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by Daniel Keeran, MSW

by Daniel Keeran, MSW, President
College of Mental Health Counselling

We tend to do to ourselves and to others what was done to us. Everyone has a
tendency to repeat or perpetuate aspects of significant or painful unresolved conflicts
and losses.
When the client gains insight into the connection between past and present
experiences, he or she can intentionally choose a healthy response with an outcome
that is most desired or intended rather than being unconsciously compelled to repeat an
old unhealthy pattern or reaction.
The following steps can be taken to help a client explore how past trauma may be part
of the story behind an overreaction in a current situation.
In the following example, a client is struggling with the fear of negative evaluation that
affects his personal and occupational relationships.
1. Counselor: What emotions did you have in the current or recent situation?
Client: I felt afraid and angry and unable to perform.
2. Counselor: What was it about the current or recent situation that pushed your
buttons? Or what happened just before you felt the emotion(s)?
Client: My supervisor was watching me closely, looking over my shoulder.
3. Counselor: What other very important person in your life did you experience in a
similar way?
Client: My father used to criticize me often. I thought I couldn’t do anything right.
4. Counselor: How is your father different than your supervisor?
Client: My supervisor is giving me helpful directions needed for successful task
completion whereas my father was only critical.
Conclusion: Having understood this connection between past and present situations,
the client can understand his emotional reaction as a leftover from the relationship with
his father, and then learn how he can separate the present from the past.
For more practical in-depth therapeutic interventions and processes see

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