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Assessment Test for Grammar

Choose the correct answer.

Q1 Can you hear what he is .......?

(a) saying (b) speaking (c) telling (d) talking

Q2 She hasn't come home ........

(a) still (b) already (c) yet (d) till

Q3 I ....... TV yesterday evening.

(a) saw (b) looked (c) viewed (d) watched

Q4 We live ....... the city centre.

(a) near (b) next (c) by (d) nearby

Q5 She looks ....... a famous film star.

(a) as (b) like (c) similar (d) same

Q6 This television gives you the ....... news.

(a) last (b) latest (c) least (d) later

Q7 I only ....... one mistake in last night's test.

(a) made (b) done (c) did (d) make

Q8 I want you to tell me the ....... truth.

(a) all (b) exact (c) real (d) whole

Q9 He is looking ....... a present to buy his girlfriend.

(a) for (b) at (c) in (d) on

Q10 That's what I would like ....... Christmas.

(a) for (b) at (c) in (d) on

Q11 You must not drink and then ....... a car.

(a) lead (b) drive (c) take (d) guide

Q12 Please be ....... when you cross this road.

(a) careless (b) carefree (c) caring (d) careful

Q13 Do what you like, I really don't ........

(a) concern (b) interested (c) dislike (d) mind

Q14 If you want to ....... that book remember to bring it back.

(a) borrow (b) lend (c) loan (d) owe

Q15 When your train arrives, I'll ....... you from the station.

(a) take (b) bring (c) fetch (d) remove

Q16 He tends to forget things very quickly and behaves more and more like
the typical ....... professor.

(a) clear-minded (b) absent-minded (c) well-minded (d) cool-minded

Q17 This is a very expensive holiday intended for those with plenty of money
as it involves a trip ....... the world.
(a) through (b) along (c) about (d) around

Q18 The car is almost ready to collect from the garage but there are just a
couple of spare ....... missing.

(a) parts (b) pieces (c) extras (d) accessories

Q19 They were ....... of having broken into the stately home and stolen several
famous paintings.

(a) charged (b) described (c) accused (d) blamed

Q20 The one thing my family will always remember about Grace was the many
....... of kindness that she showed us in her long life.

(a) deeds (b) acts (c) actions (d) feats

Q21 I did just that but in my ....... I dropped a small packet that fell into a
(a) hurry (b) haste (c) speed (d) hasting
Q22 I didn't have the courage to make another assault on the house.
Instead I took it home to ....... it out.
(a) make (b) do (c) try (d) dry

Q23 I knew if I told Ted he would talk a lot about being strictly against the
rules but I was convinced it didn't ........

(a) concern (b) affect (c) matter (d) worry

Q24 In my kitchen I looked at the address and saw the recipient was a Master
Richard. I was ashamed of my .......

(a) coward (b) cowardice (c) cowardly (d) cowards

Q25 and thought I was depriving a young child of his Christmas present from
some loving ........

(a) relative (b) related (c) reality (d) relatively

Q26 I rubbed the package with a towel and went quickly again to number
56 hurrying down the path in the true ....... of the season,

(a) sense (b) ghost (c) taste (d) spirit

Q27 clutching the precious bundle in my hand I ....... it through the letter box

(a) gave (b) took (c) thrust (d) turned

Q28 expecting to hear a happy ....... of surprise from young Richard. As I

hurried away

(a) yelp (b) sound (c) noise (d) din

Q29 to the sound of the ....... dog, I knocked by accident the garden gate just
in time to hear a voice shouting:

(a) braying (b) breathing (c) barking (d) hooting

Q30 Master Richard! When will that woman realise I'm over fifty and can't
....... knitted socks!

(a) hate (b) dislike (c) sit (d) stand

Answer keys:

1. a
2. c
3. d
4. a
5. b
6. b
7. a
8. d
9. a
10. a
11. b
13. d
14. a
15. c
16. b
17. d
18. a
19. c
20. b
21. b
22. d
23. c
24. b
25. a
26. d
27. c
28. a
29. c
30. d

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