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 a gesture of good will:

 a hundred to one shot/chance: not likely to happen

 a nine to five job:
 a nine-day wonder = a one-hit wonder;
 at a fraction of a cost: far less than its real value
 at sixes and sevens:
 at the eleventh hour:
 back to square one:
 be a one-off: unrivalled, unbeatable
 be nothing of a kind
 be on cloud nine/in seven heaven:
 Be/become the second nature: quá quen thuộc
 cast a shadow over: spoil/sadden an occasion
 cast a spell (on/over)
 cast adrift
 cast an eye over
 cast ashore: throw onto land
 cast loose
 cast lots (for): choose by luck
 cast off: let loose
 cast one’s net wide: make an effort over a large area/ in all
directions to find sb
 Count against: giảm lợi thế
 cut two/both ways: double-edged sword
 Do an impression of sb: bắt chước ai đấy
 emblem: hình ảnh biểu tượng
 give sb the third degree: question sb in detail, in a long time
 Have a will of iron: be strong-willed/stubborn
 kill 2 birds with one stone:
 nine times out of ten: on nearly every occasion
 not budge/give an inch: refuse to change opinion
 One good turn deserves another: đền ơn đáp nghĩa
 pull a fast one: to trick sb
 save ones’s breath: not waste one’s time discussing/trying to
do sth
 say/speak sth under one’s breath: say quiet as not to be heard
 second/third rate: awful
 see/tell a mile off: understand sth very obvious
 six of one and half a dozen of the other: 2 things same same
 sixth sense: instinct
 ten to one: very likely
 two can play at that game:
 two heads are better than one: 1 cây làm chẳng nên non – 3
cây chụm lại nên hòn núi cao
 two wrongs don’t make a right:
 under false pretences
 under sb’s thumb
 under the misapprehension
 under the
 ways and means: different methods/possible courses of action
 within an inch of doing sth

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