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San Mateo Municipal College

Gen. Luna St., Guitnangbayan I, San Mateo, Rizal

First Semester A.Y. 2023 - 2024

Name: ______________________________________________ Date: _____________

Program/Year/Section _________________________________ Score: ____________

I. True or False: Choose/select “A” if the statement is correct and if not, choose/select “B”. Write your
response on the sheet provided.
__________________1. Your employment documents must have correct grammar, no spelling errors and
organized in a way that will get the reader’s attention immediately.
__________________2. It is imperative to strategically place information in a way that will grab employers’
attention and encourage them to read further.
__________________3. There is such thing as a “general” resume that you send to each job that you apply
__________________4. The employer should get a really good understanding of what you will personally
bring to their organization after reviewing your resume.
__________________5. Internships, apprenticeship programs, personal and freelance experience, related
projects, and organizations you are active in are not needed in your resume.
__________________6. An effective resume should always include accurate information. It should be free
from exaggeration and false information.
__________________7. The resume should be neat, clean and attractive.
__________________8. An accurate and effective resume gives incomplete information about the applicant.
__________________9. Inclusion of unnecessary information or repetition of information is desirable to give
emphasis and impress more.
_________________10. Resume is the only information sheet that an employer has in determining whether
to call the applicant in the interview.
_________________11. Keep your resume brief---usually two pages maximum.
_________________12. References can be provided on request – you don’t need to include their contact
details on your resume
_________________13. Always include computer skills, language skills, and any relevant training.
_________________14. Always add personal detail such as age, religion, and sex.
_________________15. Keep your hobbies and interest section short and only include them if needed.
_________________16. An easy way to keep your resume concise is to include only recent, relevant
_________________17. Prioritize the skills, qualifications and experiences that are directly applicable to the
job you are trying to land.
_________________18. The best place to start when preparing to write a resume is to carefully read the job
postings that interest you.
_________________19. While you might have extensive work or educational experience, it’s important to
always put all of them in your resume.
_________________20. Before sending your resume, you should undergo several rounds of proofreading to
ensure there are no spelling or grammar errors.
_________________21. Before you go into an interview, it's important to spend time reading the job
description alone.
San Mateo Municipal College
Gen. Luna St., Guitnangbayan I, San Mateo, Rizal

_________________22. Come up with several specific answers to potential questions related to the position
you're applying for and the duties that will be expected of you.
_________________23. On the day of the interview, make sure you arrive at exactly the scheduled interview
_________________24. Wear clothes that are too casual, too large, or small, or too flamboyant.
_________________25. Address the interview by name and ensure you pronounce the name or names
_________________26. Avoid asking questions to the interviewer.
_________________27. Use speech fillers like "um" and "like" in organizing thoughts during interview.
_________________28. Be aware of your own nonverbal cues to ensure you’re presenting yourself in a
professional and positive way
_________________29. Practice answering interview questions with a friend or family member, so you feel
comfortable when answering questions during the actual interview.
_________________30. Don’t bring a hard copy of your resume since prospective employer has a copy of that
in their email.

II. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in the blank space before each
item number.

31. This contains the name of the firm, a statement of its business, its address, and other less essential
parts such as telephone number, fax number, cellphone number and website.
a. letterhead
b. inside address
c. complimentary close
d. salutation

32. This shows the name and address of the recipient of the letter.
a. salutation
b. letterhead
c. inside address
d. body

33. It may be typed on the left or on the right depending on the letter style and two or three spaces below
the last line of the letterhead.
a. Signature block
b. letterhead
c. inside address
d. dateline

34. It is a form of common courtesy extended in business placed before the body of the letter.
a. letterhead
b. inside address
c. complimentary close
d. salutation

35. It contains the message of the letter which is carefully planned with conciseness, clear and exact
a. salutation
b. body
c. inside address
d. letterhead

36. It consists of the writer’s name; his business title and company and it is typed four to five spaces
below the complimentary close.
a. letterhead
b. inside address
c. signature block
d. salutation
San Mateo Municipal College
Gen. Luna St., Guitnangbayan I, San Mateo, Rizal

37. It is the words of courtesy at the end of the letter.

a. letterhead
b. inside address
c. complimentary close
d. salutation

38. It is a one-page document that you submit as part of your job application (alongside your CV or
a. Cover letter
b. Letter of resignation
c. Letter of commendation
d. Memorandum

39. It is a short-written description of your education, qualifications, and previous jobs which you send
to an employer when you are trying to get a job
a. Curriculum Vitae
b. Resume
c. Biodata
d. 201 File

40. It presents a full history of your academic credentials.

a. Curriculum Vitae
b. Resume
c. Biodata
d. 201 File

41. It is a type of business cliché which means to promise a thorough search.

a. thrown under the bus
b. stretch goals
c. to leave no stone unturned
d. a growth of opportunity

42. It is a type of business cliché which means something that happens very seldom; very rare; or,
almost never.
a. well-earned rest
b. once in a blue moon
c. a chance of a lifetime
d. cut the deadwood out

43. It is a type of business cliché which means to remove unproductive persons from employment.
a. well-earned rest
b. once in a blue moon
c. a chance of a lifetime
d. cut the deadwood out

44. It is an optional part of a business letter which indicates that something accompanies the letter in
the envelope.
a. mailing direction notation
b. enclosure notation
c. subject line
d. attention line

45. It is an optional part of a business letter wherein it tells the reader what the letter is all about.
a. mailing direction notation
b. enclosure notation
c. subject line
d. attention line

46. It is a part of a business letter in which the stenographer’s identity will be typed in the lower corner
of the letter.
a. reference initials
b. carbon copy notation
c. blind carbon copy notation
d. post-script notation
San Mateo Municipal College
Gen. Luna St., Guitnangbayan I, San Mateo, Rizal

47. It is an optional part of a business letter in in which used to reemphasize an important point in the
letter or to transmit a personal message.
a. attention line
b. subject line
c. reference initials
d. post-script notation

48. It is an optional part of a business letter in which the writers desires to send a copy of his letter to
another person but doesn’t want the addressee to know this fact.
a. reference initials
b. carbon copy notation
c. blind carbon copy notation
d. post-script notation

49. It is an optional part of a business letter wherein it shows that copies are sent to one another or more
persons other than the addressee.
a. signature block
b. carbon copy notation
c. blind carbon copy notation
d. post-script notation

50. It is an optional part of a business letter wherein it is found only in letters addressed to a firm.
a. mailing direction notation
b. enclosure notation
c. subject line
d. attention line

“Whoever walks in integrity walks securely,

but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.”
Proverbs 10:9
San Mateo Municipal College
Gen. Luna St., Guitnangbayan I, San Mateo, Rizal

First Semester A.Y. 2022 - 2023

Answer Key

1. A
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. A
8. B
9. B
10. B
11. A
12. A
13. A
14. B
15. A
16. A
17. A
18. A
19. B
20. A
21. A
22. A
23. B
24. B
25. A
26. B
27. B
28. A
29. A
30. B
31. A
32. C
33. D
34. D
35. B
36. C
37. C
38. A
39. B
40. D
41. C
42. B
43. D
44. B
45. C
46. A
47. D
48. C
49. B
50. D

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