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(The boys, coming off stage.

MANAGER: Rob, a word. In private, if you will.

ROB: You can say what you need to say in front of the group.

CAMERON: It's okay, Robby, we can leave, no fuss.

ROB: It's fine, Cam. What is it, Terry?

MANAGER: I want to know what, exactly, you were thinking of, during that
performance. Face like a slapped arse, looking as if you would have loved to be
anywhere else rather than on stage in front of thousands of adoring fans.

ROB: I didn't realise I was making a face...

MANAGER: I don't think you smiled once during the entire set.

ROB: Oh. Well--

MANAGER: Do you think that's what the audience is paying for, Rob? To come and
watch a truculent teenager shuffle about in a sulk? Don't you think that, after
paying over a hundred quid, they might find it a bit disappointing, perhaps?

SHUN: Terry... He wasn't that bad, surely? He did all the choreography fine, and
even managed to hit the high notes during--

MANAGER: Not the point, Shun. I don't need to hear from the peanut gallery on this.

ROB: I'm sorry.

MANAGER: Oh, you're sorry? Because from where I'm standing, you don't look sorry,
you look pissed off.

ROB: I'm not, it's just--

MANAGER: It's just what? Anyone would think you weren't grateful to be here, to be
part of one of the biggest acts around since Take It Back.

ROB: I just... I never thought I'd be in a boy band, Terry.

MANAGER: Don't call it a boy band, it's a male vocal group.

ROB: You know what I mean! I auditioned with my band, and you just plucked me up--

MANAGER: Oh yes, your -band-. How ARE they doing, Rob? Spoken to them much since
your debut, have you?

ROB: ...

CAMERON: Terry...

MANAGER: I mean, I can imagine they wouldn't exactly want much to do with you after
you left them all behind for a shot at the big time, eh? Not exactly a good show of
loyalty, that.

ROB: But I was the only one who passed the audition! You told me to continue on as
a solo act--
MANAGER: Could have said no, couldn't you? Gone on with your little... What did you
call it, math rock? Your little math rock band, performed at pubs and school

ROB: ...

SHUN: This isn't necessary, Terry.

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