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It has happened to all of us in this life, suffering negative emotional impacts: discussions, conflicts,
upsets, losses... If these emotions are not released properly, a blockage is caused, a stagnation of
energy that obstructs the meridians and the organs of our body.


These have both physical and emotional repercussions. As far as the physical body is concerned, a
blockage creates pressure around the main organs and glands absorbing their energy. The organs
become inflamed, weaken and, in the long run, develop diseases.

The cells that form the blockage, for their part, gain size and strength to the point of altering your
DNA, being able to generate tumors, fibroids and cysts.

To avoid cancerous diseases, the body as a defense, opens small fissures where it has a serious

It is his way of causing energy leaks so as not to feed the cells of the blockage and to prevent them
from gaining strength.

But when there are leaks, there are also parts of the body that receive less energy and become

It is usual that the most affected is the nervous system. A weakened nervous system causes the
person to experience emotional impacts (anxiety, anguish, fear, depression...) in an amplified way,
with an intensity that doubles or triples what would be normal. Thus the physical body transfers the
problem to the emotional body.
"To avoid this process, it is important to release negative emotions as soon as possible, because
after about four hours, the negative impact transforms into dense matter and starts to clog the

The way to get rid of those emotions is to express the feelings and verbalize them. In other words,
for many it is necessary, or they have no other recourse than to cry, scream and if that is the case,
simply talk to the person who has hurt them and tell them how they have made them feel.

There are also slow and paused BREATHING techniques to release these impacts if the individual
puts the intention into it.


It is located in the parietal lobes of the brain and is formed by not verbally expressing what one
thinks or feels (it is a consequence of lack of communication). On a physical level, it generates
headaches, migraines and dizziness. As for emotional disorders, it causes repetitive and obsessive
thoughts, dispersion, chain thoughts that do not allow attention to be focused, it also causes
attention deficit and hyperactivity such as "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder" (ADHD in
English) and insomnia .


It forms in the neck and its main cause is also the fact of not verbally expressing feelings. As physical
disorders, it affects the immune system (THYROID glands and the THYMUS located in the chest), as
well as hormonal problems and vocal cords.

On an emotional level, social communication blocks cause INSECURITY and lack of self-esteem.
Those of communication of intimate matters, formed in childhood, make it difficult to communicate
fluently and express feelings.


It is formed in the solar plexus due to the accumulation of anguish and anxiety throughout life. In
fact, a part of any energy blockage goes to the solar plexus. On a physical level, it produces
respiratory problems such as asthma, and skin problems such as allergies. In emotional disorders, it
aggravates and further alters the nervous system, producing stress.

It originates in the liver and gallbladder as a result of disappointments and frustrations in

relationships. It causes inflammation in the liver and gallbladder, increases cholesterol, gallstones,
transaminases (enzymes that carry out metabolic functions inside cells) and digestive problems. This
leads to difficult relationships with the current partner if the blocks have not been resolved.


It is formed in the right inguinal region due to lack of understanding or conflicts with the father. It
can also be given for having suffered for the father due to an illness or an unresolved death. It
causes hormonal and reproductive problems (premature ejaculation, prostate...). It also makes it
difficult to materialize life and work projects.


It originates in the left inguinal area and has the same causes as the previous one. On a physical
level, it causes FRIGIDITY, hormonal and menstruation problems. On an emotional level, it causes
blockages in creativity and intuition, as well as self-consciousness and difficulty in showing affection.


It forms in the area of the pancreas due to serious illness or the death of a child. It can cause
digestive problems, diabetes and affects the immune system. On an emotional level, it is the cause
of great depression.


It forms in childhood or adolescence in the mid-belly area. It is caused by family conflicts (for
example, jealousy between siblings) or at school (bullying). On a physical level, it causes
reproductive and hormonal problems. On an emotional level, insecurity, lack of self-esteem,
shyness, etc.


It originates in the upper part of the belly due to problems of coexistence in the immediate
environment (family, work or school).

On a physical level it can cause digestive problems (hiatal hernias, food intolerances...).

As for emotional disorders, they are the same as those of the root family blockage, but increased.

It is formed in the kidneys and has to do with fear, feelings of helplessness regarding emotional
issues, or regarding work, money or school.

It causes the weakening and inflammation of the lower back, which causes problems in the kidneys,
the urinary tract and the bladder (fluid retention, formation of kidney stones, colic...).

The kidney stops manufacturing vital energy and this translates into a feeling of TIREDNESS, feelings
of cowardice, lack of joy and illusions.

The truth is that most people tend to be blocked to a greater or lesser extent. However, there are
symptoms that should make us realize the seriousness of the situation, such as: INSOMNIA, not
being able to disconnect from a problem, feeling bad for no apparent reason, feeling sad, not
knowing which direction to take in life, feeling exhausted weak, tired

Always blame others, have negative thoughts.

The blockages or their causes can be removed and that will make the diseases (effects) disappear.

The Keymac Method is a treatment created in 1992 that contemplates the person as a whole, in
which the physical, energetic, emotional and mental body are interrelated.

As we said before, most illnesses are caused by emotional impacts not released at the time.

These impacts and traumas generate obstruction in the energy channels called meridians, causing
pockets to form that become dense energy or energy blockage).

The treatment combines different therapies adapted to each person. Reflexology, shiatsu, Ayurveda
massage and also acupuncture for the points of the affected physical body are common.

Jörgen Hofh

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