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Education is an essential tools for empowerment and independence . The greater the spread
of education , the greater is the empowerment . Education is a procedure of learning where
knowledge skill, and habit moves from one generation to the other. Moreover , education is
essential for the overall development of the human being. For instance their personal, social
as well as the economic development of the country . If we talk about the importantance of
education in our daily life, we have to admit that it uimproves our personal lives in helps
running the societies smoothly by protecting everyone including our selves from the harmful
and unexpected events.

What is need in education is through your patience , forbearing, hardworking sacrifice and
effort so that you can graduate for your studies .

You can't fulfill your dream if you don't study and you can't get a good job if you don't have
an education. It doesn't matter if you are poor as long as you are educated you will find a
good job Education will help you to overcome hardship so it is important to study for your
dreams, for your family , relative and to the other people who help you when you needed
their support you need to repay the good they did because you can't reach that without
their helped especially to your family they were part of your success . Education is the most
important wealth that your parent inherit so let's not waste the opportunity to study they
give us. We need to appreciate the sacrifice made for us to be successful in life.

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