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THE HYBORIAN WAR KINGDOM REPORT FOR VANSHEIM KINGDOM SIZE: MEDIUM ABBREVIATION: VANA (©) 1985 Conan Properties Inc. All rights reserved Gane cesign (C) 1985 Reality Simulations Ine. Vanaheim ‘swamp or Bog Desert His TLE province or Sea zone FD sercoast a ae THR country soraer Kingdom report for Vanaheim Turn: 1 Winter Warseason NATIONAL HISTORY Listen, young warrior, son of countless kings. Listen to thy heritage, to the story of thy people, of Vanaheim! once, long, long ago, thy people inhabited a land far to the north. Tt was the land of the gods, where days were counted in weeks and nights would last a month or more. Our feople Rad o'name for themselves then, and lived in peace, hunting and fishing for their {iver inood. "then. the pes, cane upon us fron 'the north, ad, ungry’) raging animals. Great was the battle, and when it was done the snow lay zed for a year Greatness grew from euch an event, and we were never to be the same Within a generation we were invaded yet again, thio time by Hyborian warrior tribes from the south. Great men of war, they geened as gods in battle! fie fought them too, and'in tine overcame them, And from their survivors we heard tales. They were tales of Strange lands to the south, of waz and glory; they stirred our blood, We could not stay! our people began the long trek south, where they met more Hyborians. At first their bright swords and axes drove us back in great slaughter, but in time we too learned to wield eword and axe. They came to call us the Nordheim, and having none for ourselves we Sccepted the name. For s thousand yeare we warred with’ the Hybori, and we honor thesr heroes among our own. At last they were betrayed by their own xin, the Hyperboreans, who fell upon them even as we struck ftom the noreh yet again. The northern Hyborians were Given’ south, in turn driving their southern neighbors even farther, thus beginning the Great southern migrations of the proud Hyborian people But, we ave not Hybori. We are the Vanir. And thou must know of thy cousins, for it was at this time that the Nordheim split, and became the Aesir and the Vanir. The Blond hatred Aesir ruled in Asgard, while we Vanir of the red manes fought our way Westward, slaying all before us, to stop only when we reached the Western Ocean. Ze ig @ hardy, land which fortune has granted us, worthy of our people. We hunt the cold reaches and fish the icy western ocean. And of course, we war. We war to the South, on the Bear Picts, and farther still we war beyond the Bigiophian Mountains on the Einmetian northern clans’ “Such batele, fit to lift the heart of any man cf war! But hose of all we war with the Aesir, our cousins. Where else can we better test our steel Bad cleanse cur souls in battle than with our own blond-haired kinfolk? Know, great warrior, that our prophets tell us a great age comes to the world, an age of empize and red raging war! Further know it ig Said we vill one day rule a great hation and be kings of a foreign people, or we will die, amid the rending of glaciers and fhe cold silence of the northern world.’ Our fate, as always, reste with the strongest arn in the tribe. Rule well, young warrior and father of kings! Now listen well to the Gnfolding of thy new kingdom ROYAL TREASURY ye, that a9 of this day, the wealth of your ereamury is ADEQUATE. POLITICS Know, my liege, that the political standing of thy kingdom is thus: Nation 32 Page 1 61024142 CHARACTERS know, my liege, that on this day your characters await thy bidding. Great people of reknown are ehey ‘The CHANCELLOR of Vanaheim is: ge late aoed acu Byerend Uden in the Provinc 11. "By your leave, T will Of all your Characters and make known my considered judgement of their abilitic ‘now make full report on the present location character Type: Priest olor of 50 western Coase Region ‘The ADJUTANT GENERAL of Vanaheim is: dace niddie aged Statues Alive Genders Male enaracter Type: cenerat As for the other Characters of your kingdom, they are: ges ancient ‘seatus: ALive Gender Male aes youth Beatus: Alive Gender” Ma toe ott eatus: alive Gengee’ nade Personal Corba ADEQUATE sage 000 Nation 32 vaste Armor coaracter ty. sagie Weapon and Nagic Areor character Type: generat Page 2 61024142 Diplemsey prawn siitary Command | ADEGOATE vedeoral Altus may use the following spella, Diplomacy, less, Strength and Magis waspen. Aigue wD vaM's Character Type: Kero Toms youn) aecte: mise | Giger nate Province of Bue Ze ale Nowtaing Deplensey Poo Sane: ovenoes Asaue roi vas character type: Hero Spin nie Seat: Aiee Suen nate egince of Bits te aie nentatng Niiieary comand | ADEQUATE anes svantnad Ketv 25) VAIN? character Type: Hera Racrmiadie aged status Alive Gender: wale Pravince of Birth The astern Coast Region resent Locatson! The Swampy Taisa Reaice, igamen Yast turn. #ieh the ist imperial Army auerabap, Nox woe sexe anos svenshas Algor 1D, WARA-9——haractes sypes Hero Aer idle aged" Geatus: sve Carder: male frovioce of Births she tum Notaine nulerahsr, soca soate some ame: askilved Attun 1D: vata-9 Character Types fries ger oa status: alive Genders Male Province of Birth: The Swampy Taiga Region Present location: The Suimpy Teigh Region heslgnnenc tase turns None aleransp, coo weaie roe anes stralgane Attun to. YAMA-10 Character Type: Pre ee old ecatus; Alive Genders Wale Eeavince of Bizehi The Suanpy Talg2 Region Nation 32 Page 3 61024142 TROOPS Know, my Lord, that from old your people have been warriors. All told, there are 4 troop types at your disposal. May it please thee, I have listed each type of troop available to thy Kingdom below, giving my Considered judgement as to the various abilities of each. Ihave algo noted the relative cost to our Royal Treasury to train and outfit one troop of each kind respectively. By necessity, a certain minimum of each troop type must be Raintained among the total armed forces of thy Kingdon. Likewise, no more than a certain haximum percentage of your troops may be of any one type. Below I have inscribed any Special notes pertaining to each troop type. Swamp Raiders + Troop Type 1 Troop Category MIA ~ Medium Infantry Archer Missile Combat Ability 2 Goop Melee Combat Abs 1i¢y : Soop Morale EXCELLENT Movement Rate is High King’s Warriors : Troop Type 2 Troop Category MIA "Medan Infantry Azcher Hisslle Combat Abélity } Goon Melee Conbat AbILity S000 norale } SUPERIOR Novenent Rate 3 Blue Mountain Men : Troop Type 3 Tzoop Category HI - Heavy Infantry Missile Combat Ability NONE Melee Combat Abs1ity EXCELLENT vorale : EXCELLENT Movement Rate 2 Bragis Wolves : Troop Type 4 Troop Category Hi - Reavy Infantry Missile Combat Ability NONE Melee Combat Ability oop. Morale EXCELLENT Movement Rate 2 PROVINCES Look upon your land, my Liege, and study well the terrain map that I place in your hands with Ente Feport.” For knowing the iand will help you prepare for battle. May you fanuver thy ammieg to the best advantage that the land provides. I have painstakingly Zecorded below a list of each of your provinces. Furthermore, i have noted the predominant terrain, the type of troops levied, the usual amount of wealth produced in Gach province, and the composition of each provincial army. Nation 32 Page 4 61024142 The Western Coast Region Province 162 Province Type: Coast DDBQUAEE chance to teach cpen vere ‘tye peopte of The Hestera Coast Region currently have HIGH Loyalty to the throne fopceminavely once evesy tho years ‘The Keatern Coane Region Levye High King’® Warriors, She average wesith prosiceien sn the western coast Region 19 SXCELLEST. he 162nd Provincial Army ID: PA-162 Total troops with Army: 4 ‘woop Kane ype Troop sane nye Troop tae com The Western Coast Region has standing Province Defense Orders as follows: ur and tmperisl Army ie gncampod 42 The Western Coast Region The Swampy Taiga Region Province 163 Province Type: Land Has large aveas of svanpiande Pxcesiawr chence so seach Sump tarzaia fe a fev scant arene of open grassland Foon enance to each Oper terrain. ‘me poopie of The swanpy Taiga Region cUrrentty have MODERATE loyelty to Ube throne Approminately thice every tneee yearn The snonpy Taiga Region Levys Swarp Raiders The 163rd Provincial Army ID: PA-163, Total troops with Army: 6 ‘recep tone ype troop tare ype Theo te me bon Raiders 1 Ragged gamle 37th Raiders 2 Natali’s Brome Raiders 1 ‘he Swampy Taiga Region has standing Province Defense Orders as follows: Maneuver to Swamp terrain Lf attacked Baguge tne eneny at the Peovince Conmandor® Diseretion The Blue Mountains Province 164 Province Type: Land aoasts of nigh mountains cop chance to reach Hountainoas cersssa. oom chance to reach open terrain AnoguaT® chance to roach Tandes texzasa. ‘he poopie of the Blue Mountains currently Mave SEEERATE loyalty to the throne aepeeminately twice every three year The Blue Wountaine lavye Dive Wouneain Noa. The 164th Provincial army Ds PA-164 Total troops with Army: 4 recep Mane vrype troop Kane ‘ype Troop Hane ool The Blue Mountains has standing Province Defense Orders as follows: Nation 22 Page 5 61024142 DISPOSITION OF IMPERIAL ARMIES Know, my liege, that on this day thou hast troops stationed throughout the kingdom awaiting your comands. Let me now make full report of the type, number, and location of these troops and the present organization and assignment of these troops into Imperial The 1st Imperial Army ms IA-1 ‘Total troops with Army: 9 oop name nype Troop sane Tyee Troop Hane nee ‘he 2nd Imperial Army wp: 10-2 Total troops with Army: 15 a ; ‘resop Here type troop Hane ‘se troop mane ore neoop Nae Trocp Type Munber of Troops oesmum IMPERIAL GOALS Let me tell thee of the dreams of your sires and the dreams of their fathers before them. it is known, my Lord, that if only the following imperial goals can be achieved, a new age of glory aud prosperity shail dawn upon the kingdom, Thus have the rulers of Vanahein ever strived to conquer and control the following provinces and control a Continuous line of provinces between them and any home province of Vanaheit ‘he rulers of Vanaheim ever strive to conquer and control the following provinces. ‘The Rear Tribeslands of Pictland The Biglophian Mountaine of The Eiglophian Mountains ‘The Wolfraven Kings Region of Aegard If successful in achieving these goals, Vanaheim will truly become an empire and will be immediately able to raise ten Imperial Troops of a type presently unknown to us. VICTORY CONDITIONS Know, Great One, that from days of old it has been prophisied that one would come to us, one who would lead us to glory and victory over all cur enemies. Word already spreads fhroughout the Tand and among our people that you indeed may be this one. If you would lead ue to victory, heed closely to what I mow impart to thee. Below Z have listed which factors will either benefit or adversely affect the victory of thy kingdom. The victory of your kingdom will depend upon the nunber of provinces under your control. You will, move closer to victory by conquering home provinces of any large kingdom Should the ice Age come, ‘your People may decide ro Rigrate to the andy of a singie large Kingdom at that time. You should then focus your efforts on that kingdom’ s home Nation 32 Page 5 61024142 provinces Nation 32 Page 7 61024142 THE HYBORIAN WAR COMMAND SHEET Orders For Vanaheim Turn: 1 Date Due: A.S.A.P. Account Player Nane Signature ‘The last turn was a Winter Warseason, this turn is a time of Peace Years Provinces owned: 162 163 164 1 command Sgerent Woden wwa-ca to 1 comming Sirmisnad Asgue vava-ans to 1 command Kina Minis Howvan oma bo. 1 comand Warchiet Basia Norvan YR? tO 1 cumand an den ee ee | ee comund oriteodt nips nt eee vance to SEn ms ee ee Tomend mise At id tO + comasa ist imperial Acwy in prince 169 co Dove EO (P)ovince { ) Address Requests 1) 2) or (_) Privacy option Z beclare ( ) es ( ) ( ) Tpeclare ( ) (ay ( ) ‘ eT Zdeclare ( ) io « ) ‘ ) Z beclare ( ) ( ) ‘ ) 2 declare ( ) 9 ( ) ‘ ) I declare ( ) ( ( D G ) tee 1 Declare ( ) () ( » a ) >3> ee en Race uoeeas arena TET GY Apres C ; a fl ; ‘ : ats: Z beclaxe ( , a ( ) ‘ D Fil Ideclare ( ) eee) i ) ) a I Declare ( ) (ean ( ) q > eee a X Declare ( ) () ( D ( ) zee af, I Declare ( , enn a D a ) 328 E peclare ( ) 3 ( ) ( > ii Zdeclare ( , ) ( ) ‘ ) a2 Nation 32 Page & ‘si0aaTa, Declare Declare Declare Declare Declare Declare Declare Declare Declare Declare Declare beclare Declare Declare Declare Declare Declare Declare Declare

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