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Q1: PHP is an example of ___________ scripting language.?

a None

b Browser-side

c Server-side

d In-side

e Client-side

f None

Q2: Which artisan command would you use to create a new Laravel Controller??

a php artisan make:controller controller_name

b php artisan controller:make controller_name

c None

d php artisan create:controller controller_name

e None

f php artisan controller create controller_name

Q3: How to write an IF statement for executing some code if "i" is NOT equal to 5??

a if (i <> 5)

b None

c if i <> 5

d None

e if i =! 5 then

f if (i != 5)

Q4: The command uname -a will:?

a display all users on the system.

b None

c display only the system hostname

d None

e display the IP address of the first Ethernet adapter

f display all available information about your system

Q5: Which key combination can yank a line in vi??

a yc

b yy

c None

d None

e yl

f yw

Q6: Which of the following is for title of the modal??

a Modal-lg

b Modal-open

c None

d Modal-sm

e Modal-title

f None

Q7: What are the functions of Replication controller??

The correct Answer is: None

b It is responsible to control and administer the lifecycle of the pod.

c It helps the user to check the running status of the pod

d It is responsible to monitor and verify whether the allowed number of pod

replicas were running

The correct Answer is: None

f It is responsible for routing the ingress traffic

Q8: Which command is used to create new directory??

a newdir

b None

c dir

d None

e cdir

f mkdir

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