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The circulatory system

The circulatory system is a network of vessels in which blood and lymph

circulate separately in order to transport nutrients, blood cells, o2& co2 to
and from different body cell.

Therefore, the circulatory system is made up of two vascular system,

blood and lymphatic vascular systems.

The blood vascular system

 The B.V.S composed of ( heart, arteries , veins and capillaries ).

 The main function of this system : is transport oxygenated blood
and nutrient through their arterial vessels to the tissue and then
return the deoxygenated blood to the lungs for gaseous exchanged
through their venous.

1- Heart
 The heart is four chamber of muscular pump, it situated in
the thorax between lungs, Surrounded by a membranous sac
called the pericardium.
 The heart is two pumps, one on the left dealing with
oxygenated blood , and on right dealing with deoxygenated
blood .
 The wall of the heart is called the “ myocardium “ and is a
largely composed of cardiac muscle , the inner most layer of
the heart is called endocardium.
1- Endocardium :
It is the inner most layer of the heart , its act as
semipermeable barriers between the blood plasma and the
interstitial fluid.
It is consist of a highly differentiated special type of
simple squamous epithelium called endothelium covers
the entire inner surface of heart , valve beneath this layer
elastic & collagen fibers and scattered smooth muscle

2- Myocardium :
It is the thickest layer of the heart wall, composed of
many layers of cardiac muscle, Cell arranged in varied
The myocardium is connected to the endocardium by a
layer called subendocardial layer which contain veins,
nerves, and branches of purkinje cells.

3- Pericardium
It is the outer most layer of the heart , its consist of loose
c.T of fibroblasts, collagen fibers& adipose tissue , its
consist of a single layer of mesothelium and underlying
thin C.T (subepicardial layer).
The subepicardial layer contains nerve ganglia, nerves
and veins, adipose tissue found in this layer surrounding
the heart , Also known as the visceral layer of serous
The space between the visceral layer and parietal layer of
pericardium is called “ pericardial cavity “ , its contaib a
serous fluid , which facilities heart movement.

2- Blood vessels
The blood flow ventricles into arteries then arterioles , blood
capillaries and venules and finally returned to the heart in veins.
The blood vessels have properities that help the circulation of
allow the blood to perform many of its functions .
A- Arteries
 function: is to distribute blood from the heart to the
organs throughout the body .
 large elastic arteries :
 such as : aorta , pulmonary arteries , common carotid
arteries , iliac arteries connect the heart and large
muscular arteries
 these vessels have a large lumen and a relatively thin

i- Tunica intima :
 has unremarkable endothelium of cell joined by zonula
occludenus & numerous gap between them.
 The internal elastic lamina in elastic arteries is not easy to see ,
since it is similar to the elastic lamina in the tunic media.

ii- Tunic media

It is the thickest layer in arteries characterized by numerous
concentric fenestrated elastic lamellas interspersed with bundle
of smooth muscle cell.
The accumulation of elastin in form of fenestrated lamella give
the elastic artery their yellowish color.
Elastic fibers in the media facilitate the continuous and uniform
movement of blood.

iii- Tunic adventitia

Is relatively underdeveloped , its consist of collagen and
loose network of elastic fiber,
It contain vasa vasorum which provide nutrient & remove
waste product from the outer portion of the arterial wall.

Arteries are classified into 3types on the basis of the size and
characteristic of the tunica media :
1- Elastic arteries or large arteries
2- Muscular arteries or medium
3- Arterioles and small arteries.

- Muscular artery or medium

 The muscular layer thinner than in elastic .

 A prominent internal elastic membrane usually appear as a well-
defined wavy structure because of contraction of the smooth muscle
 Composed with elastic artery the tunica adventitia is relatively
thicker them elastic also contain vasa vasorum.
- Arterioles and small arteries

 Arterioles and small arteries are distinguished from one another by

number of smooth muscle cell layers in tunic media.
 The arterioles serve as a regulator of blood flow to the capillary

Tunica intima :
Endothelium in both are similar to endothelium in other arteries ,
subendothelial is very thin, the internal elastic lamina absent .

Tunica media :
Arterioles have only one or two layers, no external elastic lamina.

Tunica adventitia :
It is thin , ill- defined sheath of C.T, no elastic lamina.

B- Veins
Veins are considered as a reservoir of blood, because they store
more than 70% of total blood volume.

General difference between veins and arteries

1- Veins are more numerous,
2- thick walls
3- large diameter
4- have less defined tunics
5- the largest tunica is adventitia
6- some veins have valves.
Type of veins
According to the size , veins divided into
1- venules (postcapillary veunles and muscular venules)
2- small veins
3- medium –size veins
4- large veins.

According to the presence of smooth muscular , veins are divided into

two types:

1- non- muscular veins (postcapillary venules)

2- muscular vein( ( venules , small veins ) medium – sized veins and
large veins )

postcapillary venules :
1- tunic initma consists of endothelium and very thin
subendothelial layer.
2- Tunica media have no distinct media , they are characterized by
the presence of pericytes as contractile element .( actins ,
myosine , tropomysin)

Distuished from postcapillary by the presence of a tunica
media , it consist of 1-2 layer of smooth muscle.
Small and medium – sized veins
The most common type of veins in the body
1- Tunica intima consists of endothelium with it basal lamina, a
thin subendothelial layer
2- Tunica media consist of smooth muscle cells intermixed
with reticular fibers& elastic fibers
3- Tunica adventitia is thicker than media ,its consist of
collagen fibers& network of elastic fibers.


 Are semi lunar folds of tunica intima project in the lumen of veins
 They are made of C.T rich in elastic fibers and lined by
endothelium on both side.
 They assist blood flow in veins by present the back flow.
 The valves are absent in veins of CNS.

Large veins
Include subclavian vein, portal vein vena cava
The valve absent in vena cava:
1- Tunica intima – wall developed
2- Tunica media- is thin and contains few layers of smooth muscle
and abundant C.T.
3- Tunica adventitia – is the thickest layer in all venous system and
the best developed tunica.
Along the usual collagen and elastic fibers and fibroblasts , the
tunica adventitia also contains longitudinal smooth muscle cells.
1- Are the smallest diameter blood vessels , diameter from7 to 9 Mm.
2- They connect arterioles & venules
3- The blood flows from arterioles met arterioles capillary
Venules .
4- Contraction & relaxation of the smooth muscle of arterioles,
matarterioles and pre-capillary sphincters control the blood flow
through the capillaries.
5- The allow metabolic exchange between blood & surrounding
6- The structure of capillary varies from tissue to another to allow
different levels of permeability .

The blood capillary consists of a single layer of endothelial cell and

their basal lamina .

Pericytes: are found to be surrounding the endothelial cells of capillaries

and post capillary venules at different locations, the pericytes have a
contractile function, since they contain actin , myosin, and tropomyosin.

Pericytes participate in the repair process of in juved tissue because of

their differentiation ability to form new b.v and C.T cell.

Classification of capillaries

On the basis of their morphology three types of capillaries are found in

different tissues & organs.

1- Continuous capillaries
a- Found in all types of muscle , lungs, CNS, exocrine gland &
b- A tight junction are found between the endothelial cells, they
limit the passage of large molecular .
c- Have large number of pinocytotic vesicle in the endothelial
cells(not found in c.T)
They appear as small vesicle on both surface and can fuse
forming a channel across the endothelium , transporting the
macro molecules

2- Fenestrated capillaries
Found in endocrine glands and site of fluid and metabolite
absorption such as the gallbladder, kidney , and intestinal tract.

They are characterized by fenestration , which provide channel across the

capillary wall.

A fenestration may have a thin , non-membranous diaphragm a cross its

opening , have pinocyrotic vesicle , the basal lamina is continues.

3- Discontinuous capillaries (sinusoidal)

Found in liver, spleen and bone marrow, the diameter of these
capillaries is the largest 30-40Mm .
The endothelial cells are separated by wide space forming the
discontinuity of the sinusoids and different cell some have ability
for phagocytosis.
The basal lamina is discontinuous and multiple fenestrations are
found without diaphragams.

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