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1) Guess the resolutions below:

2) Guess what people’s resolutions are:

At weekends, I like going out with my friends to play tennis but my wife says I
should spend more time with the children and her. I think she is right!

What is my resolution?

I work long hours and really hate my boss. He is always telling me what to do. I
hate it here.

What is my resolution?

I like bad foods. I love eating chips, cakes and donuts. I don’t really like fruit or
vegetables but my doctor told me that I should change my food habits.

What is my resolution?

I am not overweight but I don’t like exercising. My doctor says to make sure my
heart is healthy and that exercising regularly is important.

What is my resolution?

3) What are your resolutions? Use the vocabulary from the table below to write
sentences about your resolutions:

Eat healthy foods.

Get a new job.

Stop smoking.

Spend more time with the family.

Lose weight.

Save money.

Travel to new places.

Learn something new.

Go to the gym.

Read more books.

 More vocabulary:

To improve my grades / to help in the house

To be a better friend / to be a better son/daughter / To value more my parents /

To make new friends

To graduate / to believe that I can / To study more

To visit my grandparents

To be peaceful / to be loving / to be caring

To help others / to respect / to care for my classmates and friends

To read more books

To laugh more

To do some exercises

To pray more

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