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BSPA 3-2

The power to investigate, to be
Introduction to Law and conscientious and rational at the very least,
Jurisprudence requires an inquiry into existing facts and
Lecture no. 2 conditions. The document required to be
produced constitutes evidence of the most
Classification of the powers of
solid character as to whether or not there
administrative agencies
was a failure to comply with the mandates of
As to nature the law It is not for this court to whittle
down the authority conferred on
1. Investigatory Powers
administrative agencies to ensure the
2. Quasi-legislative Powers or rule-making effective administration of a statute. The
power matter was properly within its cognizance
and means necessary to give force and
3. Quasi-judicial Powers or adjudicatory
effectiveness should be deemed implied
unless the power sought to be exercised is so
INVESTIGATORY POWER arbitrary as to trench upon private rights.

Investigatory or inquisitorial powers Evangelista vs. Jarencio , 69 SCRA

include the power to inspect the records and 99, 1975 Administrative agencies may
vicinity, investigate the activities of persons enforce subpoenas issued in the course of
or entities within its jurisdiction, to secure or the investigation, whether or not
require the disclosure of information by adjudication is involved, and whether or not
means of accounts, records, reports, probable cause is shown and even before the
statements, testimony of witnesses, issuance of complaint It is enough that the
production of documents or otherwise. investigation be for a lawfully authorized
purpose Xxxxx, because judicial power is
Their power to investigate, initiate reluctant if not unable to summon evidence
actions and control the range of until it is shown to be relevant in issues or
investigation sets them apart from the court litigation, it does not follow that an
(De Leon, 2005 citing Secretary of Justice administrative agency charged with seeing
vs. Lantion, 322 SCRA 160, 2000) that the laws are enforced may not have and
The power of investigation consists exercise powers of the original inquiry.
in gathering, organizing and analyzing Investigation may be required from
evidence, which is a useful aid or tool in an administrative agencies to obtain
administrative agency’s performance of its information for future reference or to aid
rule making or adjudicatory functions (De legislators to arrive at a palatable legislation.
Leon, 2005) Attendance of witnesses may also be
Jurisprudence requested to give credence on a particular
point Inquiries into illegal activities may be
Catura vs. Court of Industrial Relation called upon for proper rectification and to
(CIR), 37 SCRA 303, 1971 report findings to appropriate bodies which
BSPA 3-2

would form part or basis for and not through the intervening mind of
recommendations. another (De Leon, 2005).
RULE-MAKING POWER The general rule against delegation
of legislative power is that Congress may
If we would go back to previous pages, the
not delegate to administrative agencies the
power to make legislation belongs to
legislative power vested in it except when
congress however certain permissible
authorize by the Constitution (De Leon,
limitations are allowed to other bodies, one
2005). The power to whose judgment,
of which is that reserved to administrative
wisdom, and patriotism this high prerogative
has been entrusted cannot relieve itself of
Quasi-legislative powers or the the responsibility by choosing other
power to make rules and regulations are not agencies upon which the power shall be
intended to usurped the power of the devolved, nor can it substitute the judgment,
legislative but merely to lay down the details wisdom, and patriotism of any other body
for legislative enactment for its proper for those to which alone the people have
policy implementation The fact that it is seen to fit confide this sovereign trust (U.S.
called quasi-legislative function is a clear v. Barrias, 11 Phil, 327, 1908).
indication that administrative bodies could
What are the requisites for permissible
not create or enact laws at their own
discretion Their function is merely based on
the objective or purpose of their creation The completeness of the statute making the
which should be well defined Their delegation (Completeness Test), The
rulemaking should be based on carrying out legislative enactment is complete and all that
what the law says should be done is to implement it.
There are safety measures, though, Presence of a sufficient standard (Sufficient
that may form a guarantee that no overuse of Standard Test). The legislative enactment
their (Administrative agency) rule-making mapped out the boundaries and there is a
power may be made The principle of non- sufficient standard guiding the delegate in
delegation of power excuses those agencies the exercise of the said authority (Eastern
and permits them to act within the bounds of Shipping Lines, Inc. v. POEA, 166 SCRA
their authority as mandated by law. 533, 1988).
What is the doctrine of “Potestas Delegata ADJUDICATORY POWER
non Delegari Potest”
By this power, administrative authorities are
The doctrine of non-delegation of enabled to interpret and apply not only
powers is based on the maxim potestas implementing rules and regulations
delegate non potest deligari (What has been promulgated by them but also the laws
delegated cannot in turn be delegated) The entrusted to their administration (De Leon,
doctrine rests on the ethical principle that a 2005). This delegation of power is done
delegated power constitutes not only a right because of the varied the expertise of
but a duty to be performed by the delegate agencies which is commonly not expected
by the instrumentality of his own judgment from any judicial body.
BSPA 3-2

Antipolo Realty Corp v National Housing Their dichotomy is very much alive in the
Authority, 153 SCRA 399, 1987) political literature available, however,
certain actions which allow co-existence
The courts cannot and will not determine a
between these giants are evident in our
controversy involving a question that is
society, enunciating the permissible
within the jurisdiction of an administrative
doctrines of check and balance and blending
tribunal where the question demands the
of powers.
exercise of sound administrative discretion
requiring special knowledge, experience, The Philippine Constitution grants certain
and services of the administrative tribunal to provision that assails relationship by either
determine technical and intricate matters of branch, the purpose of which is to facilitate
fact a more pragmatic solution that is a concern
of both. The classic example is the law-
The Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary
making process, wherein both the legislative
are considered independent and co-equal
and executive should come to terms before a
ideally so that they may work well within
law may be legally implemented.
the scope of their own jurisdiction not
threatened to be muddled by the other, and
in any way should be free from influence,
interference, intimidation, and control.

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