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1. You can't believe a word that woman says. She is a ____________ liar.

A. dedicated B. devoted C. commited D. compulsive

2. When you come down the hill, do drive slowly because it is not ____________ obvious where the
turning is.
A. immediately B. directly C. instantaneously D. quite
3. The driver onsumed enough alcohol to make him ____________.
A. pass of B. pass out C. pass for D. pass up
4. Sarah and I ____________ reserved the room in the same hotel. She was very surprised to see me
A. practically B. intentionally C. deliberately D. coincidentally
5. It was a fair result because we played the game ____________ the rules.
A. on account of B. due to C. according to D. apart from
6. Fiona didn't lie but she did give rather ____________ a picture of the situtation.
A. defaced B. distorted C. disfigured D. disguised
7. As Michelle told me the story, tears ____________ up in her eyes.
A. welled B. raised C. filled D. mounted
8. His past behavior had a definite ____________ on what the judges decided.
A. bearing B. weight C. decision D. conclusion
9. On cloudy nights, it is not possible to see the stars with ____________ eye.
A. naked B. bare C. flesh D. pure
10. He seemed rather____________. Was he upset about something?
A. unsocial B. apathetic C. passive D. subdued
11. That woman sees nothing ____________ in leting her children run around as they wish.
A. awry B. amiss C. afraid D. alike
12. Don't take it as ____________ that you'll bep romoted in your job; other colleagues stand a good
chance too.
A. fixed B. standard C. read D. word
13. It looks like she's really ____________ with her successful new business.
A. closing a deal B. moving on up C. breaking it even D. raking it in
14. I can't tell you ____________ the population of Prague but there's an encyclopedia in the cupboard.
A. offhand B. in hand C. at hand D. on hand
15. After making several bad business deals , the company was losing money hand over____________.
A. finger B. wrist C. fist D. thumb
16. The Meteorological Office reported 20 centimetres of rain in October this year ____________ only
14 last year.
A. in comparison B. as against C. in contrast D. contrary to
17. He didn't bat an eyelid when he realized he failed the exam again.
A. wasn't happy B. didn't want to see C. didn’t show surprise D. didn't care
18. We decided to pay for the furniture on the installment plan.
A. monthly payment B. cash and carry C. credit card D. piece by piece
19. "I hear Paul has a job at a restaurant" - "Well, it's ____________ a restaurant as a café nearby"
A. much more B. nothing like C. far more of D. not so much
20. The rumor that his job was in jeopardy caused Pete to ____________ with concern.
A. frown B. beam C. grimace D. howl
21. Micheal put his mistake____________ lack of concentration.
A. down to B. over with C. through with D. up to
22. The school playing fields are out of ____________ while equipment is being up for the cricket match.
A. bounds B. brim C. verge D. border
23. The number forty is the only number ____________.
A. when sued in the expression "forty winks", meaning a short sleep
B. the title of which, "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves", also includes it
C. whose constituent letters appear in alphabetical order in English
D. appears in the rock band U2's song of the same name
24. ____________ every time they unknowingly eat food with any trace of them in it.
A. Vegetarians refuse to touch meals which contain meat products
B. The food additive tatrazine has been linked to abnormal behaviour in children
C. The MPs of the Danish parliament have voted to ban dangerous fats
D. People suffering from an allergy to nuts put their lives at risk
25. The economic situation makes many people unwilling to take the ____________ and open their own
A. plunge B. bull C. initiative D. opportunity
26. David looked ______ clumsy in his attempt to attract attention.
A. fancifully B. oddly C. absurdly D. reasonably
27. That little man goes unnoticed in the street, but he ______ immense power.
A. swings B. handles C. wields D. practices
28. It was so hot and ______ that day that we couldn't possibly have gone for an outing.
A. moist B. sultry C. frozen D. soggy
29. Over there are the twelfth-century dungeons, ______ hundreds of well-known people
were tortured.
A. when B. where C. which D. from whose
30. The Queen appeared reluctant to ______her long established privileges.
A. surrender B. relinquish C. discard D. quit
31. Such relaxed days were few and far ______ in her hectic life.
A. between B. beyond C. past D. over
32. Not only is little Johnny's grammar incoherent and his spelling atrocious but also
his punctuation ______.
A. slothful B. sluggish C. heard D. haphazard
33. ______ we extricate ourselves from this with any dignity is anybody’s guess.
A. However B. That C. Whenever D. How
34. He lied under oath in court and was subsequently charged with ______.
A. poaching B. forgery C. perjury D. usury
35. The theory he put forward concerning the origin of species was highly ______.
A. disgraced B. discredited C. debased D. dishonored
36. Could you possibly ______ me at the next committee meeting?
A. stand in for B. make up for C. go back on D. keep in with
37. Her condition seems to be ______. We'll have to take her to intensive care.
A. ameliorating B. deteriorating C. amputating D. imitating
38. The Secretary of State handled the matter ______ and prevented a war.
A. adroitly B. intensely C. abjectly D. slightly
39. He's very whimsical; he does things on the ______ of the moment.
A. brim B. spur C. clap D. push
40. The Conservatives declared their intention of ______ the whole Act once they came into
A. repulsing B. repelling C. impelling D. repealing
41. Donald Trump was noted for his clear ______ of words.
A. accentuation B. enunciation C. interpretation D. announcement
42. The woman was ______ with guilt when she realized that the accident had been her fault.
A. consumed B. ravaged C. devoured D. dazzled
43. Some people find modern art utterly ______.
A. impenetrable B. incorrigible C. impermeable D. illegible
44. Jabison cuckoo is a ______ of monsoon.
A. harbinger B. mark C. premonition D. signal
45. He finally decided to stop fooling around and put his _______ to the wheel.
A. arms B. shoulder C. hands D. fingers
46. The area is considered unsafe for tourists. That’s _______ why we chose to go somewhere else.
A. directly B. particularly C. precisely D. namely
47. He said he didn’t want to be chosen, but it’s probably just sour _______.
A. grapes B. lemons C. patch D. raisins
48. I asked him what to do but his instructions were so _______ that I still didn’t understand.
A. jumbled B. garbled C. muddled D. illegible
49. I wish I had the time and money to just _______ off to France for a week.
A. swan B. worm C. wolf D. beaver
50. New restaurant owners often try to attract customers by using _______ to homes in the
surrounding area.
A. mailboxes B. mailshots C. mailposts D. mail-flies
51. These plants can only grow in _______ soils.
A. loose B. sparse C. scarce D. slack
12. Due to many years of ________, the family had nothing to fall back on when it was time for
them to retire.
A. imprudence B. impunity C. incapability D. inflexibility
53. The smoke ________ from the burning tyres could be seen from miles away.
A. burrowing B. bulging C. billowing D. radiating
54. The hotel will not refund your booking if you cancel at short ________.
A. announcement B. response C. warning D. notice
55. Her face _______ up when he accepted her proposal.
A. lightened B. lit C. burnt D. fired

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