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ime to Shadow Throne, You hold in your hands an account of a Genestealer Cult infestation discovered upon Holy Terra and of the vicious battles of the ensuing Imperial purge. Read on to discover more about this shocking secret war w .e very heart of the Imperium, and the inhuman warriors who fought in it. cealer Cults are one of the most s faced by the Imperium of From a single undetected vanguard ism grows an underground at can destabilise worlds and wn the horrors of Tyranid swarm. io-corruption and mind control ulis use the Lmperium’s own people t. By their unholy touch have ess precious worlds fallen to the avening swarms. Its hat those Imperial servants who know Its also know not t0 pose to the of the Genestealer Cul underestimate the threat the Emperor's Realm. Yet even in their darkes: none could have envisioned this menace rearing its head upon Holy erra herself: Not until now. With the contents of the Shadow Throne boxed set, you get to take control of either the Genestealer Cults or of the mighty Talons of the Emperor, sent to root out the unthinkable infestation they represent Both factions comprise elite warriors. The Genestealer Cults miniatures within this set comprise the Patriarch itself and its chief lieutenants, not to mention the destructive genius of the Reductus Saboteur and a band of fanatical Neophyte Hybrids. The Talons of the Emperor, meanwhile, consist of ultra-elite Allaras Custodians led by a sublimely skilled Blade Champion ard supported bya squad of lence Witchseekers. Despite the Sisters of comparative numbers, the Imperial force ‘might look to possess the upper hand in rtial might. However, the narrative- driven missions you will nd within this book provide you and an opponent with exciting gaming opportunities wherein the Genestealer Cults have the deadly advantages of ambushing their foes, and ‘of hurling fresh waves of zealous warriors into the fight over the bolt-riddled corpses ‘of those who came before, Alongside these nail-biting narrative missions, you will also find expanded background within this publication, Both of the warring factions are detailed here as well asthe history and build-up to the conflict that they fought. Meanwhile, each mission is accompanied by further narrative to bring your games to life on the tabletop. ‘There is also additional rules content here, with each of the units in the box having its own dedicated datasheet supported by additional matched and narrative play content ~ there even an exclusive set of Crusade rules that allow ‘you to reward your battling heroes with fresh skills and equipment to make them even more deadly. Coupled witha showease of beautifully painted Citadel ‘miniatures to inspire your own building and painting efforts, this set contains ‘everything you need for countless hours ‘of fun and excitement. Read on to find ‘out more... THE UNTHINKABLE WAR ‘ Holy Terra is Humanity’s birth world, Itis ose would italy doom the Hanan race, When the unt of Genesteaer Cuts was dscve aarcalogies, therefore, the Imperial res ud brutal i wssonly chance that saw the Cult of | howling pursuers finally surrouny ' , Gee Pauper Princes discovered on ‘Terra, | and slaughtered them, the Arbitrator ul Tm tngewhen Humanity suffered one | exloaded vid-feeds ofthe catastrophe to | restrict thee p Gdisatteraierunother, the detection of | their precinet fortress ten levels lake ‘this latest peril wasa blessing from the angs in high Emperor An underhivestimm:deal | ‘The transmission was en ‘ ons sourtrigaered aviolent turf war | mulipledatasn Bbetween rival gangs in the depths ct Terran cogitational azchitectur py Veracitum Neglis. When local | agents of the Inquisition. Even betor aplaye ; ss Arbites forces responded fo the precinet’s senior Judge had had tim escalating violenee, their quarry toassess the threat and decide upo je into the long.disused mag course of action, other Imperial agents | pr il Be istwork dg ino the arcology's k moving. Despite its paramount iden ht a we ste ofthe Imperial Palace, the seat ofthe God Kamp Per0r's Golden th d among dations, Itwas a transgression importance, Hamanity’s throne world | their du at Cs the fleeing gangers nor the does not house the same kind of fn ¥ 2 (those whopursied them | defensive garrisons boasted by mam chabael Vase, to rue more far-flung planets. The Sol Syst hunting Ordo Xenos m Bithesubterranean gloom | fortified agains threats from without Gulexenoculistsin their | Yet to even voice aloud the preposterovs | san insect hive kicked iggestion that corruption could lurk ing passer by, the within the shadow of the Empero Aifiercedefenders | throne is considered heresy by man (Couple¢ with hide-bound traditios and a fear of betrayal whose source itheheroismofa | islost beneath the dust of millennia fwhomanaged to | this notion has long made complex the raising or stationing of Astra Militarur soldiery upon Terran soil. Even the Imperial Fists Space Marine Chapter ee eo CM ace te ae ea et eyed Sisters of Silence, come to deliver the Emperors Dee ee te Reet ee MUS a ea re! Pee ae regardless of casualties, pee a a rene eee Mee sn) Ore me cou ha Pecun eT} eri ence rns Cree ao] Cem a ee eur) Sa rer ea Pecuna tes hort Peto Ree Ot now under the direct command of th Emperor's Inquisition, and that they should arm themselves and prepare for deployment accordingly. With remarkable swiftness, the disp: fomes assembled by Inquisitor Vasmire moved to contain the threat. Level by level, areology by arcology, total lockdown was imposed. Armoured shutters rattled into position. Sanctified bulkheads and level-gates sealed | themselves as the spire-militias of noble | houses hastened to their positions. | Weaponised servo-skulls prowled | commercia, industria and habitation | districts in their millions and woe betide any unauthorised soul who caught their imson gaze. Sprawling library-stacks nd scriptorums were sealed, trapping, legions of shocked Administratum s within. Pilot beacons around 5 Wyvern’ Gate space mson, warding thousands ding billions of wurers into the moun port turned c of void-ships away, sen pilgrims, traders and labo holding patterns that might well SE them for years to come. ypted d Meanwhile, vers flashed through bl to the most power f all. These were not the imper ssets one ders for compl were situational appr TALONS OF THE EMPEROR THE CHAMPION’S QUEST GENESTE COET Genestealers are vanguard o: Hive Fleets. When one of th it employs gruesome bio-gen. to turn the population to its inside, laid low by sudden uy A single Genestealer is all that is required to trigger a cult infestation Metamorphosing into a larger and more powerful being known as the Genestealer riarch, this seed of corruption sees to ation of brood-cycle after brood- Some waves of its followers are pecislised: the Primus with its ive strategic brilliance and innate as a warrior and general; the masterful psyker and manipulator es the Pairiarch as chief vizier; uctus Saboteur, who serves as tance by fashioning 1 explosive devices and waging ins of sabotage and destruction ig down the machineries of the sors; the list goes on. her waves are twisted monsters, alf-Tyranid and half Human in nature. Others still resemble original Human genestock closely enough that they can move amongst the people of their world without detection and serve as infiltrators and proselytisers for their Patriarch master. Regardless of their nature, all Genestealer Cultists venerate the void- travelling deities they know as the Star Children, It is their belief that these beings will hear the cult’s prayers, bear ‘witness to their eventual uprising against their hated oppressors, and come from between the siars to welcome them into a final beautiful state of ascension where allare one. ‘The truth is rather more tragic and horrible. The Star Children are in fact the Tyranids, who appear able to home in upon the gestalt psychic beacon formed by the unknowing Genestealer Cults ‘The wondrous apotheosis to which the cultists offer their lives and deaths is simply consurmptioa by these locust-like rganisms for the alien swarms ese creatures infiltrates a Ii tic implantation and psychic mind control ‘cause. So do Imperial worlds fall from the iprisings of fanatical brood-hybrids, | ALER Co. alien swarms. The Patriarch’s Promise is a hollow one, for while it is true the Tyranids do employ the biomass they strip from worlds to fashion new waves of warrior organisms, it seems doubtful indeed that the cule faithful will know anything but a horrifying ‘ death from the process. ‘The Genestealer Cultists know nothing = of this. Even were they warned, the bio-compulsion within their genetic makeup renders them adoring slaves to the Patriarch’s will regardless. So do they strive to infiltrate every level of their world’s labour castes and armed forces, its organs of governance, faith and defence. The Cult spreads like « terminal disease, stockpiling materiel and laying plans against the eventual day of ascension. This uprising, when it comes, sees the still loyal defenders overthrown from within, surprised by the sudden betrayal of comrades, servants and masters alike. MERSEA THRAYK The Patriarch that established its cult beneath eau aac none had the same brilliance with explosive Pee nee Seed ee Meteor eet a etd ena en ee eaten erates of the Cult of the Paup Tee Pape ee eee eee eee and eliminated intrudin 1m with booby- traps and tunnel demolit ede Peete ee een Cea ce Ors ona INTO TH jstothes Carvella Blade Champion Aristothe [ slat che subdued Genestealer Patriarch, Gevoted to this quest as he- Within the ring ofstel and fie raised by the Inguisition, the owes levels ofthe ateology’s undethive appeared deserted > metal lean tos clustered in silence owing structural struts, the tsoover their doors drifting currents. Mauldering bal 1 bunching forward under els slowly subsiding med they must windowe were like ark and unseeing or the occasional nd the drip of 1nd chemnials from the levels flan. and his comrades knew sl an illusion. Lost and ragged wwere concealed all around thers, gin their ragged hovels, praying Emperor not to tarm his talons oul hidin toll ‘upon them. ‘The imperial warriors passed through ‘the cowering dregs, ignoring them utterly, They were here for the monsters thathad flourished beneath these ignorant fools’ feet. Anhours descent at last brought Carvellans band to the stygian entrance they sought. Down. here the architecture of the arcology had ‘compacted into layered strata; rurabling marble columns tangled together with sparking datastacks; rotting scrolls spilled like innards from a wildly slanted archway trapped between a compacted ‘mass of statuary and the forlorn ruins ‘ofa shanty-village that had subsided from the levels above. Bones mouldered amidst the crusked detritus. Sumpwater riled and steamed, while the runoff ‘of human effluent and bodyfat formed quivering stalactites that reached almost from eeling to floor, Picking their way Jed a small but elite force i into the depths. He all. He knew with absolute certainty n the stumps oflong-felled trees. Carvellan anfped his blade to point at more recent diditions to the ancient entrances aoiling, worm-like sigs etched into the th ecid and coloured with eat-scarring from ters of Enforcer ferrocrete wit garish spray-paints:h Tasguns and the telltale cr manstopper rounds. the Blade Champion did not need to speak. Instead he merely swept his gaze across the warriors who followed hhim, meeting the eyes of each in tuen. Ociavrus Borlean’s Allarus Custodians stood ready in their hulking armour, Vexilor Tassimon Avarnius at their head. Jauh Ghoras and his small band of Custodian Guards looked eager to be about the hunt, their Guardian Spears glinting in the stuttering helt-light of ancient lumen. Sister Superior Helenic2 Thetus and het Witchseekers cradled their flamers and surveyed the darkness ahead with steely determination. Sister Superior Yenika Severin’s Prosecutors ‘were ready also, ornate bolters loaded and properly anointed. Carvellan nodded, a {gesture of satisfaction and respect both to those who would fight with him this dey. Then he turned and led the way into the all-consuming darkness beyond the threshold, Deep below their fect, the Begetor sensed the hunters approach. Seated ‘upon a :hrone of osseous material amidst a bubbling pool of ichor, the Patriarch bent its considerable intellect es and considered its ese beings were tremendoush Beisccdcinccasy ea some of them, as though ‘ fierce-barning stars. The had that comrades in arms were every bit as to turn premature discovery into 2 successful uprising, it had allowed itself to be cornered. The Patriarch had a bolt-hole, an ancient mag-lev tunnel dey within the gullet of a tectonic faultline that wormed away into the unmapped Terran depths. Yet the creature knew that it could not risk flight with such powerful hunters close upon its tail. Escape was worthless if it was followed, for the work. of raising a brood is slow an¢ delicate, and it would all be for naught ifthe Patriarch was tracked and se: upon again. These hunters must be ambushed and slain, preferably with such violence that the chaos of their demise provided further cover for the Begetor’ flight. The Patriarch stirred again, reaching out with its will in « mental gesture of command. Magus Thrieve at its left hand and Primus Ghorikan to its right both bowed their bulbous heads in acknowledgement. They departed with a rustle of robes and the creak of rubberised armour to make real their master’s will. ys tole] MMO) ust PAUPER PRINCES ara TN Ricca eee Ce Oe its own name and quirks. The eens aie Sa Bremer sate CRG koe ees ka Perec Un oe Meenas es elo Peer er nm Reel un ta rire ts cc Prpetem (eo ei cme snuck cells aboard the v este heen Pe ua a : ee it oy yk crawled along an ancient pipe whose diameter was barely for her to pass along, The tus Saboteur propelled herself with her knees and elbows, see nothing in the crushing ss. Others might have been laustrophobic, yet Thrayk of that; she sensed the touch Children upon her sonl and ght her peace and purpose. The of blasting charges strapped tight back clunked dully against the the pipe as she squirmed along, a t reminder of her mission. Thrayke ready to use her bombs in anger gainst these intruders ~ it was the talent Star Children had bestowed upon her, ul she wished to slay the unbelievers in heir name. At last the pipe ended and Mersea slithered from its shattered end into a much larger space. She listened for 2 jong moment then, having determined she was alone, woke the lumen-pack on shoulder. It revealed a cavernous hamber, its floor slanted and broken, ts domed ceiling held aloft by four adamantine-reinforced pillars, Thrayk herself had emerged into a bone-dry depression that she realised must once have been an ornamental fountain. She ood beside the remains of a huge statue, jst a pair of sandal-clad feet icading up to shattered marble shins. Discarding her momentary stab of uriosity, Thrayk vaulted over the lip atain and hastened across 0 of the four pillars. This place would do nicely, she thought, as she set 0 work. No doubt the Star Children had known. Why else would they have guided her here? Thrayk was still at her task some minutes later, when she caught the distant thump of gunfire, growing closer. Sweat beaded her ridged forehead {she hastened to complete her delicate work. Time was running out. | | when waves of Neophyte THE BROOD AWAKENS Stalking through the lightles tunnels of the cals dom agers lradvicdsuerenean wat‘They an oser to their own bate with the lurking remnants of the Genestealer Cult Less than a half-mile distant through theancient tunnels, the Talons ofthe Emperor were unsheathed in fury. They had been deep ince the labyrinth ists iment to attack. Auloguns chattering, the xenocultsts lung themselves at the invaders with nothought for their ownlives.The | contest was a horribly uneven one ‘Neophiytes were punched from their feet and blown bloodiy apart by boi rounds. They were flung against the wall, their innards pulverised by concussion grenades or their flesh ablaze with ppromethium flames. Those few that got close to Carvellans warriors were met | by thrumming powered blades, expertly ‘wielded by superhuman warriors. They fell back, limbs and heads shorn off, rake bodies bisected and theie insides spattered Bloody up the tunnel walls. The violence was shocking in the confined space, one-sided meat grinder that | reduced hundreds of xenoculists to butchered meatin a space of minutes. burst from con For all this, the Talons of the Emperor took casualties. In such a tight space, attacked so zealously from all sides it ‘was inevitable. Two of Yenika Severn’ Prosecutors fellas lucky autogun rounds found their mark. The searing beam of 2 mining laser stabbed out despite Verilor Avarnius prompting cries of fury from his low Qustodians. The invaders lumen found a barricade stretched across the tunnel abead, formed fram heaped chunks of ancient stonework and tight- packed rubble. Cultiststhronged behind it fring over the top at Carvellais small fore. Behind them was a high, dark archway, one they cleariy sought 10 Carvellan’s warriors saw the battle-scarring and bodies from the with every step they took through this ancient underworld, they came The Blade Champion did not hesitate. To him, all other foes were but obstructions fon the path to his true quarry. Aristothes Carvellan pounded down the tunnel striking enemy projectiles from their air with his spinning blade before clearing, the barricade in a powerful leap. He bit is first foe feet frst and crushed the xenocultst beneath his armoured welght. Even as he landed the Blade Champion's weapons licked out, aiming. more heretic lives. As Carvellan wrought bloody carnage amidst the reeling Neophytes the rest of his force charged in behind him. The Allarus Custodians smashed straight through the stone barricade. Witchseekers sent gouts of flare leaping over the obstruction to ‘consume screaming xenocultist. Ranks devastated, numbers thinning with horrifying rapidity, the lst of the Neophyte: fll back, sil ring into the chamber beyond the arch. Determined to purge the heretics and press on to thei objective, Carvellan and his warrior followed. They had time to see the slanted, ruptured floor, the towering columns sill holding ap a ‘domed ceiling, and the shattered remains ofthe statue rising from a dry fountain fn one comer. Then Mersea Thrayk’ charges detonated, The columns shattered into spinning storms of shragnel. Suddenly unsupported, the timeworn stonework ofthe ceiling groaned, and then came thandering down in a devastating avalanche. ur truth, mnat long light of alsehoods extinguish th cast by their f i E : | Oppressors seck to eae The Imperial know t! They endure its searing touc! ao eel THE RULES ‘Welcome to the rules section of Warharnme 40,000: Shadow Throne. On the follows ‘pages you will find all the content you need t recreate the attempted purge of a Genestealer (Cult infestation from Holy Terra on your tabletop battlefields. You can dive straight into re-enactments of the key missions ofthis conflict using the Talons of the Emperor ani Genestealer Cults miniatures provided. You can use the rules to represent the survivors of this conflict in narrative play. Alternatively, you can use the rules to inspire deadly uprisings of vour own creation. Whichever appeals to you even ifs a bit ofall three ~ the following, ges provide a modular toolbox that allows 1 to get the most out of Warhammer 40,000: adow Throne: “EATRE OF WAR: DEADLY AMBUSH catres of War offer a unique and exciting way represent a wide array of different battlefield vironments on the tabletop, some more xtreme than ethers, and ean be incorporated 1 any games of Warhammer 40,000 that you might play. The Shadow Throne Theatre of ‘War isa unique rule se that allows one player tospring a deadly ambush on their opponent. ‘The missions presented on pages 16-19 wil specify how to use this Theatre of War, b also a suitable addition to games in whieh one player's army 1s at a greater strength than their ‘opponent's, or games in which you are looking fac one player to ambush another. MISSION 4: AMIDST THE RUBBLE Amidst The Rubble isthe first of the narrative missions included in this booklet. It allows both players to use the miniatures found in Wariammer 40,000: Shadow Throne to recreate the aftermath of the Genestealer Cult’ hist maior ambush asthe ores af the Talons of mperor pall themselves clear of the rubble ri continue their assault I this mision 6 { of a Crusade battle, then the MISSION 2: CORNERED PREY Cornered Prey isthe final battle of the Shadow Throne story. The last remaining forces of the sions of the Emperor engage the very heart of ecu insurrection. Yet a presence rks above, waiting for the opportune moment o strike. I this missioa is played asppart of @ Crusade battle, then the Mission Bonus isin uses ADEPTUS CUSTODES CRUSADE RULES GENESTEALER CULTS CRUSADE RULES File a fitlespemceglips ou Cults Crusade force an be ut twreflect the qualities of structure, as well as a collection of their m F THEATRE OF WAR: EAD AMBUSH mm nen fighting ** jerous when fign'l'® ambushed at every corner and paid don, they wer aes myriad of ambushing tactics displayed by the the Genestealer Cults were at their most dang! Cults Patriarch. As the forces of the Imperium ‘a high price for their advance. ‘These rules repre Genestealer Cults in this environment. esigner’s Note adly A Deadly Ambush isa new Theatre of War for your games of sete ; re Warhammer 40,000. The missions presented on page 16-19 " oe sedi sie othe ‘vil detail which of these rules are used, bu! ponent agree, this Theatre of War can be uscd nines of Warhammer 40,000 - even in conjunst vidivonal rules and mission packs ~ in the follow th After mustering their armies, each player adsls ‘Rating ofall the units in thetr army. Ifthe players are playing 4 matched play game, or are otherwise using points valve cach player adds up the points values ofall the units 1» their armiy instead, The table opposites then consulted to establish ifa player can use Deadly Ambash Ruses, and how many the can use Ifa player is using De deployment zones “ available from they will rand. t D3 todetermine t a Ruse from t which Ruses the once (if random been determine Bach Ruse specifies w RUSE TABLE 2 RUSE TABLE GE 8 FF . 4, Practised Firing Lanes Use this Ruse in your Shooting phase, when a unit ftom your army is scected to shoot. Select one Obstacle or Area terrain, feanue, Until the end ofthe phase, enemy units cannot claim thebenefits of cover from that terrain feature 2. Counter-attack ‘Use this Ruse atthe start of your Charge phase. Until the end of the phase, each time you make a charge rll for a unit in your army, you can select one of the following: + Re-rol that charge rol + Add Ito that charge rol. 3, Ready and Waiting he thts Resear the start of your opponents Charge phase ‘Until the end of the phase, each time a unit from your army is (aected ara target of charge, it can doone ofthe folowing « Hold Steady and fire Overwatch. Ifa unit Holds Steady, any ‘Overwatch attacks made by tha: unit this phase will score hits on rolls of 5+ +» Set toDefend. Ifa unit Sets to Defend, it cannot fire ‘Overwatch this phase, but until the end of the next Fight phase, each ime a mode! in that unit makesa melee attack, add 1 to the hit roll. RUSE TABLE 3 RYE eS 1. Patient Hunter ‘Wee this Ruse before the battle, when declaring reserves and ‘transports. Select one INFANTRY unit from your army. That unit an be setup hidden instead of being set up on the battlefield If itis. then in the Reinforcements step of one of your Movernent you ean set up this unit anywhere on the batlefild that {Smore than 9" away from any enemy models Hunter this Ruse before the bate. During deployment, when aguponelnrewtmr anit from your army, it an be setup dbattlefield that is more than 9" away from the ‘zone and any enemy models. ‘you set up ¢ tnt from your army on exchidingas a result of disembarking from 3 mimake a Normal Move with it up to Do Fe enplosive collapse of the CAM IS! seme and killing others. Berore Sh aut hang thick rubble. Thin safc fit bighersub-leve “ whee the char Smashed stone cra From shadowed doorways and broi pipes they came, hunched fg Pied aod ov Cited the ga ti ian acrous he cee of J Ty exchanged glances a dnvmaseating te fervent traders had een din the col Sorcly uting could varie sch tonnage of ferrcrete sod adamact plang down on topo Among Mes aed the aig moved Primus Ghorian, He id 01 llewer’ optim, but sca arp commands that aw thems J wrround the rubble broke the surface. Further back dst the shadows, Magus Thrieve pressed one fingertip to his temple and Closed his eyes, purple light leaking from beneath the lids. His psychic senses quested like invisible tendrils, winding between the minds of his fellows, burrowing through the layers of rock and. | rubble, searching, searching... “The Magus eyes snapped open and he drew breath to shout a warning. He had sensed thumping heartbeats and bright- ‘burning minds that burned him at their touch. Moreover, he had felt the volcanic fury ofthe invaders and knew what it presaged. He was 100 slow. A huge sab of masonry rocketed suddenly upwards, heaved into the air by the servo-assisted might of an Allaras Custodian. It crashed down atop a knot of Neophytes and crushed them like insects. A roaring figure emerged from the gap lefeby the hard-fung rubble. its gilded armour tarnished, its face a mask of blood. Autoguns rattled as cultists agit bring the Custodian down, but the shots whined harmlessly from his hull terminator plate or else flew wide as thei firers were blinded by his radiant aura ss Se ene golden-armoured figures beneath it. None was who for even the Emperors own gus fate not immortal. Yet their superi fortitadehad saved them. Mo: some amongst the Sisters of Silence managed to lunge into the shelter of Allanus Terminators shielding bulk 2 tiling came down. Now they slid lithe ge 6 oy Bias am i THEA ea. a on Be ck cvectec sao aT eee, HOE csoaserse DEPLOYMENT ‘The Talons ofthe Emperor player sets up thes army ist, Fach ‘unit in the Talons of the Emperor army must be set up buried (geebdow). “Then the’ the Genesteler FIRST TURN “The Talons of the Emperor player has the first turn, +Cultsplayersets up their amy. ach unitin army mist be set cp in ambush (pg 23) BATTLE LENGTH ‘Tne battle ends when al ofthe units in the Talons of the ‘ ooperor army have been destroyed or escaped. sURIED ng deployment, each unit in the Talons of the Emperor ie fon the battlefield. In r sphases, the yone of their units that is their deployment zone. AMIDST THE RUBBLE + Whilea unt from the Talons of the Emperor army i wholly within its dep Redivetns Sahote ment zone i is not an elighle target for the N 4s Difficult Ground and models eee the benefits of Dense and Light Cover whe why within it Dic enestealer Cults tuts cannot beset up o finish any kind of move within 6 ofthe Talons ofthe Emperor players battlefcld edge, DEADLY AMBUSH ‘The Genestealer Cults player can use the Loyal Throng Ruse (p15) Lfthey do, they must select the Neophyte Hybrids unit for that Re VICTORY CONDITIONS Atthe end of each battle round, ifa unit from the Talons of the Emperor army is within 3” ofthe Genestealer Cults player's battlefield edge, the Talons of the Emperor player can remove it from the battlefield as escaped and score 1 victory point [At the end of the battle, if the Talons of the Emperor player has ctory points, theyare the winner. If they scored 1-2 victory points it isa draw. Ithey scored no victory points, the ‘Genestealer Cults player isthe winner. MISSION BONUS «Allunits in both players armies pass any out of action tests after the batle «+ ‘The victor gains 2 Requisition points aftr this battle instead Cults Player's Battlefield Edge te mene Bercy Pa A peror Player's nad tlefield Edge USTODES ULES eal mndoniydcermine what Bal Tel the nit pe unt, lin norma cle for Bate atgaply (36 onl than once). As with any Battle Honour, make a note on te 00 a gains econo sx described in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book PMU oe be PERL Bane of Champicns: Each time am grack against a CHARACTERUnit, youcan roll the wound ol Jes below to determine what Battle Trait the unit has ‘Martial Focus: Each time this madelis selected to ight with. jodel in this unit makes an Taisuines(mrecivemeterer ever ¥iN.ono i i elehiaa [Ballicose: This unit canperform Heroic interventions as if Maes uvartenlegPaemiyoenr.or | Sear ae sont cipuetopeformstast 2 Ipnerventon fitis within "horizontally and S"vertcallyof any Neen encacta Momecrunctateoe | ees epay canoe ‘Champion Exemplar: Once perbattie, whenthis model uses anADePrus Custooes Stratagem, that Stratagemsoats CCP, ‘Aggressive Heroism: While this unitis within your opponent's ddeploymentzore, add tothe Attacks characteristicofeach | 3 rmadelinthis unit el int | an Apeptus Custoves Ct ANTIQUITY RELICS you can instead select one of the ‘An ADEFTUS Custopes CHanacter modi of Heroic rank or rules for selecting Crusade R higher can be given the following Antiquity Relic instead of one charmer 40,000 Gore Book, apply. ‘of the ones presented in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book. ‘Add 1 toa units total Crusade points for each Antiquity Relicit ARTIFICER RELICS ‘has - this is in addition to the +1 from gaining a ale Honour, ‘An ADEPTUS CuSTODES CHARACTER model can be following Artificer Relic instead of one ofthe 0 the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book. isery’s Burden ' misericordia is symbolically bestowed to the most resolute puspice Mal “iors, for he who wields it is a constant reminder of the bearers cloak is Custodes’ ir when engaged emits ren ped with a misericordia only. This Relic replaces. ‘and has the following profile: i RANGE TYPE 0 ‘Melee Melee ‘User - bearer fights, it makes { additional stack than 1 attack can be made with this smade with his weapon, an modified ds onthe target nv >» attack omsult the appropriate table to rand ihe bex aarratie for your ua ‘unit gains, or choose wher it gains | ANTIQUITY RELICS sok or higher ead of ‘Add 1 toa unit's total Crused hhas - this isin addition to the Tyrant’s End i is revered auopistol travels from sect the cult member at the forefront of the insurrection their hands, the cults oppressors can be laid low. Wha unknown, but for each round discharged, liberation is Model equipped with an autopistol only. This Relic ‘autopisto| and has the following profile: Though their ranks had been thinned by ambu pressed on, deeper into the darkness. The hun ‘The Imperial interlopers had fought their way fre ofthe cultists trap. Nothing now mattered to Primus Ghorikan, ‘Magus Thrieve and Reductus Thrayk, ‘except to ensure the Begctors escape. To this end, they did not fight to the last in the collapsed chamber and instead led their surviving followers in a fighting retreat that Thrayk covered with further concealed explosives. As they fed down through the last shadowy tangle of passages that led to the Begetor’ throne ‘room, they felt their master’s mind brush their own, There was still alas, cunning plan, it told them. The risks would be treat, and few ifany of them would live {through it, but if successful they would see the Begetor make its escape and the Star Children’s will done. No true servant of the Cult of the Pauper Princes could hope for more. The Patriarch’ inner circle set about preparations for thei last stand with nothing bat gladness in their tainted hearts, For their part, the surviving Talons of the Emperor were fuelled now by ‘vengeful fury. Already this hunt had cost them more dearly than they could have thought possible. They had leit both ‘wounded and dead comrades behind them, the former bearing the bodies of the latter back towards the surface with blades and guns atthe ready. It was small band who forged on towards the ullmination of their quest; Aristothes ‘Carvellan, thramsming archeotech blade ‘costing its shimmering light across the rough tunnel walls of these time-lost depths; Helenica’ trio of Allarus © ERED PREY ch, the Talons of the Emper tneared its conclusion, DU fn the Emperor Mgrs They passed through fdas kel all that Jetent bones and precious In pla erie statues watched their progress with es, or geothermal vents dead marble dropped away beneath them, thin fumes and dull fielight creeping up from their depths Still the intruders saw no s the foe ‘Atlast they entered a slanted and broken series ofchambers with tiled floors and arched ceilings Xenobiological tendrils ‘wound along the walls, gathering to turn doorways into drifting masses of unciean fronds. Bioluminescence pulsed through Of what looked or fought their way clear and rt who was predator and who prey? Neophytes surged from the darkness ous shrieks. Laser beams cut the with ze: gloom. Grenades span through the arto § etonate with fiery ferocity. The Talons ofthe Emperor reacted with inhuman returning fire The Allarus swiftness, scatterins st their atta across the packed masses of their foes, hammering them with explosive shells n as they scanned furiously for the larger silhouette of the Patriarch. from a darkened doorwa Magi ocussed his powers through it. Indistinct whispers filled the air as he sent his consciousness questing out, seeking to break through Carvellanis ironclad will and compel him to turn his archeotech blades against his fellows. The Blade tered as the psychic assault Champion batt either side ¢ stepped forward to flank him. Magus Tarieve recoiled from their Null aura, awing at his skull with one hand and almost dropping his staff. The Magus melted back into the shadows, chased by gouts of fire from the Witchseekers flamers. Carvellan shot ast his defences, bat before ail the Silent Sisters ed ag the Sisters a nod Jair, seeking the Begetor. He n Gh mander lunging from the darkness to lock swords with the Blade Champion, anks before pressing deeper into the instead, the cult co The battle raged on, the Genesteal Caltists driven steadily back towards the Patriarch throne room. Still there was no sign of the Begetor itself. The hhunters began to wonder whether their prey had fled their wrath, yet still the psyocculum chimed, warning that i lurked close. What they did not realise was that the Patriarch was stalking them from above, It crawled through hidden ough ducts, squeezing its huge boc impossible spaces, cutting tai | the dust of millennia as it to strike. fust let alittle deeper inte THE ARMIES Pir alos ofthe Eiperoc xy consists of | Blade Cham Tallarts Custodians unit containing 3 modes, 1 Prosecutn Tato or Witchsedker unit containing S models she Genesteales Cults army consists of I Patriarch; 1k hoteur: 1 Prins, 1 Magus; 1 Neophyte Hybrids unt Zontaining 10 models, THE BATTLEFIELD Use the map below to create a battlefield that is 44° x 30 DEPLOYMENT The Genestealer Cults player sets up their army fics. The Patriarch must be set up underground (pg 23). !ach « in the Genestealer Cult player's army must be set up in. ambush (9923). then the Talons of the Emperor player sets up their army, ac mit inthe Talons of the Emperor army must be se :hin their deployment zone, ASTTURN ‘Genestealer Cults player has the first turn, (TLE LENGTH yatile ends when one of the following conditions has amet: Ail units in the Talons of the Emperor army have been destroyed. «= "The Patriarch, Primus and Magus have been destroyed. renee ger ac a Setar Genestealer Cults Player's Battlefield Edge DEADLY AMBUSH VICTORY CONDITIONS MISSION BONUS Every eligi attr the batt + Ifthe Patria gains 5 exp «+ Ifthe Blade Patriarch, the automatically passes Talons of the Emperor Player's Deployment Zone BLADE CHAMPION __ (oe Neer ea A UL Por ema his archeotech blades and peclalised fighting styles Peer ae DS: IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS CUSTODES, absolute destruction. RDS: INFANTRY, CHARACTER, BLADE CHAMPION ef ar af WITCHSEEKERS Daughters oF the Abyss Seeker Cadre: kt he sar ‘TeansPonritis enbarkes w taking heist tum moves the ‘Assault 03 Ropid Fire + apie Fire + Melee 3 Melee cb ‘+ Any number of models ean each have their guardian spear replaced with 2 Seed + Any numberof madels sn each be equipped with tmisercordia Pgh tah (see Codex: Adeptus Custeces ‘Aagis ofthe Emperor, From Slayers of Tyrants: Each time this unit ples in of consolidetes, ach mode! inthe unl sso long as one ot more models fins CuanacreR mode instead of the Engagement Range ofthat Hanacren made FACTION KEYWORDS: IMPERIUM, pes, TERMINATOR, ALLARUS, CUSTODIANS KEYWORDS: INFANTRY, CORE, TELE} er Raped 4k RapidFire 1 1 Melee doer 24. Kachin te bebe igh mates addtional tack wit is weapon | Le a ee i peat Rar + This models guardian spear canbe replaced with 1 casellanaxe Madi adr a ee + This model canbe equipped wih 1 misricrd Rests and superlative strategists arnt Nearing ‘Aagis of he Empora, From Golden Light, Martial K'atah (s20 Codex Adeptus Custodes) Dee Inspirational Fighter (Aura): While a frendly CoRE unizis within 6" of hs model, each tkme model i armour, they become pba cae poe nT FACTION KEYWORDS: [MreniUm, ADEPTUS CusrooeEs, SON KEYWORDS: INFANTRr, CHARACTER, TELEPORTHOMER, TERMINATOR, ALLARUS, SHIELO-CAPTAIN Ret Pets rrr Vi GILATO: cir RS 4 power 49) Viglator eho gy ese eee 1 ViglatorSiater Suptior Executioner greattlade Melee Melee Daughters ofthe Abyss (see Codex Adeptus Custods] FACTION KEYWORDS: IMPERIUM, ANATHEMA PSYKANA KEYWORDS: INFanrRy, Cone, ViciLarons eee en CURSE eens ear ean Se renee eae Peer erie] een eee Ot Sete prey, double-handed Een PROSECUTORS Diver , ting 6. Evry adel isen.pped with bokgun g ‘Soa 0 ABLES 4 Gg Daughters ofthe Abyss (see Codex AdeptusCusto! FACTION KEYWORDS: IMPERIUM, ANATHEMA PSYKANA KEYWORDS INFANTRY, CoRe, PROSECUTORS malevolen: Serre the bullets and blades erence pore) — of battle. Their b thunder ceaseles they press forvard, each plosive shell ending eae 1 _ Vorhue Pastorin tars Terminator Amour STUBS Alans Tareinatr armours equipped it bass grenade urche, veil deere 18° Assault D3 time the bearer fights. takes 1 mee elee User 2 1 aationalatack with this weapon. Gira Gees Theteare:hosthe lowing raat, Vorlla Defensor ura: teers one CHARACTER uti within ofthis model js th ling ara abit Vesa lmperus (Aura: Wile fiendly CHARACTER unit is within of hs model add tthe st ofeach model ints uit. Thebearerhas the elowingaureabiy: Vela Magne (Aura) Wh Veailamegnifis — Comcorswis.o Host> CHARACTER unt win 5 ofthis nose fis endly Pere Rn) ETWORDS. IweantRy, CHARACTER, TELEPORT HOMER, TERMINATOR, ALLARUS, VEXILUS PRAETOR ere w PATRIARCH Cuurs, KEQWORDS: INFANTRY, CHARACTER, PRIMUS ore eon Gleam Each time the bearer igh, tmakes 1 atonal atackwith this weapon, ‘Once per bart, you We recommend pac _nquenioning Loyty (ee Cocos Genes Spit ender (ara): nthe Paget me wl ely rawr or 8 cach te s model that unt waddle stumps a resut of arora wound, rtlone D6 = medelcan atemgto manifest wo pyeiefpwrersin your Poychic phase and atm ‘hase Icnows Sone and ae powers from te Broodmind dscplie (s IN KEYWORDS: TyRamiDs, GEWESTEALER CuLTs, rTRY, CHARACTER, PSYKER, MAGUS. REDUCTUS SABOTEUR _ 4 Power Redvers Saboteur is equip loaves blast Tea Raa ‘APD ABILITIES ‘as Exehime you ‘weapon you cana tage AIRE Tract tine anatack ad with 8 spon tiated o ENIGLE a” MONSHER hat stack has «Damage character of ‘Remateexpleshes 24° Assout203 8} Grenade 0s © 8-3 2_demolkion charge itis enulpped with once per bate {Goncea![pg.23), Urquestoning Loyel GenestecierCuts} ding AIRCRAFT mods} win Bis acon in yourCommand phase ioe Re etek 59 AUG aUEn EL! Eompleted atte end of your Movement pase I shat iyoneta a 2 ee eters successful completed, place aReducts i ae oe There Is no engine of spsives rarer within 1° ofthis model an th met ens Oe Ae the oppressors that thebattet Reductus Saboteu rode| cannot perform this ation again Iti destroyed, remove ts Reductus Explosives marker from thobatlatiod ‘Cloaked: Each time ranged atackis allocated tozhis ‘model whileitieecsiving the henetitsofcaver ad an ‘addional 1 roany amour saving throw made against that attack Candestnn Whe hin model thn on Aas anu meat ret ih ranged Oey [athe rien Peay Ronee Pee ; een eres een FACTION KEYWORDS: TRaNIns, GeNesresten CuLts, ca heen KEYWORDS: INFANTRY, CHARACTER, ReoUcTUS SADOrcUR ee ttthis unit contains 11 or more models: thas PowerRating 8 rs sacs ee Wi Framer zeus (ar sach nematic ha to ag Hay suber Heya 4 Seisniceannon lore selecting tags select one othe profes below a make sacha wh Long wave es 4 At Shorwave 2 Weavy3 2 shogun sa achive so aac made wena eager to cone ane x wack at Web pista iz dt kt Rend ec armen aaa, (Gener tna the highest Senge areca Sect net i a ut Aes 5 eth wo Chainsword mia See rack with tis weapon. cunknife Melee v i Powetimaul elee aaa ower pick Mel 2 5401 en lasting charges Frog grenades [ea j = Any number ofmodelscan eact have Tone Neophyte Hybrid equipped with an autogun ‘For every 10 modelsinthis unt up folowing, heavy stubber ini aa _ Sin erdniun to 2 Naps tsar exch _ ae felowrg Rarer ena ur i sa er eaereauagunca eros wih espe ne . Perret Sete ca ie ower mauPoHe sore ee propia piso web ars be = . sea px nl crete Unqeerning aga Code Genet i FACTION KEYWORDS: TYRANIDS, GENESTEALER CULTS, KEYWORDS: INFANTRY, CORE, CROSSFIRE, NEOPHYTE HyBRIOS Carvellay tokknock aside beams of their like a predat. and again. and e orlimb, spilled an spitted another ab They wielded dageess hien as breathing. With i ke abladed cor His ary as though threshec He f battle raged. Carvellan drove deeper into the enemys lair. Like a de sliding between an enemys ribs he soug! heart His psyocculum chimed with idiot insistence. The Patriarch was here. The device's machine spirit walled that the beast w: top of thelr position. So why can I not see you? Carvellan thought. H' tind whirled through possibilities: equipment failure; the enemy projecting false readings, the Patriarch slinking through some hidden space. ‘seeking to turn him from hunter into prey. ‘That ibetfele right. Yet even were that the case, what {outld he do but press forward and trigger the monster's ambush? Only by drawing it out into tt could he give the Witchseekers the chance fs witchery, the Allarus Terminators 2 sot to batter it to its knees with concussion Inot enough to slay the enemy ‘had to be taken alive. Anything outsized throne fashioned trom biological emai od rubble. It rose like an island amidst a pool of bio-luminescent ichor, within which diminuttes grotesques splashed and shrleked at him. The three-armed watrior came at Carvellan from the side It swung its chitinous blade in beheading stroke. The Custodian met the attack with a parry that knocked his enemy's weapon aside and gave Carvellan a split second to pivot ‘nay and find clear space. Not giving his opponent time to gather itself he launched an attack of his own, slipping into the steps of the Hurricanis stance as he rained blows down upoa his enemy's guard. The xenocultist gave ground, hissing. Its pistol sang. A salvo of poisoned needles rattled from Carvellan’s breastplate. He ignored the shots. instead flicking his enemy's blade aside .en pivoting inside its guard to drive his elbow 10 its face. Chitin broke. Fangs shattered. Purple ichor splashed his arm to the shoulder His enemy reeled back. one unburst eye still glacing hatred. Carvellan swung his blade up to deliver the kalling stroke Metal tore above him. Chitinous material splintered as a huge, six-limbed shape burst through the ceiling to drop upon the Blade ‘Champion. The Patriarch struck with such swiftness: that even Carvellan could not dive aside. It hit him with tremendous force, one set of talons raking his breastplate as another punched through his pauldron and deep into his shoulder Pain exploded through him. The Patriarch’s weight ¢ ground. Its alien stink was thick in shriek a cacophony both of sound tended to render him witless 1 hit the ground. aws from his shoulder. anded in a predatory crouc it prepared to attack agai his rear, the three-armed seemingly no worse for it closed in. Carvellan raise himself a humourless smile Talons of the Emperor, prey sigh 1 have it where Lwant it. Move to supp finish this

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