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Write an essay of about 300 words on the following topic:

Your name: Lê Quốc Khánh

Failure and low points are irrefutably unwanted yet indispensable parts of life in
common sense. It is often argued that lack of success is testimony to the notion that
wishes alone cannot add to one’s accomplishment. From my standpoint, I am in
favor of this argument as missteps are contributed to by many factors and not
solely by desire.

To begin, failure is caused by self-belief and a fatalistic attitude rather than a lack
of yearning. Individuals do not succeed not because they are not cut out for their
job, but because they lack trust in their abilities and, hence, do not put themselves
out to strive for their pursuits or goals. As a student myself, I get demotivated
easily when I cannot sail through important tests and doubt my competence, and at
some point I start to believe that I cannot continue with future exams. It is evident
that poor self-esteem can turn individuals off in many aspects of life and eventually
lead to unsuccessful situations.

Second, it is believed that a lack of persistence can hinder accomplishment. Many

people fail, not because they have inadequate skills or knowledge, but because they
quit too easily or inefficiently proceed in some aspects of life. Some people are
monotonous in their actions and do not opt for a change in behavior despite past
mistakes. Additionally, of many virtues, indiscipline is a root cause for collapse in
life. It is conspicuous that negligence stands out as an impediment to one’s success.
People who lack certain qualities, such as self-control, work ethics, or adherence to
ethical codes, fail to thrive in today's increasingly demanding workplace. The
aforementioned are proof that there are many reasons for one’s demerits in life.

Finally, it is critical to remember that failure is not solely the result of lack of
ambition, but rather a component of success. Therefore, it is vital that people look
on the bright side of situations to change for the better.

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