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Maybe it’s the way the

national Flag flies so high, Despite the

country’s imperfections, Maybe
it’s the way we’re united,
Not separated, despite
the difference in cultures,
Indeed you’re great, believes, traditions,
Oh Malaysia languages
A land of peace, Maybe it’s the way you see an
prosperty and glory, Indian eating with chopsticks,
I humbly bow before thee The way you see a Malay
Malaysia, in a saree, The way you see a Chinese
Tanah Tumpahnya Darahku… making ketupat’s for Hari Raya.
Maybe it’s the way people show
love, joy, progress. they form
a mosaic of different cultures.
Land of glory and sunshine, Maybe it’s the unity
I greet thee with salutation you see, Maybe it’s the
goosebumps you feel
when you say Merdeka,
Maybe despite the hate you
have towards history,
Deep down, you know how
grateful you are to be
a Malaysian.

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