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Kampung Inggris

Worksheet 1

Hari / Tgl:
Sub Theme 1: The Danger of Corona Virus (Covid-19)

Do you know, go outside is dangerous?

Nowadays, the world is shocked by a coronavirus.
What is coronavirus?

Corona Virus is a virus that attacks the respiratory system.
How can someone get infected by covid-19?

Gathering in the crowded place Not wearing a mask Direct touch

How to prevent this coronavirus from infecting us?

Washing hands with soap Rubbing hands with soap Wearing a mask

Keep Social Distancing

Avoiding the

Vocabularies of Corona Virus

Wash : Mencuci Soup : Sabun
Rub : Menggosok Mask : Masker
Avoid : Menghindari Hand sanitizer : Anti septik
Wear : Memakai Hand : Tangan
Keep : Menjaga Bacteria : Kuman
Touch : Menyentuh Vitamin : Vitamin
Drink : Minum Exercise : Olahraga
Sleep : Tidur Distance : Jarak

Drill Game:
Pronounce the words with gestures

Kampung Inggris
Worksheet 2

Original Song (By wahyudiansyah) Hari / Tgl:

To prevent the coronavirus

We can do a number of things

One, wash your hands with soap

Two put on your mask

Three, keep your distance from other people

Hopefully, we all avoid corona

Song 1

Head, shoulder,knees and toes knees and toes (2x)

And eyes,and ear,and mouth, and nose

Head,shoulder,kness and toes knees and toes


Song 2

The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the waterspout.

Down came the rain
and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun
and dried up all the rain
and the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again.


Fill in the following points with a sentence that corresponds to the picture!

Hello, .........A. Washing my hands with


My name is. B. Wearing a mask

I am, ____________________C. Not wearing a mask

...............................................D. Avoiding the crowd

...............................................E. Social distancing

Hello, .........A. Social distancing

My name is.B. Not wearing a mask

I am ...........C. Washing my hands

....................D. Gathering crowded place

....................E. Washing my hands

Hello, .........A. Avoiding the crowd

My name is. B. Social distancing

I am.............C.Washing my hands with


....................D. Gathering crowded place

...............................................E. Washing my hands

Hello, ........A. Social distancing

My name is. B. Washing my hands with


I am doing ..C. Not wearing a mask

....................D. Gathering crowded place

...............................................E. Avoiding the crowd

Worksheet 3
Sub Theme 2: Introducing others

1. Students are expected to be able to identify schematic structure and linguistic features to be
used to introduce others
2. Students are expected to be able to introduce others

Examples of Introducing others:

Self introduction Introducing others

I am Aunurrahman. He / She is Aunurrahman.
You can call me Aunur You can call him/her Mr/Mrs/Ms. Aunur
I am from Pontianak He/She is from Pontianak
I am a student / a housewife / a mother / a He/She is a student / a housewife / a mother / a
college student college student

Linguistic features:

First person:

I am = saya

From = dari

You = kamu / kalian / anda

Third person:

He is = dia (male as a subject)

She is = dia (female as a subject)

Him = dia (male as an object)

Her = dia (female as an object)


Mr. = Tuan

Mrs. = Nyonya

Miss = Nona / Mbak

Task 1. Fill the blanks with your friend’s personal information:

He / She is …………………………………………..
You can call him / her ……………………………………..
He / She is from …………………………………………..
He / She is a …………………………………………..

Name game
Students take turn introduce themselves and others.


Teacher: I am Aunurrahman
First student: He is Aunurrahman and I am Diana
Second student: He is Aunurrahman. She is Diana. I am Awi
… Until the last student

More complex information:

Teacher: I am Aunurrahman. I am from Pontianak
First student: He is Aunurrahman. He is from Pontianak and I am Diana. I am from Parit Baru.
Second student: He is Aunurrahman. He is from Pontianak. She is Diana. She is from Parit Baru and I am
Awi. I am from Sungai Kakap
… Until the last student

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