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Q: American constitution is system of Checks and balance. Comment Political Science Paper-2 Compiled by: Mr. Imran Zahoor PhD Scholar IR Contact: 0321-4800309 Introdu The United States Constitution is a complex document that outlines the f American political system. One of the key features of the Constitution is the s) ‘Checks and balances, which is designed to prevent any one branch of governmer becoming too powerful. Through a system of separation of powers and overlapping responsibiltties, each branch of government is able to limit the power of the others, ensuring thy De ates and freedoms of American citizens are protected. This system has played a critic American democracy, ensuring that no single branch of government can dominate the and that the rule of law is upheld. BS Background NO After the American Revolutionary War, the new! United States of America was governed under the Articles of Confederation, whict d a weak central government with limited powers. However, it soon became clganthal)ihis system was not effective, as the federal government lacked the power to mince or raise revenue. ‘stronger federal government ‘ater powers. These delegates, who came to be known as the Founding Fathers, wer \ced by the political theories of Enlightenment thinkers such as John Locke and Montes; Who had written extensively on the concept of separation of powers and the need for ch balances to prevent the abuse of power. In 1787, a group of delegates as jladelphia to draft a new constitution that would create a The resulting government own dis tution of the United States was adopted in 1789 and created a federal fee separate branches - the legislative, executive, and judicial - each with its 's and responsibilities. The legislative branch, made up of the House of Rey 8 and the Senate, is responsible for making laws. The executive branch, led by r lent, is responsible for enforcing the laws. The judicial branch, which includes the ‘Supréme Court, is responsible for interpreting the laws and ensuring that they are constitutional. To prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful, the Constitution created a series of checks and balances. For example, the president can veto laws passed by Congress, but Congress can override the veto with a two-thirds majority vote. The Supreme Court can declare laws unconstitutional, but the president nominates and the Senate confirms Supreme Court justices. Congress can impeach and remove the president from office, but the president can also veto laws passed by Congress. The system of checks and balances outlined in the Constitution has played a critical role in ‘American democracy, ensuring that no single branch of government can dominate the others and that the rights and freedoms of American citizens are protected. Over the years, this system has been put to the test, but it has remained a cornerstone of American democracy, ensuring that power is distributed among the branches of government and that the rule of law is uph Sonieneiins S> The American Constitution separates the federal government into three br \¢ legislative branch, which is responsible for creating laws; the executive branch, whiolpistesponsible for enforcing laws; and the judicial branch, which is responsible for int fg laws. Each branch has its own distinct powers and responsibilities, and the Constit a system of checks and balances that allows each branch to limit the power of the me By: Mr. Imran Zahoo! PhD Scholar of aS Contact for More CS; Material 300309 m_of Checks Legislative Branch Checks: The branch is responsible for creating laws, but it also has several checks onthe power fe ater branches. Some ofthese checks ince: + Overriding Vetoes: peeve branch can override a presidential veto of a bill with a two-thirds me te in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. This ‘ensures nae ssident does not have unchecked power to veto any legislation that ree with. t: The legislative branch has the power to impeach federal officials, including it, vice president, and judges. Impeachment is the process of bringing charges federal official for misconduct while in office. If the official is found guilty, they we removed from office. This check ensures that no federal official is above the law. nfirming Appointments: The Senate has the power to confirm or reject presidential appointments to executive and judicial positions. This ensures thal the president cannot appoint officials who are not qualified or who do not have the support of the Senate. Executive Branch Chec! The executive branch is responsible for enforcing laws, but il also has several checks on the power of the other branches. Some of these checks include Veto Power: The president has the power to veto legislation passed by Congress. This ensures that the executive branch has some control over the laws that are passed by the legislative branch. Appointment Power: The president has the power to appoint federal officials to executive and judicial positions, but these appointments must be confirmed by the Senate, This ‘ensures that the president cannot appoint officials who are not qualified or who do not have the support of the Senate. + Executive Orders: The president can issue executive orders that have the fo ™, but these orders can be challenged in the courts, This ensures that the exe ich cannot create laws without the oversight of the judicial branch SS Judicial Branch Checks: The judicial branch is responsible for repens {tit also has several checks on the power of the other branches, Some of these checks ? 4 Judicial Review: The Supreme Court has the power of ju Sle Ww, which allows it to Tovew nwo ad oxcalv aon cree ay ae fora Tisenors tat the legislative and executive branches cannot creé fe or policies that violate the Constitution. NS + Lifetime Appointments: Federal judges = for life, which ensures that they are not subject to political pressure or influei is allows the judicial branch to make decisions based on the law, rather than on. considerations. + Interpretation of the Law: The j is responsible for interpreting laws, which allows it to limit the power of the legi ind executive branches by ensuring that their actions are consistent with the oe n and existing laws. Conclusion SD sonsin is a system of checks and balances designed to government from becoming too powerful. Through a system of ind overlapping responsibilities, each branch of government is able he others, ensuring that the rights and freedoms of American citizens The system of checks and balances has played a critical role in American insuring that no single branch of government can dominate the others and In conclusion, the Ar prevent any one rstone of American democracy. The Constitution's system of checks and balances Senscies that the govemment remains accountable to the people and that power is listributed among the branches of government. By: Mr. Imran Zahoor PhD Scholar of IR Contact for More CSS-PMS Material WhatsApp: 0321-4800309

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