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Republic of the Philippines

Region XII
Mabini St., Zone 5, Barangay Libertad, Surallah Cotabato
S.Y. 2023-2024
2 Final in Reading-Kinder 2
Name: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
General Direction: Read and follow the directions, choose the correct answer carefully.
Prepared by: Teacher Christine Camile S. Palencia
Test I. Read and rewrite.
1. bat _____________ 6. rat ____________
2. can ____________ 7. van ____________
3. fat _____________ 8. yak ____________
4. dad ___________ 9. mat ____________
5. lad ____________ 10. ham __________
Test II. Arrange the sentences correctly.
1. and a cap map the.
2. fan a Ann and.
Read the paragraph and answer the questions below.
Cat on a mat
The cat is on the mat.
It is fat.
It has a hat.
It saw a rat on the mat
1. Does the cat have a hat?
a.Yes b. no c. the rat has a hat
2. Is the rat fat?
a. No b. yes c. the hen is fat
3. What does the cat saw on the mat?
a. Hat b. bat c. rat
Test III. Read and rewrite the sight words.
He _____________ your ____________
she ____________ of ______________
who ___________ had ____________
does ____________ tell _____________
has ____________ tomorrow _____________
her ____________ them _____________
saw ____________ put ____________

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