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(Hook)The Warnock Report (DES, 1978) introduced the concept of

"special educational needs" and attempted to reduce the segregation of numerous students
with various limitation labels into special schools. This report marked the beginning
of educational policies that support the "inclusion" of disabled learners in mainstream
education in the United Kingdom. However, in recent years, these actions have
been criticised. The original report's author, Baroness Warnock, published a book in 2005 in
which she makes the case that the inclusion ideal has been overstretched and has to
be reviewed (Greenstein,2015,p.8).

(Term)The English term "inclusive, inclusion-to integrate, to integrate or to cover, " is used
to refer to inclusive education. The PFN, as stated by Associate Professor R.
Shomakhmudova(2023), is "an educational framework that represents the removal of
limitations between disabled and special-needs learners and the active involvement of the
family. It is in particular the fulfilment of the child's need and integration to social life and
the complete integration into the general education system, despite defects or financial
challenges in facilitating the growth of children and adolescents with special

(Thesis: My critical stance in relation to the problem)

Hence, special educational services are needed for children who have special learning needs
including those children with exceptional gifts or talents as well as children who have
learning difficulties arising from social problems. One of the common issues is an inflexible
curriculum. For example, there are non –adaptive materials to conduct the classroom and still
resistance in teaching approaches.

(This assignment)

This assignment will critically discuss the proposed school improvement and leadership
initiatives and strategies which could influence the quality and equality of curricular

270 words

It is my view that special educational services are needed for learners who have special
needs including those who are exceptionally gifted and talented .There are some learners who
have learning difficulties arising from social problems that may affect their academic
performance. Indeed, one of the common issues that may cause hindrance to special needs
students’ inclusivity is an inflexible curriculum.

Evidence In the context of having a hindrance to special needs students' inclusivity. The
study reveals that ‘’ Every child has the right to education and to special attention in case of
physical or mental disability ‘(Abstract in The Convention on the Rights of the Child,
General Assembly of the United Nations, 1989).

Reasons (in my opinion): Hence, the problem might arise when there is a lack of adaptive
materials to conduct the classes’. For this reason, certain course materials might not be
flexible enough to accommodate varying learning preferences. It may happen that there are
no necessary adjustments to accommodate the wide range of special education learner’s

Furthermore, it also leads to resistance in teaching approaches. For this reason, some teaching
strategies may not be adaptable to every learner because some of them have communication
challenges. Therefore, the lack of appropriate communication aids or strategies may hinder
their ability to fully develop themselves.

These findings have significant implications for my critical stance in relation to the problem
and the proposed improvements. This involves leadership initiatives and strategies that could
improve the school and strengthen its leadership program so that it may have an impact on
the norms and diversity of curriculum results.

Solution 1: In addition, an improvement in the curriculum that can be implemented to cater

for the diversity of needs is to have record sheets. Significantly, in order to assess the
curriculum it involves taking into consideration if their varied needs are being met. This
entails taking into account different cognitive capacities, learning preferences and coping
with disabilities. Therefore, a proposed initiative for inclusivity to special need learners is to
keep a record of their student profile on sheets or through technological tools. The use of data
base record for the learners can be uploaded on a website dedicated for tracking progress and
keeping records.

Solution 2:

Secondly, the curriculum enhancements can be strategically developed through leadership

that fosters professional development. This initiative involves examining whether educators
are sufficiently trained in special educational pedagogies that are adaptive for special needs
learners. Often times, it demands strategic thinking and the display of proper leadership skills
to make use of flexible grouping methods for modifying the curriculum to meet the needs of a
variety of learners. For example, the proposed leadership initiative will be to encourage
educational practitioners to enrol in courses offered at renowned educational institutions,
such as the Mauritius Institute of Education course on ‘Special Educational Needs ’.


In addition, courses focused on special educational needs aim at preparing educational

practitioners to be equipped to meet the varied learning requirements of learners with
differentiated disabilities in the classroom. This information supports the notion that the
objective for ALL learners is to "eliminate all barriers to learning (Lipski, 1998).

My opinion: 200words find an opinion on net *

Through the use of these strategies, educators may develop a curriculum that is dependent on
the specific needs of students with disabilities while fostering a safe and inclusive learning
environment. For example, it may enable special needs learners to develop professional
skills, such as by enabling them to use other methods of responding to tasks, such as a Braille
keyboard for those who have visual impairments.

In addition to, some courses may equip educational practitioners to create skills for dealing
with the personal and academic reading or spellings issues that learner with special needs
encounter. Not only does it but it empowers the curriculum to develop for the future
generation of learners but it helps the learner to grow.

It stands to reason that facilitating collaboration between therapists, support staff, and
specialised instructors can inform leadership practices. Thus, the curriculum alignment can be
improved by co-operatively planning sessions and by engaging into regular conversations.

"In the context of inclusivity in the classroom for special need learners, the study on
‘Teachers Supporting Students in Collaborative Ways ‘reveals that in an effort to establish an
inclusive pedagogy which supported their learners, schools and teachers used both proactive
and reactive approaches.

As cited in some findings who employed Rose and Norwich’s theoretical framework for
analysing interdisciplinary work. For instances, Edwards (2005) offers a case of how a social
worker and a teacher might cooperate to further develop their understanding of a child's
trajectory by using both theoretical and practical resources unique to their respective fields.
Following that interpretation, their different professional specialties are applied in order to
address the enlarged issue, and their respective fields of expertise corresponding to their job.

Also, an educational practitioner provided an example of her collaboration with the instructor
of special education as follows: ‘’our collaboration has its roots way back.’’ Each of us tries
to include our personal interests into the lessons we co-teach. She is conscious of my
teaching style in the classroom, and we have a clear division of labour. (T2, F in the
Counter-argument: 400 words


While some may argue that the experience with team members has an impact on school
leadership, this evidence is challenged by other misperceptions and perspectives related to the
education of students with disabilities. It stands to reason that collaborative work can
challenged the motivation of government authorities, school administrators, teachers,
communities, and international development personnel and their involvement.

In some cases, some special education instructors themselves may offer the most resistance to
the change from segregated to inclusive structures in certain situations. Some teachers may be
hesitant about their position in inclusive systems and might have unjustified preconceptions
concerning inclusivity (McLeskey & Waldron, 2000).

My opinion (Drawback)

Drawback 1

Furthermore, the idea of resistance to change shows that there might be limitations to the
implementation that need to be considered. For instance, the absence of sensibility and
comprehension on behalf of the teachers may create a barrier to communication. For this
reason, it is possible that some educational practitioners do not always have enough
information about the different kinds of learners and their disabilities .In this case; it might be
difficult to practice effective strategies for inclusion.


Fortunately, there is a general understanding that children with disabilities have the right to
education. However, it can only exist by embracing change and by gaining strong support
from the government and specific legislation (UNICEF, 2014b).

Drawback 2

Subsequently, there may be insufficient assets to advance the curriculum development with
technology. In some schools, access to technology is restricted, and a lot of classrooms may
not necessarily have all the resources that modern assistive technology requires to provide
support for a variety of special needs learners.


Currently, assistive technology devices may help learners’ access information and be
successful in the classroom. However, some data shows that only 5–15 percent of children
with disabilities in low-income countries have access to assistive technologies or assistive
devices (Saebones et al., 2015). Furthermore, many countries may be using severely outdated
technology. For example, some are still teaching students how to use and write with Braille.
Even while some people might still be utilising slates and styluses or Braille, they might not
have thought to upgrade by getting braillers instead.

Conclusion 200 words

As a result, the National Curriculum should be accessible to all learners, as stated clearly in
national disability inclusion policies. Too often, life skills—like the basics of hygiene and
household chores—are the only things taught to children with disabilities. They are not given
exposure to the mainstream curriculum, which contains essential literacy and numeracy
skills. Life skills are necessary, yet they are insufficient. Because not every student with
impairment has access to the national curriculum in the same way.Thus, the curriculum has to
be adapted or altered to support specialised instruction.

3rd part of assignment

Proposed Change 1(a student profile sheets) 500 W0RDS


The main thrust of my position to propose changes that might impact the curriculum involves
the integration of different learning styles, abilities, and interests. This involves the use of
materials that represent various perspectives and experiences, such as student profile sheets.
For example, the sheet based on the profile of the learner can record detailed information
about their academic achievements, their weaknesses, their preferred learning styles and areas
of interest. Nonetheless, this initiative might allow educational practitioners to tap into the
interests of the learners by facilitating their learning experiences without them feeling left-
behind or discriminated against for their differences.


As reported in the journal of ‘Accessing Student Life; Steps to improve the Campus Climate
for Disabled Students’. Some ‘Disabled individuals have recently started to challenge
internalised oppression and discrimination based on through the establishment of an
innovative model that emphasises societal participation in the development of obstacles and
their ultimate elimination, identifying the detrimental state as a neutral component’ (Gill,
1987, 1992; Hahn, 1985, 1988).

*draw a scale
STUDENTS (Early intervention and support)

In support of this idea, early intervention and support might have a positive impact on
learners. For example, the insights from gathering information from student profiles can help
allocate resources such as support services and special education programmes while making
use of innovative technological tools. This initiative can help set up a user-friendly
mechanism, such as a national education resource centre applicable to NGO's, or by
conducting workshops. In the Mauritian context, it can target allocation to address the unique
needs of students by collaborating with recognised charitable organisations, such as’ The
Global Rainbow Foundation (GRF), founded by Prof.Armoogum Parsuramen G.O.S.K.

Parent-TEAMS (Parent-Teacher communication)

In addition, the use of student profiles can serve as a valuable tool during parent-teacher
meetings. The process of compiling information in a Directory of services set up at an
information desk helps not only to have a comprehensive overview of the learner’s progress,
but it also fosters more meaningful and informed discussion. The sharing of opinions between
parents and teachers as a team can bring areas of improvement for the overall growth of
special needs learners.

ORGANISATION (Data-driven decision making)

Particularly, the proposed change might also impact the organisation through data-driven
decision-making at the school level. The use of databases and evaluations might not only
contribute to the aim of improving the special educational sector, but they can also be used to
set-up profiles to identify talents, gifts, trends and progress.By this means, the principals and
administrators in the organisation might evaluate the effectiveness of instructional strategies,
make informed decisions about the curriculum, and determine the best decision for resource
allocation procedures.


Therefore, the integration of inclusive practice in the classroom is encouraged by the

professional development of teachers. As a result, it creates an atmosphere where students
with special needs can participate with their peers in all curricular activities.

Moreover, the increasing demand for student achievement and teacher standards in terms of
policy and research has resulted in having renewed interest in effective professional
development. The training of special educators with effective training that meets learning
expectations has never been more demanding. Since then, a series of federal mandates have
altered educational expectations for students with disabilities and their teachers. In the
findings of the ‘Education Improvement Act (IDEA; Public Law 108-446, 2004) and the No
Child Left Behind Act (NCLB; Public Law 107-110, 2001) researches, it is a requirement
that students with disabilities have access to the mainstream curriculum and meet expectantly
its yearly expectations and its educational standard.

Students (professional development)

Besides, the education that is offered to special needs students by the teachers is not only
measured by the content but by the use of effective pedagogical knowledge. Educational
practitioners who display skills in managing both their content knowledge and pedagogies
may provide high-quality instructions to learners with disabilities. For this
reason, professional development can be considered to have a direct impact on students.

As emphasised by Brownell and her colleagues to look for pedagogical knowledge, they
have cited that ‘the special education teachers may have proper classroom management skills,
but they might not be effective in managing the classroom when it involves reading
practices’(Brownell, Bishop, Malik, & Langley, 2007; Brownell et al., 2009).

TEAMS Setting up a Special Education Needs Intervention Team

Therefore, the setting up of a ‘ Special Educational Needs Intervention Team ‘might demand
efforts since it will have to help both general education and specialised teachers to address
professional key concepts through their instructional leadership. The resourcefulness room of
instruction may help students with disabilities to achieve content area standards. Moreover, it
has been demonstrated by some studies that instructions followed by proper professional
support on content help to improve the achievement of learners by achieving attainable
objectives (Desimone, Porter, Garet, Yoon, & Birman, 2002; Yoon, Duncan, Lee, Scarloss, &
Shapley, 2007).
In order to place this information in the context of classroom practice, people in charge of
teacher learning intentionally design numerous opportunities for teachers to integrate theory,
knowledge of the subject matter, general teaching principles, and understanding of students
as learners (Brownell, Ross, Colon, & McCallum, 2005)


The professional efforts might also contribute to the organisational aspects by developing a
framework to record the information provided during professional sessions or by having
follow-up meetings. In this way, the instructional framework may provide information
intended to guide educational practitioners in designing and implementing a proper
curriculum such as by consecrating a chapter on word-study instructions. For instance, the
teachers might receive guidelines on how to assess students and methods on how to identify
their weaknesses through developing their word study skills.


The instructional frameworks then assist teachers in choosing suitable terms to teach letter
ties so that students actively participate in the process of acquiring those skills that may place
them in a general classroom environment (Desimone et al., 2002; McCutchen et al., 2002).


To conclude, instructors require tangible examples that show how to implement innovative
teaching theories and practices in the classroom. When it concerns special need learners ,it
requires regular practice opportunities with ongoing coaching and feedback. Not only with
opportunity to discuss how implementation is going but by having a clear training in
research-based methods from other knowledgeable teachers.

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