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Name: Cassandrea Chua (2) 18/12/21

Summary writing

Overeating is a habit which has been formed over the indulgence in food rather than
eating for health. First, overeating is a habit developed from young. Moreover, a bad habit of
eating fast and not chewing properly makes us believe that our hunger is not satisfied.
Frequently, we are unaware of our daily calorie intake and eat at odd hours. Furthermore, most
people find food as a source of comfort. As a solution, exercise regularly is essential to burn
extra calories we have consumed. Choosing the right food to eat and being disciplined to only
eat enough for the day are also important. When we feel tired, try finding something relaxing to
release our tension instead of overeating. Finally, we can take our time when eating food.

(127 words)
Answer key
Overeating is a habit which has been formed over the years. This habit has
been picked up from the behavior of family members. Another reason is we finish our food fast
and we do not chew properly and so our hunger is not satisfied. Therefore, we end up eating
mindlessly as we cannot keep track of what we eat. Sometimes, we eat to kill time. Food is also
a source of comfort when we feel emotionally disturbed. We tend to overeat at social
gatherings and outings. To overcome overeating, we should exercise regularly. Be more
disciplined and resist eating unnecessarily. Choose the right food and eat enough only for the
day. To occupy our time, find something relaxing. When we are depressed, talk to someone
instead of eating.
Content 7
Paraphrasing 2
Language 2
Total 11

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