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Choose the correct answers!

1. What does the word "hail" mean?

a) A frozen form of precipitation
b) Greet or salute enthusiastically
c) Large pieces of ice falling from the sky

2. What is the correct meaning of "philosopher"?

a) A person who studies rocks and minerals
b) Someone who thinks deeply about life and its meaning
c) A skilled swimmer

3. Choose the right meaning for "nowadays."

a) In the past
b) At this present time
c) Sometime in the future

4. What does the word "drip" mean?

a) A sudden and loud noise
b) To fall in drops
c) A quick movement

5. Select the correct meaning of "splash."

a) A gentle breeze
b) To make a sound by hitting a liquid
c) A small insect

6. What is the meaning of "swap"?

a) To make a quick, light movement
b) To exchange or trade
c) A type of dance move

7. Choose the right meaning for "stony."

a) Full of energy
b) Covered in or consisting of stones
c) A type of tree

8. What is the correct meaning of "treasure"?

a) A place where ships are kept
b) Something very valuable or precious
c) A type of map
Fill in the blanks on the text below with these words:

Hail - philosopher - nowadays - drip - splash - swap - stony - treasure

The Philosopher

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a wise ___________. _______, people from all
around would come to seek his advice and learn from his thoughts.

One sunny day, as _________ was walking through the village, he noticed a peculiar
_________ near the _________ path. It wasn't gold or silver but a collection of colorful stones,
each one unique and special. The villagers had gathered them, considering them a valuable
_________ because of their beauty.

Curious about the _________, _________ decided to sit on a _________ bench nearby and
observe the stones closely. As _________ sat there, a sudden _________ surprised everyone.
_________ started to _________ from the sky, creating a _________ of tiny ice pellets.

The villagers quickly sought shelter, but _________ remained seated, fascinated by the
_________. _________ noticed that the _________ were like nature's way of _________
treasures. The icy _________ were different from the warm, colorful stones, yet they both held a
unique beauty of their own.

At that moment, _________ realized that treasures come in many forms, and each has its place
and time. Whether _________ or icy, a _________ can bring joy and wonder to those who take
the time to appreciate it.

And so, the wise _________ continued to share his thoughts with the villagers, reminding them
that sometimes, the greatest _________ are the simplest ones found in the world around us.
Choose the correct answers!

1. What does the word "Exhibit" mean?

a) A sunny day
b) To display or show something
c) A type of weather condition
d) To feel warmth on the skin

2. If someone is "Sunburned," what does that mean?

a) Feeling cold
b) Having a sore throat
c) Skin turning red from too much sun exposure
d) Being afraid of the dark

3. What is the correct meaning of "Vapor"?

a) A liquid form of water
b) The process of water turning into gas
c) A frozen form of water
d) A type of precipitation

4. When you can't see clearly due to tiny water droplets in the air, what weather condition is it?
a) Vapor
b) Mist
c) Fog
d) Sunburn

5. What is "Mist"?
a) A brief rainshower
b) A fine spray or drizzle
c) A strong wind
d) A type of cloud

6. What is the process of water moving from plants to the atmosphere called?
a) Evaporation
b) Transpiration
c) Condensation
d) Precipitation

7. When water vapor turns back into liquid form, what is this process called?
a) Transpiration
b) Condensation
c) Precipitation
d) Evaporation
8. What term refers to any form of water, liquid or solid, that falls from the atmosphere to the
Earth's surface?
a) Transpiration
b) Condensation
c) Precipitation
d) Evaporation

Fill in the blanks on the text below with these words:

Exhibit - Sunburned - Vapor - Fog - Mist - transpiration - condensation - precipitation

The Water Cycle Adventure

Once upon a time, in a land filled with wonders, there was an exciting _________ called "The
Water Cycle Adventure." This _________ taught us all about the amazing journey water takes in
our world.

Imagine a sunny day at the beach. The bright sun shines down, making everyone happy but
also causing some to get a little _________. As the sun heats up the water in the ocean,
something magical begins to happen.

The warmth from the sun causes the water to turn into _________. _________ is like invisible
water in the air. It rises up, creating a _________ over the ocean. This _________ is like a cloud
that hugs the surface of the water.

As the day goes on, the sun's heat continues to work its magic. The _________ rises higher and
higher until it becomes a foggy cloud in the sky. This process is called _________.

Now, here comes the exciting part! The foggy cloud is so full of water that it starts to cool down.
When things cool down, they often turn back into liquid. In this case, the foggy cloud turns into
tiny water droplets. This process is called _________.

The water droplets in the cloud start to stick together and form bigger drops. When the drops
get heavy enough, they fall from the cloud to the ground. This falling water is called _________.
It can be rain, snow, sleet, or hail, depending on the temperature.

The _________ brings water back to the Earth, completing the water cycle. It fills up rivers,
lakes, and oceans, ready to be warmed by the sun and start the adventure all over again.

So, the next time you see a misty morning or feel the rain on your face, remember the wonderful
journey of water in the water cycle. It's like a magical adventure that happens right above our
Choose the correct answers!

1. What is the correct meaning of "stream"?

a) A type of fabric
b) A ceramic vessel
c) A continuous flow of water in a natural channel
d) A steep, high rock face

2. What is the correct meaning of "landscape"?

a) A coastal area
b) A scenic view of natural features
c) A type of pottery
d) A stretch of fabric

3. What is the correct meaning of "pottery"?

a) A coastal feature
b) A type of fabric
c) A technique for shaping clay into vessels
d) A deep, narrow gorge or depression in the land

4. What is the correct meaning of "fabric"?

a) A type of pottery
b) A continuous flow of water in a natural channel
c) A material produced by weaving or knitting fibers
d) A high, flat-topped rock or plateau

5. What is the correct meaning of "cliff"?

a) A steep, high rock face
b) A coastal area
c) A type of fabric
d) A scenic view of natural features

6. What is the correct meaning of "coast"?

a) A scenic view of natural features
b) A continuous flow of water in a natural channel
c) The land next to the sea; seashore
d) A type of pottery

7. What is the correct meaning of "valley"?

a) A steep, high rock face
b) A deep, narrow gorge or depression in the land
c) A type of fabric
d) A technique for shaping clay into vessels
8. What is the correct meaning of "jetty"?
a) A coastal feature
b) A material produced by weaving or knitting fibers
c) A structure extending into a body of water for boats to dock
d) A stretch of fabric

Fill in the blanks on the text below with these words:

Stream - landscape - pottery - fabric - cliff - coast - valley - jetty

Coastal Town Adventure

Once upon a time, in a beautiful _________ town, there was a _________ that flowed through a
_________ surrounded by tall _________. The _________ was filled with vibrant _________,
and the people in the town loved to spend their weekends exploring its wonders.

At the edge of the _________, there was a _________ where boats would dock, bringing in
visitors and goods from faraway places. The townsfolk were known for their creativity, and many
of them enjoyed making _________ and weaving colorful _________ inspired by the natural
beauty of their surroundings.

One sunny day, a group of 5th-grade students decided to go on an adventure. They followed the
_________, walking along its banks, and marveled at the _________ with its rolling hills and
towering _________. As they reached the _________, they saw fishing boats at the _________,
their sails billowing in the breeze.

In the heart of the town, there was a small workshop where a friendly _________ crafted
beautiful clay pots. The students were fascinated as they watched the _________ shape the
clay into different forms, turning simple mud into works of art. They learned that the _________
reflected the unique features of their _________ home.

The adventure continued as the students explored the _________ shop, where they found bolts
of _________ in various colors and patterns. The _________ were used to create clothes,
blankets, and decorations that captured the spirit of the seaside town.

At the end of the day, the 5th-grade students gathered on a grassy hill overlooking the
_________ and the vast ocean beyond. They felt grateful for the _________, the _________,
the _________, the _________, the _________, the _________, the _________, and the
_________ that made their town a special and inspiring place to call home.

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