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=> What is Spring Container (IoC Container) ?

= The Spring Container is the core or say heart of the Spring Framework
= It can be compared as :
- Like JVM which is used to run Java Programs
- Like servlet container which is used to run servlets
- Like EJB container which provides the run-time environment for
enterprise beans
- Same Spring container is the place where bean objects are managed

= The main responsibilites of Spring container are :-

1. It is used to instantiate, initialize and wire up the bean objects
2. It manages the bean life cycle

= Types of Spring Containers ?

1. BeanFactory Container
2. ApplicationContext Container

= Working of Spring Container :-


=> Working of BeanFactory container :-


=> ApplicationContext Container :-

= ApplicationContext is also a Spring Container that contains the collection
of bean objects
= It is advanced level spring container as compared to BeanFactory

= ApplicationContext is used to create bean objects, then initialize the bean

and return it whenever asked by client/user (it has many more extra working as
compared to BeanFactory)

= ApplicationContext is an interface which is present in

"org.springframework.context" package
= ApplicationContext inherits BeanFactory interface (indirectly)

=> Hierarchy of Spring Containers :-

=> Working of ApplicationContext :-

=> Difference between BeanFactory and ApplicationContext :-

1. BeanFactory is the fundamental spring container
ApplicationContext is an advanced container which provides all the
functionalities of BeanFactory with additional features
2. BeanFactory will create the bean object when we call getBean(-) method and
thus it is known as
"Lazy Initialization"
ApplicationContext will create the bean object at the time of startup and
thus it is known as "Eager Initialization"
3. BeanFactory is suitable for Standalone Applications
ApplicationContext is suitable for Enterprise Applications
4. BeanFactory supports only Singleton and Prototype bean scope
ApplicationContext supports all the bean scopes i.e. Singleton, Prototype,
Request, Session etc
5. BeanFactory does not support I18N functionality
ApplicationContext supports I18N functionality
6. BeanFactory does not support AOP module and ORM
ApplicationContext supports AOP module and ORM
7. BeanFactory does not support Annotation. Thus in bean autowiring we have
to provide the
configurations in XML file only
ApplicationContext supports Annotation


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