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Poverty in The Philippines

What is poverty? Poverty is about not having enough money to meet basic needs including food,
clothing and shelter. Being poor is unfair, immoral, and risky. Because its citizens deserve to be
free of poverty, the Philippines should do away with it. One of the most pressing issues the
government must address in the Philippines is poverty. According to its nature, the Philippines'
rapid population increase is to blame for the country's poverty. Its impacts can be clearly seen in
nature. Many Filipinos choose not to continue their education because of poverty. Others appear
to be happy with their lives as being in poverty.

Politicians' corruption is one of the biggest causes of poverty in the Philippines. The powerful,
avaricious individuals just consider themselves. They pursue their own interests using their
position of authority and public funding. They earn millions and billions of dollars while starving
to death the poor people who supported them. Another significant factor in the Philippines'
poverty is corruption. The Philippines' citizens share in the blame for the nation's poverty. The
Philippines is an overpopulated nation with no sex education and little to no family planning. It
causes a massive increase in population. Any government must struggle to meet the needs of
such a sizable population with the resources it has.

So in conclusion since poverty affects the entire nation and not just one individual, the
government must take certain crucial actions to end it. The nation's population should cast their
votes for the best candidate, not merely the government. The public should be the servants of the
leaders, not the other way around. By choosing an informed and accountable political leader,
corruption must be reduced. Who will work transparently and put the needs of the country before
their own? The nation's citizens need to be well-versed in disaster preparedness and family
planning. The two most important actions that we must take if we want to eradicate poverty from
Philippine society are effective government and appropriate education.

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