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Jahna L.


In the interview, it talks about discrimination on how he looks and we all know it is a
Absolutist and Reactivist type of deviance. Deedee Villegas was considered as deviant
in society it is because we all know that deviance is some kind of behavior that some
people in our society find offensive or a behavior that violates some of the social norms.
There are four ways to define a deviance and in this interview, as what I have said
earlier it is kind of Absolutist Deviance; everything that is unlawful is deviance and it is
accompanied by strong emotional responses to those who are regarded as deviant and
are seen as different from law-abiding people. One of the examples in the Absolutist
deviance is the LGBT group it might consider as deviant because most of the people or
in our society thinks that they violate the church or the religious dictate. Also I can refer it
as Reactivist Deviance; it is a behavior that is “labeled” deviant by others and it is a type
of deviance that is a socially constructed mindset rather a particular act, belief, or
condition. The example of reactivist deviance is a person has a many tattoo’s in his/her
body or have a lot of piercing. In the Interview we can see that Deedee Villages
experienced bullying because of who he is and what he looks like. Just because
someone has many tattoos or piercing does not mean they are neither bad nor
dangerous, we cannot judge them quickly because of their appearance. The interview
really melts my heart because they can express their true personality and also I have
realized that society is very cruel and unfair to those people who have that kind of
appearance. While watching the interview I have gather so many lesson’s and thoughts
that I have learned and realized. First thing for most being gay to that generation have a
big impact to the society it is because in his generation many people thinks that being
gay is a forbidden sin that you commit and it is a big deal to them and to the society.
Deedee may experienced that kind of situation but he get through with it especially that
his family knows who he was and accepted him in the very beginning, having that kind of
support in that generation is so rare because we all know many parents or family do not
agree and support in being a gay but luckily he have a genuine parents and also they
guided Deedee well they are open about anything and they make sure that deedee
would not feel that he alone or to make sure deedee wont feel any rebellion. It is really
important to us of having a family support and that kind of love. Even the world is cruel
he find peace in his parents. Second having a tattoo in a body does not makes us less
human. People may judge quickly of the outside of their appearance because they
always think that having a tattoo is dirty or you are an addict. Deedee explain himself
about why he got many tattoo in his body, which it have a deeper meaning in the video
6:54 he explained that having a tattoo is like it is a sign of bravery, courage, civilization.
He also explains in the interview that the tattoo in his face is all about his problem that
he has been through all the deaths of his friends, family, or loved ones. Lastly, the
important lesson that I have learned in the interview is to never judge a person by its
appearance and we should support that person who goes out to their comfort zone and
be proud to be a gay because everyone has different problems and we cannot know
what they are suffering with. It does not matter if they have many pierce, tattoos, or gay.
We should support and accept them from who they are because those people have a big
heart. In this generation many people already accepted the fact that there are many
LGBT people and by that many people also go out to their comfort zone but we cannot
hide the fact that there are some people who really does not support and accept them.

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