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1. Go bid the priests do present sacrifice,
And bring me their opinions of success.
What does 'their opinions of success 'mean?
A. Whether the conspirators will succeed in their attempt.
B. Whether Caesar will be successful in his affairs today.
C. Whether Calphurnia will succeed in persuading her husband.
D. Whether Caesar will escape the assassination attempt.

2. Caesar: Caesar shall forth: the things that threaten'd me

Ne'er look'd but on my back; when they shall see
The face of Caesar, they are vanished.
What quality of Caesar do these lines reveal?
A. His polite nature.
B. His humility
C. His arrogance
D. His love for his wife.
3. What say the augurers?
Whose question is this? Who is being questioned?
A. Calphurnia - Caesar
B. Caesar - Calphurnia
C. Calphurnia - a servant
D. Caesar - a servant

4. Plucking the entrails of an offering forth,

They could not find a heart within the beast.
What does 'offering ' mean?
A. The things offered to God during prayer.
B. The animal that was sacrificed to the gods.
C. Neither (A) nor (B).
D. Both (A) and (B)

5. They could not find a heart within the beast.

Who is referred to by the word 'they'?
A. The soothsayers who warned Caesar.
B. The conspirators who planned Caesar’s death.
C. The Roman senators who were jealous of Caesar.
D. The priests in the temples where the animal was sacrificed.
6. And, for thy humour, I will stay at home.
Who says these words and to whom?
A. Caesar to the servant.
B. Caesar to Calphurnia
C. Caesar to Antony
D. Caesar to himself

7. And, for thy humour, I will stay at home.

What does 'humour' mean in this line?
A. Mind
B. Whim
C. Fun-filled speech.
D. Satisfaction .

8. Here's ... , he shall tell them so.

Who is 'he' and who are 'them"?
A. Decius Brutus - the conspirators.
B. Decius Brutus - the senators in the Capitol.
C. Cassius - The senators in the Capitol
D. Trebonius - the conspirators.
9. Calphurnia here, my wife, stays me at home:
She dreamt tonight...
What was Calphurnia's dream?
A. Dozens of Romans stabbing Caesar.
B. Blood pouring out of several openings in Caesar's statue.
C. A number of Romans washing their hands in Caesar's blood.
D. (B) and (C)

10. Decius: If you shall send them word you will not come,
Their minds may change.
Who is Decius talking about?
A. The Roman Senators
B. The general public of Rome
C. The friends of Julius Caesar.
D. None of the above.
11. Caesar, I will: [Aside] and so near will I be,
That your best friends shall wish I had been further.
Who says these words?
A. Trebonius
B. Cinna
C. Metullus
D. Antony

12. [Aside] That every like is not the same.

Who is the speaker?
A. Caesar
B. Cassius
C. Brutus
D. Casca
1) Write out any four predictions that Caesar refers to?
2) What attitude of Caesar’s may be inferred in his reaction
to the omens?
3) What evidence is there at the beginning of this scene that
Caesar does indeed believe in foretelling the future?
4) What does Caesar find even stranger than all the
5) How does Caesar interpret the priests’ not finding a heart
in the sacrificial animal?
6) How does Caesar compare himself and danger?What is
Calphurnia’s comment on it?
7) What excuse does Calphurnia offer Decius for Caesar not
going to the senate?
8) What is Caesar’s message to Decius for the senate?
9) What is Decius’ immediate reaction to Caesar’s message?
10) What effect does Calphurnia’s request ,made on her
knees,have on Caesar’s earlier decision?
11) What reason does Caesar give Decius “to satisfy the
senate” for his decision not to go out to the senate that
12) Describe Calphurnia’s dream.
13) How does Decius interpret Calphurnia’s dream?
14) How does Decius tempt Caesar to go to the senate with
15) What effect do Decius’ interpretation and temptation
have on Caesar?

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