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PIONEER B1+ - TEST: Module 5

Test: Module 5

A. Circle the correct words.

1. Brian is telling the truth, I can assign / assure you.

2. In the scenario / event of an earthquake, try to stay calm.

3. The exhibition has works of art by many contemporary / accessible artists.

4. Wendy reminds / resembles her sister a lot.

5. My dad works for a company that functions / manufactures plastic goods.

6. We did not fully comprehend / obtain how the accident occurred.

score 6

B. Complete the text with the words/phrases in the box. There are two extra
words/phrases that you do not need to use.

thanks to slightly presently at our fingertips time will tell predict

establish sooner or later

Many people 1 that technology will

significantly affect healthcare in the future. Scientists are
2 researching ways to make technology
transform healthcare for everybody. We will be able to instantly have
any information about our health 3 ,
because health issues and diseases could be monitored with the help
of smartphones and tablets. 4
technological developments, information that was once only in the
hands of doctors and specialists, will 5 be
available for all. Apps that monitor your heart rate or track your calorie consumption already exist,
so only 6 what the future holds.
score 6

Copyright © MM Publications
PIONEER B1+ - TEST: Module 5

C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.

1. Winning the race was one of the runner’s greatest . ACHIEVE

2. Can I have your attention, please? I have an to make. ANNOUNCE

3. We didn’t enjoy the concert and we were all very . DISAPPOINT

4. Martha is very and works well in groups. COOPERATE

5. The hotel prices are much more during the winter

because there aren’t many tourists. AFFORD

6. It’s a story about two friends that went on a trip

around Europe. HUMOUR

7. I don’t understand how this works. It’s too . CONFUSE

8. The author’s for the story was a dream he had. INSPIRE

score 8

A. Choose a, b, c or d.

1. Ted called and said he’s stuck in traffic. By the time he gets here, we for over an hour!
a. will wait b. will have been waiting c. will be waiting d. are waiting
2. As soon as I get home, I Sue. I have something to tell her.
a. will be called b. will have called c. call d. will call
3. Stop making fun of me or I you with your homework again!
a. never going to help b. will never help c. never help d. will never have helped
4. You to have a doctor see that cut.
a. ought b. should c. might d. would
5. I believe we will have finished the project of this month.
a. before b. by the time c. until d. by the end
6. You bring anything; I’ll cook.
a. don’t have to b. couldn’t c. can’t d. wouldn’t
7. Don’t forget to take your keys. I when you get back.
a. will sleep b. ’m sleeping c. will have been sleeping d. will be sleeping
8. Jack and I played tennis this morning. He look after the kids because his wife was at home.
a. shouldn’t b. mustn’t c. didn’t need to d. had better not

Copyright © MM Publications
PIONEER B1+ - TEST: Module 5

9. The dentist is very busy today. You have to wait a while before he sees you.
a. may b. should c. must d. don’t
10. By June, I enough Spanish for my trip.
a. am going to learn b. will learn c. will have learnt d. will have been learning
11. I find my purse anywhere this morning.
a. wouldn’t b. might not c. wasn’t able d. couldn’t
12. Children very selfish sometimes.
a. can be b. had to be c. had better be d. will have been

score 12

B. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five
words, including the word given.

1. Is it necessary for employees to have a driving licence? need

Do a driving licence?

2. There’s a possibility that I will go to Italy this summer. might

I this summer.

3. Taking photos of the sculptures is not allowed. must

You of the sculptures.

4. It’s a good idea to put on a coat, because it’s cold outside. better

You a coat, because it’s

cold outside.
score 8

Copyright © MM Publications
PIONEER B1+ - TEST: Module 5

You will hear five people expressing their opinion about the future of education. Match
the speakers with the statements a-g. There are two extra statements that you do not
need to use.

a. I believe students will have more choice in their education.

Speaker 1
b. I don’t think students will have a need for libraries anymore.
Speaker 2 c. Only those who can afford it will be able to get an education.
Speaker 3 d. I don’t think education will change that much.
e. I think there will be less need for teachers in the future.
Speaker 4
f. Education will improve only with better teaching methods.
Speaker 5
g. I don’t think schools will exist in the future.

score 10

Read the text and write T for True, F for False or NM for Not Mentioned in the boxes.

Transforming Language
Advances in transport and communication mean that the rest of the world is now closer than it
has ever been. Countries are no longer isolated; cultures are coming together through travel
and tourism, and we are beginning to have a better understanding of other civilisations.
If this trend continues, the future of our planet could be very different from the world as we
know it today. Already, schoolchildren around the world study a variety of foreign languages,
and the increase in multinational business transactions means that languages are no longer
spoken only in their country of origin. Communication difficulties between speakers of different
languages are becoming less common – and we can look ahead to a future where a global
language may well be a reality.
This idea has been around for centuries. As far back as the 1800s, a doctor by the name of
L.L. Zamenhof created an easy-to-learn language which he hoped would help relations
between different countries and provide a bridge for cultures without a common language. He
named it ‘International Language’ - although nowadays it is better known as ‘Esperanto’.
Experts estimate that it takes around 150 hours to reach an average standard in Esperanto –
compared to 1,000-2,000 hours for other modern languages.
Literature from all around the world has been translated into Esperanto, and it has been used
for various international official documents. It is also a working language for several worldwide
organisations. However, its success has been limited. Although it is recognised as an official
language, it is currently spoken by 2 million people at most, and no country has ever adopted it
as a second language.

Copyright © MM Publications
PIONEER B1+ - TEST: Module 5

Until the world is ready for a global language, perhaps what it needs is a machine that can
understand and translate every one of the languages currently in use across the globe. The
idea for a global translating device was first mentioned in a 1945 novel by sci-fi writer Murray
Leinster. It is a machine which instantly and accurately translates any language into another
language of your choice, and plays it aloud. Although this idea was adopted enthusiastically by
the sci-fi community and has appeared in numerous books and films, is it a realistic prospect?
Well, the first speech-translating machine actually appeared on the market in 2005. Functioning
in the same way as Leinster’s machine, it claims to be entirely flexible in its language use. This
means it shouldn’t produce the odd-sounding phrases you sometimes see if you use an
Internet translating service.
Today, companies are also working on the development of an app that functions in a similar
way for smartphones, which will be used to instantly translate ongoing phone calls. Who
knows? One day there may even be translating machines that fit inside the brain. Then
language difficulties really will be a thing of the past.

1. In the future, schoolchildren will have

to learn even more languages to keep
up with the global community.
2. Esperanto is much more difficult to
learn than most modern languages.
3. In countries where Esperanto is
spoken, it is considered a second
4. The global translating device has
been on sale since 1945.
5. In the near future, phone
conversations may be instantly
translated into a different language
for the person on the other end.

score 10

Copyright © MM Publications
PIONEER B1+ - TEST: Module 5

You have seen this advertisement in the newspaper and are interested in making some
inquiries to obtain additional information. Your letter (140-190 words) should ask about
the following:
• what kind of positions
• working days and hours


is looking for university students to take part in the summer internship programme.
We are looking for young, enthusiastic individuals who will work as
interns in a variety of positions at our museum. The chosen candidates will be
employed full-time for the duration of 10 weeks during the summer.
For inquiries please email us at

score 10


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