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Name: Alwia Ahmad Karim (06212111007)

Class: IV A



1. 1 Background

Literature is one of the sources or references used in various activities in

education or other activities. Literature can also be interpreted as a reference used to
obtain this information. Literature may be classified according to variety of systems,
including language, national origin, historical period, genre, and subject matter.
Literature is a form of human expression. But not everything expressed in word even
when organized and written downs is counted as literature. Those writings that are
primarily informative technical, scholarly, journalistic would be excluded from the rank of
literature by most, thought not all, critics. Certain forms writing, however, are universally
regarded as belonging to literature as an art. Individual attempts within these forms are
said to succeed if they possess something called artistic merit and to fail if they do not.
The nature of artistic merit is less easy to define than to recognize. The writer need to
even pursue it to attain it. On the contrary, a scientific exposition might be of great
literary value and a pedestrian poem of none at all.

A novel is a narrative work of prose fiction that tells a story about specific
human experiences over a considerable leght. For the most part, novel are dedicated to
narrating individual experiences of characters, creating a closer, more complex portrait
of these characters and the world they live I, inner feelings and thoughts, as well as
complex, even conflicting ideas or value are typically explores in novels, more so than in
preceding forms of literature. It’s not just the stories themselves that are more personal,
but the experience of reading then as well. Where epic poetry and similar forms of
storytelling were designed to be publicly read or consumed as an audience, novel are
geared more towards an individual reader.
In this study, researcher focuses on the conflicts that the main characters is
facing. The main characters in the novel is Katniss Everdeen, a 16-year-old girl who
volunteered to be a participant of the hunger games. Katniss lives in District 12 with her
mother and younger sister, Primrose Everdeen. Her father had died in a mine explosion,
and she eventually took over as head of the family. Along with a selected boy in district
12 named Peeta Mellark. This volunteer only wanted to replace his sister, Primrose who
was selected as a participant through a lottery. The reason researcher is interested in
analyzing novel “The Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins because researcher want to
know how the conflict happened in the novel.

1. 2 Statement of Problems
1.2.1 What factors lead conflict in the main character in the novel he
Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins?
1.2.2 How does the influence of main characters conflict in novel “The
Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins?

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