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Topics for biochemistry test 3 – January 2024:

Lecture 9
1. Differences in purine and pirimidine nucleotides synthesis (you need to know which of these
nucleotides are synthesized from a pre-synthesized nitrogen base added to α-PRPP, and which
are synthesized by building a heterocyclic ring structure on α-PRPP).
2. Regulation of purine nucleotides synthesis – the most important steps (reactions) of synthesis,
enzymes catalyzing these main reactions and factors regulating the reactivity of these enzymes.
3. Regulation of pirimidine nucleotide synthesis - the most important steps (reactions) of
synthesis, enzymes catalyzing these main reactions and factors regulating the reactivity of these
4. Most important steps of purine and pirimidine nucleotides synthesis.
5. Synthesis of deoxyribonucleotides.
6. Steps of dTMP synthesis
7. Steps of AMP (ATP) and GMP(GTP) synthesis starting from IMP.
8. Salvage pathway of purine nucleotides synthesis and disease connected with decreased activity
9. Final product of purine catabolism in primates and birds.
10. Final product of purine catabolism in most mammals.
11. Consequences of disorders in purines catabolism.
12. Catabolism of pirimidines.
Lecture 10
1. Heme synthesis – the pathway and localization of specific reactions in cell.
2. Regulation of heme synthesis in erythroid cells and other tissues (mainly liver).
3. Role of Shemin cycle.
4. Disease connected with disorders in heme synthesis.
5. Heme catabolism (different routs of excretion of final products of heme catabolism).
6. Disorders (diseases) connected with heme catabolism.
7. Anemia connected with iron, or copper, or vitamin B12 deficiencies, or hemoglobin synthesis.
Lecture 11
1. Biochemical classification of hormones (with examples of hormones).
2. Differences between auto-, para-, and endocrine secretion.
3. Differences between genomic and nongenomic pathways induced by hormonal signaling (with
specific examples of hormones using these pathways).
4. Types of hormone and growth factor receptors in cells.
5. G proteins – their structure and mode of action in signal transduction.
6. Role of second messengers such as (e.g.) : cAMP, PIP, IP3, DAG in signal transduction, and
their localization in cell.
7. Role of Ca2+ ions in signal transduction
8. PKA signaling pathway – its role, possible paths of activation, examples of hormones
activating this pathway.
9. PKC signaling pathway – its role, possible paths of activation, examples of hormones
activating this pathway.
10. Post-receptor insulin signal transduction (which pathways does it involve?).
11. Feedback regulation of hormones synthesis and secretion by humoral stimuli, neural stimuli,
and hormonal stimuli (know examples of hormones under specific type of regulation).
12. Relationship between nerve system and endocrine system.
13. Hormones regulating glucose level in blood – relationship between their activation pathways,
and between cellular pathways they activate.
Principles of methods used during practicals about purine nucleotides metabolism, porphyrins
metabolism, urinalysis and metabolic autonomy of muscles, liver and kidneys (practicals: 8, 9, 11,
12). You should also be able to interpret the presence of each of the compounds detected in urine
(glucose, protein, ketones, bile pigments, urobilinogen, creatinine).

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