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Top 5 Tips to

Becoming a
Newborn Care


© Newborn Care Solutions

[ newborn care specialist ]
Highly specialized and trained in-home childcare provider who
focuses on the care and well-being of the newborn: i.e., the first
12-16 weeks of life.

Don’t be afraid to spend
money on quality education.
Too many potential Newborn Care Specialists or even newer NCS are reluctant to spend money on quality
education. Many even have a mindset of “I have been working with babies for a long time, I know what I need
to know”. And the reality is you may know the basics of what you need to know, but do you REALLY know
what you need to know? The short answer to that in most cases is “No, you don’t”. So many people have taken
the Newborn Care Solutions Foundational Class (our educational starting point) and afterwards say “Wow, I took
this just so I could get the certificate to show families—I have worked with babies for many years and I did not
think I was going to learn anything new and I am shocked at how much I learned; I now feel so much more
equipped to serve families and babies”. You don’t know what you “don’t know” until you learn it. And being a
Newborn Care Specialist is SO MUCH MORE than just changing and feeding babies. It is understanding common
newborn issues, it is understanding and knowing how to navigate postpartum issues with new parents, it is
knowing the core basics of having your own business. And our Advanced NCS Intensive Training goes even
more in-depth. Solving common sleep issues, infant brain development, the science of breast milk and formula,
working with preemies and common ailments with them, working in High Profile and High Net Worth homes and
the unique perspectives on that and more. One student commented after that course “I know a lot, and I was still
shocked at how much I don’t know”. We bring it all together for you. And if being one of the top NCS in the
country is your goal, then there is nothing on the market like our Elite and Master NCS programs—each a year
long, each in-depth and each customized to make you the best of the best. Never forget, most courses are paid
for in only 1-3 days’ work—that kind of return on investment is unheard of in any other industry.
Get as much experience as
you can, even if that means
doing volunteer work.
Too many new Newborn Care Specialists skip this step. They feel that nanny work alone is enough. But hands-
on experience with newborns is different than nanny experience in most cases. Hospitals can be good options,
moms of multiples groups, volunteering at church nurseries, shadowing an NCS Mentor and any other way you
can gain experience and references can only benefit you from both an educational standpoint and credibility
standpoint. Educationally, you will never learn more than you do when you are actually working hands-on with
the babies. Observing, listening to them, learning from them is the best experience and education possible. The
babies, if you let them, will teach you more than any class, video or book can. And from a credibility standpoint,
parents value your experience and references. Ask any NCS if the volunteer work they did, especially if it was
with multiples, has helped them with credibility when job seeking and you will get a resounding yes! One NCS
who worked with a set of quintuplets for only one week as a volunteer has been crazy busy ever since
because of the credibility that has given her. So don’t overlook that as an option. But DO insist that you obtain
a reference in exchange for that volunteer work—work is worthless if you can’t back it up with a reference to
prove you were there and did it.
Gain a basic understanding
of business.

Even though from a strictly legal tax standpoint, in most cases, an NCS is not supposed to be an independent
contractor, the reality is that most operate as one and most families prefer to pay that way. You need to
understand what that means in terms of how you set up your business, how and when you pay your taxes,
what you need in terms of insurance to protect yourself, what permits and licenses are required in your city
and state, what you are going to want to do in terms of marketing your business (website, business cards, rack
cards, promotions, speaking engagements, etc.) and how you are going to handle paying for all of it and paying
yourself. You are running a business if you operate as an independent contractor and while you can do well
operating ‘by the seat of your pants”, if you understand business and have a plan, you will be far more
successful and eventually have a business that can run so well you can plan much deserved time off and
achieve that freedom that many business owners dream of.
Get proper help.

Too many in the Newborn Care Specialist world try to do this all on their own. They design their own logos,
their own marketing materials, their own website, they have their little brother take their head shot photos,
they print their own business cards on their home printer and more. This can get you by for a bit, but you will
never achieve top level success if you don’t get top level help. You may be fortunate; I know one NCS married
to a web designer and SEO expert—great! She has expert level help available to her without an extra bill. Or
another friend is married to a photographer—head shots and cute baby photos for her website and marketing
—perfect! But most of us are not that fortunate and so we have to hire that help. Find people who have head
shots you like who are in your area and ask where they got them done. See the personal shopper at
Nordstrom or other local store to help you find a great outfit that flatters your figure and coloring for the
photo, find someone who specializes in marketing materials design—you get the idea. If you want to be
viewed as a top-level expert, you need to hire top level experts to assist you in areas that are not your
expertise. Or as we hear often “Stay in your own wheelhouse”.
Get a mentor!

This business is hard on the body and the mind sometimes. Being up nights affects our sleep, our hormones and
our health and is highly isolating. It often involves signing NDA’s and certainly always involves maintaining
client confidentiality. So, when we are struggling or exhausted, having someone safe and trustworthy and
wise to talk to can be such a relief. Knowing that they care about you, having your best interests at heart and
want you to be the best can be such a comfort and them reminding you that “you need to take care of you
before you can take care of others” (airplane oxygen mask theory) is often just what we need. But it also can
be critical in the care we provide to families. A mentor you can call or text with a “have you seen this before?”
question is invaluable. Having someone who can help you navigate a challenging client or baby situation is
huge. And too many NCS don’t have that. With training through Newborn Care Solutions, you have an entire
team of expert, hand-selected mentors at your disposable through our student Facebook group. Plus, you have
the growing experience of our student population and their unique experiences and backgrounds. And if going
really deep is your desire, you can join our Elite NCS program where you get a level of mentorship that is
unique and unbelievably valuable.
Let's work
Consider what your goals are as an NCS, what you are or
should be doing to make them happen and how Newborn Care
Solutions can help you meet those goals. For more information
on any of our programs, check us out at and click on the Education tab
or contact us at


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