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THE HYBORIAN WAR KINGDOM REPORT FOR tC) 1985 Conan Properties Inc. ALL rights reserved. jame design (C) 1585 Reality Simulations Ine. Steppe Seacoast, River Country Border Jombalku (AX) Mountains - Hills Province or Sea zone £8, Aakkharia ig Asoalun Bay of the Styx Swamp or Bog Kingdom report for Tombalku Tura: 1 Winter Warseason NATIONAL HISTORY Know, Q Lord of the royal blood, of the heritage and history of thy people. Thou art_a son of mighty Shem. Thy forefathers pushed south through the evil of Stygia even as the stygians warred with the horrid snake men which inhabited their land in those days jong ago. Thy white forefathers founded Tombalku, forging the black tribes into a powerful kingdom, the might of which rivaled even’the young kingdom of Stygia in that Eime Lo, but our beloved Tombalku faltered upon the rock of racial hatred as our black people began to demand more and more power for their kind. In a moment of weakness, our forefathers created a dual kingship. No longer did one king rule in Tombalku, rather there were two, one white and one black. Since that day so many thousands of years ago, the fortunes of Tombalku have risen and fallen just as the sand of our desert land is Vifted from one point to the next by the sweep of the wind ‘The past generations have been good and many Tibu, Borni, and Bigharma tribesmen have come to serve you. Perhaps even the homelands of these tribes may soon fall under our sway. Know, Great One, that only through control of the southern trade routes can Tombaiku hope to gain power. And most of all, the black-white tension of the kingdom must be kept under control with wise rule, else the power of Tombalku will fade once again. There is much to learn and much to plan. Heed well my words, my Liege, as T report to thee of the length and breadth of thy new kingdom ROYAL TREASURY Know, my liege, that aa of this day, the wealth of your treasury is GOOD. POLITICS know, my liege, that the political standing of thy kingdom is thus: CHARACTERS Know, my liege, that on this day your characters await thy bidding. Great people of reknown are they all. By your leave, Twill now make full report on the present location of all your Characters and make known my considered judgement of their abilitie: The CHANCELLOR of Tombalku is Type: priest ane: gadar W'Duna 1D; ToNa-cia ages ancie stator: Alive Gender Male Province Nation 29 Page 1 61024142 idas w'buna 48 the Provinee Ruler of Tomball The ADJUTANT GENERAL of Tombalku ges ancient tatu (character type: Genera Aesignnent ast Curns Kone As for the other Characters of your kingdom, they are: Age: prive of lite Statue; Alive Gender: Wale Peraonal Comat» FOOR Dipleaaey SUPERIOR Rulershp ADEQUATE Nitiesry Commana took Intssgue ONE ord Aekia Sakunbe ss the current Monarch of Tonal Age: old Statue: Alive Gender: Male Present Location: Tonal Rutersnap. 00 Minieary Comand + *DME Herosee ADEQUATE vai ox aoe: Bandana vadodsh 1p: rown-2 Age middie aged Status: Alive Gender: Hale character Type: noble ignment Laat turn: Kone Character Type: soble Province of Birth: Tombalko character Type: General Personal Combat 1 NOME Diplomacy sox Ruleransp, Nowe magic oor andara Nadodah may use the following gpelie) Magic Arto Done: Musah Sabayega 3D: TomD-4 character type: Genera? dae: young saule = Starues alive Genders male Present Toca son: Fonbatls Diplosaey coon Miisesry Command EXCELLENT Name: gutha sabaye: 15, rom@-s ager young adult Seats: Alive Gender. Male Diplomacy Nowe Ruterehip Poor Nation 29 Province of birth: Tonbalku Aesignnent last turns With the 2nd Teperial Army character Type: sero Page 2 61024142 Nerosen ADDQUATE unbale N'buna may use the following spells: Roincarnate (erable 3 eines) Rotevsnip abequare are: Kapota bane 1p: yowa-8 character Type: Wizard vagic 03 ane: Batis Sabayega Ds TOME. 9 haracter Type: agent bac. middle aged Status, Alive Genders Male province of Birth: Tomball Present 1ocation: Tompslis Assignment Yast turn: Kone Personal combat 1 ADEQUATE TROOPS Know, my Lord, that from old your people have been warriors. All told, there are 3 troop types at your disposal. May it please thee, I have listed each type of troop available to thy kingdom below, giving my considered judgement as to the various abilities of each. have aleo noted the relative cost to our Royal Treasury to train and outfit one troop of each Kind respectively. By necessity, a certain minimum of each troop type must be maintained among the totai armed forces of thy kingdom. Likewise, no more than a certain maximum percentage of your troops may be of any one type. Below I have inscribed any special notes pertaining to each troop type Tombalku Riders : Troop Type 1 oop Category Lc > Light "Cavalry Migsile Combat Ability + GOOD Melee Combat Ability Goop Morale Goon Movement Rate 6 ‘Tonbathu Riders mist sake up a minimn of 204 and may not exceed 4 aaximum of 308 of your total munber of troop Black Spearmen Troop Type 2 Mi Meditm Infantry Nation 29 Page 3 61024142 Missile Combat Ability coop Melee Combat Ability oop Moxale oop Movement Rate 3 White Lancers : Troop Type 3 Troop_Categ: Mc - Medium Cavalry Missile Combat Ability POOR Melee Combat Ability EXCELLENT Morale EXCELLENT Movement Rate 6 MERCENARY TROOPS In addition do your Tombalkun troops, you may hire any of the mercenary troop typ listed below. Mercenaries may not exceed a certian percentage of your total mumber of eyoopa gt one time, Our kingdom can support a total of 18 of standard mercenaries at any given time. Mercenary Spears : Troop Type M1 ‘Troop Category : HI - Heavy Infantry Missile Combat Ability ADEQUATE Melee Combat Ability + GOOD Morale EXCELLENT Movement Rate ao Mercenary Lancers : Troop Type M2 Troop category SHC - Reavy Cavalry Missile Combat Ability ADEQUATE, Melee Combat Ability EXCELLENT Morale : EXCELLENT Movement Rate :5 Mercenary Foot : Troop Type M3 Troop Category HI - Heavy Infantry Missile Combat Ability : GOOD Melee Combat Ability + GOOD Morale EXCELLENT Movement Rate 3 Mercenary Horse : Troop Type M4 Troop Category Hc - Heavy Cavalry Missile Combat Ability : GOOD Melee Combat Ability + Goo Morale EXCELLENT Movement Rate 25 PROVINCES Look upon your land, my Liege, and study well the terrain map that I place in your hands with this report. For knowing the land will help you prepare for battle. May you manuver thy armies to the best advantage that the iand provides. TI have painstakingly zecorded below a list of each of your provinces. Furthermore, i have noted the predominant terrain, the type of troops levied, the usual amount of wealth produced in éach province, and the composition of each provincial army. Tombalku Province 150 Province Type: Land Nation 29 Page 4 61024142 as gone areas of aecer: TRORQUATE chance. to reach Dose ie ot op ExcHLgI chance to reach Open cerrain Ly onee every neh producti The 150th Provincial Army ID: PA-150 Total troops with Army: 8 ‘rx00p Mane ype troop Mane sype Troop Nave type cold Black spearnen 2 Rat 12th Black Spearmen 2 Regular 19th Black Spearcen 2 tady Daura's slack Spearnen 2 Balkuta Black Spearmen 2 Ghous Black Spearnen 2 Tombalku has standing Province Defense Orders as follows: DISPOSITION OF IMPERIAL ARMIES Know, my liege, that on this day thou hast troops stationed throughout the kingdom awaiting your commands. Let me now make full report of the type, number, and location of these troops and the present organization and assignment of these troops into Imperial Aries. ID: IA-1 Total troops with Army: 15 ‘The 1st Imperial Army ‘rro9p tame nye type Troop Nae type ‘The 2nd Imperial Army rD: Ta-2 Total troops with Army: 15 ‘re00p Mame nye Trop Hane nye Troop Mane type otal mnber of Troops 38 reap Mane pe percenc of Total Minimum maximum IMPERIAL GOALS Let me tell thee of the a: 8 of your sires and the dreams of their fathers before them. It is known, my Lord, that if only the following imperial goals can be achieved, a new age of glory and prosperity shall dawn upon the kingdom. Thus have the rulers of Tombalke ever strived to conquer and control the following provinces and control a Nation 29 Page 5 61024142 continuous ‘The rulers Zabhela Tibu of line of provinces between them and any home province of Tombalku. of Tombalku ever strive to conquer and control the following provinces: of Kush Darfar If successful in achieving these goals, Tombalku will truly become an empire and will be immediately able to raise ten Imperial Troops of a type presently unknown to us. VICTORY CONDITIONS Know, Great One, that from days of old it has been prophisied that one would come to us, one who would lead us to glory and victory over all our enemies. Word already spreads throughout lead us to ‘the land victory, hes ‘among our people that you indeed may be this one. Tf you would closely to what I now impart to thee. Below I have listed which factors will either benefit or adversely affect the victory of thy kingdom. ‘The victory of your kingdom will depend upon the number of provinces under your control You will make major progress towards victory by controlling: Ghanatan (44) of Darfar. Meroe Bamula (106) of Kush. (200) of Bamula. ‘The Empty Jungle (326) of The Western Jungles Nation 29 Page 6 61024142 THE HYBORIAN WAR COMMAND SHEET Orders For Tombalku Turn: 1 Date Due: A.S.A.P. Account __ Player Name Signature ___ The last turn was a Winter Warseason, this turn is a time of Peace Years Provinces owned: 150 1 comand qadar 5'Duna to ( 1 comand Lord Baten Sakumte TOMB-ADY EO 1 comand Lora Askia Sakinbe TOMB tO 1 comand raluts Aoyehto rom.2 to 1 Conmand Oandans Hadodah row to rrentiy with Ihe} ) = currently i 1 command Quins Babayet roms to 1 comand Dunbele 8* una rom-6 to 2 comand Maresh Yadedah som-7 to ) ‘ ) 1 ‘command Rapote Wane rome to (_) 0 ) ) 1 comand Dati Sebayegs roms to (_) ) ( ) ‘ ) 1 command 18t Imperial Amy sn province 160 to (Move to (P)rovince ( i Address Requests 1) 2) or (_) Privacy option I Declare ( dv o (oo Q ) : I Declare ( ) fees) ( ) _) I Declare ( v oO ( Q D : I Declare ( >) fees) ( ) n » I Declare ( dy oO ( ) ) I Declare ( ) ) ( ) Q ) I Declare ( ) oO ( ) teed I Declare ( ) ) g 2 e525 gbhe I Declare ( po ( ) a ) aS"y I Declare ( _) ( (_) ( ) Sao) 2323 I Declare ( ) es) ( ) (_ ) BRES I Declare ( 7 i) ( ) _ ) agRE gage I Declare ( ) Lo D ( BEE ~ eee I Declare ( ) fee G ) ( > a ; Ez I Declare ( oO ) a i 338 I Declare ( > ( ) q ) 33 gs 1 Declare ) q ( ) ( =) a3 Nation 29 Page 7 Declare Declare Declare Declare Declare Declare Declare Declare Declare Declare Declare Declare Declare Declare Declare Declare Declare Declare

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