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ED II Semester

PAPER :-203
Lecture By:
Krishan Kumar
• the quality of being orthodox (especially in
• a belief or orientation agreeing with
conventional standards
• कट्टरपंथिता , रूथ़िवाथिता , रूथ़िवाि
• Greek word
• Orthodox;y =a way of thinking that is accepted
as true or correct
• Generally accepted theory.
• Sticking to what is commonly accepted.
• Authorised or generally accepted practice.
• Being not open to new ideas.
Customs /ररवाज
• Every society, community and family have
traditions and customs that are common to
them. Though these two words, traditions,
and customs are often used interchangeably,
there is a slight difference between custom
and tradition. T
• A custom is a commonly accepted manner of
behaving or doing something in a particular
society, place or time.

• A custom is a usage or practice common to many

or a particular place or group of people. It is the
commonly accepted way of behaving or doing
something in a particular society, place or time.

• Each culture, society and religion have their

customs. For example, in some countries bowing
is a way of showing respect and gratitude.
• A tradition is the transmission of customs or
beliefs from generation to generation.
• A tradition is a way of behaving, thinking or
doing something that has been followed by
people in a particular community, society,
family, etc. for a long time.
• A tradition can be an idea, belief that is passed
down from one generation to another.
• It can be common to a certain religion, culture or
even a family.
• For example, members of a certain family can
have a party on a certain day of the year. If this
practice is followed for many years by several
generations, this can turn to a family tradition.
• Tradition is the transmission of customs or
beliefs from generation to generation or the
fact of being passed on in this way.
• Tradition is always a custom that has been
passed down for years.
• Tradition is a custom that have been
transmitted through generations.
• The main difference between custom and
tradition lies in the length of time associated
with them.
• When a custom is followed for many years and
passed down to younger generations, it
becomes a tradition.
• Team cohesion is useful as it can both improve
performance and motivation of a team.
• If a team work well together, this improves
their team cohesion, this in turn improves
• This then improves personal satisfaction.
• Thus improving team cohesion and then the
cycle continues either on an upward or
downward trend.
Tuckman's Stages of Team Cohesion
Development (1965)

Stage Attribute

1 Forming
2 Storming
3 Norming
4 Performing

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