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Standard Template Library(STL)



1. Linear Search
2. Binary Search (Iterative AND Recursion)
3. Binary Search ON 2D Array
4. Modified Binary Search

1. Insertion Sort
2. Selection Sort
3. Bubble Sort
4. Merge Sort
5. Quick Sort
6. Cyclic Sort
7. Count Sort
8. Radix Sort


1. Complete Bitwise Operators
2. Range of numbers
3. Prime numbers
4. Sieve of Eratosthenes
5. Newton's Square Root Method
6. Factors
7. Modulo properties
8. Number Theory
9. HCF / LCM
10. Euclidean algorithm

Linked List

1. Introduction
2. Fast and slow pointer
3. Cycle Detection
4. Single and Doubly LinkedList
5. Reversal of LinkedList
6. Linked List + Recursion

Stacks & Queues

1. Introduction
2. Push efficient
3. Pop efficient
4. Queue using Stack and Vice versa
5. Circular Queue


1. Introduction
2. Binary Trees
3. Binary Search Trees
4. DFS
5. BFS
6. AVL Trees
7. Segment Tree
8. Fenwick Tree / Binary Indexed Tree


1. 1.Introduction
2. Theory
3. Priority Queue
4. Heapsort
5. Two Heaps Method
6. k-way merge
7. Top k elements
8. Interval problems


1. Introduction
2. Theory - how it works
3. Comparisons of various forms
4. Limitations and how to solve
5. Map using LinkedList
6. Map using Hash
7. Chaining
8. Probing
9. Huffman-Encoder
10. Top K elements problems


1. Introduction
2. BFS
3. DFS
4. Working with graph components
5. Minimum Spanning Trees
6. Kruskal Algorithm
7. Prims Algorithm
8. Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm
9. Topological Sort
10. Bellman ford
11. A* pathfinding Algorithm

Subarray Questions: Sliding window, Two Pointer, Kadane's Algorithm

Greedy Algorithms

Tries [Type of Tree]

Dynamic Programming

1. Introduction
2. Recursion + Recursion DP + Iteration + Iteration Space Optimized
3. Complexity Analysis
4. 0/1 Knapsack
5. Subset Questions
6. Unbounded Knapsack
7. Subsequence questions
8. String DP

(after everything)

Advanced Topics

1. Fast IO
2. File handling [OS]
3. Bitwise + DP
4. Extended Euclidean algorithm
5. Modulo Multiplicative Inverse
6. Linear Diophantine Equations
7. Matrix Exponentiation
8. Mathematical Expectation
9. Catalan Numbers
10. Fermat’s Theorem
11. Wilson's Theorem
12. Euler's Theorem
13. Lucas Theorem
14. Chinese Remainder Theorem
15. Euler Totient
16. NP-Completeness
17. Multithreading [OS]

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