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The author is discussing the impact of the "Communist thrust" on society, suggesting that it represents a

challenge to the traditional norms and values of private life. They argue that this disturbance or malaise
is inevitable and that it is often misinterpreted or not understood at all.

The author highlights the unilateral nature of the Communist thrust, suggesting that it imposes its own
perspective on the world, often in opposition to existing ways of life. They use the metaphor of a "world
still to be born" to describe this new order, which is still in its formative stages but which seems destined
to clash with the established world of private life.

Overall, the author's message is one of unease about the potential for disruption and conflict caused by
the Communist movement. They suggest that this new ideology is bringing about a fundamental shift in
society, and that the consequences of this change are still difficult to predict.

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