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Listening 1.1.

2 Understand independently specific information and details in extended texts on a

wide range of familiar topics

Speaking 2.1.4 Explain and justify own point of view

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to;

1) Understand independently specific information and details in extended texts on a wide

range of familiar topics by answering 5 listening comprehension questions of 5 different
2) Explain and justify pupils’ point of view on which is better, the desktop or the laptop

Pre Lesson

1) Pupils are given an online game to review adverbs describing mood. For example, digging
the garden). Pupils take turns to take a mood card (i.e. happily) and mime the action in an
appropriate manner which are spun virtually. Alternatively, choose another appropriate pre-
lesson activity that activates prior knowledge.

Lesson Delivery


1) Pupils are asked to listen to an audio. There are people talking in 5 different situations.
Before listening, pupils read all the questions first. The using telegram, they are given the
2) To do this task pupils are given 15 minutes which they listen on their own and answer the
questions first.
3) Then, it’s fun quiz time. In order to check answers, teacher asks the answer for all question
at random order and pupils have to type in their answer in the telegram group as fast as
4) The person who is the fastest with the most correct answers win the challenge.


5) Pupils are asked to about what is their preference using desktop or laptop. Which is better.
The ones who say laptop in grouped in one breakout room and another group will discuss on
desktop. They are given half an hour to research and argue out their points to defend their
6) After half an hour, an online debate is set up. Pupils are prompted and encouraged to rebut
other friends’ points or arguments as well

Post lesson

7) Pupils are asked to name some words/ phrases that they have come across as they discussed
and brainstorm on the topic

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