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Q: Discuss the major factors responsible for the ‘sectional divide’ between the Northern and the Southern states of the United States of America that finally led to the American Civil War. Subject: US History-CSS-PMS By: Mr. Imran Zahoor © PhD Scholar of IR Whats App: 0321-4800309 e J Introduction NS The sectional divide between the Northern and Southern Unie ie. culminating in the American Civil War, was driven by deep-rooted economic,-gocial) and political disparities. Economically, the agrarian South heavily relied on sews otton cultivation, while the industrial North prospered without such dependence. Sociallyy bultural differences and opposing views on slavery fueled tensions, shaping distinct regi¢ identities. Politically, disputes over slates’ rights, compromises, and territorial expansior ‘deepened the divide. The election of Abraham Lincoln, the Compromise of 1850, ‘Scott Decision, and events like John Brown's Raid heightened animosities, aw ‘the irreconcilable nature of the sectional conflict that erupted into a devastating war. Factors 0 for the Sectional Divide + Economic Difference: tution of slavery stood as a pivotal economic and social divergence between the(Noythern and Southern United States. The Southern economy, primarily agrarian, oe ‘on Slave labor for extensive cotton cultivation. In contrast, the industrializing Noy ‘economy had diminishing dependence on slaves. The economic disparities ntuated by tariff disagreements, with the North advocating protective tariffs for its indUstfial benefit. Statistics reveal the magnitude: by 1860, the South held nearly four mili laved individuals, sustaining its cotton-dominated economy, while the North's. industr iiput had surged, becoming an economic powerhouse. These fundamental di 5 played a profound role in escalating tensions and culminating in the American Civil wee and Cultural Variances: The sectional divide between Northern and Souther states of the United States leading to the Civil War was profoundly influenced by economic, social, and cultural disparities. Economically, the North's industrialization and the South's agrarian dependence on slave labor created stark differences. The issue of slavery exacerbated tensions, with the South upholding it as essential for its agrarian economy, while the North, influenced by abolitionist sentiments, condemned it. Cultural distinctions emerged over time, such as the North's growing industrial and urban society versus the South's agrarian and rural lifestyle. The clash over states’ rights and economic policies, like tariffs, further widened the gap. These factors culminated in the devastating conflict of the American Civil War, highlighting the deep-rooted sectional divide. debates over the allowance of slavery in new states, leading to a precarious power bal + Political Tensions: The expansion of the United States westward brought forth contentio Efforts like the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and the Compromise of 1850 aimed at r ne) these disputes proved to be temporary solutions. The crux of the matter lay in the ing views on states’ rights, with the South asserting the right to decide on slaver their borders, while the North emphasized federal authority and aimed to cu read of slavery into new territories. These ideological clashes deepened the se ‘divide and played a pivotal role in the lead-up to the American Civil War. NY * Manifest Destiny and Territorial Disputes: Manifest oes ie ‘ervent belief in the inevitable expansion of the United States, heightened ten: ‘the extension of slavery into new territories. The Wilmot Proviso and the Faron Act exemplify the fierce debates regarding the admission of states with or wit lavery. The ensuing conflict in shes between pro-slavery and anti- Kansas, known as Bleeding Kansas, witnessed viol slavery settlers, underscoring the breakdown of compromise and the intensification of regional hostilities. As the nation expand. fard, the struggle over the expansion of slavery played a pivotal role in deepen ional divide and setting the stage for the tumultuous events that would cura lneerean Civil War. Mr. Imran Zahoor D Scholar of IR Const for More CSS-PMS Material hi YO jatsApp: 0321-4800309 Bain Lincoln: Abraham Lincoln's election as President in 1860 marked a hal intensified the sectional conflict. Southern states, apprehensive about avery stance, seceded from the Union, culminating in the establishment of the States of America. Lincoln's commitment to preserving the Union was eviden ural address, stating, *! have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the tion of slavery in the states where it exists. | believe | have no lawful right to do so, and (Fave no inclination to do so" Nevertheless, this assurance falled to prevent the outbreak of the Civil War, emphasizing the irreconcilable nature of the sectional divide. + Election of turning poi Lincoln's Con} * Compromises and Agreements: In 1820, the Missouri Compromise aimed to maintain a balance between slave and free states by prohibiting slavery in the northern part of the Louisiana Territory, above the 36°30' parallel, with the exception of Missouri. This temporary solution, however, underscored escalating tensions over slavery expansion. In addressing the issue during the Mexican-American War aftermath, the 1850 Compromise emerged. It admitted California as a free state and implemented the Fugitive Slave Act. Despite its intent for a comprehensive resolution, the compromise further heightened sectional conflicts. For instance, the Fugitive Slave Act intensified the divide by compelling Northerners to assist in the capture of escaped slaves. Oy Dred Scott Decision: The 1857 Supreme Court decision in Dred Scott v. exacerbated sectional tensions by asserting that enslaved individuals, even territories, were considered property without the right to freedom. This ruling the Missouri Compromise but also emboldened Southern states in their st should be unrestricted in federal territories. The decision intensified th ial debate over the expansion of slavery, contriouting significantly to the sown a= between the Northern and Southern states in the lead-up to the American Rg By: Mr. Imran Zah PhD Scholar of IR > Contact for More C: IS Mate! WhatsApp: 032174800309 Abolitionist Movement: The nero Gah 3 the abolitionist movement in the North significantly heightened sectional tensions) by advocating for the immediate liberation of slaves. Influer figures like Will loyd Garrison and Harriet Beecher Stowe utilized various mediums, including Ii ‘newspapers, and public speeches, to mobilize anti- slavery sentiments. Stowe's impactful novel, "Uncle Tom's Cabin,” published in 1852, played a pivotal role in galvanizing.Alarthern opposition to slavery. The work vividly depicted the brutal realities of slavery, eve rong emotional responses and contributing to the deepening divide between th ind the South in the years leading up to the American Civil Wer. John Broun Wah The tumultuous event of John Brown's Raid on Harpers Ferry in 1859 escalated lensiotS between the North and South. Led by abolitionist John Brown, the raid aimed tc oa federal arsenal and spark a slave rebellion. This violent incident intensified Sout <3 prehensions about Northern aggression, deepening the mistrust between the

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