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housework joined divided equally earn

responsibility wealth appreciated encouraged character

1. People love her because of her generous _________________.

2. The money will be divided _________________ among the members of the team.
3. I really _________________ the information you gave me.
4. I need to _________________ enough money to pay my rent.
5. In family women usually do the larger share of the _________________.
6. My parents _________________ me to go back to college.
7. Andrew wanted to be a part of something at school, so he _________________ the football team.
8. It is your _________________ to make sure that your homework is done on time.
9. The physical benefits of exercise can be _________________ into three factors.
10. His personal _________________ is estimated at around $100 million.

groceries lifting rest take care of gratitude

strengthen good values truthful respect

1. I would like to express my ______________ to everyone for their hard work.

2. I often list all the essential household tasks from shopping for ______________ to taking out the garbage.
3. Most of the heavy ______________ in my family is done by my father.
4. New teachers have to gain the ______________ of their students.
5. I believe that it is family ______________ which maintain the structure of society and protect children in our society.
6. I ask my mother to ______________ the house while I'm out working.
7. How would you like to spend the ______________ of the day?
8. He was not entirely ______________ about what happened that night.
9. Holidays often serve to ______________ bonds between family members.
10. You should stop smoking for your own ______________.

set up aim improved ceremony awareness

sustainable sorting organic turn reusable

1. The government should do more to promote _______________ development of agriculture.

2. We have to make sure we _____________ off the lights when we're not in the room in order to conserve electricity.
3. Today's award _______________ took place at the British Embassy in Tokyo.
4. The primary _______________ of this course is to improve your spoken English.
5. Your English has really _______________ in the last few months.
6. The campaign has certainly succeeded in raising public _______________ of the environmental issue.
7. The government _______________ an emergency fund to help disaster victims.
8. She was carefully _______________ her clothes in her closet.
9. I always carry a _______________ bag when going shopping.
10. You're really into _______________ food and natural supplements!

adopt keen cut down on protect energy

eco-friendly material emission appliance impacts

1. We need to be concerned about the environmental ______________ of all this construction.

2. Carbon ______________ are the key problem causing global warming.
3. They were very ______________ to start work as soon as possible.
4. The one ______________ that all kitchens must have is a stove or cooker.
5. My father ______________ salty food as the doctor had advised.
6. The new power station produces vast amounts of ______________.
7. We have to do more to ______________ the environment from pollution.
8. We should all ______________ a green lifestyle to help conserve our natural resources.
9. To save our environment, we should use ______________ products.
10. Higher raw ______________ costs have pushed up the price of many manufactured goods.


1 ______________ responsible responsibly

2 gratitude ______________ gratefully

3 help Help helpful

# _____________

4 ______________ traditional traditionally

5 importance ______________ importantly

6 ______________ environmental environmentally

7 ______________ endanger dangerous dangerously


8 pollution pollute ______________


9 harm harm harmful

# _____________

10 chemistry chemical

1. In her new position, she will have much more ________________.
2. You're ________________ for cleaning your own clothes and linens.
3. Can I rely on you to behave ________________ while I'm away?
4. She has to deal with a lot of family and work ________________.
5. She is completely ________________ for the project's failure.
6. I accepted ________________ and asked him if there was any news on the camper.
7. She was presented with the gift in ________________ for her long service.
8. I am extremely ________________ to all the teachers for their help.
9. Let me express my sincere ________________ for all your help.
10. Any assistance given on this project will be ________________ received.
11. Your advice is always ________________ to me.
12. When she returned home from school, she began to ________________ her mother in the kitchen.
13. Fire fighters were ________________ against the blaze.
14. You can't rely on him for financial ________________.
15. He is always ________________ whenever I have any problem.
16. In keeping with ________________, they always have turkey on Christmas Day.
17. Women in Japan usually wear a ________________ wedding kimono for at least part of their marriage ceremony.
18. The number thirteen is ________________ considered unlucky.
19. The villagers are all keen to preserve local ________________.
20. The ________________ roles of men and women have changed in the last generation.
21. I'd like to emphasize the ________________ of reading exam questions carefully.
22. Happiness is more ________________ than money.
23. His research has tremendous ________________ for cancer patients.
24. Her research has contributed ________________ to our understanding of the disease.
25. Diet and exercise are ________________ for health.
26. Many plants are unable to survive in such a harsh ________________.
27. ________________ pollution is causing abnormal weather conditions.
28. Protecting the ________________ is every man's responsibility.
29. I'll make sure we produce more electricity in an ________________ friendly way.
30. They discussed the ________________ impact of the project.
31. The giant panda is an ________________ species.
32. John is still in hospital but he is out of ________________.
33. I was worried because he was running ________________ close to the cliff edge.
34. The virus is probably not ________________ to humans.
35. Parents feared that the dog could ________________ their children.

36. Industrial activities have caused ________________ of the air and water.
37. These gases ________________ the atmosphere of towns and cities.
38. Air ________________ is a real problem in many parts of the world.
39. Mining would ________________ the lake and remove the forest.
40. Miles of beaches were ________________ by the oil spill.
41. Try to choose products that do the least ________________ to the environment.
42. Doctors have warned against the ________________ effects of smoking.
43. Any scandal will certainly ________________ the company's reputation.
44. The sun's rays can be very ________________ to the skin.
45. We need to persuade parents that COVID-19 vaccines are ________________ to children’s health.
46. I was given the wrong tablets when the ________________ misread my prescription.
47. The ________________ industry is one of the most important industrial sectors.
48. The professor took the students to the ________________ lab.
49. Many people worry about the effects of eating food which has been sprayed with ________________.
50. Many crops are grown with ________________ fertilizers.

Choose the best answer to complete each sentence:

1. My wife handles most of the chores around house. She is a_____________.
A. homemaker B. employer C. breadwinner D. assistant
2. They have just bought a new house with a huge amount of money, therefore, there is a ___________on them. They have
to work hard to earn money to pay the bank.
A. physical strength B. financial burden C. household chore D. positive atmosphere
3. If parents behave well, they will l __________a good example for their children.
A. do B. take C. set D. buy
4. Women whose husbands do not contribute to the household chores are more _______to illness.
A. critical B. vulnerable C. responsible D. positive
5. They divide the duties in the family.
A. split B. contribute C. prepare D. train
6. _______are food and other goods sold at a shop or a supermarket.
A. Benefits B. Burdens C. Chores D. Groceries
7. Men who share housework _________to have better relationships with his wives.
A. earn B. divorce C. tend D. create
8. She contributed an enormous amount of money to charity.
A. small B. tiny C. sociable D. large
9. My ________ is to wash the dishes and take out the garbage.
A. flexibility B. ability C. capability D. responsibility
10. The father typically works outside the home while the mother is ________domestic duties such as homemaking and
raising children.
A. suitable for B. capable of C. responsible for D. aware of

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