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12:10 04/01/2024 10 vạn câu hỏi thi speaking summit 2


The examiners ask 3-4 questions about the topic that students have presented.
Topic 1:
1. Many people have dream jobs that remain as dreams. What are the common
reasons why many people can’t find their dream jobs?
2. Why is it harder nowadays to find a job? What do you think are the factors that
affect this?
3. What qualifications must a worker have in order to achieve a good job?
4. What is “a good job” for you?
5. Do you think that getting a high salary means having a good job?
6. What conditions must a job have in order for people to be happy workers?
7. What is the most important thing that you are looking for in a job? Explain your
8. Some people say it’s better to work for yourself than be employed by a
company. What’s your opinion?
9. What changes in employment have there been in recent years in your country?
10. What are some of the important things a candidate should find out before
accepting a job?
11. What do you think about “start-up”?
12. What’s your ideal working environment?
13. Would you trade your job for your friends?
14. What job would you do for free?
15. What are your strengths/weaknesses?
16. What’s your preferred style of work?
Topic 2:
1. What positive/negative characters do you have?
2. Who do you resemble in personality in your family? In what way?

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3. If you could change a character that you have, what would it be? Why?
4. Would you be willing to change your character for a person you love? Why?
5. Give some character/ personality of other people that you hate, and why?
6. Do you think it's easy for a person to change their personality? Why(not)?
7. In general, do you think men and women have (innately) different personality
8. If you are looking for friendship with someone, (including girlfriend/boyfriend),
what personality traits would be important for you?
9. What personal characteristics do you think most successful people (need to)
10. Do you think that honesty is an important trait to have in order to be
successful? Why(not)?
11. In what way has your personality changed? Why has it changed?
12. Do you think you can change a major characteristic of your personality if you
13. Do you think you have an unusual personality? Why?
14. If you could change any aspect of your personality, what would it be?
15. What sort of things would you do to amuse yourself during a car journey?
16. What important personality traits do you consider in a good friend / a boss / a
Topic 3:
1. What is the most difficult period in your life?
2. How do you overcome problems/ difficulties in life?
3. Who do you go to when you have problems and you need someone to talk?
4. What do you do when you have some difficulties that is hard to solve?
5. Some people fall into depression whenever they have difficulties, what advice
can you give to a friend who you think is depressed?

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6. Give some reasons why people find it hard to open their problems with family
members? Do you also find it hard to talk to your parents about your problems?
7. Why do some people find it hard to overcome the sad events of the past?
8. What type of help do people need for such period?
9. What is the role of parents in helping their children in their difficult period?
10. Have you ever regretted the decision you made in the past? Why?
11. What is the most important thing to do to get through/over the difficult
situation in life?
12. What do you do when you feel depressed?
13. What could someone do to encourage you when you feel depressed?
14. What are some saying in your country that bring encouragement?
15. What's the most encouraging book you've ever read?
16. Which is better a word of encouragement or a letter of encouragement? Why?
17. Is time a weapon to fight discouragement with? Why? How?
18. How can you motivate others our yourself to have hope when there seems like
there's no hope?
19. How would you encourage a homeless bun who had no friends or relatives?
20. If you suddenly became handicapped, how would you encourage yourself and
Topic 4:
1. What does “a good friend” mean to you?
2. Do you keep a lot of friends or just a few close friends? Why?
3. Have you ever had a fight with your friend? How do you make up with each
4. How important is having friends in our lives?
5. What kind of friend are you to your friends?
6. How do people in your country usually make friends?

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7. What makes a good friend?

8. What do you think of making friends on the internet?
9. Would you like to have a few very good friends or a lot of just friends? Why?
10. Is it easier or more difficult for a man and a woman to be good friends? Why?
11. Is it common to have friendships across generations?
12. Do you have any friends from a different generation than you?
13. There is a saying "To have a good friend, you need to be a good friend." How
can you be a good friend?
14. What factors may result in the breakdown of a good friendship?
15. What is the longest friendship that you have had?
16. What makes friends different from family?
Topic 5:
1. Tell me a joke that you know.
2. What kinds of jokes make you laugh?
3. Do you agree that laughter is the best medicine for heart?
4. Are you the kind of person who likes telling jokes or the kind who just listens to
others tell jokes?
5. Do you know any famous comedians? Do you think they are funny?
6. Who among your family/ friends you think is funny? Why?
7. When is some situation you shouldn’t tell a joke?
8. How can a joke hurt someone?
9. Why do people make jokes?
10. What are some common subjects that people like to joke about?
11. Have you ever become part of a joke? How might you feel if this happens?
12. What is humorous to you?
13. What is your favorite comedy? Why is it funny?

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14. Who is your favorite comedian?

15. Why is he/she humorous?
16. Are you humorous?
17. What kind of humor do you like? Do you like many kinds?
18. Why do people say laughter is the best medicine?
19. What type of humor do you like?
20. Are you a good joke teller?
Topic 6:
1. What common problems do you encounter when travelling?
2. What hassles would you possibly encounter when travelling abroad?
3. What hassles do you think most foreigners experience when travelling in your
4. What things must a person prepare before travelling in order to avoid hassles?
5. What things do you always bring when you travel?
6. What things must a traveler avoid in order to have a hassles travel?
7. What is the most important thing for you when you are traveling? Why?
8. Has travel become safer in recent years?
9. What would you do if someone overcharged you for being a tourist?
10. How would you react when a problem happens during your trip?
11. What are the disadvantages of not traveling?
12. If you had $100,000, where would you go on holiday? How about if you had
$10,000? What about $1,000?
13. Which countries have you travelled to?
14. Do you prefer hot countries or cool countries when you go on holiday?
15. Who makes the decisions when your family decides to go on holiday?
16. If you could choose one place to go this weekend, where would it be?

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17. On long flights do you usually walk around the plane to avoid health problems?
18. Have you ever read an interesting question in an in-flight magazine? What was
19. Is there any difference between young tourists and adult tourists?
20. Do you think tourism will harm the Earth?
Topic 7:
1. Are you superstitious? Give me a superstition that you really follow.
2. Why do you think many people still follow some local superstitions?
3. Name some superstitious beliefs that you know.
4. Do you think your family is superstitious? Why/ Why not?
5. Give some negative/ positive effects of believing in superstitions.
6. Do you think superstition would still continue in our society? Why/ Why not?
7. Why are some superstitious and some aren’t?
8. What is your opinion of superstitious people?
9. How would you define superstition?
10. Are any colors lucky or unlucky?
11. What can you do to prevent bad things from happening?
12. Do you think that there is truth behind superstitions?
13. What are some superstitions in your country?
14. What are some things that are considered unlucky?
15. What are some things that are considered lucky?
16. What numbers are considered to be lucky and unlucky in your country?
17. A four-leaf clover is often considered lucky. What are some other things which
are considered lucky?
18. Do you have a lucky number?

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19. What are some superstitions in the United States? Canada? Australia, England?
Your country?
20. Has anything ever happened to you that you cannot explain?
21. Do you believe that there are many things in our universe that cannot be
explained? Give examples.
22. Do you believe that you are from another planet?
23. Do you believe you have supernatural powers there?
Topic 8:
1. Do you know anyone who is considered a genius? What have they done?
2. What factors influence a person in becoming a genius?
3. Do you think a genius is born or trained? Why?
4. Would you like to be a genius? Why/ Why not?
5. If you were a genius that has the ability to change the world, what changes
would you make and why?
6. If you could be someone genius for a day, who would it be and why do you
choose him or her?
7. Do you think that being “genius” is a gift or not really? Why(not)?
8. Should genius people be treated differently from normal people? Why(not)?
9. Which is better, being born a genius or becoming a genius by practicing? Why?
10. If you have a wish, what talent do you want to get? Why?
11. Should human cloning be allowed if we can make an exact copy of genius
people? Why(not)?
12. Do you think that intelligence is only based on genetics or can things in a
child’s environment boost intelligence?
13. How intelligent do you think you are?
14. Why are very intelligent children born to parents who are not very intelligent?
15. Some people say that there are many geniuses born around the world but they
can’t reach their full potential because they live in a poor country. Do you agree?

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16. What separates a person from being very intelligent and being a genius?
17. Do you think that we can create artificial intelligence?
18. If scientists could put a chip in your head that would make you twice as
intelligent, would you have the surgery done?
19. Very intelligent people are often not very good at being social, why do you
think this is?
20. In what way do you think intelligence is related to academic success?
21. Are people born intelligent or does the environment "make" them intelligent?
Topic 9:
1. What technology do we have that you think would still be useful in the future?
2. If you have a chance to invent something in the future, what would it be and
why would you invent that?
3. Imagine you are in the future; what kinds of technologies would we have then
that we don’t have now?
4. With better and more improving technology, do you think people would still
have jobs in the future?
5. They say robotics technology will play a big role in the future. Does it mean
people would not be needed anymore?
6. If you could suggest on a future technology that needs a lot of improvement,
what would it be and why?
7. Can you live without technology?
8. How can we limit people’s time using technology devices?
9. Can robots take over the world in the future? Why(not)?
10. What are some jobs that could be replaced by technology?
11. A world without technology. Is it a better or worse place for you? Why?
12. What do you think has been the most important new invention in the last 100
13. What do you think will be the next biggest technological advance?

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14. How can countries help to create more inventors?

15. What is your favorite piece of technology you own?
16. How will computers change in the future?
17. Do you think that there will be more or less new innovation in the future?
18. Is there a piece of technology that you really want that doesn’t exist? (i.e.
flying cars, teleportation, etc.)
19. Give some examples of technology that have made the world worse.
20. What do you think is the most important thing that humans have created?
21. Do you think that people will travel outside of our solar system? How will they
get there?
22. Do you like new gadgets or do you prefer to use technology you are
comfortable with?
Topic 10:
1. What strange culture do you have that might be surprising to many foreigners?
2. What foreign culture do you know that is surprising to you?
3. How do you feel when some foreigners can’t understand your culture?
4. How do people in your country react to some foreigners criticizing your culture?
5. Is there any strange or shocking culture from other country that you would like
to experience or see firsthand?
6. Do you think it is necessary to preserve local cultures no matter how strange it is
to foreigners? Why/ Why not?
7. What do you think is the best way to learn about another culture?
8. What do you don’t like/like about your culture?
9. What culture besides your own do you admire and why?
10. What is most likely to cause culture shock for travelers when they come to Viet
11. What action is considered rude in your culture?

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12. What do you like/dislike about your culture?

13. Are you proud of your culture?
14. Is there any essential difference between your culture and the others?
15. Could you marry someone from a completely different culture? Why? Why
16. Do you know what people from other countries think about your culture?
17. Which culture do you admire, and why?
18. Which culture don’t you like, and why?
19. What may surprise foreigners in your culture?
20. Do you know any aspects of foreign cultures that you consider unusual in your
country? Give examples.
21. Have you ever experienced any cultural differences among people?

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