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The generalization ‘Saurians’ encompasses a great Natural weapons. Your unarmed attacks deal
variety of peoples with lizard-like or avian features, piercing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength or
mostly located in the South and Western lands, Dexterity modifier.
such as Nahuac and the Amber Wastes. They People. You belong to a very specific saurian breed,
evolved from the archaic saurid creatures of the which is your actual ‘race’ and the people you
Southorn, which would make their evolution identify with. Choose from the options below.
parallel to that of all other peoples.
The only thing that all Saurians have in
common is their reptilian or avian ancestry, but
they are otherwise exceedingly varied in shape, Also known as lizardfolk, bendavee are hardy,
traits and customs. biped lizards from the Southern swamps. They
have many tribes that compete for survival
and make temporary alliances to defend their
Ancestral Peoples common territory.
While elves were the first sentient peoples in the Bendavee have mostly tribal societies, although
world, saurians had already existed for millennia, a few have erected swamp or jungle cities in
and they kept steadily evolving, achieving Nahuac or the Southorn. They believe in daring
intelligence and a spoken language, and building and survival; in their culture, a person’s worth is
their first cities when the elves still lived an idyllic, measured by their hunting and exploring ability.
primitive life in their forests. They prefer skill over wisdom, but some have
mastered K’aab magic.
Varied breeds
No two saurian peoples are alike — some are SWAMP MASTERS
haughty and magical like elves, some are brutish Above all, Bendavee lizardfolk appreciate and
and brave like orcs, and yet others are small and worship their environment, and consider
skittering like halflings. There are countless saurian themselves the appointed protectors of their
breeds in the world, but very few have been ecosystem. Their swamp survival skills are unbeaten
actually documented, and fewer still have built by any other peoples of Valerna.
durable civilizations. This is the reason why all their
incredibly varied strains are grouped as a single APPEARANCE
‘people’, even though they are as different among
Bendavee resemble squat, hunched, two-legged
themselves as gnomes are from ogerron. The Saurian
lizards, averaging just under 2 meters in height.
traits presented here are a broad generalization, and
Their scaly bodies have camouflage abilities, and
the best known or most widespread saurian breeds
some can regenerate lost limbs, just as smaller
are presented as subraces of the general template.
lizards. Bendavee scales are often green, brown or
grey, with lighter or darker tones.
The following are the only common attributes BENDAVEE NAMES
shared among saurian breeds.
Lizardfolk use descriptive names that exalt their
Ability Score Increase. Saurians come in all sizes, survival skills, their resemblance to beasts or
shapes and innate strengths. Increase any one of natural forces. They often accompany their name
your ability scores by 1 point. with a nickname that celebrates their deeds or
Darkvision. Your reptilian eyes allow you to see in feats, such as Cozee of the Seven Spears, or Chilai
dim light as if it was bright light, and in darkness the Elf-slayer.
as if it was dim light, out to 60 feet. You cannot see
colors in darkness . only shades of grey.

Male names: Chilac, Cí, Co, Cozee, Djo, Dzac, Boaab were the masters of humanity in the Lost
Dzo, Ezaa, Ghee, Huee, Gúc, Jao, Quee, Tao, Times before the Altanesi Empire, and currently they
Tajac, Xee, Zac, Zelao, Zibac hope to regain their dominion through their alliance
Female names: Aji, Ayoli, Bayi, Bezai, Bilai, with the Scourge Triumvirate of Valerna’s Southorn.
Bíni, Chilai, Culi, Cuyai, Donai, Pijai, Pitai, Sha, Today, the boaab oversee the law, political
Zai, Zobi, Zoqui structure and arcane research in the Triumvirate of
Sabaar, in Valerna’s southerlands; in this way the
BENDAVEE TRAITS snakefolk spread their subtle influence through
whispered secrets and mighty rites.
These are in addition to base Saurian traits.
Ability Score Increase. Choose your Strength, SAURIAN BIRTHRIGHT
Dexterity or Constitution score. The chosen ability
score increases by 2. Many boaab believe their reptilian ancestry makes
them greater than other peoples. While not all
Age. Bendavee can live up to 130 years, but they snakefolk are blindly arrogant, their culture teaches
are considered mature from 10 years. them to look down on other sentients.
Size. Although your form is hunched, you are Boaab society is highly structured, with different
long and bulky. Your height at the shoulder is 1.8 castes of people holding different places in society.
meters on average, and your length from head to The highest status belongs to spellcasters or priests,
tail tip is just under 3 meters. Your size is Medium. which hold the most power – and the greatest
Speed. Your base land speed is 30 feet. responsibility – in boaab society.
Hard scales. If you’re wearing no armor, your Snakefolk believe that serving them is better
AC equals 12 + your Dexterity modifier. than freedom, and often take prisoners from other
peoples, expecting them to obey of their own free
Regeneration. When you spend a Hit Die to will, understanding that it is a privilege.
heal yourself, you regain additional hit points equal
to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1
additional hit point).
Boaab have incredibly powerful minds, which grant
Natural stalker. Choose one environment
them a measure of control over Id magic. Nearly
among jungle, swamp or desert. You cannot change
all snakefolk develop psychic abilities upon coming
this choice later. When you are in your chosen
of age, although their power levels vary. For this
environment, you may ignore difficult terrain, and
reason, psychic powers are not really a part of boaab
you gain advantage on Stealth and Survival checks.
daily life, being more a staple of grand rituals and
Languages. You can speak Common, Boa’a high-stakes political dealings, which are usually the
and Buun. province of the more powerful psychics. The average
boaab citizen uses their psychic abilities sparingly
Boaab and respectfully, as frivolous displays are considered
bad taste at best, and a criminal offense at worst.
The most ancient and powerful breed of saurians,
the snake-like Boaab used to rule the world before For the most part, boaab avoid using Id magic
the rise of humans, and perhaps even before the rise to control their servants and prisoners, as forcefully
of mortals. Some boaab claim their kind predated invading an ally’s mind is the gravest crime someone
elves and other sentients, giving them a longer can commit. Boaab may look down on their servants,
lineage than any other people in the world. but they understand they are sentient, and respect
their inner worlds and thoughts, even if they are not
as perfect as those of snakefolk. The boaab expect
their servants to accept their authority, under threat if
necessary, but never under mental coercion.

APPEARANCE Languages. You may speak, read and write
Boaab resemble gigantic snakes with humanoid Common, Boa’a and Sabaari.
torsos and two or four lizard-like claws. Their scales
are green, brown, red or grey, and they grow to Buunkun
lengths surpassing the four-meter mark from head
A wise and ancient breed of humanoid birds, the
to tail.
Buunkun, or birdfolk, were present during the
rise of humanity from cave-dwellers to empire
BOAAB TRAITS builders, and according to some traditions even
These are in addition to base Saurian traits. oversaw it, or at least helped it along. They
Ability Score Increase. Choose from your are masters of lore and wisdom, with a great
Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma score. The understanding of Fai magic.
chosen ability score increases by 1. Virtually all buunkun live in the Realm of
Age. Snakefolk can live for centuries, averaging Nahuac, scattered among their own high-placed
350 years, and being considered mature by 33. settlements and lowland human tribes. Itzána,
They grow by shedding their skin, which they the third most important city in Nahuac, is the
consider an ordeal and a test of strength. Buunkun capital.

Size. You are a human-sized snake, over 3 FLYING COLORS

meters in length. Your size is Medium. Every time
you gain a level, you shed your skin, gaining a few Buunkun have most varied appearances and sizes,
centimeters in size. with some tribes being small and others large,
with greatly varying wingspans, and myriad colors
Growth and Mutation. Whenever you would and feather arrangements. Tribes name themselves
gain a feat or an ability score increase from level by their physical traits, such as Crest buunkun,
advancement, you may forgo the feat or ability Longfeather buunkun, Fantail buunkun, and so on.
score increase to gain one of the following benefits:
All birdfolk can fly, and love to streak across the
• You become Large (see the Large Creatures Westerland skies displaying their plumage, crests
sidebar), or and ltails.
• You gain a second set of arms, which gives you
the ability to wield up to four weapons or items ANCIENT KNOWLEDGE
at the same time. Whenever you wield three
Buunkun tribes were the first people to record and
or more weapons, you gain the benefits of the
measure the coming of dragons, and the first to
Two-Weapon Master feat.
transcribe the dragon language and try to establish
Speed. Your base land speed is 30 feet. communication with the Great Wyrms.
Poison. If your unarmed strike deals damage to From this research, Buunkun developed the
a target subject to poison damage, the target must arcane lore that drove the development of all
succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC equal mortal cultures in the Southorn, which would lead
to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution to the establishment of the Altanesi Empire and the
modifier) or become poisoned for 1 hour. Nahuac Coalition.
Psychic abilities. You know the message Buunkun invented astronomy, linguistics,
cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you may cast mathematics and advanced architecture long before
the charm person spell once per day. When you the Altanesi Empire existed, and they established
reach 5th level, you may cast the suggestion spell the complex numerology that today rules the sacred
once per day. Your spellcasting ability for these number magic of Nahuac.
spells is Intelligence, and you need no somatic or
material components to use them.

Buunkun resemble biped birds, roughly as tall These are in addition to base Saurian traits.
as humans, though they can be much shorter Ability Score Increase. Choose your
or much taller. They use clothing not to cover Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma score. The
themselves, but merely as decoration, if ever. They chosen ability score increases by 1.
often arrange and adorn their feathers in fancy or
ritual styles. Age. Buunkun may live up to 120 years, and
they are assumed as adults from age 13.
BUUNKUN NAMES Languages. You can speak Common, Buun
Names are sacred for the Buunkun, and they give and Náhuinn.
symbolic significance to each letter as well to the Size. Depending on your ethnicity, you may be
number of letters and syllables used. They have no as short as 80 centimeters or as tall as 2 meters, or
clan names, but often add their city or tribe at the any height in between. You are Small or Medium
end of their personal name. (your choice).
Male names: Baaka, Braana, Branód, Buuk, Speed. Your base land speed is 20 feet.
Cáa, Kaaba, Calód, Duuna, Gáulod, Huud,
Ancestral Lore. You have proficiency in the
Huuna, Itzaa, Shaa, Uuba
History skill.
Female names: Aachan, Aaman, Baalan, Baan,
Bird’s Eye. You have advantage on any
Braan, Chén, Kaan, Kaaban, Kuulan, Schaan, Si’an
Perception checks that involve sight.
Flight. You have a fly speed of 60 feet. You may
only use this speed while wearing light or no armor.

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