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Set Up a Prequalification Form

In this video we will go over how to set up your company’s prequalification form. The
Prequalification form will start off as a standard template that comes with preset sections. You
can then modify what questions are shown in the sections at any time.

It’s important to note that there is only one prequalification form for your company. You will need
Admin permissions on the company’s Prequalifications tool in order to edit the prequalification

Let’s get started! Navigate to the Prequalifications tool and click Form. We’ll then want to click
Edit. Now we can configure our prequalification form. Let’s change the title of the
prequalification form and select a Primary Contact. The primary contact’s name and contact
information will be listed on the prequalification form sent to the companies so they know who to
reach out to when they have a question. Now let’s navigate to each section and enable or
disable the question from your form. We can then mark the Required checkbox next to the
questions that a user must answer. Note that certain fields are required by default. It’s also
important to note that marking a field as required means a company cannot submit their
Prequalification form until those required fields are filled out.

We can also create custom questions to add to the prequalification form. To do that, we’ll
navigate to the section we want to add a question to. Then we’ll add in the question and
configure the format to our preferences. We can continue to create questions for this section or
navigate to another section and add more custom questions there. Once we have gone through
and configured our prequalification form, we’ll review and then save.

Next, we’ll want to invite companies to prequalify. In order to invite a user to prequalify, you will
need Admin permissions on the company’s Prequalifications tool and Standard or Admin
permissions on the company’s Directory tool. Now, let’s click Company List and then Invite to
Prequalify. We’ll be directed to the Company Directory tool. Now we’ll want to locate the users
we want to invite to prequalify. We can individually invite users by clicking prequalify or bulk
invite users by marking the checkbox next to their names, clicking Bulk Actions and selecting

Some things to note are only users that are invited will have access to the prequalification form
and you can only invite a user to prequalify if they are associated with a company. However, you
can invite more than one user per company and each user will have access to the one form for
their company. Also, when an invitation is sent, the recipient will receive the latest version of the
prequalification form. So if we decided to make edits to the company’s prequalification form at a
later date, a new version of the prequalification form will be created and will update any existing
forms already sent to users.
Once we click prequalify, a banner appears at the top of the page confirming that
prequalification invitation emails have been sent.

Thanks for watching!

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