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A: Where’s my book that you’ve borrowed on last week?

B: Oops, sorry. I forgot it again.

A: Well, you’ve been telling the same reason every day.

B: Yeah, but I haven’t complete my work.

A: What!! Why haven’t you finish your homework yet?

B: Homework are too boring and I was so lazy to do them all.

A: Do you know there’s marks for this activity?

B: Yes.

A: And why don’t you put some efforts to finish them all.

B: Argh! Why would I have to do them. I don’t even care about it.

A: Well, It’s fine. Tomorrow is the last day to hand over the book to me.

B: Wait, What!! I haven’t finish my work…

A: That’s not even my problem.

B: I’ll give it to you once I’ve done.

A: Sorry, I can’t give you more time to borrow my book.

B: But…

A: No. If you don’t return it tomorrow, I will report to teacher. You’d rather
choose which one is better.

B: Okay. I’ll hand over the book.

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