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Name:Hossam mohamed

DR:Ahmed Negm

Question 1: What are the Program Development Life Cycle?

The Program Development Life Cycle (PDLC), or Software
Development Life Cycle (SDLC), is a systematic methodology followed
by software developers to design, develop, test, and deploy software.
The main stages include Planning, Feasibility Study, System Design,
Implementation (Coding), Testing, Deployment, Maintenance and
Support, and Evaluation.
Question 2: What are phases of Solving Problem?
The problem-solving process involves identifying and defining the
problem, analyzing it, generating possible solutions, evaluating those
solutions, selecting the best one, implementing it, monitoring outcomes,
and incorporating feedback for continuous improvement.
Question 3: what are Approaches of Problem Solving?
There are various problem-solving approaches, including trial and error,
algorithmic methods, heuristic approaches, root cause analysis, rational
decision-making, innovation, critical thinking, design thinking, decision-
making models, and collaborative problem-solving. The choice among
these approaches depends on the nature of the problem, available
information, and desired outcomes.
Question 4: Describe briefly Algorithmic Approaches.
Algorithmic approaches involve systematic and well-defined steps or
rules to solve problems. They are precise, applicable in mathematical
and computer science contexts, and often focus on optimizing efficiency.
Examples include sorting and search algorithms.

Question 5: What are methods of describing the Algorithm?

Methods for describing algorithms include natural language,
pseudocode, flowcharts, structured English, structured diagrams, control
tables, and programming language code. The choice depends on the
audience and the level of detail needed. Pseudocode and flowcharts are
often used for high-level understanding before coding.

Question 6: Describe briefly Flow Chart.

A flowchart is a graphical representation of a process or algorithm using
symbols like rectangles, diamonds, and ovals connected by arrows. It
visually depicts the sequence of steps in a process, making it easy to
understand and analyze.

Question 7: Mention the Flowchart symbols?

Flowcharts use various symbols to represent different elements in

a process. Here are some common flowchart symbols:

1. Oval (Start/End): Represents the start or end point of the

2. Rectangle (Process): Represents a process or activity.
3. Diamond (Decision): Indicates a decision point where a
question is asked, leading to different outcomes.
4. Parallelogram (Input/Output): Represents input or output,
such as data input or display.
5. Circle (Connector): Indicates a connection point between
different parts of the flowchart.
6. Arrow (Flow Line): Shows the direction of flow between
symbols, indicating the sequence of steps.

These symbols are combined and connected by arrows to create a

visual representation of the steps and decisions within a process.

Question 8: What are basic guide lines of Pseudo-Code?

Basic guidelines for writing pseudocode include prioritizing readability,

clarity, and modularity. Use meaningful variable names, employ
standard programming-like syntax, incorporate control structures,
include comments for explanation, design for reusability, maintain
language neutrality, and consider testing and validation steps.
Pseudocode serves as a readable and language-independent
representation of algorithmic logic.

Question 97: what are properties of Pseudo-Code? Pseudocode is

readable, language-independent, abstract, clear, modular, flexible, lacks
a standard syntax, aids in transitioning to code, allows variability in
notation, and is informal but expressive. These properties make it a
valuable tool for algorithm design and communication in software
Question 10: Describe briefly Pseudo-Code.
Pseudocode is an informal, high-level description of a computer
program or algorithm that combines elements of natural language with
simple programming-like constructs. It is designed to represent the logic
and flow of an algorithm without being tied to the syntax of a specific
programming language. Pseudocode is used as a planning and
communication tool during the early stages of software development to
outline the steps and structure of a solution in a clear and readable

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