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Class - 2

Preamble (प्रस्तावना)

Preamble contains the overall philosophy(समग्र दशर्न) of the Constitution.

Concept was taken from the US Constitution(अमे�रक� सं�वधान).

Based on the Objective resolution(उद्दे श्य प्रस्ताव) moved by Pandit Jawaharlal

Amended only once by the 42nd constituent assembly (1976.) Added three new words
– socialist, secular and Integrityसमाजवाद�, धमर्�नरपे� और अखंडता.
Neither a source of legislature's powers nor a prohibition upon its powers.

Non-justiciable(गैर-न्या�यक) i.e., its provisions are not enforceable in courts of law.

Text of the Preamble (प्रस्तावना का पाठ)

The Preamble of the Indian Constitution in the present form reads as follows:
‘’WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, (''हम, भारत के लोग,) have solemnly resolved to constitute India into a
SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC(संपूणर् प्रभुत्व सम्पन्न समाजवाद� पंथ�नरपे�
लोकतंत्रात्मक गणराज्य) and to secure all its citizens:
JUSTICE(न्याय), social, economic and political
LIBERTY(स्वतंत्रता) of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY(समानता) of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY(बंधुत्व) assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;
IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth day of November, 1949, DO HEREBY ADOPT,
Components of the Preamble (प्रस्तावना के घटक)

Source of authority(स�ा का स्रोत): People of India.

Nature of Indian State(भारतीय राज्य� क� प्रकृ�त): Sovereign, Socialist, Secular Democratic and
Republican polity.
Objectives of the Constitution(सं�वधान के उद्दे श्य): Justice, liberty, equality and fraternity

Date of adoption of the Constitution(सं�वधान को अपनाने क� �त�थ): November 26th, 1949

Source of the authority(स�ा का स्रोत)

We, the people of India(हम भारत के लोग): The term means that the constitution
has been drawn up and enacted by the people through their representatives, and not
handed down to them by a king or any outside powers
Nature of Indian State(भारतीय राज्य क� प्रकृ�त)

"Constitute India into a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic

Republic("संप्रभ,ु समाजवाद�, धमर्�नरपे�, लोकतां�त्रक गणराज्य)

Sovereign • Meaning(अथर्): People have the supreme right to make decisions

(संप्रभु) on internal + external matters. No external power can dictate the
government of India.
• India’s position(भारत क� िस्थ�त): India is 'sovereign' as it is
neither a dependency nor a dominion of any other nation, but an
independent state. Can conduct its own affairs without
interference(हस्त�ेप). Can acquire a foreign territory or cede a
part of territory in favour of a foreign state.
Nature of Indian State(भारतीय राज्य क� प्रकृ�त)

Socialist • Meaning(अथर्): Wealth is generated socially and should be shared equally by

(समाजवाद�) society. Government should regulate the ownership of land and industry to
reduce socio-economic inequalities.
• India’s position(भारत क� िस्थ�त): DPSP have a socialistic content.
42nd amendment added the term ‘’socialism’’ to the Preamble..
• India does not follow strict socialism i.e. ‘’communistic socialism’’
(''साम्यवाद� समाजवाद) (nationalisation(राष्ट्र�यकरण) of all means of
production and distribution and the abolition of private property). Indian
socialism is a blend of Marxism(माक्सर्वाद) and Gandhism, leaning towards
Gandhian socialism.
Nature of Indian State(भारतीय राज्य क� प्रकृ�त)

Secular • Meaning(अथर्): Citizens have complete freedom to follow any religion. But there is no official
(धमर् �नरपे�) religion. Government treats all religious beliefs and practices with equal respect.
• Concept of Secularism:
• Negative Concept of Secularism (western concept)(धमर्�नरपे�ता क� नकारात्मक अवधारणा
(पिश्चमी अवधारणा): Full separation between the State (the politics) & the church (religion).
State will not interfere in any religious matter & religion will not interfere in any state matters.
• Positive Concept of Secularism(धमर्�नरपे�ता क� सकारात्मक अवधारणा): All religions are
given equal respect and protection. State is neutral in religious matters i.e., it protects all
religions and at the same time guarantees religious rights to every citizen. Any step which is
inconsistent with this idea is invalid.
• India’s position(भारत क� िस्थ�त): India is a secular country (Positive concept of secularism).
42nd constitutional amendment act(42व� संवैधा�नक संशोधन अ�ध�नयम) added the term
‘’secular’’ to the Preamble. Various provisions in the constitution reveal the secular character
of the Indian state i.e. Article 15, Articles 25 to 28 etc.
Nature of Indian State(भारतीय राज्य क� प्रकृ�त)

Indian Secularism(भारतीय धमर्�नरपे�ता) Western Secularism(पिश्चमी धमर्�नरपे�ता)

State is neutral(तटस्थ) in all religious matters State is completely separate(अलग) from all religious matters
Upholds a positive relationship(सकारात्मक संबंध) Negative relationship i.e. State believes in complete non-
between state and religion interference(अहस्त�ेप) in religious matters. Also, religion
does not interfere in the affairs of the state
Till now there is no uniform civil code Single uniform code of law is used to provide justice.
(समान नाग�रक सं�हता) Religious background(धा�मर्क पष्ृ ठभ�ू म) is not taken into
State can aid religious institutions(धा�मर्क संस्थाओं). State does not aid religious institutions

Rights of both individual and religious community Individual and his rights are given prime importance.
are protected.
Nature of Indian State(भारतीय राज्य क� प्रकृ�त)

Democratic • Meaning(अथर्): A form of government where people enjoy equal political rights, elect their
(लोकतां�त्रक) rulers and hold them accountable. The government is run according to some basic rules.
• Democracy is of two different forms – direct democracy and indirect democracy.
Direct Democracy(प्रत्य� लोकतंत्र): The electorate decides on policy initiatives directly without
elected representatives as proxies.
Indirect Democracy(अप्रत्य� लोकतंत्र): Example; Representative democracy.
Elected people represent a group of people. Representatives elected by the people exercise the
supreme power and thus carry the government and make laws. 2 types of representative
democracy are Parliamentary and Presidential democracy.
India’s position(भारत क� िस्थ�त): Indian constitution provides for representative Parliamentary
democracy i.e. executive is responsible to the legislature for all its policies and actions. Universal
adult franchise, periodic elections, rule of law, independence of judiciary, and absence of
discrimination on certain grounds etc. show the democratic character of Indian polity.
Nature of Indian State(भारतीय राज्य क� प्रकृ�त)

Tools of Direct democracy (प्रत्य� लोकतंत्र के साधन)

Referendum Proposed legislation is referred to the electorate for settlement by their direct
(जनमत संग्रह) votes.
Initiative(पहल) People can propose a bill to the legislature for enactment.
Recall Voters can remove a representative or an officer before the expiry of his term,
when he fails to discharge his duties properly(जब वह अपने कतर्व्य� का ठ�क से
�नवर्हन करने म� �वफल रहता है ).
Plebiscite Obtaining the opinion of people on any issue of public importance. It is generally
(जनमत-संग्रह) used to solve the territorial disputes(�ेत्रीय �ववाद)
Nature of Indian State(भारतीय राज्य क� प्रकृ�त)

Republic • Definition(प�रभाषा): The head of the state is an elected person and not a hereditary
(गणतंत्र) position.
• Republic means 2 more things;
• 1) Political sovereignty(राजनी�तक संप्रभुता) is vested in the people and not one
individual like a king
• 2) Absence of any privileged class(�कसी �वशेषा�धकार प्राप्त वगर् का अभाव). Thus, all
public offices being opened to every citizen without any discrimination.
• India’s position(भारत क� िस्थ�त): India is a republic where the elected head of the
state is known as the President. He is elected through an indirect election for a 5
year term.
Objectives of Indian State(भारतीय राज्य के उद्दे श्य)

Indian State aims to secure for all its citizens justice, liberty, equality and fraternity so
as to promote unity among the citizens and maintain integrity(एकता) in the society.

Russian Revolution(रूसी क्रां�त)(1917): Ideal of social, economic, and political justice.

French Revolution(फ्रांसीसी क्रां�त): Inspired values of liberty, equality, and fraternity

Objectives of Indian State(भारतीय राज्य के उद्दे श्य)

Justice • Meaning(अथर्): Citizens should not be discriminated on the grounds of caste, religion and
(न्याय) gender. Social inequalities should be reduced. Government should work for the welfare of all,
especially of the disadvantaged groups.
• Preamble provides for the following:
• Social justice(सामािजक न्याय): Equal treatment of all citizens without regard to their social
distinction based on caste, colour, religion etc. State can take affirmative actions to
improve the conditions of backward classes and women.
• Economic justice(आ�थर्क न्याय): Absence of discrimination between persons based on
their economic status. Removal of high inequality in wealth, income and property.
• Social + economic Justice = ‘’distributive justice’’,
• Political justice(राजनी�तक न्याय): All citizens have equal political rights, equal access to all
political offices, and equal voice in government.
Objectives of Indian State(भारतीय राज्य के उद्दे श्य)

Liberty • Meaning(अथर्): There should be no unreasonable restrictions(अनु�चत प्र�तबंध) on the

(स्वतंत्रता) citizens in what they think, how they wish to express their thoughts and the way they
wish to follow up their thoughts in action.
• Absence of restrictions on an individual's(व्यिक्तगत) activities.
• Providing opportunities(अवसर) for the development of individual personalities.
• It is not absolute but a qualified right.
Objectives of Indian State(भारतीय राज्य के उद्दे श्य)

Equality • Meaning(अथर्): All are equal before the law. The traditional social inequalities(सामािजक
(समानता) �वषमताओं) should be ended. The government should ensure equal opportunity for all.
• The concept embodies equality of status and opportunity to all or any Indian citizens.
Privileges(�वशेषा�धकार) are absent for any particular section of society and at the same time,
adequate(पयार्प्त) opportunities without discrimination are to be provided for all individuals.
• This provision covers three aspects of equality: civil, political, and economic.
 Civic equality(नाग�रक समानता) essentially means that all individuals have equal rights and
freedoms. (Article 14, 15 and 17).
 Economic equality(आ�थर्क समानता) means providing fair and equal opportunity to all for
work (Article 16)
 Political equality(राजनी�तक समानता) guarantees to all persons an equal opportunity for
participation in the political process (Article 325)
Objectives of Indian State(भारतीय राज्य के उद्दे श्य)

Fraternity • Meaning(अथर्): All should behave as if we are members of the same

(बंधुत्व) family. No one should treat a fellow citizen as inferior.
• It refers to a sense of brotherhood(भाईचारे ). The Constitution contains
various provisions to promote this sense of fraternity such as Single
citizenship(एकल नाग�रकता), provision in fundamental duties etc.
Is Preamble part of the constitution? (क्या प्रस्तावना सं�वधान का �हस्सा है ? )

The question whether Preamble is part of the constitution or not has been dealt by
Supreme court in its various judgments(�व�भन्न �नणर्य).

Berubari Union Case Preamble is not part of the constitution and it cannot be amended.
(बेरुबाड़ी संघ मामला) (1960):
Kesavananda Bharati case Preamble is a part of the constitution and can be amended.
(केशवानंद भारती मामला) (1973)
LIC of India case It was reiterated Preamble of India is part of the constitution
(एलआईसी ऑफ इं�डया केस) 1995
Indian Union and its Territories (भारतीय संघ और उसके �ेत्र)

Article 1 to 4 under Part I of the Indian constitution deal with Union and its territories
(संघ और उसके �ेत्र� से संबं�धत).
Article 1 Name and territory of the Union.
(अनच् ु छे द-1)
Article 2 Admission or establishment of new States.
(अनच् ु छे द-2)
Article 2A Sikkim to be associated with Union (Repealed)
(अनच्ु छे द-2A)
Article 3 Formation of new States and alteration of areas, boundaries or names of existing States.
(अनुच्छे द-3)
Article 4 Laws made under articles 2 and 3 to provide for the amendment of the First and the
(अनुच्छे द-4) Fourth Schedules and supplemental, incidental(प्रासं�गक) and consequential matters.
Article 1: Name and territory of the Union (अनच्
ु छे द 1: संघ का नाम और �ेत्र)

Name of the country Constituent Assembly adopted(अपनाया) both names; India (modern name),
(दे श का नाम) that is, Bharat (Traditional name(पारं प�रक नाम)।.
India as a ,’Union of States’ Indian has been described as a ‘union of states’ this has 2 implications 1)
('राज्य� के संघ' के रूप म� भारत) Indian federation is not the result of an agreement among states 2) Indian
states have no right to secede from the federation.
‘Territory of India’ is wider Union of India(भारत संघ): All the states in India form the part of Union of
expression than ‘Union of India’ India.
(भारत का �ेत्र 'भारत संघ' क� Territory of India(भारत का �ेत्र): Territory of India includes states + union
तलु ना म� व्यापक अ�भव्यिक्त है ) territories + territories that may be acquired(अ�धग्र�हत) by the GoI in future
Article 2: Admission or establishment of new states
(अनुच्छे द 2: नए राज्य� का प्रवेश या स्थापना)

Scope(�वषय �ेत्र) The article talks about admission or establishment of new States.
Power of Parliament The article provides the Parliament with two powers:
(संसद क� शिक्तयाँ) a) Power to admit new states (which already exist)
b) Power to establish new states (States which are non – existent)
Example Sikkim was included in India in 1975 under the provisions of this article.
(उदाहरण) It was not part of India before this.
Article 3: Formation of new States and alteration of areas, boundaries or names of existing
States(अनुच्छे द 3: नए राज्य� का गठन और �ेत्र�, सीमाओं या मौजूदा राज्य� के नाम� म� प�रवतर्न)

Scope(�वषय �ेत्र) • Article talks about formation of ‘new states’ (नए राज्य) and alteration of areas, boundaries or
names of ‘existing states’ ‘(मौजूदा राज्य’).
Power of Parliament • Parliament can create new states out of existing states by separation of territory or by merging 2 or
(संसद क� शिक्तयाँ) more states or part of states or by uniting territory to a part of any state.
• Parliament can increase or diminish the area of any state(संसद �कसी भी राज्य का �ेत्रफल बढ़ा या
घटा सकती है ।).
• Parliament can alter the boundaries of any state.
• Parliament can change the name of any state(संसद �कसी भी राज्य का नाम बदल सकती है ।).
Special requirements Before exercising its power under Article 3 there are 2 special conditions which need to be fulfilled:
(�वशेष आवश्यकताएं) • Prior recommendation(�सफा�रश) of the President is needed before introduction of the bill for the
purpose under Article
• State legislature view is taken by the President before recommending this bill in parliament(संसद
म� इस �बल क� �सफा�रश करने से पहले राष्ट्रप�त द्वारा राज्य �वधा�यका का �वचार �लया जाता
है ) (State in which changes are being made).
Article 3: Formation of new States and alteration of areas, boundaries or names of existing
States(अनुच्छे द 3: नए राज्य� का गठन और �ेत्र�, सीमाओं या मौजूदा राज्य� के नाम� म� प�रवतर्न)

Limited power of the State • Non – binding(गैर-बाध्यकार�): State’s views are not binding and the
Legislature President (or the Parliament) can choose to ignore the state’s suggestions.
(राज्य �वधा�यका क� सी�मत • No reference for new changes(नए प�रवतर्न� का कोई संदभर् नह�ं): If new
शिक्त) changes are made in the bill, it is not necessary to refer that bill to the
Unitary feature concerned state again for its views.
(एकात्मक �वशेषता) 1. Provision in case of Union territories(क�द्र शा�सत प्रदे श� के मामले म�
प्रावधान): If the bill is related to a Union territory with a state
legislature in it (such as Delhi and Pondicherry), no reference is
needed to be made to that legislature for its view on the bill.
Article 3: Formation of new States and alteration of areas, boundaries or names of existing
States(अनुच्छे द 3: नए राज्य� का गठन और �ेत्र�, सीमाओं या मौजूदा राज्य� के नाम� म� प�रवतर्न)

There is a fundamental difference between provisions of Article 2 and Article 3

(अनुच्छे द 2 और अनुच्छे द 3 के प्रावधान� म� मूलभूत अंतर है :)
• Article 2 is specific about creating new states from a territory which was not, wholly or in
part, territory of any state. Basically this article provides for admission or establishment of
new states which were not part of India.
• Article 3 talks about formation or changes in the existing state of India for example telangana.
It can be (i) a new territory that has been acquired by India; or (ii) A territory which was a
union Territory before(ऐसा �ेत्र जो पहले क�द्र शा�सत प्रदे श था).
Article 4: Laws made under articles 2 and 3 provide for the amendment of the 1st and the 4th schedule(अनुच्छे द
4: अनुच्छे द 2 और 3 के तहत बनाए गए कानून� म� पहल� और चौथी अनुसूची म� संशोधन का प्रावधान है )

There are two parts to this article:(इस अनुच्छे द के दो भाग ह�):

1. Any law which contains provisions under Article 2 or Article 3 shall contain
provisions(प्रावधान) for the amendment of the 1st schedule and the 4th
Schedule which may be necessary to give effect to the provisions of the law.
2. Laws made under Art 2 and Art 3 shall not be considered as ‘’constitutional
amendment’’ (''संवैधा�नक संशोधन‘’) under Article 368.
Evolution of States and Union Territories (राज्य� और क�द्र शा�सत प्रदे श� का �वकास)

Dhar commission • Recommended re organisation of the states on the basis of administrative

(धर आयोग) (1948): convenience instead of linguistic factor.
JVP committee • It formally rejected(खा�रज) language as the basis for the reorganisation
(जेवीपी स�म�त) (1948): (पनु गर्ठन) of states.
Fazl Ali commission • It broadly accepted the language as a basis for the reorganisation of states but
(फजल अल� आयोग) rejected the theory of one language- one state. Recommended doing away
(1955): with the 4 fold classification (Division of States into Part A,B, C and D).
• Based on Fazl Ali commission, States reorganisation act(राज्य पुनगर्ठन
अ�ध�नयम) 1956 and 7th CAA were passed which led to abolition of four - fold
classification of states and led to formation of 14 states and 6 UTs.
• First linguistic state created in India(भारत म� बना पहला भाषाई राज्य) –
‘Andhra State’ in 1953
States formed after 1956 (1956 के बाद ग�ठत राज्य)

1960: Maharashtra, Gujarat from Bombay

1963: Nagaland
1966: Haryana, Chandigarh and HP from Punjab
1972 : Manipur, Tripura and Meghalaya.
1975 : Sikkim (36 CAA)
1987 : Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh and Goa
2000 : Chattisgarh, Uttarakhand and Jharkahand
2014 : Telangana
Recent developments(हा�लया �वकास)

Union territories of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu were merged into a
single union territory in 2019.

Union territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh were created. This was the 1st
time that a State had been turned into a Union territory(यह पहल� बार था जब �कसी
राज्य को क�द्र शा�सत प्रदे श बनाया गया था।)

Citizenship implies full and equal membership of a political community. India has two kinds of
people(भारत म� दो प्रकार के लोग रहते ह�): citizens and aliens(�वदे शी). Unlike aliens, citizens are
full time members of the Indian state and are provided with certain civil and political rights.

The Indian constitution has not provided any detailed or elaborate provisions related to
citizenship and has mainly empowered(शिक्त प्राप्त) Parliament to deal with such matters.
Constitutional provisions related to Citizens (नाग�रक� से संबं�धत संवैधा�नक प्रावधान)

Part II(भाग-II) Article 5 to Article 11.

Constitutional provision Not permanent or elaborate. Identify only those who became citizens
(संवैधा�नक प्रावधान) at the commencement of the constitution.
Parliament(संसद) Empowered to deal with matters related to citizenship (Article 11).
ू ) Citizenship Act, 1955 (amended various times)
List(सूची) Union List
Type(प्रकार) Single citizenship
Borrowed Canada
(कहाँ से �लया गया है )
Constitutional provisions(संवैधा�नक प्रावधान)

Article 5 (अनुच्छे द-5) • Citizenship at the commencement of the constitution.

Article 6 (अनुच्छे द-6) • Rights of citizenship of certain persons who have migrated to India from Pakistan.
Article 7 (अनुच्छे द-7) • Rights of citizenship of certain migrants to Pakistan.
Article 8 (अनुच्छे द-8) • Rights of citizenship of certain persons of Indian origin residing outside India.
Article 9 (अनुच्छे द-9) • Persons voluntarily acquiring citizenship of a foreign State not to be citizens.
Article 10 (अनुच्छे द-10) • Continuance of rights of citizenship.
Article 11(अनुच्छे द-11) • Parliament to regulate the right of citizenship by law.
Constitutional provision provides for citizenship under 4 categories
(संवैधा�नक प्रावधान 4 श्रे�णय� के अंतगर्त नाग�रकता का प्रावधान करता है )

Person who is domicile in India(व्यिक्त जो भारत म� अ�धवा�सत है ): the parent is Indian (descent) or
resident in India for 5 years.
People who came from Pakistan

People who went to Pakistan and returned back to India before commencement(प्रारं भ) of this
Persons of Indian origin residing outside India (by registration(पंजीकरण द्वारा)
Citizenship Act, 1955 (नाग�रकता अ�ध�नयम, 1955)

The Constitution has empowered Parliament to make provisions related to

Citizenship. Parliament enacted(अ�ध�नय�मत) Citizenship Act, 1955 which provided
certain ways to acquire Citizenship:
1. By Birth
2. By Descent(वंश से)
3. By registration
4. By Naturalisation(प्राकृ�तककरण द्वारा)
5. By incorporation of Territory(�ेत्र के समावेश द्वारा)
By Birth (जन्म से)

Date of Birth(जन्म क� तार�ख से) Conditions for citizenship(नाग�रकता के �लए शत�)

January 26th 1950 - July, 1 1987 Individual shall be a citizen irrespective of the nationality of his parents.

On or after July, 1 1987 Individual shall be a citizen if either of his parents is a citizen of India at
the time of his birth.
On or after December 3, 2004 Individual shall be a citizen if both of their parents are Indian citizens or if
one of their parents is an Indian citizen and the other is not an illegal
migrant(प्रवासी) in the country at the time of his birth.
By Descent(वंश से)

A person born outside India Citizenship(नाग�रकता)

(भारत के बाहर पैदा हुआ व्यिक्त)
On or after 26th January 1950 but Considered as a citizen if his Father was a citizen at the time of his birth.
before December 1992
On or after December 10. 1992 Considered as a citizen if either of his Parents is a citizen of India at the
time of his birth.
December 3, 2004 The parents (who are citizens of India(जो भारत के नाग�रक ह�) have to
declare that their minor child does not hold a passport of any other
country. Register within one year of the date of birth at an Indian
Consulate in that country. If the said term has expired, registration can be
done with the approval(अनुमोदन) of the Central Government.
By registration (पंजीकरण द्वारा)

Central Government can register as a citizen of India any person based on application (not being an illegal
• Person of Indian origin(भारतीय मूल का व्यिक्त) (ordinarily resident in India for 7 years).
• Spouse of Indian Citizen(भारतीय नाग�रक का प�त/पत्नी) (ordinarily resident in India for 7 years).
• Minor children of parents who are citizens of India.
• ​Previous citizen of independent India(स्वतंत्र भारत के पूवर् नाग�रक) (ordinarily resident in India for 12
• Overseas citizen(�वदे शी नाग�रक) of India cardholder for 5 years (ordinarily resident in India for 12
By Naturalisation (प्राकृ�तककरण द्वारा)

Central Government may grant a certificate of naturalisation to any person (who is not an
illegal migrant) on application:
• Resided in India or been in the service of a Government of Indiaभारत म� �नवास �कया हो या
भारत सरकार क� सेवा म� रहा हो (12 months preceding the application + should have
resided/been in government service for an aggregate not less than 11 years)
• Good character.
• Adequate knowledge of a language specified in the 8th Schedule to the
Constitution(सं�वधान क� 8वीं अनुसूची म� �न�दर् ष्ट �कसी भाषा का पयार्प्त �ान।).
By incorporation of Territory (�ेत्र के समावेश द्वारा)

If a foreign territory becomes part of India, the Indian Government specifies the
persons who shall be the citizens of India (from the notified dateअ�धसू�चत �त�थ से).
Loss of citizenship(नाग�रकता क� हा�न या समािप्त)

The provisions related to loss of citizenship are found in the constitution but are
majorly dealt by the Parliament via citizenship act, 1955. The act provides for loss of
citizenship by renunciation(त्याग), termination(समािप्त) and deprivation.

Constitutional Provisions(संवैधा�नक प्रावधान)

• Article 8 of the constitution provides that if an Indian Citizen becomes a citizen
of any other country then he/she will (स्वतः) lose his/her Indian Citizenship
Loss of citizenship(नाग�रकता क� हा�न या समािप्त)

Citizenship Act 1955(नाग�रकता अ�ध�नयम 1955)

By Renunciation Declaration renouncing his/her citizenship. Minor child also lose

(त्याग से) citizenship (can re – apply after age of 18).
By Termination If a person consciously acquires citizenship of another country
(समािप्त द्वारा) (does not apply during war).
By Deprivation On grounds of
(वंचन द्वारा) 1) Fraud (धोखाधड़ी)
2) Disloyalty to constitution(सं�वधान के प्र�त �नष्ठुरता)
3) Connection with enemy
4) Imprisonment of naturalised citizen
5) Ordinary resident (out of Indian for 7 years)
Loss of citizenship(नाग�रकता क� हा�न या समािप्त)

Indians living abroad can be segmented into Non - resident Indians (NRI) (अ�नवासी भारतीय�
(एनआरआई) and OCI (Overseas citizen of India).
Below is a comparative chart showing difference b/w Indian resident, NRI and OCI.
Category(वगर्) Indian passport Resident in India (भारत Expatriate Tax status OCI card
(भारतीय पासपोटर् ) म� �नवास करनेवाला ) (प्रवासी) (कर िस्थ�त) (ओसीआई काडर्)
Indian (resident) Yes Yes No Yes No
Non - resident Indian (NRI) Yes No Yes (of India) No No

OCI (Overseas citizen of No Yes (in India) Yes (in India) Yes (If resident Yes
India) (ओसीआई (भारत का of India) rest
�वदे शी नाग�रक) no
Overseas Citizen of India (भारत का �वदे शी नाग�रक)

Not a Citizenship(नाग�रकता नह�ं). No right to vote or hold public offices.

Provides similar rights available to residents or citizens of India.

Provides for permanent residency(स्थायी �नवास) i.e. allowing them to live and work in India indefinitely.
Rights with Overseas Citizen of India Cardholder
(भारत के �वदे शी नाग�रक काडर्धारक के पास अ�धकार)

Rights available to OCI Cardholder Rights not available to OCI Cardholder

(ओसीआई काडर्धारक को उपलब्ध अ�धकार) (ओसीआई काडर्धारक को अ�धकार उपलब्ध नह�ं ह�)
● Multiple entries, multi-purpose lifelong • Not entitled to the right to equality of opportunity in
visa(आजीवन वीजा) to visit India; matters of public employment.
● Exemption from reporting to Police • ​Ineligible for election as President
authorities for any length of stay in India; (राष्ट्रप�त के रूप म� चुनाव के �लए अयोग्य).
● Parity with NRIs in financial, economic and • Ineligible for election as Vice-President.
educational(�व�ीय, आ�थर्क और शै��क) • Ineligible for appointment as a Judge of the Supreme
fields except in the acquisition of agricultural Court.
or plantation properties; • Ineligible for appointment as a Judge of the High Court.
● Treated at par with Non-Resident-Indian in • Cannot register as a voter.
the matter of inter-country adoption of Indian
Rights with Overseas Citizen of India Cardholder
(भारत के �वदे शी नाग�रक काडर्धारक के पास अ�धकार)

Rights available to OCI Cardholder Rights not available to OCI Cardholder

(ओसीआई काडर्धारक को अ�धकार उपलब्ध ह�) (ओसीआई काडर्धारक को अ�धकार उपलब्ध नह�ं ह�)
● Charged the same entry fee as domestic Indian • Ineligible(अयोग्य) for being a member of the
visitors to visit national parks and wildlife House of the People or of the Council of States.
sanctuaries(राष्ट्र�य उद्यान� और वन्यजीव • ​Ineligible for being a member of the State
अभयारण्य�) in India; Legislative Assembly or the State Legislative
● Parity with Non-Resident Indian in respect of entry Council(राज्य �वधान सभा या राज्य �वधान
fees to be charged for visiting the national प�रषद).
monuments, historical sites and museums in India; • Ineligible for appointment to public services and
• Parity with Non-Resident Indians to appear for posts in connection with affairs of the Union or
the All India Pre-Medical Test etc. of any State except for appointment in such
• OCI Registration booklet is treated as OCI's services and posts as the Central Government
identification for any service rendered to may specify.
Rights with Overseas Citizen of India Cardholder
(भारत के �वदे शी नाग�रक काडर्धारक के पास अ�धकार)

Registration of OCI is done by Central Government based on application.

Renunciation(त्याग) of OCI card can be done by OCI by making a declaration.

Cancellation of OCI Card(ओसीआई काडर् रद्द करना): Fraud, Disaffection towards constitution, Conspiring
with enemy nation, Imprisonment (two years or more), Decision of Government, Violation of law by OCI,
dissolution of marriage.

The citizenship act, 1955 has been amended various times. The most recent amendment took place in
2019 and brought changes mainly to provide citizenship to certain category of illegal migrants(प्रवा�सय�).
Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 (नाग�रकता (संशोधन) अ�ध�नयम, 2019)

Background(पष्ृ ठभू�म)

• Regulation of Citizenship in India(भारत म� नाग�रकता का �व�नयमन): Citizenship Act,

1955. Provides 5 methods to acquire citizenship - Birth, descent, registration,
naturalisation (extended residence in India), and by incorporation of territory into India.
• Illegal migrant(अवैध प्रवासी): Foreigner who enters India illegally, i.e., without valid travel
documents, like a visa and passport. Those who enter India legally, but stay beyond the
time period permitted in their travel documents.
• Provision for illegal migrants(अवैध प्रवा�सय� के �लए प्रावधान): Regulation by Foreigners
Act, 1946 + the Passport (Entry into India) Act, 1920. Central government can regulate the
entry, exit and residence of foreigners within India.
Provisions under Citizenship amendment Act, 2019
(नाग�रकता संशोधन अ�ध�नयम, 2019 के तहत प्रावधान)

The 2019 amendment made some significant changes to the Citizenship Act(नाग�रकता अ�ध�नयम)
of 1955. Below are its major features(नीचे इसक� प्रमुख �वशेषताएं ह�)
• Specified class of illegal migrants from the 3 countries will not be treated as illegal migrants.
• Should belong to 6 communities i.e. Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi, or Christian(�हंद,ू �सख,
बौद्ध, जैन, पारसी, या ईसाई) + 3 countries i.e. Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
• Entered India before or on the cut off date of 31st December 2014.
Provisions under Citizenship amendment Act, 2019
(नाग�रकता संशोधन अ�ध�नयम, 2019 के तहत प्रावधान)

• Citizenship through naturalisation(प्राकृ�तककरण के माध्यम से नाग�रकता). Requirement of

residency has been decreased from 11 years to 5 years.
• Does not apply to two categories i.e. 6th schedule states + States under Inner line permit for
example Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Manipur.
• Central Government can cancel OCI membership if provisions of the Citizenship amendment
act(नाग�रकता संशोधन अ�ध�नयम) are violated or any other law so notified by the Central
Government. Opportunity to be heard should be provided.
Due to the recent agitations in Assam(असम म� हा�लया आंदोलन) (against violation of Assam
accord) and various other parts of the country (due to provisions of citizenship amendment act,
2019) both NRC and NPR have been in news.
National Register of Citizens (NRC) (नाग�रक� का राष्ट्र�य रिजस्टर (एनआरसी)

Definition • It is an official, verified and valid record(आ�धका�रक, सत्या�पत और वैध �रकॉडर्) of all
(प�रभाषा) Indian citizens, containing details of individuals which are essential to establish their claim
to citizenship.
• Creation was mandated by the 2003 amendment of the Citizenship Act, 1955
Objective • To document(दस्तावेज) all the legal citizens of India so that the illegal immigrants can be
(उद्दे श्य) identified and deported
Components • It includes demographic(जनसांिख्यक�य) information about all those individuals who qualify
(घटक) as citizens of India as per the Citizenship Act, 1955.
• It will contain details of only Indian Citizens.
History • It was first prepared after the 1951 Census of India.
(इ�तहास) • NRC has not been updated till today (except in Assam in 2013 - 14) but only after the
Supreme Court order).
National Population Register (NPR) (राष्ट्र�य जनसंख्या रिजस्टर (एनपीआर)

Usual residents • The NPR or National Population Register(एनपीआर या राष्ट्र�य जनसंख्या रिजस्टर) is a list of “usual
(आम �नवासी) residents” of the country.
Compulsory registration • It is compulsory for every usual resident of India to register in the NPR.
(अ�नवायर् पंजीकरण)
Inclusion • Includes both Indian citizens and foreign citizens.
(समावेशन) • Objective is to create a database of every “usual resident” (आम �नवासी“) in the country.
Preparation of NPR • It is supposed to be prepared at the local (village/sub-town), sub-district, district, state and national
levels under provisions of the Citizenship Act 1955 & the Citizenship (Registration of Citizens & Issue
of National Identity Cards(नाग�रक� का पंजीकरण और राष्ट्र�य पहचान पत्र जार� करना) Rules, 2003.
Data collection • The data for the National Population Register was first collected in 2010 by the Government of India.
(आंकड़ा संग्रहण) • It was expected to be repeated every 10 years.
Requirements • No documents are required for NPR. Self-declaration will be treated as enough for data entry in the
(आवश्यकताएं) population registrar.
Difference Between NPR, NRC and Census (एनपीआर, एनआरसी और जनगणना के बीच अंतर)

NRC, Census and NPR are fundamentally different from each other. NPR will include all the
usual residents of the country whereas NRC is intended to list only the citizens of India.

Parameters NRC(एनआरसी) NPR(एनपीआर) Census(जनगणना)

(मापदं ड)
Definition It is a registry of citizens It is a registry of usual It is an exercise for
(प�रभाषा) resident of an area calculating the total
population of the country.
History First prepared in 1951 during the First time prepared in 2011 First census was
(इ�तहास) census & has not been updated since. during census and has not conducted in 1872.
been updated since.
Difference Between NPR, NRC and Census
(एनपीआर, एनआरसी और जनगणना के बीच अंतर)

Parameters NRC(एनआरसी) NPR(एनपीआर) Census(जनगणना)

(मापदं ड)
Coverage Only citizens are included Usual residents including citizens and It includes the whole population
(कवरे ज) where documents and non-citizens are included in the list. of the country where information
information proving Its purpose is to count the number of on demography, economics
citizenship are sought. people irrespective of their activity, literacy and education,
citizenship. etc. are collected.
Regulation Regulated under It is regulated by Citizenship Rule It is regulated by Census Act 1948
(�नयमन) Citizenship Act 1955. 2003
Difference Between NPR, NRC and Census
(एनपीआर, एनआरसी और जनगणना के बीच अंतर)

Parameters NRC (एनआरसी) NPR (एनपीआर) Census (जनगणना)

(मापदं ड)
Objective To identify Indian To calculate all the residents of a Its purpose is for population
(उद्दे श्य) citizens and identify local area and data collected here assessment, policy formulation
illegal migrants living is also to be used for creation of and planning(जनसंख्या मल् ू यांकन,
in the country. NRC as per Citizenship Rule 2003. नी�त �नमार्ण और योजना बनाना).
Basic Structure of the Indian Constitution
(भारतीय सं�वधान क� मूल संरचना)

Article 368 gives Parliament the power to amend the constitution(अनच्

ु छे द 368 संसद को सं�वधान म�
संशोधन करने क� शिक्त प्रदान करता है ).
But certain essential features of the constitution cannot be amended by Parliament. These features form part
of the basic structure of the Indian constitution.

Basic Structure cannot be amended by Parliament under Article 368.

Judicially innovated(न्या�यक रूप से नवप्रव�तर्त �सद्धांत) + Not defined in the constitution + Evolved through
various Judgments.
Evolution of Basic Structure (मल
ू संरचना का �वकास)

SC Judgments/ Amendments Judgment/ Provision (�नणर्य / प्रावधान)

(एससी �नणर्य / संशोधन)
Shankari Prasad case, 1951 • Parliament under Article 368 has the power to amend any part of the
(शंकर� प्रसाद केस, 1951) constitution including Fundamental rights(अनुच्छे द 368 के तहत
संसद को मौ�लक अ�धकार� स�हत सं�वधान के �कसी भी �हस्से म�
संशोधन करने क� शिक्त है ।).
• Article 13: Includes ordinary law and not constitutional amendment.
• Amendments abridging FR cannot be void under Article 13.
Golakh Nath Case, 1967(गोलकनाथ • Sacrosanct nature of FR: Transcendental and immutable.
केस, 1967) • Parliament cannot take away any FR.
• Constitutional amendment(संवैधा�नक संशोधन): Law under Article 13
• Amendment violating FR void under provision of Article 13
Evolution of Basic Structure(मल
ू संरचना का �वकास)

SC Judgments/ Amendments Judgment/ Provision (�नणर्य / प्रावधान)

(एससी �नणर्य / संशोधन)
Parliament response: 24th • Parliament can take away any FR under Article 368 and
Constitutional amendment(संसद • such acts are not laws under Article 13.
क� प्र�त�क्रया: 24वां संवैधा�नक
Kesavananda Bharati • Overruled it Judgment in the Golakh Nath Case, 1967
Case 1973(केशवानंद भारती केस • Supreme court laid down the ‘Basic Structure Doctrine’
1973) • Parliament cannot take away the Basic structure of the constitution.
• FR which form part of Basic structure cannot be taken away by the
39th amendment (39वां संशोधन) • Kept election disputes of President + Vice President + PM + Speaker of
Lok Sabha beyond the scrutiny of the Indian courts
Evolution of Basic Structure(मल
ू संरचना का �वकास)

SC Judgments/ Amendments Judgment/ Provision(�नणर्य / प्रावधान)

(एससी �नणर्य / संशोधन)
Indira Gandhi Case 1975 • Invalidated 39th Amendment. Provision beyond the amending power of
(इं�दरा गांधी केस 1975) Parliament 🡪🡪 Impacted basic structure of the constitution(सं�वधान के
मूल ढांचे को प्रभा�वत �कया।).
42nd Amendment, (1976) • Amended Article 368.
(42वां संशोधन, (1976) • No limitation on constituent power of parliament
• No amendment can be questioned in courts.
Minerva Mills Case 1980 • Limited amending power 🡪🡪 basic feature of Indian Constitution.
(�मनवार् �मल्स केस 1980) • Added 2 features to the list of ‘basic structure’-Judicial review + Balance
between Fundamental Rights and DPSP.
Waman Rao case(वामन राव केस) • SC: ‘Basic structure doctrine’(मलू संरचना �सद्धांत’) would apply to
constitutional amendments enacted after April 24, 1973.
Present status(वतर्मान िस्थ�त)

• Supreme Court hasn’t clearly defined or clarified as to what constitutes the ‘basic structure’
of the Constitution. (It is an evolving doctrine)
• From various judgements(�व�भन्न �नणर्य� से) - ‘basic features’ of the Constitution or elements
of the ‘basic structure’ have emerged -
➔ Supremacy of the Constitution(सं�वधान क� सव�च्चता)
➔ Sovereign, democratic and republican nature of the Indian polity
➔ Secular character of the Constitution
➔ Separation of powers between the legislature, the executive and the judiciary
➔ Federal character of the Constitution (सं�वधान का संघीय च�रत्र)
➔ Unity and integrity of the nation (राष्ट्र क� एकता और अखंडता)
➔ Welfare state (socio-economic justice) (कल्याणकार� राज्य (सामािजक-आ�थर्क न्याय)
➔ Judicial review(न्या�यक समी�ा)
Present status(वतर्मान िस्थ�त)

➔ Freedom and dignity of the individual(व्यिक्त क� स्वतंत्रता और ग�रमा)

➔ Parliamentary system (संसद�य प्रणाल�)
➔ Rule of law
➔ Harmony and balance between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles
➔ Principle of equality
➔ Free and fair elections (स्वतंत्र और �नष्प� चुनाव)
➔ Independence of Judiciary
➔ Limited power of Parliament to amend the Constitution
➔ Effective access to justice(न्याय तक प्रभावी पहुंच)
➔ Principles (or essence) underlying fundamental rights (�सद्धांत (या सार) अंत�नर्�हत मौ�लक अ�धकार)
➔ Powers of the Supreme Court under Articles 32, 136, 141 and 142
➔ Powers of the High Courts under Articles 226 and 227.
Thank you

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