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BPA 3-2


Why is it important to have Interoperable and connected government data in the context of

Cite at least 2-3 benefits or more and explain. Don't forget to include your references.

Interoperability refers to the ability of systems and devices to exchange and interpret
shared data. To be interoperable, two systems must be able to exchange data and then present
that data in a way that a user can understand. The function of interoperable is data access,
databases, devices, or applications to communicate data transmission.

For a variety of reasons, governments should strive for interoperability. First, there are e-
government interoperability results in better decision-making. Policymakers in most countries
face not only overlapping and uncoordinated data sources but also a lack of common terms of
reference and means of representing these data. As a result, comparing data that is represented
differently comes at a time-consuming and complex cost. Data interoperability will
enable compiled by various agencies for use in making better decisions. (UNDP 2007, p.1)

The use of interoperable is extremely beneficial to our government; for example, fast
processing of papers is possible because information can be quickly received, sent, shared, and
connected. Another benefit is increased productivity at work; because of the quick information
flow, they can operate more smoothly, and the necessary data can be accessed immediately from
other systems. This will speed up the process more than waiting for the necessary information.
Interoperability is essential and can greatly assist our government in overcoming common
challenges such as language barriers, incompatible systems, and connectivity issues. This will
facilitate data access and will be extremely beneficial in terms of communication. It will also aid
in the protection of data, particularly confidential information. They can also easily access
records, data, or information that do not need to be repeated manually.
E-government system interoperability provides numerous benefits, including increased
efficiency, transparency, accountability, and access, as well as cost-effective service
coordination. (UNDP 2007, p.1)

Failures to build functional systems, on the other hand, show that the task is not only
difficult but also poorly understood. Addressing interoperability challenges will improve service
delivery efficiency, access to services, and coordination among existing services, resulting in
additional efficiency gains, technology management, and maintenance.


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