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MEI A Level Mathematics Year LHS = 23×8 = 16777216

1 (AS) - Full Worked Solutions RHS = 48+ 4 = 16777216
Wherever possible, check your answer.
Practice questions: Pure Mathematics 1
(page 94) (ii) 10
> 2x is true for positive values of x
The mixed number If it is not clear what to do, try values for x.
22 =
1 (i) 8 is not easy to work Or you could use a graphical calculator if
3 3 with – change it to a you have one to draw the two graphs on the
top-heavy fraction. same axes and compare.

4×2 = 2 = 2 2 Choose zero or a negative value e.g.

= 4 × when x = −1, 10 −1 = 0.1 and 2 −1 = 0.5
3 3 3

Rewrite 8 as the product of factors where

3 (i)  t the points of intersection, the y values
one of the factors is a square number. are equal x 2 − 4x + 1 = 7 − x 2

(ii) 3 + 1 = ( 3 + 1)( 3 + 1) Eliminate y from the two equations to form

a quadratic equation.
3 − 1 ( 3 − 1)( 3 + 1)
2x 2 − 4x − 6 = 0 Collect terms and
Use the denominator to decide what to
multiply the top and bottom by – use the x − 2x − 3 = 0
2 simplify the equation.
conjugate, the same bracket but with the
sign changed to rationalise the denominator. ( x − 3)( x + 1) = 0
Take care expanding
x = 3 or − 1
= 3+2 3 +1 the brackets – many You must show the factors, or the
3−1 errors occur at this substitution into the quadratic formula to
stage of the working. show that you have not used your calculator
to solve the equation.
4 + 2 3 2(2 + 3)
= = = (2 + 3)
2 2 When x = 3, y = 32 − 4 × 3 + 1 = −2
To simplify the fraction, factorise the Notice the wording of the question required
numerator first and cancel the common both coordinates of each point to be found.
factor with the denominator.
When x = −1, y = ( −1)2 − 4 × ( −1) + 1 = 6
2 (i) 2 3x
=4 x +4
The base numbers
must match. Rewrite 4
Points of intersection are (3, –2) and (–1, 6)
2 x +4
2 3x
= (2 ) in terms of 2. Check: when x = 3, y = 7 − 32 = −2
23 x = 2 2 ( x + 4 ) Using the laws of and x = −1, y = 7 − ( −1)2 = 6
3x = 2( x + 4) Check your answers whenever possible.
Now that the base
3x = 2 x + 8 numbers match, (ii) The line y = –2x intersects the curve
x =8 the powers can be y = x2 – 4x + 1 when
equated and the –2x = x2 – 4x + 1
equation solved.
x 2 − 2x + 1 = 0
( x − 1)( x − 1) = 0

Repeated root means that the line is a x 2 + 6x + 7 > 0
tangent at the point where x = 1.
x < −3 − 2 or x > −3 + 2
When x = 1, y = 12 –4 + 1 = –2
so point of contact is (1, –2).  he boundary values here are the roots of
Again the question requires both coordinates. the equation x2 + 6x + 7 = 0. To solve the
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inequality, choose the parts of the graph

4 (i) x 2 + 6x + 7 = ( x + 3)2 − 9 + 7 where the curve is above the x axis.
= ( x + 3)2 − 2
The number in the 5 (i)  he centre of the circle must be
 here is no need to use the
T bracket is half the equidistant from A and B so it must lie on
values a and b in your answer. coefficient of x. the perpendicular bisector of AB.
An alternative method involves Subtract the square
expanding (x + a)2 + b and of the number in the Show all the stages of working as the answer
equating coefficients. bracket. in given in the question.
(ii) Minimum point at (–3, –2)
To find the perpendicular bisector,
The word 'state' in the question means no Midpoint of AB is at
You could
further working is required. The bracket is
 2 + ( −1) 4 + 1   1 5  just write
never negative, so the minimum value occurs
 , = ,  down the
when the bracket takes the value zero.  2 2  2 2 midpoint by
(iii) U-shaped graph with minimum
Gradient of AB
point at (–3, –2)
y − y1 4 −1 3
y m1 = 2 = = =1
7 x 2 − x1 2 − ( −1) 3
Gradient of perpendicular
1 1
m2 = − = − = −1
m1 1
The gradients of perpendicular lines are
negative reciprocals of each other.

Equation of line is y – y1 = m2(x – x1)

x 5  1
y− = −1  x − 
2  2
Show all the stages
(–3, –2) 1 5
y = −x + + of working until
2 2 you reach the given
x+y=3 answer.
Crosses y axis when x = 0, y = 7
Crosses x axis when y = 0, (x + 3)2 – 2 = 0 (ii) The centre of the circle is the point
where x + y = 3 meets the x axis
This step could be left out and the curve drawn
from the minimum point and one other point. Under examination conditions, use the
In this question, these points are needed in the given answer from (i) even if you did not get
inequality, so could be included here. that answer.
When y = 0, x = 3 so C is (3, 0)
( x + 3) = ± 2
Radius is distance AC
x = −3 ± 2
d = ( x 2 − x1 )2 + ( y2 − y1 )2
You must show evidence of a non-calculator method.
As the equation is already in completed square form, Distance BC could also be used. Mistakes
it is easiest to use it to solve the equation. You could can often be avoided by choosing the points
use the quadratic formula but would need to show which give fewer negative numbers in the
enough working to demonstrate that you have not calculation.
used your calculator.

r = (3 − 2)2 + (0 − 4)2 = 1 + 4 2 = 17 Area of the rectangle is 2x × 3(2 − x )
= 2 3( 2x − x 2 ). Length of the base is
Equation of the circle
double OB and the height
( x − a )2 + ( y − b )2 = r 2 is the y coordinate of F.

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It is good practice to quote the formula To find maximum value, find completed
and then substitute in the values. square form.
When you have studied all the topics, calculus
( x − 3)2 + ( y − 0 )2 = ( 17 )2 can also be used to find the maximum value.
( x − 3)2 + y 2 = 17 = 2 3(2x − x 2 ) = −2 3( x 2 − 2x )
There is no value in expanding the brackets −2 3(( x − 1)2 − 1)
here. Avoid unnecessary algebra.
Minimum value occurs when x = 1 and
6 (i)  he triangle is equilateral, so OC must be
T maximum area −2 3 ( −1) = 2 3 = 12
a line of symmetry. The value for x here is not enough. The
A is (–2, 0) and B is (2, 0) question asks for the value for maximum
C is (0, h) and distance BC = 4 area.

You could also use Pythagoras in the 7 (i) (a) 

The points for thinking distance lie on
triangle AOC. a straight line through the origin and so
thinking distance is directly proportional
d = ( x 2 − x1 )2 + ( y2 − y1 )2 to speed.
The thinking time will be the same
4 = ( 2 − 0 )2 + (0 − h )2
at every speed. It is reasonable to
4 = 4 + h2 think that the driver will react in the
16 = 4 + h 2 same time whatever speed they are
h 2 = 12
Read the question carefully – the question
h = 12 = 2 3 has moved from thinking distance to
thinking time.
C is (0, 2√3)
The equation of the line is d = mx + c
Exact surd answer is required here. There
 he line goes through the origin,
is a clue in the wording of the question that
your answer should be a surd. so c = 0.
If you were not sure that the line goes
(ii) Gradient of the line BC is through the origin, you could use the
y − y1 2 3 − 0 equation of the line joining two other
m= 2 = =− 3 points on the line.
x 2 − x1 0−2
Equation of the line BC is When x = 20, d = 6 so =
m = 0.3
y − y1 = m( x − x1 ) You could use the The line is d = 0.3x
coordinates of C
y − 0 = − 3( x − 2) but there would be (ii) (a) 
When x = 10 the model gives
y = 3( 2 − x ) more work to do y = 1.6771 × 10 − 26.38 = −9.609.
with the surds.
To be sure to achieve the method marks, show
Rewrite your answer into the form given in the substitution. You could use table mode
the question. here, if your calculator has it, and use the y
values for larger values of x as a check.
(iii) E is the point (x, 0) and F is ( x, 3( 2 − x )).
The distance will not be negative, so
Find an algebraic expression for the area the model gives an unsuitable value for
and then consider the maximum value it can the stopping distance.

(iii) (a) 
When x = 20, the new model gives The graph of y = (x – 1)3 is a translation
y = 0.0157 × 20 2 + 0.2629 × 20 + 0.6 of y = x3 to the right 1 unit, which
proves Conjecture B.
= 12.138
When a = –1 y = x + x − x − 1
3 2
The values in the Highway Code (iii)
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have been given as rounded values

Substitute a = –1.
and the model gives values which are
fairly close but not exactly the same. y = x 3 + x 2 − x − 1 = ( x − 1)( x 2 + 2x + 1)
= ( x − 1)( x + 1)2
Practice questions: Pure Mathematics 2 The graph has repeated zero at x = –1
(page 184) which proves conjecture C.

1 (i) The graph has positive y values for large The graph of this function can be seen in the
negative x values, so the order of the diagram, and this can be used as a check.
polynomial must be even. 3 (i) The model assumes the speed is constant
and maximum speed can be maintained
The behaviour of the graph for large positive
for the whole journey.
and negative values of x gives information
about the largest power in the equation. (ii) Journey time = distance ÷ speed

(ii) The graph crosses the x axis at –1 and 0 Graph needs to be the shape of y = x1 .
and touches it at 2.
(x + 1) and x must be factors and (x – 2) Journey
must be a repeated factor. time

So one possible equation is y = x(x + 1)

(x – 2)2.
We do not know the equation for certain, as
any stretch of this graph would also cross
and touch the axes in the same way.

2 (i) y = x 3 − ax 2 + ax − 1 Speed
When x = 0, y = 03 –a × 02 +
a × 0 – 1 = –1 for all values of a The question says no
scales are needed but the
Use the information from the graph to axes should be labelled.
determine which two points Holly is
referring to.
(iii)  o of seconds in a day The quantities
= 24 × 60 × 60 = 86400 must have
When x = 1, y = 13 – a × 12 + compatible units.
a × 1 – 1 = 0 for all values of a
EITHER Distance travelled in 175 days
which proves Conjecture A.
at 11000 m s–1 is 175 × 86400 × 11000
(ii) When a = 3, y = x − 3x + 3x − 1.
3 2
= 1.66 × 1011 m
Substitute a = 3. Journey is 1.65 × 1011 m so the model
suggests there is enough food for the
(x – 1) is a factor since x = 1 is a root of
the equation y = 0
1.65 × 1011
OR Time taken = = 1.5 × 107
y = x 3 − 3x 2 + 3x − 1 = ( x − 1)( x 2 − 2x + 1) 11000
The quadratic factor can be found by 1.5 × 107
= = 173.6 days, so the model
inspection or by algebraic division. 86400
suggests there is enough food.
= ( x − 1)( x − 1)2 = ( x − 1)3

(iv)  he calculated time is very close to the
T When θ =146.82º A = 13.18º
maximum time and does not take into
account acceleration and deceleration at 5 cm
the ends of the journey, so I would not 5 cm
trust the model.

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4 (i) Curve A is y = 1 – cos x because the 8 cm
graph has a period of 360º
The period of the graph is the interval for
one complete wave.
5 cm
(ii) 2 sin 2 x = 1 − cos x 5 cm
2(1 − cos2 x ) = 1 − cos
x A C
8 cm 8 cm
Use the identity sin 2 x + cos 2 x = 1 to obtain 1 bc sin A = 1 8 × 5 sin13.18 = 4.56
an equation with only cos x. 2 2
0 = 2 cos2 x − cos x − 1 1 bc sin A = 1 8 × 5 sin126.82 = 16.010
2 2
0 = ( 2 cos x + 1)(cos x − 1)
The formula for area uses two sides and the
Show all the steps in your non-calculator angle between those two sides, so the two
method to solve the quadratic equation. different values of A are needed.
(2 cos x + 1) = 0 or ( cos x − 1) = 0
Area of larger triangle is 16.0 cm2
cos x = − 1 or cos x = 1
2 The question asks for one, not the other.
Use the exact values of the cosine of key
angles – you should have learnt these. 6 (i) Graph A y = (2x )3 = 8x 3 as this has the
x = 120 or 360 − 120 = 240 or x = 0,360 largest stretch in the y direction.
Each value of cos x gives two values for x in The graphs are easier to compare when
the range 0 to 360 inclusive. written in the same way.
5 (i)  sing the sine rule with c = 5, b = 8 and
Graph B y = 2x3
C = 20º
Graph C y= x3
Choose the sine rule as you have a pair of
values (C and c ). Graph D y =
sin θ = sin 20
8 5 (ii) Graph D is y = sin x as it passes through
(0, 0)
sin θ = 8 sin 20
5 Look for the standard graphs by considering

( )
θ = sin −1 8 sin 20 = 33.18
the points where they cross the y axis.

Graph B is y = cos x as it passes through

or 180 – 33.18 = 146.82
(0, 1)
There are two possible values for θ here. Graph C is y = sin(x + 30) it is a
The diagram gives a hint that the angle may translation of –30 in the x direction of
be obtuse. y = sin x
(ii) When θ = 33.18° A = 126.82° Look for the translations by thinking about
where the graphs cross the y axis or the
Both the angles A and C are known. You position of the maximum points.
can also construct a pair of triangles using
a fixed angle of 20º and using compasses to Graph A is y = cos( x + 30 ) it is a
show the two places on the line which are translation of –30 in the x direction of
5 cm from A.
y = cos x

(iii) Graph A is y = x4 + 1 as it is positive for (1 − x )3 = 1 × 13 + 3 × 12 ( − x ) +
large negative values of x
Graph D is y = –x3 as it goes through (0, 0) 3 × 11( − x )2 + 1 × ( − x )3
Graph B is y = x3 + 1 as it is positive for (1 − x )3 = 1 − 3x + 3x 2 − x 3
positive values of x and negative for large
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negative values of x (ii) (a) (2 + x )3 + (1 − x )3 = (8 + 12x

Graph C is y = –x3 + 1 as it is positive for + 6x 2 + x 3 ) + (1 − 3x + 3x 2 − x 3 )
negative values of x and negative for large
positive values of x = 9 + 9x + 9x2, which is a quadratic
7 (i) Use cosine rule To find the line of symmetry,
complete the square.
The triangle is not right angled and the
9 + 9x + 9x 2 = 9( x 2 + x + 1)
angle given is between the given sides, so
the cosine rule must be used. 
( ) 1 1
= 9 x + − + 
 2 4 
x 2 = 12 + 2 2 − 2 × 1 × 2 cos 20
= 9  (x + )
 1 2
x = 1.241229517 = 1.114 cm +
 2 4 
Use the ANS key or the memory on your
calculator to avoid problems with rounding  inimum point when x = − 1 so line
too early. of symmetry is x = − 1
(ii) In general
The original graph showing the two
x 2 = 12 + 2 2 − 2 × 1 × 2 cos θ separate functions is also symmetrical
= 5 − 4 cos θ with this line of symmetry, so you could
also use a symmetry argument for the
R = x 2 = 5 − 4 cos θ sum of the two functions.

The question asks for R, the area of the (b) (2 + x )3 − (1 − x )3

square. Make sure you demonstrate that
you know that R has the same value as x2. = (8 + 12x + 6x 2 + x 3 )

(iii)  o find when R < 4, find the boundary

T −(1 − 3x + 3x 2 − x 3 )
values first. = 7 + 15x + 3x 2 + 2x 3 , which is a
Inequalities are more difficult to work cubic function.
with, especially, as cos θ has a negative   When x = − 1 ,
coefficient and is a decreasing function. 2
Substitute the given value into the cubic.
5 − 4 cos θ = 4
Show all the stages of your working as
4 cos θ = 1 the answer zero is given in the question.

cos θ = 1
θ = 75.5
4 7 + 15x + 3x 2 + 2x 3 = 7 + 15 − 1
2 ( )
( 21 ) + 2 (− 21 )
2 3

 he area of the square increases as the

T +3 −
angle increases so θ < 75.5.
It’s good to justify the direction of the
= 7 − 15 + 3 − 2 = 0, so x = − 1 is a root.
2 4 8 2
This value of x is the only point where the
8 (i) The binomial coefficients are 1 3 3 1 separate graphs cross and so is the only point
where the difference between them is zero.
(2 + x )3 = 1 × 2 3 + 3 × 2 2 x + 3 × 21 x 2
+ 1 × x3
(2 + x )3 = 8 + 12x + 6x 2 + x 3

To find any other roots use (2x + 1) as a 58500 = 52300e5k
You can use inspection or algebraic division e5k = 58500

( )
to find the other factor.
5k = ln 58500

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2x 3 + 3x 2 + 15x + 7
k = 0.0224
= (2x + 1)( x 2 + x + 7)
Rearrange to get the exponential term on
To show that (x2 + x + 7) has no roots, its own then take natural logs to find k.
find the discriminant.
(ii) P = 52300e 0.0224 t
When a question asks for roots of a quadratic,
find the discriminant. When t = 8
Use the values of a and k found in (i) and
b 2 − 4ac = 12 − 4 × 1 × 7 = −27 < 0 substitute t = 8.
Make a comment or inequality to make clear P = 52300e0.0224 × 8 = 62564.39655
that the discriminant is negative.
Population is 62 600 to the nearest 100.
so there are no other roots.
The question specifies the rounding
Make your conclusion required. Make sure you check that your
clear from your working. rounding is to the nearest 100.

 x2 x4 
3 ∫−1 (3x − x ) d x =  3 × 2 − 4 −1
Practice questions: Pure Mathematics 3
(page 285)
1  BCD is a trapezium if one pair of sides is
A Make sure that you show the working here
even if your calculator will give a numerical
parallel. Vectors are parallel if one is answer for the definite integral. Use it only
a scalar multiple of the other. as a check.
AB = −2i + 3 j and 1
 12 − 14  
DC = − i + 3 j = 1 ( −2i + 3 j) = 1 AB  3 × 
2 4
2 2 2 =   = 5 − 5 =0
  ( −1)2
( −1)  
4 4 4
So AB and DC are parallel sides and ABCD
 −  3 × 2 − 4  
is a trapezium.   −1

It is not necessary to show that the other sides Take care with negative numbers. The value
are not parallel. zero is obtained because of the symmetry of
the graph and because the area lies below
2 (i) Model P = aekt the axis for negative values of x.

When t = 0 P = aekt = ae0 = a = 52300 (ii) y = 3x – x3

The initial value always gives this number in the = 3 − 3x 2 The y coordinate
model. dx needs to be verified.

When x = 1, y = 3 × 1 − 13 = 2 and
P = aekt = 52300ekt
When t = 5, dy The zero for
= 3 − 3 × 12 = 0 dx
needs to be shown.
Substituting other values for t and P gives an
equation from which k can be found.
The question uses the word 'verify' so it is
enough to substitute the given values.
You could also do this question by solving the
quadratic formed when is set to zero.

So (1, 2) is a turning point on the graph (ii) D5 has the value 2 + 0.001 = 2.001
E5 has the value 3 × 2.0012 = 12.012003
When x = –1, y = 3 × ( −1) − ( −1)3 = −3 + 1 = −2
F5 has 12.012003 − 12 = 0.012003
2.001 − 2 0.001
y = 3 × ( −1) − ( −1)3 = −3 + 1 = −2 and = 12.003
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The smaller the value

= 3 − 3 × ( −1)2 = 0 (iii) Limit as h → 0 is 12 of h, the nearer to 12
the answers become.
So (–1, –2) is another turning point on dy
(iv) y = 3x2 so = 6x
the graph. Find the point dx dy
where the graph When x = 2 gradient = = 6 × 2 = 12
(iii) When x = 0, y = 0 crosses the y axis by
y substituting x = 0. This is an opportunity to check that your
answers are correct as this is the same as
the answer in (iii).

5 (i)  rea of the box = 5x + 2 × (5y ) + 2 × ( xy )

Area of the sleeve is 5( 2x + 2y )
x Total area is A = 15x + 20y + 2xy

Read carefully which area is required here.

Include the 5 faces of the box and the 4
faces of the sleeve.

When y = 0 y = 3x – x3 = 0 (ii) Volume of the box V = 5xy = 60.

60 12
It is good practice to show where the graph So y = 5x = x
cuts the x axis but this sometimes gives an
equation which is difficult to solve. You could The given formula for A does not include
sketch the graph without this section of y, so the formulae for V needs to be
working as the question does not ask for the rearranged so that y can be eliminated.
points where the graph cuts the axes and the
shape of the graph is clear from the turning 20y:×A12= 15x + 20 × 12
A = 15x +for
points and the point on the graph (0, 0). x x
+ 2x × 12 + 2x ×
x(3 − x 2 ) = 0 x x
x = 0, ± 3 240
A = 15x + + 24
Turning points at (–1, –2) and (1, 2). (iii) To find minimum area dA = 0 .
(iv) The graph has rotational symmetry, so the dx
area under the graph between 0 and 1 is
A problem involving 'minimum' is usually a
the same size as the negative area under the calculus problem.
graph between –1 and 0.The two areas add
to give zero. A = 15x + 24 + 240x −1
4 (i) Value in cell F3 is the gradient of the The x in the denominator needs to be
chord joining P (2, 12) to Q (2.1, 13.23) rewritten as a negative power of x before
The question requires you to identify what
quantity is to be found in the cell F3. dA = 15 + 240( −1)x −2 = 15 − 240 = 0

y − y1 dx x2
m = 2 = 13.23 − 12
x 2 − x1 2.1 − 2
The equation is more easily solved if the
= 1.23 = 12.3 negative power is rewritten as a fraction.
You could just use the value of h as the
denominator here instead of working it out
from the gradient formula.

240 = 15 P is on the line ln t = a + b ln d
x2 The intercept, a, cannot be read from the
x 2 = 240 = 16 graph as the scale on the x axis does not go
15 to zero. The intercept must be found from the
x =4 coordinates of one of the points on the line.

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y = 12 = 12 = 3 Dimensions of the box 4.614 = a + 1.089 × 6.685
x 4
are 5 cm, 4 cm and 3 cm. a = –2.666 (–2.67 to 2dp)
Check that you have given the answer to (iii) ln t = a + b ln d
the question and not just the value of x as
your answer. Use the equation of the line as a starting
6 =
(i) CB = u and AB
OA = OC = v ln t = −2.67 + 1.09 ln d
Vectors which are parallel and equal in length ln t − 1.09 ln d = −2.67
are equal vectors.
ln t − ln d 1.09 = −2.67
OD = OC + CD = v + 1 CB = v + 1 u
Travel from O to D
2 2
D is the midpoint of CB
ln ( d t ) = −2.67

via C, adding the so it is halfway from Collect log terms together. Use the laws
vectors. C to B. of logs to write as the difference of two
logs – the multiplying number becomes the


OE = 2 OD = 2 v + 1 u
3 2 ( ) power. Use the laws of logs to replace the
difference of logs with the log of a fraction.
2 1
= v+ u t The exponential function
3 3 1.09 = e −2.67 is the inverse of the
E divides the line OD in the ration of 2 : 1 and natural log function.
so is two thirds of the way from O to D. t = 0.069d 1.09
Evaluate e–2.67.
(ii)  o find the position vector of F
T (iv) 1 00 m time is 9.58 s
    2  The model when d = 100 gives
OF = OA + AF = OA + AC
 t = 0.069d 1.09 = 0.069 × 1001.09 = 10.44
= u + ( − u + v ) = 1 u + 2 v = OE
3 3 3 The model gives a value 10.44 which is
which means that E and F are the same quite different from the actual value 9.58.
point. Quote the values as
7  is (ln 800, ln100.91) = (6.685,4.614) to
(i) P you compare them.

3 d.p. Make sure you round The model may not be suitable for
to 3 d.p., as required values of d which are not between 800
The natural logs of in the question. and 10 000 which are the smallest and
the values in the
table are needed. largest values in the data set.
The data is for middle and long distance races
Q is (ln10000, ln1577.53) = (9.210,7.364) but 100 m is a sprint.
to 3 d.p.
(ii) B is the gradient
8 (i)  o find APR when p = 2
Amount owing after a year is
y − y1
m = 2 = 7.364 − 4.614 = 1.089
x 2 − x1 9.210 − 6.685 Be clear about what quantity the formula
(1.09 to 2 d.p.)
( )
p  12
100 1 + 2
= 100 1 +
Make sure you round to 2 d.p., as required in  100  100
the question. = 100(1.02)12 = 126.824

The amount owing is £126.82 which is Practice questions: Statistics
an increase of 26.82% on £100. (page 395)
Interpret the amount owing as a percentage 1 (i)  (all parcels delivered next day)
increase on £100. = 0.753 = 0.421875
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(ii)  or APR = 50%, the amount owing at

F This assumes that the delivery times are
independent of each other.
the end of a year is £150.
(ii)  (book arrives on third day)
The formula gives the amount owing, so
£150 is needed. = 1 − 0.75 − 0.2 = 0.05
P(delivered the same day)
p 
12 = 0.753 + 0.2 3 + 0.053 = 0.43
150 = 100 1 +
 100  Think how this could happen – they all come
in one day, or all in two days or all in three
Use the information about amount owing days.
after a year to build an equation for p.
2 (i) The data does not use the total number
p 
12 of goals, so a pie chart is not the correct
1.50 = 1 + graph to use.
 100 
METHOD 1 A pie chart is always used to show proportions
of the total and not the figures themselves.
p 
1.50 12 = 1 +

 100   ie charts do not make it easy to compare

numbers, especially when the numbers
To undo the power 12 we need the 12th root, are close together.
which can be expressed as a fractional index. (ii) A bar chart would make it easier to
compare the numbers. A graph does not
1 + p 
= 1.034366 add anything in this situation, and a list
 100 
would be just as good.
= 0.034366 A bar chart is the simplest graph that displays
the data most clearly.
p= 3.4366
p = 3.4 to 1 d.p. 3 (i) A simple random sample is one in which
every sample is equally likely to be chosen.
It requires a complete list of customers
 p  for the sampling frame and each has an
1.50 = 1 +
 100  equal probability of being included in the
You can also deal with a power by taking sample. In this case, there is no such list, so
logs of both sides. You can use log base a simple random sample is not possible.
10 or natural logs in exactly the same way.
Learn the definitions and then apply them to
12 the situation described in the question.
p 
ln1.50 = ln 1 +
 100  (ii) For opportunity sampling, an interviewer
p  would go to one of the supermarkets
= 12 ln 1 +
 100  and use as the sample any 200 customers
ln1.50 = ln 1 + p  who arrive in the supermarket while
12  100  the interviewer is there. Quota sampling
means that each interviewer would
1 + p  = e ln12
need to carry out 200 interviews, and
 100  have a target number of interviews with
= 1.0344366 Use the information in the question in your
Which gives p = 3.4 as above. answer – it is not enough just to quote
definitions you have learned.

people from different groups, e.g. males 5 (i) In these rows, the number of birds
and females, young and old. Quota observed is very small, so the sample may
sampling is better as it is more likely to not be representative of the population.
be representative of the whole population
The question is worth two marks, which
– opportunity sampling could produce a indicates that you should include a reason

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biased sample depending on the time or for why small samples should be discarded.
the day of the week when the interviews
were conducted. (ii)  he mass of the birds increases in the first
part of the day (from 6 am to 9 am). The
Give a reason for your answer that is
relevant to the context of the question.
mass then stays almost constant until 3 pm
and then decreases to the original value
4 (i) Eruptions last between 1.5 minutes by 7 pm. This may be due to feeding, and
and 5.5 minutes with intervals between then burning off energy or excreting
eruptions between 40 and 95 minutes. The waste towards the end of the day.
data seems to fit into two groups, the first
Include information such as the times in
with short eruptions and short intervals your answer. The question is worth 4 marks,
to follow, and those with long eruptions so you need to make 4 different points.
and long intervals to follow. In general,
the longer the eruption, the longer the It is worth thinking about the context to
interval before the next eruption. suggest a reason for the changes you have
described. You could suggest other reasons
Use the context of that are plausible in the context.
the question in your If you are not sure
answer. The question whether your (iii)  he point at 1 pm is very slightly lower
is worth three marks sentence makes the
than the others, and is most likely due to
here – find three point clear, draw a
separate points to sketch diagram to chance as it depends on which birds are
discuss in your answer. illustrate your point. included in the sample. It is only slightly
less – the scales on the axes make it look
(ii) Ann looks at the data as one set. Ben
much bigger than it is.
notices that the data splits into two
(iv) The data does not fit a straight line.
groups and that there is little correlation
However, the three sections in turn might
between the length of eruption and the
fit three separate straight lines, with the
interval before the next within each
middle one horizontal, and the other two
group separately.
showing the rate of increase and decrease
(iii) The histogram would be bimodal with a
in mass in the other two sections. It
peak for the short eruptions and another
would also be possible to fit a U-shaped
for long ones. The time to the next
graph to the whole data set.
eruption would not show the bimodal
feature as there is no gap between one The word 'discuss' indicates that several
group and the other. contrasting points need to be made.

A diagram could be helpful here too. 6 (i) (a) 

To find the mean x = Σx = 35059
n 3496
(iv)  he mean of 3.5 minutes is not a typical
T = 10.02831808 so the mean is 10.0 km
value for the eruption – it falls between
the two peaks of the histogram and an Quote the formula To avoid problems
eruption of 3.5 minutes is unlikely to occur. you are using and with rounding, write
However, it is a useful as it lies between the then substitute the down an unrounded
values from the value and then
values for the long and short values, and it question. consider separately
gives information about the proportion of how to round it. In
the time that the eruptions are happening. Remember to general, the mean
include the units needs to be one more
The question uses the word 'discuss' so it is with your rounded decimal place than
important to give two opposing statements. answer. the original data.

To find standard deviation others, the mean distance is quite small
Sxx (10.0 km).These support the model that
sd = where Sxx = 2
− nx
n−1 magpies generally do not migrate far.
Sxx = 8704723 − 3496 × 10.02831808 2 However, there are a few individuals
= 0.0112
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= 8353140.197 3496
Use the unrounded value for mean here. (about 1%) whose behaviour does not
The ANS key on your calculator is useful. fit the model as they are found more
8353140.197 = 48.88789019 so than 110 km away.
sd =
3495 The word 'discuss' in the question suggests
the standard deviation is 48.9 km. that opposing views should be included in
your answer.
It is unusual for the standard deviation to be 7 (You could begin this question by drawing
so much bigger than the mean – use this as
the basis of a checking strategy; if the value of
the 6 × 6 table with all 36 equally likely
your answer surprises you, check your work. possible outcomes and count to calculate the
(b) Removing the magpies with x = 0, probabilities.)
changes n to 3496 – 1694 = 1802. Scores 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 1 2 3 4 5 6
The value of n changes but the totals are
unchanged. 2 2 2 3 4 5 6
3 3 3 3 4 5 6
x = Σx = 35059 = 19.45560488, so the 4 4 4 4 4 5 6
n 1802
mean is 19.5 km. 5 5 5 5 5 5 6
6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Sxx = 8704723 − 1802 × 19.4556 2
= 8022628.948 (i) Scores on two dice need to be (2, 1), (2, 2)
or (1, 2) out of 36 possible outcomes.
8022628.948 = 66.7423504 , so
sd = In this context, 2 on the second die and 1 on
1801 the first are not the same outcomes.
the standard deviation is 66.7 km 3 1
P(X = 2) = 36 = 12
(ii) Outliers are more than 2 × sd from the
1 = 3k
Choose this definition of outlier, as these (ii) P(X = 2) = giving k = 1
12 36
are the values calculated so far.
The question uses the word 'state', so you
Less than 10.0 − 2 × 48.9 = −87.8 so no can just write down the answer without
values are outliers here. working.
More than 10.0 + 2 × 48.9 = 107.8 so P(X = 6) =
there are 39 outliers here.
The data has a strong positive skew.
( +
36 36 36 36 36
= 1−
36 )
The values 471, 1197 and 2210 are
= 11
hugely greater than this threshold and are 36
very extreme outliers. r 1 2 3 4 5 6
(iii) The proportion of magpies with x = 0 1 3k = 3 5k = 5 7 9 11
P(X=r) k =
36 36 36 7k = 36 9k = 36 11k = 36
is 1694 = 0.4846
so almost half of the magpies are You can give your answer in terms of k or as a fraction.

recaptured less than 0.5 km from (iii) P(X = Y) = P(both1, or both 2 … or

where they were first ringed. For the both 6) =
List the ways in which the
Interpret the figure x = 0 in the event can happen and add the
Use all the information
context of the question – you probabilities.
given in the question to
may need to reread how x is
support your answer.
defined to be clear about this.
k 2 + (3k )2 + (5k )2 + (7k )2 + (9k )2 + (11k )2 = (iii)  is the number of cars with at least one
faulty tyre. X ∼ Bin(50, p )
k 2 + 9k 2 + 25k 2 + 49k 2 + 81k 2 + 121k 2
H 0 : p = 0.15
= 286k 2
H 1 : p < 0.15
When the answer is given in the question,

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it is important to show all the stages of The null hypothesis is always that the value
working. of p is unchanged. The test is to find out
whether the campaign has reduced the
EITHER proportion of cars with faulty tyres, so a
P(one player wins) = 1 – P(X = Y) = 1-tailed test is required.

( )
1 − 286k 2 = 1 − 286 × 1 = 1 − 143 Under H0
36 648
P( X ≤ k ) = P( X ≤ 5) = 0.21935
= 505 = 0.77932
648 Calculate the cumulative probability that the
observed value and more extreme values
A and B are equally likely to win so would occur. Use cumulative binomial tables
P(B wins) = 0.77932 ÷ 2 = 0.38966 if available or the cumulative distribution on
(0.390 to 3 d.p.) your graphical calculator if you have one.

The question specifies the rounding

required. Read the question again to check 0.21935 > 5%
that you have rounded as required.
Compare your answer with the significance
OR level. It is important to write this
You could work out this answer by comparison explicitly.
listing the possible combination of The observed result is not in the critical
scores for which B wins and adding the region, so there is insufficient evidence
probabilities of each. that the proportion of cars with faulty
It is often better to use the previous part of tyres has reduced.
the question as a hint to the best method.
Make sure you state all the stages of the
P(B = 6, A = 1,2,3,4,5) + argument and that you interpret the result
in the context of the question.
as the sample(B = 5, A = 1,2,3,4)
+  + as the sample(B = 1) × 0 (iv) The number of cars with faulty tyres is
Bin(100, p) where p = 0.15 under H0
8 X is the number of cars with at least one Critical region is the largest k for which
faulty tyre. X ∼ Bin(25,0.15)
P( X ≤ k ) < 0.01
Begin this question by defining the random
You can use cumulative tables if available.
variable and stating its distribution.
The inverse binomial function on your
(i) E( X ) = np = 25 × 0.15 = 3.75 graphical calculator if you have one will find
the value of k for which the probability is
Use the standard formula for expected value. closest to 0.01.
(ii) P( X = x ) = 25
C x p x (1 − p )25 − x P( X ≤ 6) = 0.004702 < 1%
P( X < 3.75) = P( X ≤ 3) Rewrite the
State clearly the probabilities either side
= P( X = 0,1,2,3) question
of 0.01.
here with a
= 0.0171 + 0.0759 + numerical value
0.1607 + 0.2174 = 0.4708 P( X ≤ 7) = 0.0121 > 1%
for expected
You could use cumulative binomial
value and list So the possible values of k are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
the values of X 5 or 6.
tables or the cumulative distribution
for which the
function on your graphical
event occurs. The question asks for a list of possible
calculator if you have one.
values – make sure you make your answer a
clear list.

Practice questions: Mechanics (page 478) For hanging mass
1 Uniform acceleration – suvat equations The tension T must have the same value
s = 2800m T as the tension in the previous diagram as
s = 1 (u + v )t it is a single string over a smooth pulley.
u =0 2 Substitute
2800 = 1 (0 + 70)t
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the given
v = 70ms 2 values and
a = 2800 rearrange.
t = = 80s
t =?
Write all the values given in the questions and indicate The weight acts downwards and
which one is to be found. Choose the suvat equation is equal to mass multiplied by g.
without a.
2 To find an expression for velocity (ii) Hanging block in equilibrium
Differentiate displacement to obtain an expression Look at the vertical forces.
for velocity.
T = mg = 1.25 g
x = 5 + 2.1t 2 − 0.07t 3 Look at the
Box in equilibrium
horizontal forces.
v = dx = 4.2t − 0.21t 2 T=F
dt Substitute the
When t = 7 given value for t. So F = 1.25 g (= 12.3 N to 3 s.f.)

v = 4.2 × 7 − 0.21 × 7 2 = 19.11ms −1 You can leave your answer in terms of g

or you can use g = 9.8 to get an answer to
(19.1 m s-1 to 3 s.f.) 3 significant figures.
It's good practice to round your answers to
3 significant figures.
(iii) Inextensible string

3 Total force = 0 If the string does not stretch, the

displacement of the block matches the
Total force = 0 when the forces are in equilibrium. displacement of the box, so velocity and
Take care with signs. acceleration also both match. It does not
matter here that the string is light.
2F1 − 3F2 + F3 = 0
2(7i − 2 j) − 3(9i − 3 j) + F3 = 0 (iv) N2L for block
14 i − 4 j − 27i + 9 j + F3 = 0
Notice that, in this new situation, the value
−13i + 5 j + F3 = 0 of T has changed even though F has not.
F3 = 13i − 5 j Use Newton’s second law to link the
4 (i) For 5 kg box on table forces and the acceleration.
T − F = 5a
Box in contact with
the table so there is T − 1.25 g = 5a
a normal reaction R.
N2L for hanging mass
T 2 g − T = 2a
Fmax Adding

Solving simultaneous equations by adding

Put weight in first – to eliminate T.
5g its value is mass
multiplied by g. 2 g − 1.25 g = 7a
The box experiences a tension in the string which may a = 1.05
or may not be equal to the weight of the hanging mass. a =1.05 m s–2
The friction acts to oppose the likely motion. It is the
maximum value as the question says that the box is on
the point of sliding.
5 (i) Sunil’s distance (v) For Sunil to win, he must decrease his
time to 12.26 s for 100 m.
Displacement = area under graph. Area of
the triangle = half base × height. v (m s–1)

d = 1 × 7 × 9 = 31.5 m

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2 v
(ii) Distance to go
100 − 31.5 = 68.5 m
Time at maximum velocity
At constant speed, time = distance ÷ speed.
5 10 15 t (s)
68.5 = 7.61s
9 Area under the trapezium
Total time = 7 + 7.61 = 14.61s You may find it easier to find the area of the
(14.6 to 3 s.f.) triangle for the first 7 seconds and the area
It is really easy to forget this last stage – of the rectangle from 7 to 12.6 seconds.
make it part of your checking strategy to
reread the question and make sure that you 100 = 1 (12.26 + (12.26 − 7))V
have done all that is required. 2
(iii) Integrate V = = 11.4
An expression for displacement can be found
Velocity must be 11.4 m s–1
by integrating the expression for velocity.
Using the times at the start and end of the 6 Assume that air resistance is negligible,
interval as limits means that there is no assume stone is a particle, assume gravity is
need for the constant (+c). constant, assume so horizontal motion
6 (i) Returns when s = 0
 t3 t4 
∫0 0.9t − 0.1t dt = 0.9 3 − 0.1 4 0
2 3
There is no need to look at the motion to the
top and the downward motion separately.
= 32.4 m
s =0
(iv) METHOD 1 find time for Mo to run s = ut + 1 at 2
u = 25 2
100 m
s = 25t − 4.9t 2 = 0
Remaining distance to cover v =
100 − 32.4 = 67.6 m t(25 − 4.9t ) = 0
a = −g
t = 0,5.1s
Time = 67.6 = 6.26 s t =?
t = 0 is the start, so it takes 5.1 s to return.
Total time = 6 + 6.26 = 12.26 s (12.3 s
to 3 s.f.)
Write all the values given in the questions and
which is less than 14.61 s for Sunil, so Mo indicate which one is to be found. Choose the suvat
will win. equation without v.
Make sure that you compare your two
answers so that it is clear how you reached You could form the equation and rearrange, then use
your conclusion. your calculator to solve the equation, if it has equation
METHOD 2 Find the distance Mo
covers by the time Sunil finishes (14.6 s)
Distance = It is important to give both roots of the quadratic and
select the one required, especially if you use your
32.4 + 10.8 × (14.6 − 6) = 125 calculator to solve the quadratic.
125 m is beyond the finish, so Mo will win.
It is important to make your argument clear –
how do your answers support your conclusion?

(ii) At maximum height v = 0 7 (i) I n cell C3, we need acceleration during
s =h the 200 m journey.
u =u v 2 = u 2 + 2as You need to look at the column and row
headings to know which quantity is required
v =0 0 = u − 2 gh
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a = −g 2
h = u s = 200m v 2 = u 2 + 2as
t =    
u = 22ms −1 18 2 = 22 2 + 2 × 200a
Write all the values given in the questions
even if algebraic. Choose the suvat equation v = 18ms −1 18 2 − 22 2
a = = −0.4
without t. a=? 400
(iii) Height above point of projection t=
= h – distance fallen in t seconds.
Write all the values given in the questions
For journey falling from the top point: and indicate which one is to be found.
Choose the suvat equation without t.
At the top, velocity = 0. This is u in the
In cell D3, we need magnitude of the
s = distance fallen = ut + 1 at 2 resistance force.
u =0 1 Newton's second law needed here.
= 0 − gt 2
v = 2
= ma = 800 × 0.4 = 320 N
a = −g
(ii) Consider the next 200 m; the initial speed
t =t
is the final speed for the previous 200 m.
Displacement is negative as it is below the You can work this as a new journey as written
starting point. here. Alternatively, you can consider the 400 m
journey from the beginning (u = 22 and
height above ground = s = 400).
h − 1 gt 2 = u − 1 gt 2 s = 200
2 2g 2
u = 18ms −1
(iv) Height of the second stone t seconds after
v = v 2 = u 2 + 2as
launch s = ut − 1 gt 2
a = −0.4ms −2 v = 18 − 2 × 0.4 × 200
2 2

Stones cross when heights are equal.

t = v = 164 = 12.8ms −1
Equating the heights gives an equation for t. (iii) Consider the journey from the beginning
This tells us when and not where the stones
to coming to rest:
Make it clear which journey you are
u 2 − 1 gt 2 = ut − 1 gt 2 considering in your answer.
2g 2 2
s =
t = u
2g u = 22ms −1
v = u + at
1  u  1  u 
v =0
Height s = ut − gt 2 = u   − g  0 = 22 − 0.4t
2  2g 2  2g a = −0.4
t = t = 22 = 55s
Use the value for t to find the height.    0.4
(iv) Predicted time (55 s) is much shorter than
= u − u = 3u = 3  u  = 3 h
2 2 2 2
the actual time (74.2 s) so the model A is
2g 8g 8g 4  2g 4 not a suitable model.
It is important to include values in your
argument here and not just to give the
phrase 'not suitable’.

(v) Calculation – for example:
Resistance = 800 × 0.296 = 237N
There are many ways of showing that the which is less than the force in the first
resistance must decrease. You could look at 200 m, so the force must decrease as the
other parts of the journey. car slows down.

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to come to rest in 74.2 s, constant
acceleration model gives
v = u + at
0 = 22 + 74.2a

a = − 22 = −0.296


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