prayers to Tzeentch, and it turns its weapons on any-
one without the CHAOS Keyword. Every noncultist discovered when someone noticed mineral shipments
present must make a DN 3 Fear Test. from the planet’s sunward side had gone missing; the
ACTIONS: Plasma Culverin: 15 +2 ED / AP −2 / errant shipments eventually were traced to the group.
Range 18 – 36 – 54 / Salvo (3) / Brutal, Heavy (4)
Cognis Flamer: 12 +2 ED / AP 0 / @@
Eliminating this faction should have been cause for
Spend 1 Ruin to roll 4d6. celebration, especially as the operation could have
WRATH: Overload been diplomatically fraught if it had ended in anything
If but success. Unfortunately, as Captain Elissa Tantalus
Conviction Resolve Speed Size stood over the dying Magus who headed the Kernel, he
4 3 6 Avg revealed a final treachery. Even as the captain and her
forces began their assault, his acolytes elsewhere had
struck. A number of naval officers from Tantalus’s own
voidship, including her brother Ivar, were kidnapped
by agents of the Revisionist Kernel. The shuttle the
officers were using to move between the flotilla and
Avachrus was compromised using illicit machine code
provided to the Kernel by an unknown benefactor.
Its systems unresponsive to the rightful pilot, the
shuttle landed at Ampere Spire — the location of the
Revisionist Kernel’s final stronghold.

The dying Magus doubtless revealed this in an ill-

considered moment of spite, as otherwise the Kernel’s
stronghold might not have been discovered at all.
Captain Tantalus would go to the spire herself, but
unfortunately the terms of her presence on Avachrus
16 — painstakingly negotiated with Fabricator General
Vakuul — do not allow it.
Vakuul would prefer to consider the Kernel defeated
and wipe the memory of them from her cogitators.
A rogue faction of the Adeptus Mechanicus is producing
Jakel Varonius tasks the Agents with travelling to Servitors loyal only to themselves and deploying them
Ampere Spire, locating the shuttle and its crew, and across Avachrus to assist in a coup.
eliminating any remaining Revisionist Kernel acolytes
they encounter. Above all, they must not draw much
attention to themselves in doing so, as the Fabricator HOOK PERSONALITIES
General has not been informed of their presence. OF GILEAD
Captain Elissa Tantalus thought she had destroyed the
At Ampere Spire, the Agents must gain access to Revisionist Kernel cult, but one last cell remains on
highly confidential dock logs, either by convincing the Avachrus. They have abducted several naval officers,
Tech Adept overseers to allow it or through subterfuge. including Tantalus’s brother, Ivar. The group means to
Either way, they attract the attention of the Tech-Priest convert the officers into Combat Servitors loyal only
Dominus who rules the factory forge. The Dominus to them. Hamstrung by diplomacy, but willing to help,
sends a Tech-Priest with some Combat Servitors Jakel Varonius dispatches the Agents to Avachrus
to investigate. The party may choose violence or to assist.
tact to negotiate. Regardless of their choice, the
Dominus grudgingly agrees to help in order to avoid
further incident. They allow the Agents to descend to ACTION
Manufactorum Tetra-9, a facility deep within the spire
that once produced Munitorum Armoured Crates. It has Jakel Varonius and Captain Tantalus brief the Agents
been idle of late due to the ongoing materials shortage. personally. They explain that the Revisionist Kernel
is a rogue Adeptus Mechanicus faction that Tantalus
The Agents must find their way through the high- and her forces nearly destroyed. As he died, the cult’s
security fortress to locate a hidden Servitor fabrication leader, Magus Drevak, revealed that agents of his had
plant. There, a secretive Kernel cell has subverted a compromised a shuttle from Tantalus’s ship and sent it
small part of the Servitor production line to create to Avachrus, ‘where their pathetic flesh might be remade
Kataphron Destroyer Battle Servitors loyal to them. to better serve the True Omnissiah’. The Agents are
With their cover blown, they fight to the death, their being dispatched without informing the local authorities,
Combat Servitors joining them. If the Agents have been as, for reasons unclear to Varonius, Fabricator General
delayed, this might include Ivar and the other officers! Vakuul wishes to declare the matter closed.

These Combat Servitors are typical cybernetic drones The Rogue Trader orders the Agents to track down Ivar
constructed from heretics, the mind of each wiped and the other officers by any means necessary and
and reprogrammed to fight the Emperor’s foes until stop the rogue Adeptus Mechanicus from converting
death for their sins. The Revisionist Kernel has used them. Captain Tantalus provides some details about the
machine code provided by an unnamed benefactor officers — they are all loyal and competent servants of
to ensure any Servitors they create are loyal only to the Emperor — but she does not mention Ivar. If asked
themselves. In an abandoned facility, the last members specifically, Tantalus says only that he was ‘adequate’.
of the cult slowly, secretly create their tainted servants, A successful DN 3 Insight (Fel) Test reveals that the
infiltrating them into Servitor cohorts across Avachrus. Captain is extremely distressed about her brother, and
They they await their master’s command to sabotage that this is likely why Varonius is keeping her far away
and kill, bringing about a new age of wonder under from Avachrus.
the Omnissiah Veritas.

Ampere Spire
The transport containing Ivar and the other officers has facility. Unfortunately, the Domnius’s access to local
been logged and its Human contents recorded. If the subsystems was being watched for, and the Revisionist
Agents find this strange — after all, the officers surely Kernel forces are preparing an ambush for the Agents.
would have protested being treated as mere cargo
— remind them that to many on Avachrus, Humans At the Servitor production facility, the remainder of the
are simply one more material component to be used. Revisionist Kernel are busy converting the mewling,
Finding the officers is a matter of searching the shipping drugged Humans into Kataphron Destroyer Battle
logs for Human transports, and cargo manifests for Servitors, an especially dangerous Combat Servitor
Ivar’s description. Such records are heavily guarded by variant. If the Kernel have been alerted, they have
Tech Adept overseers, however, and they refuse access. already activated four of these to cover the production
Persuasion is difficult: An Agent must succeed on a facility’s entrance, and a fifth is hidden outside, ready
DN 6 Test using an appropriate Fellowship-based Skill. to block off the Agents’ escape. If the Kernel have
Logical arguments, or having a Tech Adept or Tech- not been alerted, then each round for 4 rounds, one
Priest in the party, reduce the DN by 1. Alternatively, Kataphron Destroyer is activated until all five are
the Agents may attempt to infiltrate the data banks active. The Revisionist Kernel members here are techs
with DN 5 Stealth (A) and DN 6 Tech (Int) Tests. and no match for the Agents in combat. They rely on
They eventually find Ivar’s file regardless, but success their Servitors to do the fighting.
on both Tests means they are not detected while doing
so. The files indicate that the officers have been taken If the Agents arrived without delay and were not
to a subsection of the Grotto Militant, a manufactorum discovered, they can rescue all of the officers. If they
devoted to Munitorum storage equipment. were detected but did not delay, they can rescue at
least Ivar. If they were detected and were delayed, then
If the Agents are detected, they are confronted by the Ivar too has been turned into a Combat Servitor.
forces of Dominus Ferranis Rho-7, who has dominion
over the logistical systems of Ampere Spire. The
Dominus dispatches a team of five Combat Servitors AFTERMATH
(Wrath & Glory Rulebook, page 334) led by a lower-
ranking Tech-Priest, Agus Phi-9, to detain them. Agus If the Agents have eliminated the threat and saved
Phi-9 gives the Agents a chance to explain themselves the officers, Jakel Varonius is very grateful. He may
before setting the Combat Servitors on them, and he outright grant each a Rare item or even promise them
can be reasoned with. If a fight breaks out, he lets the a (reasonable) favour. He is somewhat less grateful if
Servitors do the fighting — his speciality is engineering, only Ivar has been saved. Either way, Dominus Ferranis
not combat. If the Agents tell Agus the reason for their is also (grudgingly) thankful and may streamline
presence, he informs them that it is unlikely, though not requisition of augmetics (+1 bonus to Influence Tests).
impossible, as the Grotto Militant has been inactive for
some time. If the Agents have negotiated successfully Eliminating the threat but failing to rescue either the
without resorting to violence, Agus provides a simple officers or Ivar results in Varonius thanking the Agents
route to the Grotto via service tunnels. but granting no special reward. Dominus Ferranis is
still grateful, however.
The Grotto Militant
If the Agents have avoided Agus entirely, the If the Agents have failed to stop the Revisionist Kernel
Revisionist Kernel have no idea they are coming and or have allowed them to escape by fleeing from the
take no special precautions to hide their activities. Servitors, then the Kernel’s corruption spreads. The
The Grotto, which should be silent, is clearly active, rogue code the Kernel used to control their Servitors
and the Agents are able to track a Servo-Skull to the infiltrates many systems, and a few short weeks later,
Servitor production facility. various uprisings happen across the system. Each
begins with an important leader’s Combat Servitors
If anyone detected the Agents’ viewing of the shipping turning on them, and each ends in bloodshed. It quickly
logs, Domnius Ferranis has by now scanned the Grotto. becomes clear that even the Revisionist Kernel were
18 Regardless of their earlier behaviour, he contacts merely a tool in the hands of a greater threat, however,
the Agents by vox and directs them to the Servitor as strange ships darken the skies over several worlds…



his is a Tier 4 adventure for groups with the Accompanied by a member of the shadowy cabal of PERSONALITIES
IMPERIAL or AELDARI Keyword. In this Tech-Priests known as the mysterious Suspire, the OF GILEAD
adventure, the Agents must stop a Chaos Agents must balance the advice of their companion
ritual from corrupting the planet Avachrus’s Eternal with their horror at any damage done to the Eternal
Engines, or else a swathe of the planet will become a Engine. If the Agents fail, vital facilities could fall to
lifeless wasteland. the archenemy!

Operatives serving Chaos Lord Maloquence, whose

goal is the total destruction of Imperial rule within
Gilead, have made their way onto Avachrus’s surface
and have taken hold of the area around one of the
planet’s Eternal Engines. (For more on Maloquence, ADEPTUS ASTARTES, CHAOS,
Threat A|A|A|E
see Wrath & Glory: Forsaken System, page 88.) The
S T A I Wil Int Fel
Engines are relics from the Dark Age of Technology that
now act as solar collectors to power the planet’s forge 8 8 4 5 5 4 4

cities and industries. Striking with uncharacteristic Defence Wounds Shock Resilience

speed, an advance force of Word Bearers belonging to 16

Maloquence’s warband have landed on Avachrus and 4 16 9
seized the area around an abandoned Eternal Engine. 7 AR)
The Adeptus Mechanicus have no intention of letting SKILLS: Default 6, Awareness 10 (Passive 5), Ballistic
Skill 8, Weapon Skill 9
the traitors entrench themselves, and they plan to
mass a full counterstrike when they have the necessary
Architect of Ruin: The GM gains 1 point of Ruin at
military force. However, given the shortage of troops
the start of each of this Threat’s turns.
and abundance of battlefronts in the Gilead System,
Champion: This Threat may use Ruin Actions and
that may not be soon enough to prevent Maloquence has 4 personal Ruin.
from capturing the Eternal Engine. ABILITIES
BATTLECRY: Swarming Flesh
The Word Bearers are working to subvert their Anyone who can see this Threat must make a DN 3
Fear Test.
captured Eternal Engine into a conduit that will pierce
ACTIONS: Storm Bolter: 10 +1 ED / Range 5 – 9 – 15
the Warp and expose every mind on Avarchus to their / Salvo 4 / Brutal, Heavy (3), Rapid Fire (3)
heretical doctrine. They’ve already had minor success. Power Fist: 13 +5 ED / AP −3 / Brutal, Unwieldy (2)
Many beings in the surrounding region have troubled DETERMINATION:
dreams, and a variety of daemonkind have been Unnaturally Resilient: You do not need to spend Ruin
summoned to supplement Maloquence’s forces around to roll Determination for this Threat. Roll 8d6. This
Threat can roll Determination against Mortal Wounds.
the Engine. Now the Word Bearers plan on completing
an arcane ritual that would spread the corruption The Book of Lorgar: Spend 1 Ruin. The Traitor Marine
to the other Engines across Avachrus. It’s up to the spews the corrupted words of their Primarch, Lorgar.
Agents, either sponsored by a knowledgeable Imperial Those who hear this but do not worship Chaos must
make a DN 3 Fear Test.
patron like Archdominus Vakuul or dispatched from
Conviction Resolve Speed Size
Craftworld Ul-Khari, to infiltrate the traitors’ position
5 4 4 Lrg
and battle their way to the ritual site.

As soon as they arrive, the Agents are under threat
from the forces of Chaos. An escalating tide of the
A race to stop the forces of Chaos from performing a Faithful Writ’s forces descend upon the Agents, who
ritual that could expose the Forge World to the heretical must combat them in their efforts to reach the ritual
worship of the Dark Gods and turn Avachrus into a site within the Engine. At first, Mobs of Mutants and
beachhead for Chaos incursions into the Materium. Cultists (Wrath & Glory Rulebook, pages 333 and
337–338) harass the Agents, descending by the dozens
to try to stop them from reaching their target. Present
HOOK this combat as cinematically as possible, running just 1
round to showcase the Tier 4 Agents as paragons who
Almost every patron in the region has reason to can devastate most weak enemies.
dispatch Agents to prevent the corruption of an Eternal
Engine. The Agents infiltrate the seized Engine and Daemonic Influence
disrupt the ritual in a spearhead mission. A member of Ascending the Eternal Engine, the Agents eventually
the Suspire, the mysterious Tech-Priests who maintain reach an area under complete daemonic influence.
the Eternal Engines, joins the Agents on their mission A portion of reality is beginning to meld with the
and provides important information on the operation Immaterium at this point, and the Agents must contend
of the technological wonder. with horrific daemonic foes in order to proceed. Here,
the Agents come across hosts of daemonic Threats
The Farseers of Ul-Khari have seen the danger posed (Wrath & Glory Rulebook, page 345) who infest the
by the Faithful Writ’s actions. They’ve dispatched a cold Adeptus Mechanicus facility.
group of Aeldari Agents to stop the forces of Chaos.
This group could very well be the party, or even a lone Ritual’s End
ally temporarily aiding the Imperium in preventing the Breaking through the daemonic line, the Agents
ritual from succeeding. finally come face to face with the ritual’s architect.
The Terminator Word Bearer Champion, Enludal the
Enlightener, directs the ritual site and a squad of Chaos
ACTION Space Marines (Wrath & Glory Rulebook, page 343).
In this climactic showdown, the Agents battle the
This adventure begins when the Agents enter the powerful Chaos Champion and his cohort of Chaos Space
captured Eternal Engine. The exact method of entry Marines as the Materium buckles around them. Aside
should vary based on the Agents’ background. Options from combat, the Agents can utilise Skills like Psychic
might include a Valkyrie insertion into the lower levels Mastery (Wil) and Scholar (Int) to learn about and
or the use of an ancient and hidden Aeldari Webway disable the ongoing daemonic ritual: successes at DN 4
gate that was built here long before the Imperium in 3 consecutive rounds ends the ritual.
controlled Avachrus. Regardless of their method
of entry, the Agents begin in the lower levels of the
Eternal Engine and must ascend through automated AFTERMATH
lifts and stairways to the upper levels.
The ritual’s defeat sends the remaining Chaos forces into
disarray. The Imperial forces in the area quickly mop
up the remaining foes, with the daemonic incursions
dissipating almost immediately after the Agents’ success.
The Gilead System’s rulers are truly indebted to the
Agents for their actions. The unification of such a large
Imperial force on Avachrus proves that the Imperium
in the Gilead System can mobilise effectively, and the
Agents could utilise this new massed multi-military
20 force to launch further campaigns against Chaos or
other forces that threaten the Forsaken System!



his is a Tier 4 adventure for characters with NECRON SENTRY PYLON PERSONALITIES
rogue asteroid dubbed ‘the Executioner’ hurls
S T A I Wil Int Fel
out of void towards the Hive World of Charybdion.
8 10 4 1 8 3 1

The Agents and other Space Marines are summoned Defence Wounds Shock Resilience

to the Pugilist, an ancient Tyrant-class cruiser tasked 17

1 25 16 (Necrodermis:
with defending Charybdion. On the ship, Captain 6 AR)
Yelena Massif informs them that the Executioner is too SKILLS: Default 3, Awareness 10 (Passive 5), Ballistic
large for conventional naval bombardment to destroy Skill 10
in time. She asks them to undertake a risky mission to BONUSES
transport a cyclonic warhead deep into the mysterious Gloom Prism: Within 100m of the spire, the DN of
caverns at the centre of the asteroid, allowing the all psychic abilities is increased by +2. This effect is
cumulative with those of other Pylons.
Executioner to be safely destroyed before it ravages
Linked: Pylons share all targeting information; if one
the Hive World. detects you, they all know where you are.
Meanwhile, Butcha Reddaxe has heard about the ACTION: Gauss Exterminator: 12 +5 ED / AP −2 /
Executioner and has stolen the Moon-Bita, a highly Range 30 – 60 – 90 / Salvo 2 / Agonising, Arc (3),
kustomised ram-ship, from his boss, Kaptin Goldteef.
Conviction Resolve Speed Size
Sick of waiting on Goldteef’s promised invasion of
8 7 0 Huge
the ’umie worlds, the upstart Reddaxe has staged an
uprising, having recruited a crew of truly bloodthirsty
Orks to seize the Executioner for their own purposes.
Orks quickly rally around success (and the promise of
a good fight). If Reddaxe can take the asteroid, then
this first attack will surely be the spark that ignites
WAAAGH! Reddaxe, bringing ruin and devastation to
the Heartworlds of Gilead.

After rushing past the small Imperial defence fleet,

he smashes his vessel straight into the Executioner’s
surface, leaving thousands of Orks flooding out into
the caverns, hungry for fighting and loot.

Unbeknownst to either group, the Executioner’s

collision course with Charybdion is no accident. The
Death Guard, a Chaos Space Marines legion in service
to Nurgle, filled the asteroid with raw, weaponised
pestilence — a foul mix of Nurgle’s myriad contagions.
They then nudged the rock’s orbit to send it careening
towards Charybdion, hoping that when it strikes,
Nurgle’s corruption will spread across the world.
By the time the Space Marines breach the caverns, Blood Axes: 5 Nobs, 20 Kommandos, and 1 Killa Kan
the Plague Marines are already defending their toxic (Wrath & Glory Rulebook, pages 355–356 and 359).
caches against the Orks, and the Space Marines have
no choice but to fight their way through. Figuring out Death Guard: 5 Plague Marines, 50 Mutants (Mob),
that the Space Marines were bound to kick off a big and 2 Chaos Spawn (Wrath & Glory, pages 333, 342–
fight, Reddaxe sends his best Boyz to kill them before 343, and 352). If a Complication is rolled in combat
they can do his brutal, ‘kunnin’’ plan a mischief. near a cache, one of the barrels bursts, showering those
nearby in corrupting toxins and disease. Exploding
Even this isn’t the whole story: strange and ancient Barrel: 9 + 2 ED / Blast (6), Inflict (Poisoned 6).
technology pervades the rock, remains of the xenos Naturally, the Plague Marines are immune to this.
who once claimed it...
The Tomb Chamber
Typical Encounters As the central chamber is breached, three twisted
Space Marines: 5 Tactical Space Marines (Wrath & spires of Necron technomancy rise ominously from the
Glory Rulebook, page 330). The Space Marines make ground. They exude a strong antipsychic field, lashing
use of hit-and-run tactics and well-planned ambushes anything living with arcs of crackling, fluorescent-
to whittle down and delay enemy forces before green lightning.
launching a decisive killing blow.
Arming the warhead requires three DN 7 Tech (Int)
Tests, although more than one can be attempted in a
single round. (If the Agents are playing Orks, assume
it takes the Space Marines 3 rounds.)

ADVENTURE but he’s taken a liking to the spiked helmet of one of
the bigger servants of Nurgle, too.

Charybdion’s fate hangs in the balance as powerful A series of clashes and running battles follow as the
forces struggle to control a rogue asteroid on a Space Marines do their best to hinder their pursuers
collision course. whilst fighting off random attacks and keeping the
warhead moving, and the Orks do their best to murder
anything that moves and isn’t green. Although few
HOOK in numbers, the Space Marines have the benefit of
their superhuman physique, superior training, and
Imperial: The Agents are a Primaris Space Marine unshakeable faith. Orks are nothing if not determined,
strike team. They’re sent in via a Termite burrowing though, and will continue a dogged pursuit. The Death
machine, along with a cyclonic warhead and a teleport Guard have set up their caches at choke points, and
beacon for extraction. they prove formidable foes to anyone passing through.

Orks: The Agents are the toughest and fightiest Orks At the very heart of the Executioner lies a chamber
that happened to be aboard the Moon-Bita when it unlike the rest: a titanic area clad in dark stone and
smashed into the ‘rok’. Butcha Reddaxe is offering a etched with crawling runes that spark and glow with
big chest of teeth if they can kill the Space Marines. a greenish hue. As the invaders enter, three strange
towers rise from the stone, and beams of crackling,
fluorescent-green light play around them. Every living
ACTION being in the chamber feels a cold shadow cast over
their soul as the Necron Sentry Pylons awaken.
By the time the Space Marines arrive, the Blood Axes
and Death Guard are already engaged in pitched battle The Space Marines have the unenviable task of
through the outer caverns. There’s Terra-normal priming the warhead whilst being attacked by the
gravity and somewhat breathable (if dusty and foul) remaining Orks, and both sides are lashed by the
air. Strung about the place are filthy lights connected Pylons’ Gauss Flayer Arcs. Should the Space Marines
to rusty generators of ancient Imperial design. succeed, they can then activate their teleport beacon
and be snatched away before the warhead detonates.
The Death Guard have drawn up around their precious The Orks’ objectives remain unchanged.
caches of toxic filth, supported by their Mutant
workforce and Chaos Spawn, those workers already
irrevocably twisted by the plagues. With nowhere to AFTERMATH
go, they fight with a cold, fearless ferocity, extracting
a heavy toll on any attackers. Stray shots regularly If the Space Marines succeed, the bomb detonates,
burst open the barrels, spraying foul fluids and the Executioner is blown to bits, and Charybdion’s
gasses everywhere, none of which seems to concern defenders destroy the remains. Humanity breathes a
the defenders. momentary sigh of relief across the Gilead System.

Although the cyclonic warhead is movable on its If the Space Marines fail, Captain Massif sacrifices the
suspensor sled, it is far from stealthy, and the clock is Pugilist, ramming the Executioner slightly off course
ticking. The Astartes are forced to punch through the and knocking it into orbit around Charybdion instead.
battling enemy forces, heading as swiftly as possible The Hive World gains a baleful new moon, which
for the central cavern. As soon as it becomes evident disturbs the tides and is generally considered an ill
that there’s a third force in play, Butcha collects up the omen. The interior remains infested with Mutants and
toughest mob of Orks he can find and promises them Orks, as well as a slowly increasing Necron influence.
a big chest of teeth if they can kill the Space Marines.
Butcha has no intention of leaving himself — not only
are the Death Guard and their Mutants the larger force, 23
hen you are building out a narrative or adding Fatal Knowledge: Of all the lore Eldwyn has
detail to a world, NPCs are the single best tool uncovered, a snippet about an order of Astartes that
in your arsenal. Their presence in a game can specialise in hunting Daemons is the most dangerous,
add jeopardy, interest, or emotional weight as required. and the most valuable. The Absolvers are intrigued,
Agents can grow to rely utterly upon a loyal NPC, or as the lore claims the ancient tomb of such a warrior
to despise a traitorous NPC above all else. The way in exists somewhere in Gilead.
which NPCs react to a situation can inform an Agent’s
own opinion of events, and interesting NPCs can be Enginseer Viltrix
the ultimate tools for driving a plot forward. Heavily augmented, Enginseer Dhro Viltrix of the
Mechanicum has left the weakness of flesh far behind.
On the following pages, you will find six unique NPCs
to drop into your games of Wrath & Glory. Feel free Augmetic Perfection: The Enginseer has heard rumour
to customise them or change their backgrounds as of a rare Augmetic, a cogitator implant of such grace
required. All should provide the Agents with plenty of that the last vestiges of biological thought are said to
opportunity for adventure, either as allies, accomplices, be subsumed by its holy machinations. Unfortunately
or enemies! the Augmetic has fallen into the possession of a
Nethreun noble whose sudden rise in influence and
Solaria Ruby reputation could only be attributed to the cogitator.
A former Inquisitorial Interrogator candidate, Solaria
Ruby is an information broker on Gilead Prime. Imran Zyl
A Sanctioned Psyker with a deep faith in the Emperor,
The Seed Ascendant: A cult on Gilead Prime offers Zyl’s only flaw is that everything about him is a lie.
initiates food, warmth, and comfort — as long as they
accept something called the Seed Ascendant. Ruby Servant of the Emperor: Zyl is troubled by endless
suspects the cult works on behalf of a xenos threat. dreams of Ironwatch, the prison in which he should by
rights reside. His dreams tell him of a terrible power
Sister Renavara growing there, one that will threaten the entire system.
An up-and-coming devotee of the Order of the He seeks a group that will take him to the prison
Sanctified Shield, Renavara is known for her zeal on Charybdion, and that will protect him while he
and dedication. investigates that haunted place.

Bait: Renavara wishes for the Agents to serve as Ranger Sorrowstep

bait to draw some Aeldari out of hiding. The Aeldari Kel-sar Sorrowstep walks the Path of the Outcast,
in question have learned to fear Renavara, even as drawn by the lure of unending freedom.
they win the trust of locals with gifts of medicine
and wisdom. The Call of the Void: Sorrowstep has been commanded
to aid in the defence of their Craftworld, Ul-Khari, by
Eldwyn Augusta Ors tricking an Imperium ship into intercepting an Ork Rok
A curator of ancient knowledge, Eldwyn Augusta bound for Trollius. The Ranger struggles to understand
Ors is almost as obsessed with finery as she is with the dull minds of the Mon-Keigh and has decided to
forbidden lore. enlist the Agents in accomplishing this.




SOLARIA RUBY The failure that saw her banished to this system is
a closely guarded secret, one she refuses to sell. She
works obsessively to expand her influence on Gilead
To the casual observer, Solaria Ruby looks like any Primus, reaching out to those who combat Chaos and
other hive scum, gaunt and pale after years of Stimm offering her aid in rooting out the increasing number
use and sleep deprivation. Roughly chopped, ruby-red of heretical cults as an act of personal penance.
hair hangs low over her dark-brown eyes, which dart
back and forth constantly, alert for unseen threats. SOLARIA RUBY


Solaria’s paranoia is warranted. As an information
dealer, she has a knack for uncovering dirty, S T A I Wil Int Fel

occasionally heretical secrets. This gains her many 1 3 3 3 4 4 3

enemies, though few know where to find her. She acts Defence Wounds Shock Resilience
through intermediaries, granting personal audiences 5 (Tattered
2 7 4 Bodyglove:
only to those who earn her trust. Since arriving in the 1 AR)
Gilead System several years ago, she has amassed SKILLS: Default 5, Awareness 6 (Passive 3), Ballistic
a sizable network of contacts and informants, and Skill 6, Insight 6, Investigation 8
rumours abound as to how an outsider like Solaria BONUSES
managed to establish herself so quickly. Some claim Ordos Training: Whenever this Threat suffers Shock,
that ‘Solaria Ruby’ is a false name belonging to the they may reduce the amount received by 1.
infamous criminal Hyldra Cros, who escaped death at ABILITIES
the hands of Enforcers in Hive Tertius. Others whisper ACTIONS: Custom Laspistol: 7 +1 ED / AP −1 / Range
6 – 12 – 18 / Salvo 1 / Pistol, Reliable
that she is an agent of the Inquisition, sent to judge
Mono Knife: 4 +2 ED / AP −1 / Rending (1)
the worth of the Gilead System and its people.
REACTION: Old Habits
Once per combat, you may take a Free Action to recov-
The same skills that Solaria puts to use on Gilead Prime er 1d3 Shock.
were once employed in the service of the Inquisition. DETERMINATION:
Spend 1 Ruin to roll 3d6.
She was considered a prime candidate for the rank of
Conviction Resolve Speed Size
Interrogator. 25
4 3 6 Avg
SISTER SUPERIOR She was the sole survivor, though she was horrifically
INDRINA RENAVARA wounded, resulting in the loss of her eye and left arm.
The only good Aeldari is a dead Aeldari, she holds —
Indrina will never willingly negotiate with them.
Sister Indrina has sacrificed much in the Emperor’s
name. Though one of her eyes still burns with the INDRINA RENAVARA
fervour of the faithful, the other gleams artificial and
bright, framed by the scars that cover her shaved head. Threat E|E|T|T
Augmetic hands click as they clench, a reward for the S T A I Wil Int Fel
sacrifices of service. 5 5 4 4 4 3 2
Defence Wounds Shock Resilience
Faced with the countless horrors flooding the Gilead 11
System, Sister Indrina found her faith growing stronger. (Sororitas
She’s still young, considered untested by more senior 2 9 6 Power
Battle Sisters, yet Indrina’s eagerness to execute the 5 AR)
will of Him on Terra borders on the fanatical and has SKILLS: Default 6, Awareness 5 (Passive 3), Ballistic
marked her for rapid advancement. She strives to test Skill 8, Leadership 7, Weapon Skill 7
herself, volunteering for dangerous missions without BONUSES
hesitation, fearlessly leading her squad into enemy Unwavering Faith: Reroll 1 failed die on a Resolve
fire while singing praises to the Emperor. She proudly
Purge the Alien: +1 bonus die on Tests made against
represents the Order of the Sanctified Shield on the
targets with the AELDARI Keyword.
field of combat, a shining beacon of righteous fury,
ready to lead the faithful to war. ACTIONS: Boltgun: 10 +1 ED / Range 12 – 24 – 36 /
Salvo 2 / Brutal, Rapid Fire (2)
Although she smites the many enemies of Humanity Chainsword: 10 +4 ED / Brutal, Parry
with equal zeal, she holds a special hatred for the BATTLECRY: Emperor’s Judgement
vile Aeldari. At the Battle of Darrow’s Hope on Ostia, Anyone with the HERETIC Keyword who can see this
Threat must make a DN 3 Fear Test.
her squad was decimated, caught in the open by
the Drukhari raiders who had been terrorising the Spend 1 Ruin to roll 5d6.
26 agricultural outpost for weeks. Conviction Resolve Speed Size
4 3 6 Avg



SENIOR CURATOR With new crises arising every day, Eldwyn’s superiors
have little time to monitor her actions, allowing her
ELDWYN to delve deeper into restricted archives containing
caches of dark and troubling knowledge. She doesn’t
AUGUSTA ORS seek such esoteric data for her sake, but for the Gilead
System and those defending it. The Astartes of the
Absolvers Chapter find Eldwyn especially useful: their
Dressed in finery that would put a noblewoman to own librarians and sages are largely on the far side of
shame, Eldwyn appears more fit for the ballroom than the Great Rift, and Eldwyn is only too happy to share
the Administratum’s dusty halls. To the sides of her her knowledge. She transmits and shares information
narrow, deep-complected face, augmetic implants wind via her personal Servo-Skull, idly fingering the spent
from cheeks to skull. bolt casing hanging around her neck.

Within the depths of Gilead Primus’s Departmento ELDWYN AUGUSTA ORS

Chronica, a minor but respected department of the
planet’s bureaucracy, Eldwyn rules with an iron fist,
sending junior scribes running at the sound of her S T A I Wil Int Fel

approach. She is a harsh and unrelenting taskmaster, 2 2 2 2 3 5 3

holding her fellow curators to the highest standard and Defence Wounds Shock Resilience
relishing the punishments she doles out to those who 3 (Fine
1 4 5 Clothing:
fail to meet expectations. Outsiders seeking knowledge
0 AR)
receive nothing less than a royal welcome, with
SKILLS: Default 4, Awareness 6 (Passive 3), Investi-
Eldwyn acting the part of queen of her dusty halls. She gation 7, Persuasion 6, Scholar 10
seeks to uncover the Gilead System’s complete, storied ABILITIES
history — a daunting task for even the most zealous ACTION: Unarmed: 2 +1 ED
of scribes, but Eldwyn is unflinching. She seizes every DETERMINATION:
chance to rediscover forgotten lore, using her position Spend 1 Ruin to roll 2d6.
in the Administratum to arrange swift transportation Conviction Resolve Speed Size
off-world. These excursions expose her to the dangers 3 2 6 Avg
that exist beyond her private domain, but she has not
come to harm thus far and believes herself immune to 27
the tragedies suffered by others.
ENGINSEER Dhro is utterly rigid in their application of rules and
procedures, and finds it difficult and inconvenient
DHRO VILTRIX to understand purely biological thought patterns. It
makes Dhro difficult to work with, and causes severe
friction with those outside the Adeptus Mechanicus.
What skin Dhro Viltrix retains clings to their skull, a For those who can adapt to this way of thinking,
sallow mask of flesh encased in glorious steel. Soft however, Dhro is a staunch and reliable ally.
static crackles from their mouth grille in slow, steady
bursts, one of numerous upgrades that demonstrate ENGINSEER DHRO VILTRIX
the Omnissiah’s many blessings.
Dhro openly disdains the poor, the Gilead System’s WORLD AVACHRUS
unaugmented masses, having witnessed first-hand S T A I Wil Int Fel
the failings of the flesh time and time again. They 3 3 2 3 2 7 1
preach the Omnissiah’s superiority to any who listen, Defence Wounds Shock Resilience
earning them the ire of their comrades among the 9 (Light
Gilead Gravediggers. This doesn’t bother Dhro in the Power
2 8 5
slightest. They are well suited to the isolation, more at 4 AR)
ease amidst the Astra Militarum’s many weapons and SKILLS: Default 5, Awareness 8 (Passive 6), Ballistic
vehicles than with the guardsmen themselves. Dhro Skill 6, Intimidation 6, Tech 11
eagerly loses themselves in the rituals of maintenance BONUSES
and repair, comfortable amidst the smog of exhaust Blessed Machine: This Threat is immune to Bleeding.
fumes and the binary cant of prayer. Since the coming ABILITIES
of the Great Rift, Dhro is often loaned to the other ACTIONS: Ballistic Mechadendrite: 7 +1 ED / Range
6 – 12 – 18 / Salvo 1 / Pistol, Reliable
beleaguered defenders of the Gilead System, a duty
Omnissian Axe: 8 +5 ED / AP −2 / Range 2
Dhro carries out with little enthusiasm.
Servo-Arm: 7 +2 ED / AP −3 / Brutal, Unwieldy (2)
Dhro scorns mortal flesh to such a degree it has Spend 1 Ruin to roll 4d6.
28 become something of a weakness: they’re governed by Conviction Resolve Speed Size
their code. 2 1 6 Avg



IMRAN ZYL service with her dying breath, ordering him to deliver
news of her death to her superiors, giving him only the
Sanctioned Psyker Imran Zyl has the look of a hunted Inquisitorial Rosette as a symbol of his mission. He
man. Unblinking eyes, haunted and dark, stare still struggles to control his new-found power, hiding
out at any who meet his gaze. Hastily constructed behind the dead Inquisitor’s name and authority to
augmetic implants help to contain the Warp energies ensure his freedom while he struggles to find anyone
Zyl channels. Even so, the scars that cross his face to whom he can report her demise.
occasionally move about, shifting uncomfortably
under the pressure of the Psyker’s power. IMRAN ZYL
Imran’s faith in the Emperor’s plan is unswerving. He Threat A|E|T|T
believes it is his duty to travel the Gilead System and S T A I Wil Int Fel
aid those in need, to relieve their suffering and bring
3 3 2 3 7 3 3
them hope. He keeps a low profile while doing so: he’s
Defence Wounds Shock Resilience
had few good experiences with non-Psykers. When
5 (Heavy
circumstances demand Imran present himself to others, 1 5 8
Coat: 1 AR)
he speaks in a slow, careful, and measured manner,
SKILLS: Default 5, Awareness 6 (Passive 3), Deception
as though examining each word before allowing it to 7, Medicae 6, Psychic Mastery 8
pass his lips. Imran occasionally assists the Varonius BONUSES
Flotilla. He’s charmed by the Rogue Trader Jakel Unnatural Regeneration: This Threat restores 1
Varonius’s claims, and the promise that the greater Wound at the start of every round.
Imperium still survives beyond the Great Rift. ABILITIES
ACTIONS: Biomancy: Imran attempts to activate Smite
or a Biomancy psychic power.
Although his faith is true, everything else about him
Bolt Pistol: 10 +1 ED / Range 6 – 12 – 18 / Salvo 1 /
is a carefully constructed lie. He is an Unsanctioned
Brutal, Pistol
Psyker, his latent powers only recently developed. WRATH: Master of Flesh
When the ship meant to deliver him to Ironwatch was Whenever this Threat rolls a 6 on the Wrath Die as part
attacked by Aeldari corsairs, only Imran and a half- of a successful Psychic Mastery (Wil) Test, the target is
inflicted with the Bleeding Condition.
dead Inquisitorial agent managed to reach the escape
Conviction Resolve Speed Size
pods. The Inquisitorial agent pressed Imran into 29
4 3 6 Avg
has often crossed paths with Princess Ferianwyr’s
RANGER KEL-SAR warriors, envy growing with each encounter. All Kel-
Sar needs is a little encouragement to abandon their
SORROWSTEP Path and join the Corsairs’ ranks.

Kel-Sar Sorrowstep haunts the shadows like an
ancient spirit of old. Crimson tattoos trickle from Threat E|E|T|T
their sharp, smiling lips and the corners of their eyes, S T A I Wil Int Fel
bloody streaks on their colourless face. 3 3 8 4 3 3 2
Defence Wounds Shock Resilience
Considered by most of their kind to be little more than 7 (Aeldari
a child, they practise discipline and restraint, though Mesh
3 7 5
they fail to do so more often than their Craftworld Armour:
3 AR)
Ul-Khari kin would like. They struggle with their
SKILLS: Default 6, Athletics 7, Awareness 8 (Passive
emotions and are quick to anger and equally quick to
4), Ballistic Skill 9, Stealth 9, Survival 8
forgive. They walk the Path of the Outcast, travelling
between the Gilead System’s worlds in secret, relishing
Cameleoline Cloak: Gain +1 bonus die to Stealth (A)
the freedom it brings. Kel-Sar bows to the needs of Tests and +1 Defence while in cover or shadows.
Ul-Khari when called upon, but due to their selfish Champion: This Threat may use Ruin Actions and
nature, they clash with their comrades, deepening the has 1 personal Ruin.
rift. Nonetheless, they are loyal to their people and ABILITIES
send word of any resources or information beneficial ACTIONS: Ranger Long Rifle: 10 +1 ED / Range 18 –
36 – 54 / Salvo 0 / Sniper (2)
to the stricken Craftworld during their travels.
Shuriken Pistol: 10 +1 ED / Range 12 – 24 – 36 / Salvo
2 / Pistol, Rending (3)
For Kel-Sar, the allure of freedom is strong, over­ Blade: 5 +2 ED / AP −1 / Rending (1)
shadowing almost every other desire. Their kin RUIN: From the Shadows
disapprove of their reckless indulgence, but while the Spend 1 Ruin. This Threat may treat all ranged attacks
Aeldari of Ul-Khari fear that Kel-Sar is being drawn made this round as Surprise Attacks.
into She Who Thirsts’ dark embrace, it is the Greensteel
Spend 1 Ruin to roll 3d6.
30 Corsairs who truly tempt the wayward Ranger. Kel-Sar
Conviction Resolve Speed Size
3 2 8 Avg

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