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Light & our Eternal Body

A Personal Perspective

Conceptual Framework
Our true self is, metaphorically speaking, like a crystal glass. Experience is like the light...if red
or blue or green, this is what is reflected by our self (call it karma?)

The 1st picture represents they say, "A picture is worth a thousand words".

When I first came across this concept of "light through glass/crystal", many years ago (think it
was a Zen source) it did not mean very much to me (was not the appropriate time?).

Only more recently, when contemplating what remains of us after we removed all the 'material
world' substances...personalities, memories and of course, the material body, did it occur to me,

what the light/glass concept meant. What remains and is everlasting is our soul, which is part of
the universal consciousness.

All meditation does is allow us the opportunity, with awareness to remove, “what blocks the light
of pure consciousness”. These are the seeds of impressions (samskara) we have picked up
since our existence (many lifetimes) and form a key component of Karma.

This concept also shed light to our differences and each of us reflect the different experiences
that we have been through, in many lifetimes, BUT in essence - made of the same substance.

Hence when we are able to filter through the light of the Universal Consciousness (meditation),
we are able to dissolve the impurities that we have gathered. It also explains indirectly how
through the fractal concept, each and everyone of us are able to have the same ‘properties’ of
the Universal Consciousness (Singularity). This is further confirmed that when we remove all
thinking of duality from our world, only Singularity remains. Duality is just simply a construct of
our mind.

Practice Method
Much like “arming” in Quanjit Taiji, getting to a state of “Evenness and Harmonious” vibrations in
both body & mind, is an important first step. Not all will be able to achieve this stage easily or
within their lifetime.However, effort will eventually be rewarded.

By “arming” we mean to enable the body tendons to tighten, much like a guitar string so that it
can be strummed.

Light & the flame (fire) of transformation

Initially it may be helpful to meditate in front of a lighted Diya Lamp (Ghee) as it provides
radiance which with sufficient attention and awareness we can tune our body parts to vibrate in
harmony to the light radiance.

Understand the energy/properties of the 5 elements, we use the flame from the Diya Lamp to
ENABLE both change & transformation in both our body and mind.

Body or mind parts that are unable to vibrate in harmony are the issues that need attention and
resolution. We can try adjusting the tension of that part, but it is mostly about the mind “letting
go” and not indulging our mind - non-attachment

A method to monitor progress is the production of ‘Jade Nectar” (salivar) in copious amounts, if
the right protocol has been achieved. Save it and gulp down into the lower Dantien (in three
gulps). This will generate an abundance of qi from the body and can be used to strengthen our
ageing body & mind.

A Taiji perspective
Taiji, if understood and practiced in its original intent (that practice even before Zhang Sanfeng),
in its original esoteric context, will be of great help.

If one is well versed in Quanjit (which is quite rare) then application of “Light & our Eternal Body”
practices into the 108 Long form will bring many health benefits. It also propels our ability into a
different space and dimension. One truly can (almost) replicate being in sync with the Universe,
receiving “Divine Blessings & Grace”

“Divine Blessings & Grace”

It should be noted both divine blessing and grace are not abstract concepts but actual
transformational energies that for those that have achieved some level of awareness can be
felt.It enters our bodies from the crown of the head (Baihui acupuncture point) and flows
throughout our bodies.

Although they can come together they are separate energies with different frequencies and

Grace is a free and unmerited gift from God, while a blessing is a merited reward from
God. ... You can get grace even if you're not worthy of it, but you can only get a blessing
if you deserve it.

From the two energy’s interaction in our bodies, the manifestation process starts. This is a very
powerful process (if one can initiate it) and will completely change our perspective of our
personal potential, personal being “loss” in the alchemical process.

Earth, Man (Body) and Heaven - The Holy Trinity

Integration comes when we are able to combine the three parts. This is the internal Alchemy
that opens up dimensional possibilities to the aspirant.

The energies then flow to and from Earth and Heaven via our body/mind.

Our bodies during this energy flow, with mind intent (Yi) can dissolve the Karmic bonds to
achieve a state of non-attachment (Mushin). Hence the need for training the Yi capabilities,
which is basically the ability to have a sustainable “Focus & Concentration” ability. Over time we
forge our mind (and body) to become the “Glass” that allows the Eternal Light to illuminate

The Bigger Picture

When we were born, we were taught to use our limbs to crawl then walk. Later we were taught
to use our minds to solve problems and create(art), like drawing. Much of the skills used for the
rest of our lives are based on those functions acquired in our early years.

To truly progress(continue to achieve our potential) we need to make the quantum leap, much
like technology, from local computer processing to internet access. To do this we need to
change from using just our minds, to beyond it, to accessing the Universal Consciousness.

By switching off the local functions (our minds) yet retaining consciousness is like - switching on
our mobile from “Flight Mode” to “Internet Access Mode”. However most are not aware of this
capability and believe local processing is the only function available to us. Perhaps we can
attribute this to the Kali Yuga cycle that mankind has just emerged from, where our development
is only slightly ahead of the beast mentality.

This concept of “light through glass” should make it easier for us to at least have a rough picture
of the possibilities and encourage us to make the attempt (leap) to connect with the larger entity.

Our Dilemma
All our lives and probably those lives before this we have functioned on “local” processing
power. To make the change to power and processing from the cosmic universe is extremely

● To know about it (Your Destiny)

● What exactly is needed to make it happen (The Protocol)
● Will it really happen? (Faith/Believe)
● Giving up all that is known for a ‘speculative’ unknown (Risk Management)

The last point is probably the most difficult hurdle to overcome for most people. Even for those
who are lucky to get a glimpse of what lies ahead (my experience), it does actually require a
leap of faith to “let go”. To do so, literally, puts us at “death’s door”, in the conventional sense.

Some words of Encouragement

In reality, there is nothing to lose and everything to gain.

We have been conditioned to believe that we can exert control over our lives and its outcome.
Actually without this development the opposite happens and we are trapped and driven in a
mire of likes/dislikes impulses that have been acquired over many lifetimes. In many ways
random impulses arise without us being aware, when the conditions are appropriate (ripe).

From a Karma perspective, there is little choice unless we can break it’s cycle.In ths lifetime the
events to occur are substantially fixed.We may have a better chance of control over the
samskara (Karmic seeds) which have yet to germinate.

Am a bit reluctant to use a time scale, as in reality, all past, present and future events are fused
into one. It is our limitation in this dimension that does not allow us to see past the illusion of a
linear timeline.

Yogis on the path (Tantric) to enlightenment tend to take the attitude of “toughing it out”, as
regards Karma that have already been set in motion. There is hope for a smoother and more
harmonious route, though ironically this method of letting go as one is able to accrue both
Divine Grace & Blessings to smooth the otherwise high volatility of events. Riding out a tsunami
at the bottom of the ocean floor can be quite peaceful and calm whilst everything above is in full

The easiest time to practice and utilize “Letting Go” is when we are in deep frustration and
despair. When nothing seems to be going right for us, spiritual practice is most effective and

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